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Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
  <group name="UAVCAN Motor Parameters" no_code_generation="true">
    <parameter default="75" name="ctl_bw" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Speed controller bandwidth</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Speed controller bandwidth, in Hz. Higher values result in faster speed and current rise times, but may result in overshoot and higher current consumption. For fixed-wing aircraft, this value should be less than 50 Hz; for multirotors, values up to 100 Hz may provide improvements in responsiveness.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="1" name="ctl_dir" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Reverse direction</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Motor spin direction as detected during initial enumeration. Use 0 or 1 to reverse direction.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="1" name="ctl_gain" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Speed (RPM) controller gain</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Speed (RPM) controller gain. Determines controller
            aggressiveness; units are amp-seconds per radian. Systems with
            higher rotational inertia (large props) will need gain increased;
            systems with low rotational inertia (small props) may need gain
            decreased. Higher values result in faster response, but may result
            in oscillation and excessive overshoot. Lower values result in a
            slower, smoother response.</long_desc>
      <unit>amp-seconds per radian</unit>
    <parameter default="3.5" name="ctl_hz_idle" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Idle speed (e Hz)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Idle speed (e Hz)</long_desc>
    <parameter default="25" name="ctl_start_rate" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Spin-up rate (e Hz/s)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Spin-up rate (e Hz/s)</long_desc>
    <parameter default="0" name="esc_index" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Index of this ESC in throttle command messages.</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Index of this ESC in throttle command messages.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="20034" name="id_ext_status" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Extended status ID</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Extended status ID</long_desc>
    <parameter default="50000" name="int_ext_status" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Extended status interval (µs)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Extended status interval (µs)</long_desc>
    <parameter default="50000" name="int_status" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>ESC status interval (µs)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>ESC status interval (µs)</long_desc>
    <parameter default="12" name="mot_i_max" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Motor current limit in amps</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Motor current limit in amps. This determines the maximum
            current controller setpoint, as well as the maximum allowable
            current setpoint slew rate. This value should generally be set to
            the continuous current rating listed in the motor’s specification
            sheet, or set equal to the motor’s specified continuous power
            divided by the motor voltage limit.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="2300" name="mot_kv" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Motor Kv in RPM per volt</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Motor Kv in RPM per volt. This can be taken from the motor’s
            specification sheet; accuracy will help control performance but
            some deviation from the specified value is acceptable.</long_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
    <parameter default="0.0" name="mot_ls" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>READ ONLY: Motor inductance in henries.</short_desc>
      <long_desc>READ ONLY: Motor inductance in henries. This is measured on start-up.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="14" name="mot_num_poles" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Number of motor poles.</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Number of motor poles. Used to convert mechanical speeds to
            electrical speeds. This number should be taken from the motor’s
            specification sheet.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0" name="mot_rs" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>READ ONLY: Motor resistance in ohms</short_desc>
      <long_desc>READ ONLY: Motor resistance in ohms. This is measured on start-up. When
            tuning a new motor, check that this value is approximately equal
            to the value shown in the motor’s specification sheet.</long_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
    <parameter default="0.5" name="mot_v_accel" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Acceleration limit (V)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Acceleration limit (V)</long_desc>
    <parameter default="14.8" name="mot_v_max" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Motor voltage limit in volts</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Motor voltage limit in volts. The current controller’s
            commanded voltage will never exceed this value. Note that this may
            safely be above the nominal voltage of the motor; to determine the
            actual motor voltage limit, divide the motor’s rated power by the
            motor current limit.</long_desc>
  <group name="Attitude EKF estimator">
    <parameter default="1e-4" name="EKF_ATT_V3_Q0" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Body angular rate process noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.08" name="EKF_ATT_V3_Q1" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Body angular acceleration process noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.009" name="EKF_ATT_V3_Q2" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Acceleration process noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.005" name="EKF_ATT_V3_Q3" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Magnet field vector process noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0008" name="EKF_ATT_V4_R0" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Gyro measurement noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="10000.0" name="EKF_ATT_V4_R1" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Accel measurement noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="100.0" name="EKF_ATT_V4_R2" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Mag measurement noise</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0018" name="ATT_J11" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Moment of inertia matrix diagonal entry (1, 1)</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0018" name="ATT_J22" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Moment of inertia matrix diagonal entry (2, 2)</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0037" name="ATT_J33" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Moment of inertia matrix diagonal entry (3, 3)</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0" name="ATT_J_EN" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Moment of inertia enabled in estimator</short_desc>
      <long_desc>If set to != 0 the moment of inertia will be used in the estimator</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <boolean />
  <group name="Attitude Q estimator">
    <parameter default="0.2" name="ATT_W_ACC" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Complimentary filter accelerometer weight</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.1" name="ATT_W_MAG" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Complimentary filter magnetometer weight</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.1" name="ATT_W_EXT_HDG" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Complimentary filter external heading weight</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.1" name="ATT_W_GYRO_BIAS" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Complimentary filter gyroscope bias weight</short_desc>
    <parameter default="0.0" name="ATT_MAG_DECL" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Magnetic declination, in degrees</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>This parameter is not used in normal operation, as the declination is looked up based on the GPS coordinates of the vehicle.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="1" name="ATT_MAG_DECL_A" type="INT32">
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      <short_desc>Automatic GPS based declination compensation</short_desc>
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      <boolean />
    <parameter default="0" name="ATT_EXT_HDG_M" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>External heading usage mode (from Motion capture/Vision)
Set to 1 to use heading estimate from vision.
