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/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield 
 * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under  
 * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or 
 * (at your option) any later version.  The full license is in LICENSE file
 * included with this distribution, and on the website.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details.

#ifndef OSG_ProxyNode
#define OSG_ProxyNode 1

#include <osg/Group>

namespace osg {

/** ProxyNode.
class OSG_EXPORT ProxyNode : public Group
    public :

        /** Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.*/
        ProxyNode(const ProxyNode&,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY);

        META_Node(osg, ProxyNode);
        typedef osg::BoundingSphere::vec_type vec_type;
        typedef osg::BoundingSphere::value_type value_type;

        virtual void traverse(NodeVisitor& nv);
        virtual bool addChild(Node *child);
        virtual bool addChild(Node *child, const std::string& filename);
        virtual bool removeChildren(unsigned int pos,unsigned int numChildrenToRemove);

        /** Set the optional database osgDB::Options object to use when loaded children.*/
        void setDatabaseOptions(osg::Referenced* options) { _databaseOptions = options; }

        /** Get the optional database osgDB::Options object used when loaded children.*/
        osg::Referenced* getDatabaseOptions() { return _databaseOptions.get(); }

        /** Get the optional database osgDB::Options object used when loaded children.*/
        const osg::Referenced* getDatabaseOptions() const { return _databaseOptions.get(); }

        /** Set the database path to prepend to children's filenames.*/
        void setDatabasePath(const std::string& path);
        /** Get the database path used to prepend to children's filenames.*/
        inline const std::string& getDatabasePath() const { return _databasePath; }

        void setFileName(unsigned int childNo, const std::string& filename) { expandFileNameListTo(childNo); _filenameList[childNo].first=filename; }
        const std::string& getFileName(unsigned int childNo) const { return _filenameList[childNo].first; }
        unsigned int getNumFileNames() const { return _filenameList.size(); }

        /** Return the DatabaseRequest object used by the DatabasePager to keep track of file load requests 
          * being carried on behalf of the DatabasePager.
          * Note, in normal OSG usage you should not set this value yourself, as this will be managed by 
          * the osgDB::DatabasePager.*/
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced>& getDatabaseRequest(unsigned int childNo) { return _filenameList[childNo].second; }
        /** Return the const DatabaseRequest object.*/ 
        const osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced>& getDatabaseRequest(unsigned int childNo) const { return _filenameList[childNo].second; }

        /** Modes which control how the center of object should be determined when computed which child is active.*/
        enum CenterMode

        /** Set how the center of object should be determined when computed which child is active.*/
        void setCenterMode(CenterMode mode) { _centerMode=mode; }

        /** Get how the center of object should be determined when computed which child is active.*/
        CenterMode getCenterMode() const { return _centerMode; }
        /** Modes which control how the proxynode external reference are loaded.*/
        enum LoadingExternalReferenceMode

        /** Set how the child loading is done.*/
        void setLoadingExternalReferenceMode(LoadingExternalReferenceMode mode) { _loadingExtReference=mode; }

        /** Get the setted mode of loading.*/
        LoadingExternalReferenceMode getLoadingExternalReferenceMode() const { return _loadingExtReference; }

        /** Sets the object-space point which defines the center of the osg::ProxyNode.  
            center is affected by any transforms in the hierarchy above the osg::ProxyNode.*/
        inline void setCenter(const Vec3& center) { _centerMode=USER_DEFINED_CENTER; _userDefinedCenter = center; }
        /** return the ProxyNode center point. */
        inline const vec_type& getCenter() const { if (_centerMode==USER_DEFINED_CENTER) return _userDefinedCenter; else return getBound().center(); }

        /** Set the object-space reference radius of the volume enclosed by the ProxyNode. 
          * Used to determine the bounding sphere of the ProxyNode in the absence of any children.*/
        inline void setRadius(value_type radius) { _radius = radius; }
        /** Get the object-space radius of the volume enclosed by the ProxyNode.*/
        inline value_type getRadius() const { return _radius; }

        virtual BoundingSphere computeBound() const;

    protected :
        virtual ~ProxyNode() {}

        void expandFileNameListTo(unsigned int pos);

        typedef std::pair< std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> >  FileNameDatabaseRequestPair;
        typedef std::vector<FileNameDatabaseRequestPair>                 FileNameDatabaseRequestList;

        FileNameDatabaseRequestList     _filenameList;
        ref_ptr<Referenced>             _databaseOptions;
        std::string                     _databasePath;
        LoadingExternalReferenceMode    _loadingExtReference;
        CenterMode                      _centerMode;
        vec_type                        _userDefinedCenter;
        value_type                      _radius;

