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 * @file
 *   @brief Line chart for vehicle data
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#include "float.h"
#include <QDebug>
#include <QTimer>
#include <qwt_plot.h>
#include <qwt_plot_canvas.h>
#include <qwt_plot_curve.h>
#include <qwt_plot_grid.h>
#include <qwt_plot_layout.h>
#include <qwt_plot_zoomer.h>
#include <qwt_symbol.h>
#include <LinechartPlot.h>
#include <MG.h>
#include <QPaintEngine>
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 * @brief The default constructor
 * @param parent The parent widget
 * @param interval The maximum interval for which data is stored (default: 30 minutes) in milliseconds
LinechartPlot::LinechartPlot(QWidget *parent, int plotid, quint64 interval):
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    timeScaleStep(DEFAULT_SCALE_INTERVAL), // 10 seconds
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    this->plotid = plotid;
    this->plotInterval = interval;
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    maxValue = -DBL_MAX;
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    minValue = DBL_MAX;
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    //lastMaxTimeAdded = QTime();
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    data = QMap<QString, TimeSeriesData*>();
    scaleMaps = QMap<QString, QwtScaleMap*>();
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    yScaleEngine = new QwtLinearScaleEngine();
    setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, yScaleEngine);
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    // Set left scale
    //setAxisOptions(QwtPlot::yLeft, QwtAutoScale::Logarithmic);
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    // Set bottom scale
    setAxisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom, new TimeScaleDraw());
    setAxisLabelRotation(QwtPlot::xBottom, -25.0);
    setAxisLabelAlignment(QwtPlot::xBottom, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom);
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    // Add some space on the left and right side of the scale to prevent flickering
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    QwtScaleWidget* bottomScaleWidget = axisWidget(QwtPlot::xBottom);
    const int fontMetricsX = QFontMetrics(bottomScaleWidget->font()).height();
    bottomScaleWidget->setMinBorderDist(fontMetricsX * 2, fontMetricsX / 2);
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    // Start QTimer for plot update
    updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
    connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(paintRealtime()));
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    connect(&timeoutTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(removeTimedOutCurves()));
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//    datalock.lock();
//    // Delete curves
//    QMap<QString, QwtPlotCurve*>::iterator i;
//    for(i = curves.begin(); i != curves.end(); ++i) {
//        // Remove from curve list
//        QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.take(i.key());
//        // Delete the object
//        delete curve;
//        // Set the pointer null
//        curve = NULL;
//    }

//    // Delete data
//    QMap<QString, TimeSeriesData*>::iterator j;
//    for(j = data.begin(); j != data.end(); ++j) {
//        // Remove from data list
//        TimeSeriesData* d = data.take(j.key());
//        // Delete the object
//        delete d;
//        // Set the pointer null
//        d = NULL;
//    }
//    datalock.unlock();
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void LinechartPlot::showEvent(QShowEvent* event)

void LinechartPlot::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event)

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int LinechartPlot::getPlotId()
    return this->plotid;

 * @param id curve identifier
double LinechartPlot::getCurrentValue(QString id)
    return data.value(id)->getCurrentValue();

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 * @param id curve identifier
double LinechartPlot::getMean(QString id)
    return data.value(id)->getMean();

 * @param id curve identifier
double LinechartPlot::getMedian(QString id)
    return data.value(id)->getMedian();

 * @param id curve identifier
double LinechartPlot::getVariance(QString id)
    return data.value(id)->getVariance();

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int LinechartPlot::getAverageWindow()
    return averageWindowSize;

 * @brief Set the plot refresh rate
 * The default refresh rate is defined by LinechartPlot::DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE.
 * @param ms The refresh rate in milliseconds
void LinechartPlot::setRefreshRate(int ms)

void LinechartPlot::setActive(bool active)
    m_active = active;
void LinechartPlot::removeTimedOutCurves()
    foreach(QString key, lastUpdate.keys())
        quint64 time = lastUpdate.value(key);
        if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - time > 10000)
            // Remove this curve
            // Delete curves
            QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.take(key);
            // Delete the object
            delete curve;
            // Set the pointer null
            curve = NULL;

            // Notify connected components about the removal
            emit curveRemoved(key);