Set to 2 to use heading from motion capture</short_desc>
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        <value code="1">Vision</value>
        <value code="0">None</value>
        <value code="2">Motion Capture</value>
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    <parameter default="1" name="ATT_ACC_COMP" type="INT32">
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      <short_desc>Acceleration compensation based on GPS
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      <boolean />
    <parameter default="0.05" name="ATT_BIAS_MAX" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Gyro bias limit</short_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
    <parameter default="0.2" name="ATT_VIBE_THRESH" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Threshold (of RMS) to warn about high vibration levels</short_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
  <group name="Battery Calibration">
Lorenz Meier's avatar
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    <parameter default="10000" name="BAT_V_SCALE_IO" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Scaling factor for battery voltage sensor on PX4IO</short_desc>
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    <parameter default="-1.0" name="BAT_CNT_V_VOLT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Scaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input (battery voltage)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This is not the battery voltage, but the intermediate ADC voltage. A value of -1 signifies that the board defaults are used, which is highly recommended.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="-1.0" name="BAT_CNT_V_CURR" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Scaling from ADC counts to volt on the ADC input (battery current)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This is not the battery current, but the intermediate ADC voltage. A value of -1 signifies that the board defaults are used, which is highly recommended.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.0" name="BAT_V_OFFS_CURR" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Offset in volt as seen by the ADC input of the current sensor</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This offset will be subtracted before calculating the battery current based on the voltage.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="-1.0" name="BAT_V_DIV" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Battery voltage divider (V divider)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This is the divider from battery voltage to 3.3V ADC voltage. If using e.g. Mauch power modules the value from the datasheet can be applied straight here. A value of -1 means to use the board default.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="-1.0" name="BAT_A_PER_V" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Battery current per volt (A/V)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The voltage seen by the 3.3V ADC multiplied by this factor will determine the battery current. A value of -1 means to use the board default.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="BAT_SOURCE" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Battery monitoring source</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This parameter controls the source of battery data. The value 'Power Module' means that measurements are expected to come from a power module. If the value is set to 'External' then the system expects to receive mavlink battery status messages.</long_desc>
        <value code="1">External</value>
        <value code="0">Power Module</value>
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    <parameter default="3.4" name="BAT_V_EMPTY" type="FLOAT">
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      <short_desc>Empty cell voltage (5C load)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Defines the voltage where a single cell of the battery is considered empty. The voltage should be chosen before the steep dropoff to 2.8V. A typical lithium battery can only be discharged down to 10% before it drops off to a voltage level damaging the cells.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="4.05" name="BAT_V_CHARGED" type="FLOAT">
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <short_desc>Full cell voltage (5C load)</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Defines the voltage where a single cell of the battery is considered full under a mild load. This will never be the nominal voltage of 4.2V</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.15" name="BAT_LOW_THR" type="FLOAT">
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      <short_desc>Low threshold</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as low. This has to be higher than the critical threshold.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.07" name="BAT_CRIT_THR" type="FLOAT">
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      <short_desc>Critical threshold</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>Sets the threshold when the battery will be reported as critically low. This has to be lower than the low threshold. This threshold commonly will trigger RTL or landing.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.3" name="BAT_V_LOAD_DROP" type="FLOAT">
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      <short_desc>Voltage drop per cell on full throttle</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This implicitely defines the internal resistance to maximum current ratio and assumes linearity. A good value to use is the difference between the 5C and 20-25C load.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="BAT_N_CELLS" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Number of cells</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Defines the number of cells the attached battery consists of.</long_desc>
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        <value code="11">11S Battery</value>
        <value code="10">10S Battery</value>
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        <value code="13">13S Battery</value>
        <value code="12">12S Battery</value>
        <value code="15">15S Battery</value>
        <value code="14">14S Battery</value>
        <value code="16">16S Battery</value>
        <value code="0">Unconfigured</value>
        <value code="3">3S Battery</value>
        <value code="2">2S Battery</value>
        <value code="5">5S Battery</value>
        <value code="4">4S Battery</value>
        <value code="7">7S Battery</value>
        <value code="6">6S Battery</value>
        <value code="9">9S Battery</value>
        <value code="8">8S Battery</value>
