/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
* Qwt Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
* Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#include "qwt_global.h"
class QwtScaleMap;
\brief QwtRasterData defines an interface to any type of raster data.
QwtRasterData is an abstract interface, that is used by
QwtPlotRasterItem to find the values at the pixels of its raster.
Often a raster item is used to display values from a matrix. Then the
derived raster data class needs to implement some sort of resampling,
that maps the raster of the matrix into the requested raster of
the raster item ( depending on resolution and scales of the canvas ).
//! Flags to modify the contour algorithm
enum ConrecFlag
//! Ignore all vertices on the same level
IgnoreAllVerticesOnLevel = 0x01,
//! Ignore all values, that are out of range
IgnoreOutOfRange = 0x02
//! Flags to modify the contour algorithm
typedef QFlags<ConrecFlag> ConrecFlags;
virtual void setInterval( Qt::Axis, const QwtInterval & );
const QwtInterval &interval(Qt::Axis) const;
virtual void initRaster( const QRectF &, const QSize& raster );
\return the value at a raster position
\param x X value in plot coordinates
\param y Y value in plot coordinates
virtual double value( double x, double y ) const = 0;
virtual ContourLines contourLines( const QRectF &rect,
const QSize &raster, const QList<double> &levels,
ConrecFlags ) const;
// Disabled copy constructor and operator=
QwtRasterData( const QwtRasterData & );
QwtRasterData &operator=( const QwtRasterData & );
QwtInterval d_intervals[3];
\return Bounding interval for a axis
\sa setInterval
inline const QwtInterval &QwtRasterData::interval( Qt::Axis axis) const
return d_intervals[axis];