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APMLightsComponent.qml 12.1 KiB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick              2.3
import QtQuick.Controls     1.2
import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.FactSystem    1.0
import QGroundControl.FactControls  1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0

SetupPage {
    id:                 lightsPage
    pageComponent:      lightsPageComponent
        id: lightsPageComponent

        Column {
            spacing:    _margins
            width:      availableWidth

            FactPanelController { id: controller; factPanel: lightsPage.viewPanel }

            QGCPalette { id: palette; colorGroupEnabled: true }

            property var  _activeVehicle:       QGroundControl.multiVehicleManager.activeVehicle
            property bool _oldFW:               _activeVehicle.versionCompare(3, 5, 2) < 0
            property Fact _rc5Function:         controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO5_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc6Function:         controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO6_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc7Function:         controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO7_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc8Function:         controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO8_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc9Function:         controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO9_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc10Function:        controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO10_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc11Function:        controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO11_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc12Function:        controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO12_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc13Function:        controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO13_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _rc14Function:        controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO14_FUNCTION")
            property Fact _stepSize:            _oldFW ? controller.getParameterFact(-1, "JS_LIGHTS_STEP") : null // v3.5.1 and prior
            property Fact _numSteps:            _oldFW ? null : controller.getParameterFact(-1, "JS_LIGHTS_STEPS") // v3.5.2 and up

            readonly property real  _margins:                       ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight
            readonly property int   _rcFunctionDisabled:            0
            readonly property int   _rcFunctionRCIN9:               59
            readonly property int   _rcFunctionRCIN10:              60
            readonly property int   _firstLightsOutChannel:         5
            readonly property int   _lastLightsOutChannel:          14

            Component.onCompleted: {
            /// Light output channels are stored in SERVO#_FUNCTION parameters. We need to loop through those
            /// to find them and setup the ui accordindly.
            function calcLightOutValues() {
                lightsLoader.lights1OutIndex = 0
                lightsLoader.lights2OutIndex = 0
                for (var channel=_firstLightsOutChannel; channel<=_lastLightsOutChannel; channel++) {
                    var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
                    if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionRCIN9) {
                        lightsLoader.lights1OutIndex = channel - 4
                    } else if (functionFact.value == _rcFunctionRCIN10) {
                        lightsLoader.lights2OutIndex = channel - 4
            function setRCFunction(channel, rcFunction) {
                // First clear any previous settings for this function
                for (var index=_firstLightsOutChannel; index<=_lastLightsOutChannel; index++) {
                    var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO" + index + "_FUNCTION")
                    if (functionFact.value != _rcFunctionDisabled && functionFact.value == rcFunction) {
                        functionFact.value = _rcFunctionDisabled
                // Now set the function into the new channel
                if (channel != 0) {
                    var functionFact = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "r.SERVO" + channel + "_FUNCTION")
                    functionFact.value = rcFunction
            function calcCurrentStep() {
                if (_oldFW) {
                    var i = 1
                    for(i; i <= 10; i++) {
                        var stepSize = (1900-1100)/i
                        if(_stepSize.value >= stepSize) {
                            _stepSize.value = stepSize;
                    if (_stepSize.value < 80) {
                        _stepSize.value = 80;
                    lightsLoader.lightsSteps = i
                } else {
                    lightsLoader.lightsSteps = _numSteps.value
                if (_oldFW) {
                    _stepSize.value = (1900-1100)/steps
                } else {
                    _numSteps.value = steps
            // Whenever any SERVO#_FUNCTION parameters chagnes we need to go looking for light output channels again
            Connections { target: _rc5Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc6Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc7Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc8Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc9Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc10Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc11Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc12Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc13Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }
            Connections { target: _rc14Function; onValueChanged: calcLightOutValues() }

            ListModel {
                id: lightsOutModel
                // It appears that QGCComboBox can't handle models that don't have a initial item
                // after onModelChanged
                ListElement { text: qsTr("Disabled"); value: 0 }

                function update(number) {
                    // Not enough channels
                    if(number < 6) {
                    for(var i = 5; i <= number; i++) {
                        var text = qsTr("Channel ") + i
                        append({"text": text, "value": i})

                Component.onCompleted: {
                    // Number of main outputs
                    var baseValue = 8
                    // Extra outputs
                    var brd_pwm_count_value = controller.getParameterFact(-1, "BRD_PWM_COUNT").value
                    update(8 + (brd_pwm_count_value == 7 ? 3 : brd_pwm_count_value))
            Component {
                id: lightSettings

                Item {
                    width:  rectangle.x + rectangle.width
                    height: rectangle.y + rectangle.height

                    QGCLabel {
                        id:             settingsLabel
Rustom Jehangir's avatar
Rustom Jehangir committed
                        text:           qsTr("Light Output Channels")

                    Rectangle {
                        id:                 rectangle
                        anchors.topMargin:  _margins / 2
                        width:              lights1Combo.x + lights1Combo.width + lightsStepCombo.width + _margins
                        height:             lights2Combo.y + lights2Combo.height + lightsStepCombo.height + 2*_margins
                        color:              palette.windowShade

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:                 lights1Label
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.right:      lights1Combo.left
                            anchors.baseline:   lights1Combo.baseline
                            text:               qsTr("Lights 1:")

                        QGCComboBox {
                            id:                 lights1Combo
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.left:       lightsStepLabel.right
                            width:              ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelWidth * 15
                            model:              lightsOutModel
                            currentIndex:       lights1OutIndex

                            onActivated: setRCFunction(lightsOutModel.get(index).value, lights1Function)

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:                 lights2Label
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.right:      lights2Combo.left
                            anchors.baseline:   lights2Combo.baseline
                            text:               qsTr("Lights 2:")

                        QGCComboBox {
                            id:                 lights2Combo
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.left:       lightsStepLabel.right
                            width:              lights1Combo.width
                            model:              lightsOutModel
                            currentIndex:       lights2OutIndex

                            onActivated: setRCFunction(lightsOutModel.get(index).value, lights2Function)

                        QGCLabel {
                            id:                 lightsStepLabel
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.left:       parent.left
                            anchors.baseline:   lightsStepCombo.baseline
                            text:               qsTr("Brightness Steps:")

                        QGCComboBox {
                            id:                 lightsStepCombo
                            anchors.margins:    _margins
                            anchors.left:       lightsStepLabel.right
                            width:              lights2Combo.width
                            model:              [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
                            currentIndex:       lightsSteps-1

                            onActivated: calcStepSize(index+1)
                    } // Rectangle
                } // Item
            } // Component - lightSettings

            Loader {
                id:                 lightsLoader
                sourceComponent:    lightSettings

                property int    lights1OutIndex:         0
                property int    lights2OutIndex:         0
                property int    lights1Function:         _rcFunctionRCIN9
                property int    lights2Function:         _rcFunctionRCIN10
                property int    lightsSteps:             1
        } // Column
    } // Component
} // SetupPage