    <parameter default="-1.0" name="BAT_CAPACITY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Battery capacity</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Defines the capacity of the attached battery.</long_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
  <group name="Camera trigger">
    <parameter default="40.0" name="TRIG_INTERVAL" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Camera trigger interval</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This parameter sets the time between two consecutive trigger events</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="TRIG_POLARITY" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Camera trigger polarity</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>This parameter sets the polarity of the trigger (0 = active low, 1 = active high )</long_desc>
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        <value code="1">Active high</value>
        <value code="0">Active low</value>
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    <parameter default="0.5" name="TRIG_ACT_TIME" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Camera trigger activation time</short_desc>
      <long_desc>This parameter sets the time the trigger needs to pulled high or low.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="TRIG_MODE" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Camera trigger mode</short_desc>
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        <value code="1">On individual commands</value>
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        <value code="0">Disable</value>
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        <value code="3">Distance based, always on</value>
        <value code="2">Time based, always on</value>
        <value code="4">Distance, mission controlled</value>
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    <parameter default="12" name="TRIG_PINS" type="INT32">
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      <short_desc>Camera trigger pin</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Selects which pin is used, ranges from 1 to 6 (AUX1-AUX6)</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="25.0" name="TRIG_DISTANCE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Camera trigger distance</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Sets the distance at which to trigger the camera.</long_desc>
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  <group name="Circuit Breaker">
    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_SUPPLY_CHK" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for power supply check</short_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 894281 will disable the power valid checks in the commander. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_RATE_CTRL" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for rate controller output</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 140253 will disable the rate controller uORB publication. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_IO_SAFETY" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for IO safety</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 22027 will disable IO safety. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_AIRSPD_CHK" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for airspeed sensor</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 162128 will disable the check for an airspeed sensor. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="121212" name="CBRK_FLIGHTTERM" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for flight termination</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 121212 will disable the flight termination action. --&gt; The IO driver will not do flight termination if requested by the FMU WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="284953" name="CBRK_ENGINEFAIL" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for engine failure detection</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 284953 will disable the engine failure detection. If the aircraft is in engine failure mode the engine failure flag will be set to healthy WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_GPSFAIL" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for GPS failure detection</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 240024 will disable the GPS failure detection. If this check is enabled, then the sensor check will fail if the GPS module is missing. It will also check for excessive signal noise on the GPS receiver and warn the user if detected. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_BUZZER" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for disabling buzzer</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 782097 will disable the buzzer audio notification. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="CBRK_USB_CHK" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Circuit breaker for USB link check</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Setting this parameter to 197848 will disable the USB connected checks in the commander. WARNING: ENABLING THIS CIRCUIT BREAKER IS AT OWN RISK</long_desc>
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  <group name="Commander">
    <parameter default="10" name="COM_DL_LOSS_T" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Datalink loss time threshold</short_desc>
      <long_desc>After this amount of seconds without datalink the data link lost mode triggers</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0" name="COM_DL_REG_T" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Datalink regain time threshold</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>After a data link loss: after this this amount of seconds with a healthy datalink the 'datalink loss' flag is set back to false</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.5" name="COM_EF_THROT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Engine Failure Throttle Threshold</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Engine failure triggers only above this throttle value</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="5.0" name="COM_EF_C2T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Engine Failure Current/Throttle Threshold</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>Engine failure triggers only below this current value</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="10.0" name="COM_EF_TIME" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Engine Failure Time Threshold</short_desc>
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      <long_desc>Engine failure triggers only if the throttle threshold and the current to throttle threshold are violated for this time</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="0.5" name="COM_RC_LOSS_T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>RC loss time threshold</short_desc>
