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/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include <qglobal.h>
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040000

#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include "qwt_paint_buffer.h"

bool QwtPaintBuffer::d_enabled = true;

//! Default constructor

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    Create an open paint buffer
    \param device Device to paint on
    \param rect Rect to paint on
    \param painter Painter to paint on device. In case of 0
                   QwtPaintBuffer uses an internal painter

    \sa open()

QwtPaintBuffer::QwtPaintBuffer(QPaintDevice *device,
                               const QRect &rect, QPainter *painter):
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    open(device, rect, painter);

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    Closes the buffer
    \sa close()

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  \return Depending on isEnabled() the painter
          connected to an internal pixmap buffer
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          otherwise the painter connected to the device.

QPainter *QwtPaintBuffer::painter()
    return d_painter;
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  \return Device to paint on
const QPaintDevice *QwtPaintBuffer::device()
    return d_device;
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    Enable/Disable double buffering. Please note that
    this is a global switch for all QwtPaintBuffers, but
    won't change opened buffers.
void QwtPaintBuffer::setEnabled(bool enable)
    d_enabled = enable;
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  \return true if double buffering is enabled, false otherwise.
bool QwtPaintBuffer::isEnabled()
    return d_enabled;
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    Open the buffer
    \param device Device to paint on
    \param rect Rect to paint on
    \param painter Painter to paint on device. In case of 0
                   QwtPaintBuffer uses an internal painter

void QwtPaintBuffer::open(QPaintDevice *device,
                          const QRect &rect, QPainter *painter)
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    if ( device == 0 || !rect.isValid() )

    d_device = device;
    d_devicePainter = painter;
    d_rect = rect;

    if ( isEnabled() ) {
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#ifdef Q_WS_X11
        if ( d_pixBuffer.x11Screen() != d_device->x11Screen() )

        d_painter = new QPainter();
        if ( d_device->devType() == QInternal::Widget ) {
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            QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d_device;
            d_pixBuffer.fill(w, d_rect.topLeft());
            d_painter->begin(&d_pixBuffer, w);
            d_painter->translate(-d_rect.x(), -d_rect.y());
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        if ( d_devicePainter )
            d_painter = d_devicePainter;
            d_painter = new QPainter(d_device);

        if ( d_device->devType() == QInternal::Widget ) {
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            QWidget *w = (QWidget *)d_device;
            if ( w->testWFlags( Qt::WNoAutoErase ) )

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    Flush the internal pixmap buffer to the device.
void QwtPaintBuffer::flush()
    if ( d_enabled && d_device != 0 && d_rect.isValid()) {
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        // We need a painter to find out if
        // there is a painter redirection for d_device.

        QPainter *p;
        if ( d_devicePainter == 0 )
            p = new QPainter(d_device);
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            p = d_devicePainter;

        QPaintDevice *device = p->device();
        if ( device->isExtDev() )
            d_devicePainter->drawPixmap(d_rect.topLeft(), d_pixBuffer);
            bitBlt(device, d_rect.topLeft(), &d_pixBuffer );

        if ( d_devicePainter == 0 )
            delete p;

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    Flush the internal pixmap buffer to the device and close the buffer.
void QwtPaintBuffer::close()

    if ( d_painter ) {
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        if ( d_painter->isActive() )

        if ( d_painter != d_devicePainter )
            delete d_painter;

    if ( !d_pixBuffer.isNull() )
        d_pixBuffer = QPixmap();

    d_device = 0;
    d_painter = 0;
    d_devicePainter = 0;
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#endif // QT_VERSION < 0x040000