            // Remove from data list
            TimeSeriesData* d = data.take(key);
            // Delete the object
            delete d;
            // Set the pointer null
            d = NULL;
            emit curveRemoved(key);
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 * @brief Set the zero (center line) value
 * The zero value defines the centerline of the plot.
 * @param id The id of the curve
 * @param zeroValue The zero value
void LinechartPlot::setZeroValue(QString id, double zeroValue)
    if(data.contains(id)) {
    } else {
        data.insert(id, new TimeSeriesData(this, id, maxInterval, zeroValue));

void LinechartPlot::appendData(QString dataname, quint64 ms, double value)
    /* Lock resource to ensure data integrity */
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    /* Check if dataset identifier already exists */
    if(!data.contains(dataname)) {
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//        qDebug() << "ADDING CURVE WITH" << dataname << ms << value;
//        qDebug() << "MINTIME:" << minTime << "MAXTIME:" << maxTime;
//        qDebug() << "LASTTIME:" << lastTime;
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    // Add new value
    TimeSeriesData* dataset = data.value(dataname);
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    quint64 time;
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    // Append data
        // Use timestamp from dataset
        time = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
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    // Scaling values
    if(ms < minTime) minTime = ms;
    if(ms > maxTime) maxTime = ms;
    storageInterval = maxTime - minTime;
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        //qDebug() << "UPDATED LAST TIME!" << dataname << time << lastTime;
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    if (value < minValue) minValue = value;
    if (value > maxValue) maxValue = value;
    valueInterval = maxValue - minValue;

    // Assign dataset to curve
    QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.value(dataname);
    curve->setRawData(dataset->getPlotX(), dataset->getPlotY(), dataset->getPlotCount());

    //    qDebug() << "mintime" << minTime << "maxtime" << maxTime << "last max time" << "window position" << getWindowPosition();


 * @param enforce true to reset the data timestamp with the receive / ground timestamp
void LinechartPlot::enforceGroundTime(bool enforce)
    m_groundTime = enforce;
    if (enforce)
        lastTime = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
        plotPosition = lastTime;
        maxTime = lastTime;
        lastTime = 0;
        plotPosition = 0;
        minTime = 0;
        maxTime = 100;
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 * @return True if the data points are stamped with the packet receive time
bool LinechartPlot::groundTime()
    return m_groundTime;

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void LinechartPlot::addCurve(QString id)
    QColor currentColor = getNextColor();

    // Create new curve and set style
    QwtPlotCurve* curve = new QwtPlotCurve(id);
    // Add curve to list
    curves.insert(id, curve);

    setCurveColor(id, currentColor);
    //curve->setBrush(currentColor); Leads to a filled curve
    //    curve->setRenderHint(QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased);

    //@TODO Color differentiation between the curves will be necessary

    /* Create symbol for datapoints on curve */
         * Symbols have significant performance penalty, better avoid them
        QwtSymbol sym = QwtSymbol();

    // Create dataset
    TimeSeriesData* dataset = new TimeSeriesData(this, id, this->plotInterval, maxInterval);

    // Add dataset to list
    data.insert(id, dataset);

    // Notify connected components about new curve
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 * @brief Set the time window for the plot
 * The time window defines which data is shown in the plot.
 * @param end The end of the interval in milliseconds
 * */
void LinechartPlot::setWindowPosition(quint64 end)
    if(end <= this->getMaxTime() && end >= (this->getMinTime() + this->getPlotInterval())) {
        plotPosition = end;
        setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, (plotPosition - getPlotInterval()), plotPosition, timeScaleStep);
    //@TODO Update the rest of the plot and update drawing

 * @brief Get the time window position
 * The position marks the right edge of the plot window
 * @return The position of the plot window, in milliseconds
quint64 LinechartPlot::getWindowPosition()
    return plotPosition;

 * @brief Set the scaling of the (vertical) y axis
 * The mapping of the variable values on the drawing pane can be
 * adjusted with this method. The default is that the y axis will the chosen
 * to fit all curves in their normal base units. This can however hide all
 * details if large differences in the data values exist.
 * The scaling can be changed to best fit, which fits all curves in a +100 to -100 interval.
 * The logarithmic scaling does not fit the variables, but instead applies a log10
 * scaling to all variables.
 * @param scaling LinechartPlot::SCALE_ABSOLUTE for linear scaling, LinechartPlot::SCALE_BEST_FIT for the best fit scaling and LinechartPlot::SCALE_LOGARITHMIC for the logarithmic scaling.
void LinechartPlot::setScaling(int scaling)
    this->scaling = scaling;
    switch (scaling) {
    case LinechartPlot::SCALE_ABSOLUTE:
    case LinechartPlot::SCALE_LOGARITHMIC:

 * @brief Change the visibility of a curve
 * @param id The string id of the curve
 * @param visible The visibility: True to make it visible
void LinechartPlot::setVisibleById(QString id, bool visible)
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    if(curves.contains(id)) {
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 * @brief Hide a curve.
 * This is a convenience method and maps to setVisible(id, false).
 * @param id The curve to hide
 * @see setVisible() For the implementation
void LinechartPlot::hideCurve(QString id)
    setVisibleById(id, false);
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 * @brief Show a curve.
 * This is a convenience method and maps to setVisible(id, true);
 * @param id The curve to show
 * @see setVisible() For the implementation
void LinechartPlot::showCurve(QString id)
    setVisibleById(id, true);
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//void LinechartPlot::showCurve(QString id, int position)
//    //@TODO Implement this position-dependent
//    curves.value(id)->show();

 * @brief Set the color of a curve and its symbols.
 * @param id The id-string of the curve
 * @param color The newly assigned color
void LinechartPlot::setCurveColor(QString id, QColor color)
    QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.value(id);
    curve->setPen(QPen(QBrush(color), curveWidth));
    QwtSymbol x = curve->symbol();
    x.setPen(QPen(QBrush(color), symbolWidth));
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 * @brief Check the visibility of a curve
 * @param id The id of the curve
 * @return The visibility, true if it is visible, false otherwise
bool LinechartPlot::isVisible(QString id)
    return curves.value(id)->isVisible();

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 * @return The visibility, true if it is visible, false otherwise
bool LinechartPlot::anyCurveVisible()
    bool visible = false;
    foreach (QString key, curves.keys())
        if (curves.value(key)->isVisible())
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            visible = true;

    return visible;

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 * @brief Allows to block interference of the automatic scrolling with user interaction
 * When the plot is updated very fast (at 1 ms for example) with new data, it might
 * get impossible for an user to interact. Therefore the automatic scrolling must be
 * explicitly activated.
 * @param active The status of automatic scrolling, true to turn it on
void LinechartPlot::setAutoScroll(bool active)
    automaticScrollActive = active;

 * @brief Get a list of all curves (visible and not visible curves)
 * @return The list of curves
QList<QwtPlotCurve*> LinechartPlot::getCurves()
    return curves.values();

 * @brief Get the smallest time value in all datasets
 * @return The smallest time value
quint64 LinechartPlot::getMinTime()
    return minTime;

 * @brief Get the biggest time value in all datasets
 * @return The biggest time value
quint64 LinechartPlot::getMaxTime()
    return maxTime;

 * @brief Get the plot interval
 * The plot interval is the time interval which is displayed on the plot
 * @return The plot inteval in milliseconds
 * @see setPlotInterval()
 * @see getDataInterval() To get the interval for which data is available
quint64 LinechartPlot::getPlotInterval()
    return plotInterval;

 * @brief Set the plot interval
 * @param interval The time interval to plot, in milliseconds
 * @see getPlotInterval()
void LinechartPlot::setPlotInterval(int interval)
    //Only ever increase the amount of stored data,
    // so that we allow the user to change between
    // different intervals without constantly losing
    // data points
    if((unsigned)interval > plotInterval) {

        QMap<QString, TimeSeriesData*>::iterator j;
        for(j = data.begin(); j != data.end(); ++j)
            TimeSeriesData* d = data.value(j.key());
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    plotInterval = interval;
    if(plotInterval > 5*60*1000) //If the interval is longer than 4 minutes, change the time scale step to 2 minutes
        timeScaleStep = 2*60*1000;
    else if(plotInterval >= 4*60*1000) //If the interval is longer than 4 minutes, change the time scale step to 1 minutes
        timeScaleStep = 1*60*1000;
    else if(plotInterval >= 60*1000) //If the interval is longer than a minute, change the time scale step to 30 seconds
        timeScaleStep = 30*1000;
        timeScaleStep = DEFAULT_SCALE_INTERVAL;

