PIXHAWK Micro Air Vehicle Flying Robotics Toolkit
(c) 2009, 2010 PIXHAWK PROJECT <>
This file is part of the PIXHAWK project
PIXHAWK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
PIXHAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with PIXHAWK. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @brief Definition of joystick interface
* This class defines a new thread to operate the reading of any joystick/controllers
* via the Simple Directmedia Library ( This relies on polling of the SDL,
* which is not their recommended method, instead they suggest use event checking. That
* does not seem to support switching joysticks after their internal event loop has started,
* so it was abandoned.
* All joystick-related functionality is done in this class, though the JoystickWidget provides
* a UI around modifying its settings. Additionally controller buttons can be mapped to
* actions defined by any UASInterface object through the `UASInterface::getActions()` function.
* @author Lorenz Meier <>
* @author Andreas Romer <>
#include <QThread>
#include <QList>
#include <qmutex.h>
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
struct JoystickSettings {
QMap<int, bool> axesInverted; ///< Whether each axis should be used inverted from what was reported.
QMap<int, bool> axesLimited; ///< Whether each axis should be limited to only the positive range. Currently this only applies to the throttle axis, but is kept generic here to possibly support other axes.
QMap<int, int> buttonActions; ///< The index of the action associated with every button.
* @brief Joystick input
class JoystickInput : public QThread
void shutdown();
* @brief The JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING enum storing the values for each item in the mapping combobox.
* This should match the order of items in the mapping combobox in JoystickAxis.ui.
* @brief Load joystick-specific settings.
void loadJoystickSettings();
* @brief Load joystick-independent settings.
void loadGeneralSettings();
* @brief Store joystick-specific settings.
void storeJoystickSettings() const;
* @brief Store joystick-independent settings.
void storeGeneralSettings() const;
bool enabled() const
return isEnabled;
int getMappingThrottleAxis() const
return throttleAxis;
int getMappingRollAxis() const
return rollAxis;
int getMappingPitchAxis() const
return pitchAxis;
int getMappingYawAxis() const
int getJoystickNumButtons() const
return joystickNumButtons;
int getJoystickNumAxes() const
return joystickNumAxes;
int getJoystickID() const
return joystickID;
const QString& getName() const
return joystickName;
int getNumJoysticks() const
return numJoysticks;
QString getJoystickNameById(int id) const
return QString(SDL_JoystickName(id));
float getCurrentValueForAxis(int axis) const;
bool getInvertedForAxis(int axis) const;
bool getRangeLimitForAxis(int axis) const;
int getActionForButton(int button) const;
const double sdlJoystickMin;
const double sdlJoystickMax;
double calibrationPositive[10];
double calibrationNegative[10];
bool isEnabled; ///< Track whether the system should emit the higher-level signals: joystickChanged & actionTriggered.
bool done;
UASInterface* uas; ///< Track the current UAS.
int autopilotType; ///< Cache the autopilotType
int systemType; ///< Cache the systemType
bool uasCanReverse; ///< Track whether the connect UAS can drive a reverse speed.
// Store the mapping between axis numbers and the roll/pitch/yaw/throttle configuration.
// Value is one of JoystickAxis::JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING.
int rollAxis;
int pitchAxis;
int throttleAxis;
// Cache information on the joystick instead of polling the SDL everytime.
int numJoysticks; ///< Total number of joysticks detected by the SDL.
int joystickID;
int joystickNumAxes;
int joystickNumButtons;
// Track axis/button settings based on a Joystick/AutopilotType/SystemType triplet.
// This is only a double-map, because settings are stored/loaded based on joystick
// name first, so only the settings for the current joystick need to be stored at any given time.
// Pointers are kept to the various settings field to reduce lookup times.
// Note that the mapping (0,0) corresponds to when no UAS is connected. Since this corresponds
// to a generic vehicle type and a generic autopilot, this is a pretty safe default.
QMap<int, QMap<int, JoystickSettings> > joystickSettings;
// Track the last state of the axes, buttons, and hats for only emitting change signals.
