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#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QtEndian>
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "SerialLink.h"
#include "ui_QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer.h"

QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer(MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink, QWidget *parent) :
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    ui(new Ui::QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer)
    // Connect protocol
    connect(this, SIGNAL(bytesReady(LinkInterface*,QByteArray)), mavlink, SLOT(receiveBytes(LinkInterface*,QByteArray)));

    // Setup timer
    connect(&loopTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(logLoop()));

    // Setup buttons
    connect(ui->selectFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(selectLogFile()));
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    connect(ui->playButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(playPauseToggle()));
    connect(ui->speedSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAccelerationFactorInt(int)));
    connect(ui->positionSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(jumpToSliderVal(int)));
    connect(ui->positionSlider, SIGNAL(sliderPressed()), this, SLOT(pause()));
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    // Monitor for when the end of the log file is reached. This is done using signals because the main work is in a timer.
    connect(this, SIGNAL(logFileEndReached()), &loopTimer, SLOT(stop()));

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void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::playPause(bool enabled)
    if (enabled)

void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::playPauseToggle()
    if (isPlaying)

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    if (logFile.isOpen())
        // Disable the log file selector button

        // Make sure we aren't at the end of the file, if we are, reset to the beginning and play from there.
        if (logFile.atEnd())
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        // Always correct the current start time such that the next message will play immediately at playback.
        // We do this by subtracting the current file playback offset  from now()
        playbackStartTime = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() - (logCurrentTime - logStartTime) / 1000;
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        if (mavlinkLogFormat)
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            // Read len bytes at a time
            int len = 100;
            // Calculate the number of times to read 100 bytes per second
            // to guarantee the baud rate, then divide 1000 by the number of read
            // operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
            int interval = 1000 / ((binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
            loopTimer.start(interval / accelerationFactor);
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        isPlaying = true;
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        QMessageBox msgBox;
        msgBox.setText(tr("No logfile selected"));
        msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("Please select first a MAVLink log file before playing it."));

void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::pause()

void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::reset()
    loopCounter = 0;

    // Now update the position slider to its default location

    // And since we haven't starting playback, clear the time of initial playback and the current timestamp.
    playbackStartTime = 0;
    logCurrentTime = logStartTime;

bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::jumpToPlaybackLocation(float percentage)
    // Reset only for valid values
    if (percentage <= 100.0f && percentage >= 0.0f)
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        bool result = true;
        if (mavlinkLogFormat)
            // But if we have a timestamped MAVLink log, then actually aim to hit that percentage in terms of
            // time through the file.
            qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentage * (float)logFile.size());

            // Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
            if (!
                // Fallback: Start from scratch
                ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Changing packet index failed, back to start."));
                result = false;

            // But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
            mavlink_message_t dummy;
            logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);
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            // Now calculate the current file location based on time.
            float newRelativeTime = (float)(logCurrentTime - logStartTime);

            // Calculate the effective baud rate of the file in bytes/s.
            float logDuration = (logEndTime - logStartTime);
            float baudRate = logFile.size() / logDuration / 1e6;

            // And the desired time is:
            float desiredTime = percentage * logDuration;

            // And now jump the necessary number of bytes in the proper direction
            qint64 offset = (newRelativeTime - desiredTime) * baudRate;
   + offset);

            // And scan until we reach the start of a MAVLink message. We make sure to record this timestamp for
            // smooth jumping around the file.
            logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&dummy);

            // Now update the UI with our actual final position.
            newRelativeTime = (float)(logCurrentTime - logStartTime);
            percentage = newRelativeTime / logDuration;
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            // If we're working with a non-timestamped file, we just jump to that percentage of the file,
            // align to the next MAVLink message and roll with it. No reason to do anything more complicated.
            qint64 newFilePos = (qint64)(percentage * (float)logFile.size());

            // Now seek to the appropriate position, failing gracefully if we can't.
            if (!
                // Fallback: Start from scratch
                ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Changing packet index failed, back to start."));
                result = false;

            // But we do align to the next MAVLink message for consistency.
            mavlink_message_t dummy;
        // Now update the UI. This is necessary because stop() is called when loading a new logfile

        return result;
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void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::updatePositionSliderUi(float percent)
    int sliderVal = ui->positionSlider->minimum() + (int)(percent * (float)(ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum()));