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 * @brief Get the data interval
 * The data interval is defined by the time interval for which data
 * values are available.
 * @return The data interval
 * @see getPlotInterval() To get the time interval which is currently displayed by the plot
quint64 LinechartPlot::getDataInterval()
    return storageInterval;

 * @brief Set logarithmic scaling for the curve
void LinechartPlot::setLogarithmicScaling()
    yScaleEngine = new QwtLog10ScaleEngine();
    setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, yScaleEngine);

 * @brief Set linear scaling for the curve
void LinechartPlot::setLinearScaling()
    yScaleEngine = new QwtLinearScaleEngine();
    setAxisScaleEngine(QwtPlot::yLeft, yScaleEngine);

void LinechartPlot::setAverageWindow(int windowSize)
    this->averageWindowSize = windowSize;
    foreach(TimeSeriesData* series, data)
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 * @brief Paint immediately the plot
 * This method is a replacement for replot(). In contrast to replot(), it takes the
 * time window size and eventual zoom interaction into account.
void LinechartPlot::paintRealtime()
    if (m_active) {
        static quint64 timestamp = 0;
        qDebug() << "EVENTLOOP: (" << MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - timestamp << ")" << __FILE__ << __LINE__;
        timestamp = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
        // Update plot window value to new max time if the last time was also the max time

            // FIXME Check, but commenting this out should have been
            // beneficial (does only add complexity)
            //            if (MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() > maxTime && abs(MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - maxTime) < 5000000)
            //            {
            //                plotPosition = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow();
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            plotPosition = lastTime;// + lastMaxTimeAdded.msec();
            //            }
            setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, plotPosition - plotInterval, plotPosition, timeScaleStep);

            // FIXME Last fix for scroll zoomer is here
            //setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, minValue + minValue * 0.05, maxValue + maxValue * 0.05f, (maxValue - minValue) / 10.0);
            /* Notify about change. Even if the window position was not changed
                     * itself, the relative position of the window to the interval must
                     * have changed, as the interval likely increased in length */
            emit windowPositionChanged(getWindowPosition());
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        // Defined both on windows 32- and 64 bit
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        //    const bool cacheMode =
        //            canvas()->testPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached);
        const bool oldDirectPaint =
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        const QPaintEngine *pe = canvas()->paintEngine();
        bool directPaint = pe->hasFeature(QPaintEngine::PaintOutsidePaintEvent);
        //if ( pe->type() == QPaintEngine::X11 ) {
            // Even if not recommended by TrollTech, Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent
            // works on X11. This has an tremendous effect on the performance..
            directPaint = true;
        canvas()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent, directPaint);
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        // Only set current view as zoombase if zoomer is not active
        // else we could not zoom out any more
        if(zoomer->zoomStack().size() < 2) {
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        canvas()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent, oldDirectPaint);
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        QMap<QString, QwtPlotCurve*>::iterator i;
        for(i = curves.begin(); i != curves.end(); ++i) {
                const bool cacheMode = canvas()->testPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached);
                canvas()->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached, false);
                canvas()->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached, cacheMode);

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 * @brief Removes all data and curves from the plot
void LinechartPlot::removeAllData()
    // Delete curves
    QMap<QString, QwtPlotCurve*>::iterator i;
    for(i = curves.begin(); i != curves.end(); ++i)
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        // Remove from curve list
        QwtPlotCurve* curve = curves.take(i.key());
        // Delete the object
        delete curve;
        // Set the pointer null
        curve = NULL;

        // Notify connected components about the removal
        emit curveRemoved(i.key());
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    // Delete data
    QMap<QString, TimeSeriesData*>::iterator j;
    for(j = data.begin(); j != data.end(); ++j)
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        // Remove from data list
        TimeSeriesData* d = data.take(j.key());
        // Delete the object
        delete d;
        // Set the pointer null
        d = NULL;

TimeSeriesData::TimeSeriesData(QwtPlot* plot, QString friendlyName, quint64 plotInterval, quint64 maxInterval, double zeroValue):
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    this->plot = plot;
    this->friendlyName = friendlyName;
    this->maxInterval = maxInterval;
    this->zeroValue = zeroValue;
    this->plotInterval = plotInterval;

