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// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
// for linear algebra.
// Copyright (C) 2010 Gael Guennebaud <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
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namespace Eigen { 

namespace internal {

template<typename _DecompositionType, typename Rhs> struct sparse_solve_retval_base;
template<typename _DecompositionType, typename Rhs> struct sparse_solve_retval;
template<typename DecompositionType, typename Rhs>
struct traits<sparse_solve_retval_base<DecompositionType, Rhs> >
  typedef typename DecompositionType::MatrixType MatrixType;
  typedef SparseMatrix<typename Rhs::Scalar, Rhs::Options, typename Rhs::Index> ReturnType;

template<typename _DecompositionType, typename Rhs> struct sparse_solve_retval_base
 : public ReturnByValue<sparse_solve_retval_base<_DecompositionType, Rhs> >
  typedef typename remove_all<typename Rhs::Nested>::type RhsNestedCleaned;
  typedef _DecompositionType DecompositionType;
  typedef ReturnByValue<sparse_solve_retval_base> Base;
  typedef typename Base::Index Index;

  sparse_solve_retval_base(const DecompositionType& dec, const Rhs& rhs)
    : m_dec(dec), m_rhs(rhs)

  inline Index rows() const { return m_dec.cols(); }
  inline Index cols() const { return m_rhs.cols(); }
  inline const DecompositionType& dec() const { return m_dec; }
  inline const RhsNestedCleaned& rhs() const { return m_rhs; }

  template<typename Dest> inline void evalTo(Dest& dst) const
    static_cast<const sparse_solve_retval<DecompositionType,Rhs>*>(this)->evalTo(dst);

    template<typename DestScalar, int DestOptions, typename DestIndex>
    inline void defaultEvalTo(SparseMatrix<DestScalar,DestOptions,DestIndex>& dst) const
      // we process the sparse rhs per block of NbColsAtOnce columns temporarily stored into a dense matrix.
      static const int NbColsAtOnce = 4;
      int rhsCols = m_rhs.cols();
      int size = m_rhs.rows();
      Eigen::Matrix<DestScalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> tmp(size,rhsCols);
      Eigen::Matrix<DestScalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> tmpX(size,rhsCols);
      for(int k=0; k<rhsCols; k+=NbColsAtOnce)
        int actualCols = std::min<int>(rhsCols-k, NbColsAtOnce);
        tmp.leftCols(actualCols) = m_rhs.middleCols(k,actualCols);
        tmpX.leftCols(actualCols) = m_dec.solve(tmp.leftCols(actualCols));
        dst.middleCols(k,actualCols) = tmpX.leftCols(actualCols).sparseView();
    const DecompositionType& m_dec;
    typename Rhs::Nested m_rhs;

#define EIGEN_MAKE_SPARSE_SOLVE_HELPERS(DecompositionType,Rhs) \
  typedef typename DecompositionType::MatrixType MatrixType; \
  typedef typename MatrixType::Scalar Scalar; \
  typedef typename MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar; \
  typedef typename MatrixType::Index Index; \
  typedef Eigen::internal::sparse_solve_retval_base<DecompositionType,Rhs> Base; \
  using Base::dec; \
  using Base::rhs; \
  using Base::rows; \
  using Base::cols; \
  sparse_solve_retval(const DecompositionType& dec, const Rhs& rhs) \
    : Base(dec, rhs) {}

template<typename DecompositionType, typename Rhs, typename Guess> struct solve_retval_with_guess;

template<typename DecompositionType, typename Rhs, typename Guess>
struct traits<solve_retval_with_guess<DecompositionType, Rhs, Guess> >
  typedef typename DecompositionType::MatrixType MatrixType;
  typedef Matrix<typename Rhs::Scalar,
                 Rhs::MaxColsAtCompileTime> ReturnType;

template<typename DecompositionType, typename Rhs, typename Guess> struct solve_retval_with_guess
 : public ReturnByValue<solve_retval_with_guess<DecompositionType, Rhs, Guess> >
  typedef typename DecompositionType::Index Index;

  solve_retval_with_guess(const DecompositionType& dec, const Rhs& rhs, const Guess& guess)
    : m_dec(dec), m_rhs(rhs), m_guess(guess)

  inline Index rows() const { return m_dec.cols(); }
  inline Index cols() const { return m_rhs.cols(); }

  template<typename Dest> inline void evalTo(Dest& dst) const
    dst = m_guess;

    const DecompositionType& m_dec;
    const typename Rhs::Nested m_rhs;
    const typename Guess::Nested m_guess;

} // namepsace internal

} // end namespace Eigen