    // Calculate the runtime in hours:minutes:seconds
    // WARNING: Order matters in this computation
    quint32 seconds = percent * (logEndTime - logStartTime) / 1e6;
    quint32 minutes = seconds / 60;
    quint32 hours = minutes / 60;
    seconds -= 60*minutes;
    minutes -= 60*hours;

    // And show the user the details we found about this file.
    QString timeLabel = tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2);

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void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadSettings()
    QSettings settings;
    lastLogDirectory = settings.value("LAST_LOG_DIRECTORY", lastLogDirectory).toString();

void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::storeSettings()
    QSettings settings;
    settings.setValue("LAST_LOG_DIRECTORY", lastLogDirectory);

 * @brief Select a log file
 * @param startDirectory Directory where the file dialog will be opened
 * @return filename of the logFile
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::selectLogFile()
    // Prompt the user for a new file using the last directory they searched.
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    return selectLogFile(lastLogDirectory);

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 * @brief Select a log file
 * @param startDirectory Directory where the file dialog will be opened
 * @return filename of the logFile
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::selectLogFile(const QString startDirectory)
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Specify MAVLink log file name to replay"), startDirectory, tr("MAVLink or Binary Logfile (*.mavlink *.bin *.log)"));
    if (fileName == "")
        return false;
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        lastLogDirectory = fileName;
        return loadLogFile(fileName);
 * @param factor 0: 0.01X, 50: 1.0X, 100: 100.0X
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::setAccelerationFactorInt(int factor)
    float f = factor+1.0f;
    f -= 50.0f;

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    if (f < 0.0f)
        accelerationFactor = 1.0f / (-f/2.0f);
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        accelerationFactor = 1+(f/2.0f);

    // Update timer interval
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    if (!mavlinkLogFormat)
        // Read len bytes at a time
        int len = 100;
        // Calculate the number of times to read 100 bytes per second
        // to guarantee the baud rate, then divide 1000 by the number of read
        // operations to obtain the interval in milliseconds
        int interval = 1000 / ((binaryBaudRate / 10) / len);
        loopTimer.start(interval / accelerationFactor);
    ui->speedLabel->setText(tr("Speed: %1X").arg(accelerationFactor, 5, 'f', 2, '0'));
bool QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::loadLogFile(const QString& file)
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    // Enable controls
    // Disable logging while replaying a log file.
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    if (mavlink->loggingEnabled())
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        MainWindow::instance()->showInfoMessage(tr("MAVLink Logging Stopped during Replay"), tr("MAVLink logging has been stopped during the log replay. To re-enable logging, use the link properties in the communication menu."));

    // Make sure to stop the logging process and reset everything.

    // And that the old file is closed nicely.
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    if (logFile.isOpen())
    // Now load the new file.
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    if (!
        MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("The selected logfile is unreadable"), tr("Please make sure that the file %1 is readable or select a different file").arg(file));
        return false;
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        QFileInfo logFileInfo(file);
        ui->logFileNameLabel->setText(tr("Logfile: %1").arg(logFileInfo.fileName()));

        // If there's an existing MAVLinkSimulationLink() being used for an old file,
        // we replace it.
        if (logLink)
            delete logLink;
        logLink = new MAVLinkSimulationLink("");

        // Select if binary or MAVLink log format is used
        mavlinkLogFormat = file.endsWith(".mavlink");

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        if (mavlinkLogFormat)
            // Get the first timestamp from the logfile
            // This should be a big-endian uint64.
            QByteArray timestamp =;
            quint64 starttime = parseTimestamp(timestamp);

            // Now find the last timestamp by scanning for the last MAVLink packet and
            // find the timestamp before it. To do this we start searchin a little before
            // the end of the file, specifically the maximum MAVLink packet size + the
            // timestamp size. This guarantees that we will hit a MAVLink packet before
            // the end of the file. Unfortunately, it basically guarantees that we will
            // hit more than one. This is why we have to search for a bit.
            qint64 fileLoc = logFile.size() - MAVLINK_MAX_PACKET_LEN - timeLen;
            quint64 endtime = starttime; // Set a sane default for the endtime
            mavlink_message_t msg;
            quint64 newTimestamp;
            while ((newTimestamp = findNextMavlinkMessage(&msg)) > endtime) {
                endtime = newTimestamp;