    /* initialize time */
    startTime = QUINT64_MAX;
    stopTime = QUINT64_MIN;

    plotCount = 0;



void TimeSeriesData::setInterval(quint64 ms)
    plotInterval = ms;

void TimeSeriesData::setAverageWindowSize(int windowSize)
    this->averageWindow = windowSize;

 * @brief Append a data point to this data set
 * @param ms The time in milliseconds
 * @param value The data value
void TimeSeriesData::append(quint64 ms, double value)
    // Pre- allocate new space
    // FIXME Check this for validity
    if(static_cast<quint64>(size()) < (count + 100)) {
        this->ms.resize(size() + 10000);
        this->value.resize(size() + 10000);
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    this->ms[count] = ms;
    this->value[count] = value;
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    this->lastValue = value;
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    this->mean = 0;
    //QList<double> medianList = QList<double>();
    for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < averageWindow) && (((int)count - (int)i) >= 0); ++i) {
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        this->mean += this->value[count-i];
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    this->mean = mean / static_cast<double>(qMin(averageWindow,static_cast<unsigned int>(count)));

    this->variance = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; (i < averageWindow) && (((int)count - (int)i) >= 0); ++i) {
        this->variance += (this->value[count-i] - mean) * (this->value[count-i] - mean);
    this->variance = this->variance / static_cast<double>(qMin(averageWindow,static_cast<unsigned int>(count)));

//    qSort(medianList);

//    if (medianList.count() > 2)
//    {
//        if (medianList.count() % 2 == 0)
//        {
//            median = ( + / 2.0;
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            median =;
//        }
//    }
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    // Update statistical values
    if(ms < startTime) startTime = ms;
    if(ms > stopTime) stopTime = ms;
    interval = stopTime - startTime;

    if (interval > plotInterval) {
        while (this->ms[count - plotCount] < stopTime - plotInterval) {
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    if(minValue > value) minValue = value;
    if(maxValue < value) maxValue = value;

    // Trim dataset if necessary
    if(maxInterval > 0) {
        // maxInterval = 0 means infinite
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        if(interval > maxInterval && !this->ms.isEmpty() && !this->value.isEmpty()) {
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            // The time at which this time series should be cut
            double minTime = stopTime - maxInterval;
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            // Delete elements from the start of the list as long the time
            // value of this elements is before the cut time
            while(this->ms.first() < minTime) {
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 * @brief Get the id of this data set
 * @return The id-string
int TimeSeriesData::getID()
    return id;

 * @brief Get the minimum value in the data set
 * @return The minimum value
double TimeSeriesData::getMinValue()
    return minValue;

 * @brief Get the maximum value in the data set
 * @return The maximum value
double TimeSeriesData::getMaxValue()
    return maxValue;

 * @return the mean
double TimeSeriesData::getMean()
    return mean;

 * @return the median
double TimeSeriesData::getMedian()
    return median;

 * @return the variance
double TimeSeriesData::getVariance()
    return variance;

double TimeSeriesData::getCurrentValue()
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    return lastValue;
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 * @brief Get the zero (center) value in the data set
 * The zero value is not a statistical value, but instead manually defined
 * when creating the data set.
 * @return The zero value
double TimeSeriesData::getZeroValue()
    return zeroValue;

 * @brief Set the zero (center) value
 * @param zeroValue The zero value
 * @see getZeroValue()
void TimeSeriesData::setZeroValue(double zeroValue)
    this->zeroValue = zeroValue;

 * @brief Get the number of points in the dataset
 * @return The number of points
int TimeSeriesData::getCount() const
    return count;

 * @brief Get the number of points in the plot selection
 * @return The number of points
int TimeSeriesData::getPlotCount() const
    return plotCount;

 * @brief Get the data array size
 * The data array size is \e NOT equal to the number of items in the data set, as
 * array space is pre-allocated. Use getCount() to get the number of data points.
 * @return The data array size
 * @see getCount()
int TimeSeriesData::size() const
    return ms.size();

 * @brief Get the X (time) values
 * @return The x values
const double* TimeSeriesData::getX() const

const double* TimeSeriesData::getPlotX() const