      <long_desc>After this amount of seconds without RC connection the rc lost flag is set to true</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="5.0" name="COM_HOME_H_T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Home set horizontal threshold</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The home position will be set if the estimated positioning accuracy is below the threshold.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="10.0" name="COM_HOME_V_T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Home set vertical threshold</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The home position will be set if the estimated positioning accuracy is below the threshold.</long_desc>
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    <parameter default="1" name="COM_AUTOS_PAR" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Autosaving of params</short_desc>
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Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>If not equal to zero the commander will automatically save parameters to persistent storage once changed. Default is on, as the interoperability with currently deployed GCS solutions depends on parameters being sticky. Developers can default it to off.</long_desc>
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
      <boolean />
    <parameter default="0" name="COM_RC_IN_MODE" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>RC control input mode</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <long_desc>The default value of 0 requires a valid RC transmitter setup. Setting this to 1 allows joystick control and disables RC input handling and the associated checks. A value of 2 will generate RC control data from manual input received via MAVLink instead of directly forwarding the manual input data.</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
        <value code="1">Joystick/No RC Checks</value>
        <value code="0">RC Transmitter</value>
        <value code="2">Virtual RC by Joystick</value>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1000" name="COM_RC_ARM_HYST" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>RC input arm/disarm command duration</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The default value of 1000 requires the stick to be held in the arm or disarm position for 1 second.</long_desc>
    <parameter default="0" name="COM_DISARM_LAND" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Time-out for auto disarm after landing</short_desc>
      <long_desc>A non-zero, positive value specifies the time-out period in seconds after which the vehicle will be automatically disarmed in case a landing situation has been detected during this period. A value of zero means that automatic disarming is disabled.</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1" name="COM_ARM_WO_GPS" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Allow arming without GPS</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The default allows to arm the vehicle without GPS signal.</long_desc>
        <value code="1">Allow arming without GPS</value>
        <value code="0">Don't allow arming without GPS</value>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0" name="COM_LOW_BAT_ACT" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Battery failsafe mode</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Action the system takes on low battery. Defaults to off</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
        <value code="1">Return to Land</value>
        <value code="0">Warning</value>
        <value code="2">Land at current position</value>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.0" name="COM_OF_LOSS_T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Time-out to wait when offboard connection is lost before triggering offboard lost action.
See COM_OBL_ACT and COM_OBL_RC_ACT to configure action</short_desc>
  <group name="Data Link Loss">
    <parameter default="-265847810" name="NAV_AH_LAT" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Airfield home Lat</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Latitude of airfield home waypoint</long_desc>
      <unit>deg * 1e7</unit>
    <parameter default="1518423250" name="NAV_AH_LON" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Airfield home Lon</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Longitude of airfield home waypoint</long_desc>
      <unit>deg * 1e7</unit>
    <parameter default="600.0" name="NAV_AH_ALT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Airfield home alt</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Altitude of airfield home waypoint</long_desc>
    <parameter default="120.0" name="NAV_DLL_CH_T" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Comms hold wait time</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The amount of time in seconds the system should wait at the comms hold waypoint</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="-266072120" name="NAV_DLL_CH_LAT" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Comms hold Lat</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Latitude of comms hold waypoint</long_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <unit>deg * 1e7</unit>
    <parameter default="1518453890" name="NAV_DLL_CH_LON" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Comms hold Lon</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Longitude of comms hold waypoint</long_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <unit>deg * 1e7</unit>
    <parameter default="600.0" name="NAV_DLL_CH_ALT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Comms hold alt</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Altitude of comms hold waypoint</long_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="120.0" name="NAV_DLL_AH_T" type="FLOAT">
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <short_desc>Airfield home wait time</short_desc>
      <long_desc>The amount of time in seconds the system should wait at the airfield home waypoint</long_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="2" name="NAV_DLL_N" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Number of allowed Datalink timeouts</short_desc>
      <long_desc>After more than this number of data link timeouts the aircraft returns home directly</long_desc>
    <parameter default="0" name="NAV_DLL_CHSK" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Skip comms hold wp</short_desc>
Don Gagne's avatar
Don Gagne committed
      <long_desc>If set to 1 the system will skip the comms hold wp on data link loss and will directly fly to airfield home</long_desc>