            if (endtime == starttime) {
                MainWindow::instance()->showCriticalMessage(tr("The selected logfile cannot be processed"), tr("No valid timestamps were found at the end of the logfile.").arg(file));
                ui->logFileNameLabel->setText(tr("No logfile selected"));
                return false;
            // Remember the start and end time so we can move around this logfile with the slider.
            logEndTime = endtime;
            logStartTime = starttime;
            logCurrentTime = logStartTime;
            // Reset our log file so when we go to read it for the first time, we start at the beginning.
            // Calculate the runtime in hours:minutes:seconds
            // WARNING: Order matters in this computation
            quint32 seconds = (endtime - starttime)/1000000;
            quint32 minutes = seconds / 60;
            quint32 hours = minutes / 60;
            seconds -= 60*minutes;
            minutes -= 60*hours;
            // And show the user the details we found about this file.
            QString timelabel = tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2);
            currPacketCount = logFileInfo.size()/(32 + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES + sizeof(quint64)); // Count packets by assuming an average payload size of 32 bytes
            ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("%2 MB, ~%3 packets, %4").arg(logFileInfo.size()/1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2).arg(currPacketCount).arg(timelabel));
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            // Load in binary mode. In this mode, files should be have a filename postfix
            // of the baud rate they were recorded at, like `test_run_115200.bin`. Then on
            // playback, the datarate is equal to set to this value.
            // Set baud rate if any present. Otherwise we default to 57600.
            QStringList parts = logFileInfo.baseName().split("_");
            binaryBaudRate = defaultBinaryBaudRate;
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            if (parts.count() > 1)
                bool ok;
                int rate = parts.last().toInt(&ok);
                // 9600 baud to 100 MBit
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                if (ok && (rate > 9600 && rate < 100000000))
                    // Accept this as valid baudrate
                    binaryBaudRate = rate;

            int seconds = logFileInfo.size() / (binaryBaudRate / 10);
            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            int hours = minutes / 60;
            seconds -= 60*minutes;
            minutes -= 60*hours;

            QString timelabel = tr("%1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2);
            ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("%2 MB, %4 at %5 KB/s").arg(logFileInfo.size()/1000000.0f, 0, 'f', 2).arg(timelabel).arg(binaryBaudRate/10.0f/1024.0f, 0, 'f', 2));
        // Check if a serial link is connected

        bool linkWarning = false;
        foreach (LinkInterface* link, LinkManager::instance()->getLinks())
            SerialLink* s = dynamic_cast<SerialLink*>(link);

            if (s && s->isConnected())
                linkWarning = true;

        if (linkWarning)
            MainWindow::instance()->showInfoMessage(tr("Active MAVLink links found"), tr("Currently other links are connected. It is recommended to disconnect any active link before replaying a log."));


        return true;
quint64 QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::parseTimestamp(const QByteArray &data)
    // Retrieve the timestamp from the ByteArray assuming a proper BigEndian quint64 timestamp in microseconds.
    quint64 timestamp = qFromBigEndian(*((quint64*)(data.constData())));

    // And get the current time in microseconds
    quint64 currentTimestamp = ((quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()) * 1000;

    // Now if the parsed timestamp is in the future, it must be an old file where the timestamp was stored as
    // little endian, so switch it.
    if (timestamp > currentTimestamp) {
        timestamp = qbswap(timestamp);

    return timestamp;

 * Jumps to the current percentage of the position slider. When this is called, the LogPlayer should already
 * have been paused, so it just jumps to the proper location in the file and resumes playing.
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::jumpToSliderVal(int slidervalue)
    // Determine what percentage through the file we should be (time or packet number depending).
    float newLocation = slidervalue / (float)(ui->positionSlider->maximum() - ui->positionSlider->minimum());

    // And clamp our calculated values to the valid range of [0,100]
    if (newLocation > 100.0f)
        newLocation = 100.0f;
    if (newLocation < 0.0f)
        newLocation = 0.0f;
    // Do only valid jumps
    if (jumpToPlaybackLocation(newLocation))
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        if (mavlinkLogFormat)
            // Grab the total seconds of this file (1e6 is due to microsecond -> second conversion)
            int seconds = newLocation * (logEndTime - logStartTime) / 1e6;
            int minutes = seconds / 60;
            int hours = minutes / 60;
            seconds -= 60*minutes;
            minutes -= 60*hours;

            ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Jumped to time %1h:%2m:%3s").arg(hours, 2).arg(minutes, 2).arg(seconds, 2));
            ui->logStatsLabel->setText(tr("Jumped to %1").arg(newLocation));
 * This function is the "mainloop" of the log player, reading one line
 * and adjusting the mainloop timer to read the next line in time.
 * It might not perfectly match the timing of the log file,
 * but it will never induce a static drift into the log file replay.
 * For scientific logging, the use of onboard timestamps and the log
 * functionality of the line chart plot is recommended.
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::logLoop()
    // If we have a file with timestamps, try and pace this out following the time differences
    // between the timestamps and the current playback speed.
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    if (mavlinkLogFormat)
        // Now parse MAVLink messages, grabbing their timestamps as we go. We stop once we
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        // have at least 3ms until the next one. 

        // We track what the next execution time should be in milliseconds, which we use to set
        // the next timer interrupt.
        int nextExecutionTime = 0;
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        // We use the `findNextMavlinkMessage()` function to scan ahead for MAVLink messages. This
        // is necessary because we don't know how big each MAVLink message is until we finish parsing
        // one, and since we only output arrays of bytes, we need to know the size of that array.
        mavlink_message_t msg;
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        while (nextExecutionTime < 3) {
            // Now we're sitting at the start of a MAVLink message, so read it all into a byte array for feeding to our parser.
            QByteArray message = + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES);
            // Emit this message to our MAVLink parser.
            emit bytesReady(logLink, message);
            // If we've reached the end of the of the file, make sure we handle that well
            if (logFile.atEnd())
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                // For some reason calling pause() here doesn't work, so we update the UI manually here.
                isPlaying = false;

                // Note that we explicitly set the slider to 100%, as it may not hit that by itself depending on log file size.
                emit logFileEndReached();
            // Run our parser to find the next timestamp and leave us at the start of the next MAVLink message.
            logCurrentTime = findNextMavlinkMessage(&msg);
            // Calculate how long we should wait in real time until parsing this message.
            // We pace ourselves relative to the start time of playback to fix any drift (initially set in play())
            qint64 timediff = (logCurrentTime - logStartTime) / accelerationFactor;
            quint64 desiredPacedTime = playbackStartTime + ((quint64)timediff) / 1000;
            quint64 currentTime = (quint64)QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
            nextExecutionTime = desiredPacedTime - currentTime;
        // And schedule the next execution of this function.
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        // Binary format - read at fixed rate
        const int len = 100;
        QByteArray chunk =;

        // Emit this packet
        emit bytesReady(logLink, chunk);

        // Check if reached end of file before reading next timestamp
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        if (chunk.length() < len || logFile.atEnd())
            // Reached end of file

            QString status = tr("Reached end of binary log file.");
    // Update the UI every 2^5=32 times, or when there isn't much data to be played back.
    // Reduces flickering and minimizes CPU load.
    if ((loopCounter & 0x1F) == 0 || currPacketCount < 2000)
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        QFileInfo logFileInfo(logFile);
        updatePositionSliderUi(logFile.pos() / static_cast<float>(logFileInfo.size()));
 * This function parses out the next MAVLink message and its corresponding timestamp.
 * It makes no assumptions about where in the file we currently are. It leaves the file right
 * at the beginning of the successfully parsed message. Note that this function will not attempt to
 * correct for any MAVLink parsing failures, so it always returns the next successfully-parsed
 * message.
 * @param msg[output] Where the final parsed message output will go.
 * @return A Unix timestamp in microseconds UTC or 0 if parsing failed
quint64 QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::findNextMavlinkMessage(mavlink_message_t *msg)
    char nextByte;
    mavlink_status_t comm;
    while (logFile.getChar(&nextByte)) { // Loop over every byte
        bool messageFound = mavlink_parse_char(logLink->getId(), nextByte, msg, &comm);

        // If we've found a message, jump back to the start of the message, grab the timestamp,
        // and go back to the end of this file.
        if (messageFound) {
   - (msg->len + MAVLINK_NUM_NON_PAYLOAD_BYTES + timeLen));
            QByteArray rawTime =;
            return parseTimestamp(rawTime);

    // Otherwise, if we never find a message, return a failure code of 0.
    return 0;

void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
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    switch (e->type())
    case QEvent::LanguageChange:

 * Implement paintEvent() so that stylesheets work for our custom widget.
void QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QStyleOption opt;
    QPainter p(this);
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);