QGroundControl Open Source Micro Air Vehicle Ground Control Station Project: http://qgroundcontrol.org Files: http://github.com/pixhawk/qgroundcontrol http://github.com/pixhawk/mavlink ********************************************************************************************** * PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE MAVLINK LIBRARY IN ORDER TO COMPILE THIS APPLICATION * ********************************************************************************************** Mac OS X ======== To build on Mac OS X (10.5 or later): Install SDL ----------- 1) Download SDL from: <http://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL-1.2.14.dmg> 2) From the SDL disk image, copy the `sdl.framework` bundle to `/Library/Frameworks` directory (if you are not an admin copy to `~/Library/Framewroks`) Install QT with Cocoa ---------------------- 1) Download Qt 4.6.2 with Cocoa from `http://get.qt.nokia.com/qt/source/qt-mac-cocoa-opensource-4.6.2.dmg` 2) Double click the package installer Get the MAVLINK Library ----------------------- 1) Clone the MAVLINK repository : `git clone git@github.com:pixhawk/mavlink.git`. **NOTE:** Make sure that the mavlink directory is in the same directory as groundcontrol. QGround control will look for mavlink library in ../mavlink Build QGroundControl -------------------- 1) From the terminal go to the `groundcontrol` directory 2) Run `qmake` 3) Run `xcodebuild -configuration Release` or open `qgroundcontrol.xcodeproj` in Xcode and build. Linux ===== To build on Linux: sudo apt-get install phonon libqt4-dev libqt4-phonon-dev \ libqt4-phonon libphonon-dev libphonon4 phonon-backend-gstreamer \ qt-creator libsdl1.2-dev libflite1 flite1-dev cd directory git clone git@github.com:pixhawk/mavlink.git git clone git@github.com:pixhawk/qgroundcontrol.git Ubuntu Application Menu -> Development -> Qt Creator QtCreator Menu File -> Open File or Project.. Open directory/qgroundcontrol/qgroundcontrol.pro Hit the green play button to compile and launch it Done. Windows ======= Windows XP: 1) Download and install the QT SDK for Windows from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/. 2) Open qgroundcontrol.pro with QT to open the project. 3) Once the indexing is complete, you may build the project, which will compile and run the debug build.
git://github.com/tecnosapiens/qgroundcontrol into experimental
Mariano Lizarraga