/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
* Qwt Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
* Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#include "qwt_math.h"
#include "qwt_data.h"
//! Constructor
//! Destructor
Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false
\warning This is an slow implementation iterating over all points.
auto scaling boundingRect() is called for every replot, so it
might be worth to implement a cache, or use x(0), x(size() - 1)
for ordered data ...
QwtDoubleRect QwtData::boundingRect() const
const size_t sz = size();
if ( sz <= 0 )
return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
minX = maxX = x(0);
minY = maxY = y(0);
for ( size_t i = 1; i < sz; i++ ) {
const double xv = x(i);
if ( xv < minX )
minX = xv;
if ( xv > maxX )
maxX = xv;
const double yv = y(i);
if ( yv < minY )
minY = yv;
if ( yv > maxY )
maxY = yv;
return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
\param polygon Polygon data
\sa QwtPlotCurve::setData()
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
QwtPolygonFData::QwtPolygonFData(const QPolygonF &polygon):
QwtPolygonFData::QwtPolygonFData(const QwtArray<QwtDoublePoint> &polygon):
QwtPolygonFData& QwtPolygonFData::operator=(
const QwtPolygonFData &data)
//! \return Size of the data set
size_t QwtPolygonFData::size() const
return d_data.size();
Return the x value of data point i
\param i Index
\return x X value of data point i
double QwtPolygonFData::x(size_t i) const
return d_data[int(i)].x();
Return the y value of data point i
\param i Index
\return y Y value of data point i
double QwtPolygonFData::y(size_t i) const
return d_data[int(i)].y();
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
const QPolygonF &QwtPolygonFData::data() const
const QwtArray<QwtDoublePoint> &QwtPolygonFData::data() const
return d_data;
\return Pointer to a copy (virtual copy constructor)
QwtData *QwtPolygonFData::copy() const
return new QwtPolygonFData(d_data);
\param x Array of x values
\param y Array of y values
\sa QwtPlotCurve::setData
const QwtArray<double> &x, const QwtArray<double> &y):
\param x Array of x values
\param y Array of y values
\param size Size of the x and y arrays
\sa QwtPlotCurve::setData
QwtArrayData::QwtArrayData(const double *x, const double *y, size_t size)
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000
qMemCopy(, x, size * sizeof(double));
qMemCopy(, y, size * sizeof(double));
d_x.duplicate(x, size);
d_y.duplicate(y, size);
QwtArrayData& QwtArrayData::operator=(const QwtArrayData &data)
d_x = data.d_x;
d_y = data.d_y;
return *this;
//! \return Size of the data set
size_t QwtArrayData::size() const
return qwtMin(d_x.size(), d_y.size());
Return the x value of data point i
\param i Index
\return x X value of data point i
double QwtArrayData::x(size_t i) const
return d_x[int(i)];
Return the y value of data point i
\param i Index
\return y Y value of data point i
double QwtArrayData::y(size_t i) const
return d_y[int(i)];
//! \return Array of the x-values
const QwtArray<double> &QwtArrayData::xData() const
return d_x;
//! \return Array of the y-values
const QwtArray<double> &QwtArrayData::yData() const
return d_y;
\return Pointer to a copy (virtual copy constructor)
QwtData *QwtArrayData::copy() const
return new QwtArrayData(d_x, d_y);
Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false
QwtDoubleRect QwtArrayData::boundingRect() const
const size_t sz = size();
if ( sz <= 0 )
return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator xIt = d_x.begin();
QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator yIt = d_y.begin();
QwtArray<double>::ConstIterator end = d_x.begin() + sz;
minX = maxX = *xIt++;
minY = maxY = *yIt++;
const double xv = *xIt++;
if ( xv < minX )
minX = xv;
if ( xv > maxX )
maxX = xv;
const double yv = *yIt++;
if ( yv < minY )
minY = yv;
if ( yv > maxY )
maxY = yv;
return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
\param x Array of x values
\param y Array of y values
\param size Size of the x and y arrays
\warning The programmer must assure that the memory blocks referenced
by the pointers remain valid during the lifetime of the
QwtPlotCPointer object.
\sa QwtPlotCurve::setData(), QwtPlotCurve::setRawData()
const double *x, const double *y, size_t size):
QwtCPointerData& QwtCPointerData::operator=(const QwtCPointerData &data)
d_x = data.d_x;
d_y = data.d_y;
d_size = data.d_size;
return *this;
//! \return Size of the data set
size_t QwtCPointerData::size() const
return d_size;
Return the x value of data point i
\param i Index
\return x X value of data point i
double QwtCPointerData::x(size_t i) const
return d_x[int(i)];
Return the y value of data point i
\param i Index
\return y Y value of data point i
double QwtCPointerData::y(size_t i) const
return d_y[int(i)];
//! \return Array of the x-values
const double *QwtCPointerData::xData() const
return d_x;
//! \return Array of the y-values
const double *QwtCPointerData::yData() const
return d_y;
\return Pointer to a copy (virtual copy constructor)
QwtData *QwtCPointerData::copy() const
return new QwtCPointerData(d_x, d_y, d_size);
Returns the bounding rectangle of the data. If there is
no bounding rect, like for empty data the rectangle is invalid:
QwtDoubleRect::isValid() == false
QwtDoubleRect QwtCPointerData::boundingRect() const
const size_t sz = size();
if ( sz <= 0 )
return QwtDoubleRect(1.0, 1.0, -2.0, -2.0); // invalid
double minX, maxX, minY, maxY;
const double *xIt = d_x;
const double *yIt = d_y;
const double *end = d_x + sz;
minX = maxX = *xIt++;
minY = maxY = *yIt++;
const double xv = *xIt++;
if ( xv < minX )
minX = xv;
if ( xv > maxX )
maxX = xv;
const double yv = *yIt++;
if ( yv < minY )
minY = yv;
if ( yv > maxY )
maxY = yv;
return QwtDoubleRect(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);