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
      <boolean />
  <group name="EKF2">
    <parameter default="0" name="EKF2_MAG_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Magnetometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0" name="EKF2_BARO_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Barometer measurement delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="200" name="EKF2_GPS_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>GPS measurement delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="5" name="EKF2_OF_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Optical flow measurement delay relative to IMU measurements
Assumes measurement is timestamped at trailing edge of integration period</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="5" name="EKF2_RNG_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Range finder measurement delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
    <parameter default="200" name="EKF2_ASP_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Airspeed measurement delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="175" name="EKF2_EV_DELAY" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Vision Position Estimator delay relative to IMU measurements</short_desc>
    <parameter default="21" name="EKF2_GPS_CHECK" type="INT32">
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <short_desc>Integer bitmask controlling GPS checks</short_desc>
      <long_desc>Set bits to 1 to enable checks. Checks enabled by the following bit positions 0 : Minimum required sat count set by EKF2_REQ_NSATS 1 : Minimum required GDoP set by EKF2_REQ_GDOP 2 : Maximum allowed horizontal position error set by EKF2_REQ_EPH 3 : Maximum allowed vertical position error set by EKF2_REQ_EPV 4 : Maximum allowed speed error set by EKF2_REQ_SACC 5 : Maximum allowed horizontal position rate set by EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT. This check can only be used if the vehicle is stationary during alignment. 6 : Maximum allowed vertical position rate set by EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT. This check can only be used if the vehicle is stationary during alignment. 7 : Maximum allowed horizontal speed set by EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT. This check can only be used if the vehicle is stationary during alignment. 8 : Maximum allowed vertical velocity discrepancy set by EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT</long_desc>
        <bit index="0">Min sat count (EKF2_REQ_NSATS)</bit>
        <bit index="1">Min GDoP (EKF2_REQ_GDOP)</bit>
        <bit index="2">Max horizontal position error (EKF2_REQ_EPH)</bit>
        <bit index="3">Max vertical position error (EKF2_REQ_EPV)</bit>
        <bit index="4">Max speed error (EKF2_REQ_SACC)</bit>
        <bit index="5">Max horizontal position rate (EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT)</bit>
        <bit index="6">Max vertical position rate (EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT)</bit>
        <bit index="7">Max horizontal speed (EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT)</bit>
        <bit index="8">Max vertical velocity discrepancy (EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT)</bit>
    <parameter default="5.0" name="EKF2_REQ_EPH" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Required EPH to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="8.0" name="EKF2_REQ_EPV" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Required EPV to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.0" name="EKF2_REQ_SACC" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Required speed accuracy to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="6" name="EKF2_REQ_NSATS" type="INT32">
      <short_desc>Required satellite count to use GPS</short_desc>
    <parameter default="2.5" name="EKF2_REQ_GDOP" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Required GDoP to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.3" name="EKF2_REQ_HDRIFT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Maximum horizontal drift speed to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.5" name="EKF2_REQ_VDRIFT" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Maximum vertical drift speed to use GPS</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.5e-2" name="EKF2_GYR_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Rate gyro noise for covariance prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="3.5e-1" name="EKF2_ACC_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Accelerometer noise for covariance prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.0e-3" name="EKF2_GYR_B_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Process noise for IMU rate gyro bias prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="3.0e-3" name="EKF2_ACC_B_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Process noise for IMU accelerometer bias prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.0e-4" name="EKF2_MAG_B_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <short_desc>Process noise for body magnetic field prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.0e-3" name="EKF2_MAG_E_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
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Lorenz Meier committed
      <short_desc>Process noise for earth magnetic field prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.0e-1" name="EKF2_WIND_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Process noise for wind velocity prediction</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.5" name="EKF2_GPS_V_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for gps horizontal velocity</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.5" name="EKF2_GPS_P_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for gps position</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="10.0" name="EKF2_NOAID_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for non-aiding position hold</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="2.0" name="EKF2_BARO_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for barometric altitude</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
Lorenz Meier's avatar
Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="0.3" name="EKF2_HEAD_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for magnetic heading fusion</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="5.0e-2" name="EKF2_MAG_NOISE" type="FLOAT">
      <short_desc>Measurement noise for magnetometer 3-axis fusion</short_desc>
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Lorenz Meier committed
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Lorenz Meier committed
    <parameter default="1.4" name="EKF2_EAS_NOISE" type="FLOAT">