QList<float> joystickAxes; ///< The values of every axes during the last sample.
quint16 joystickButtons; ///< The state of every button. Bitfield supporting 16 buttons with 1s indicating that the button is down.
qint8 xHat, yHat; ///< The horizontal/vertical hat directions. Values are -1, 0, 1, with (-1,-1) indicating bottom-left.
* @brief Called before main run() event loop starts. Waits for joysticks to be connected.
* @brief Signal containing all joystick raw positions
* @param roll forward / pitch / x axis, front: 1, center: 0, back: -1. If the roll axis isn't defined, NaN is transmit instead.
* @param pitch left / roll / y axis, left: -1, middle: 0, right: 1. If the roll axis isn't defined, NaN is transmit instead.
* @param yaw turn axis, left-turn: -1, centered: 0, right-turn: 1. If the roll axis isn't defined, NaN is transmit instead.
* @param throttle Throttle, -100%:-1.0, 0%: 0.0, 100%: 1.0. If the roll axis isn't defined, NaN is transmit instead.
* @param xHat hat vector in forward-backward direction, +1 forward, 0 center, -1 backward
* @param yHat hat vector in left-right direction, -1 left, 0 center, +1 right
void joystickChanged(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float throttle, qint8 xHat, qint8 yHat, quint16 buttons);
* @brief Emit a new value for an axis
* @param value Value of the axis, between -1.0 and 1.0.
void axisValueChanged(int axis, float value);
* @brief Joystick button has changed state from unpressed to pressed.
* @param key index of the pressed key
* @brief Joystick button has changed state from pressed to unpressed.
* @param key index of the released key
void buttonReleased(int key);
* @brief A joystick button was pressed that had a corresponding action.
* @param action The index of the action to trigger. Dependent on UAS.
void actionTriggered(int action);
* @brief Hat (8-way switch on the top) has changed position
* Coordinate frame for joystick hat:
* y
* ^
* |
* |
* 0 ----> x
* @param x vector in left-right direction
* @param y vector in forward-backward direction
void hatDirectionChanged(qint8 x, qint8 y);
/** @brief Signal that the UAS has been updated for this JoystickInput
* Note that any UI updates should NOT query this object for joystick details. That should be done in response to the joystickSettingsChanged signal.
void activeUASSet(UASInterface*);
/** @brief Signals that new joystick-specific settings were changed. Useful for triggering updates that at dependent on the current joystick. */
void joystickSettingsChanged();
/** @brief The JoystickInput has switched to a different joystick. UI should be adjusted accordingly. */
void newJoystickSelected();
/** @brief Enable or disable emitting the high-level control signals from the joystick. */
void setEnabled(bool enable);
/** @brief Specify the UAS that this input should forward joystickChanged signals and buttonPresses to. */
/** @brief Switch to a new joystick by ID number. Both buttons and axes are updated with the proper signals emitted. */
void setActiveJoystick(int id);
* @brief Change the control mapping for a given joystick axis.
* @param axisID The axis to modify (0-indexed)
* @param newMapping The mapping to use.
void setAxisMapping(int axis, JoystickInput::JOYSTICK_INPUT_MAPPING newMapping);
* @brief Specify if an axis should be inverted.
* @param axis The ID of the axis.
* @param inverted True indicates inverted from normal. Varies by controller.
void setAxisInversion(int axis, bool inverted);
* @brief Specify that an axis should only transmit the positive values. Useful for controlling throttle from auto-centering axes.
* @param axis Which axis has its range limited.
* @param limitRange If true only the positive half of this axis will be read.
void setAxisRangeLimit(int axis, bool limitRange);
* @brief Specify a button->action mapping for the given uas.
* This mapping is applied based on UAS autopilot type and UAS system type.
* Connects the buttonEmitted signal for the corresponding button to the corresponding action for the current UAS.
* @param button The numeric ID for the button
* @param action The numeric ID of the action for this UAS to map to.
void setButtonAction(int button, int action);