#include "JoystickWidget.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "ui_JoystickWidget.h" #include "JoystickButton.h" #include "JoystickAxis.h" #include #include JoystickWidget::JoystickWidget(JoystickInput* joystick, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), joystick(joystick), m_ui(new Ui::JoystickWidget) { m_ui->setupUi(this); // Center the window on the screen. QRect position = frameGeometry(); position.moveCenter(QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center()); move(position.topLeft()); // Initialize the UI based on the current joystick initUI(); // Watch for button and hat input events from the joystick. connect(this->joystick, SIGNAL(buttonPressed(int)), this, SLOT(joystickButtonPressed(int))); connect(this->joystick, SIGNAL(buttonReleased(int)), this, SLOT(joystickButtonReleased(int))); connect(this->joystick, SIGNAL(axisValueChanged(int,float)), this, SLOT(updateAxisValue(int,float))); // Update the UI if the joystick changes. connect(m_ui->joystickNameComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateUIForJoystick(int))); // Enable/disable the UI based on the enable checkbox connect(m_ui->enableCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), m_ui->joystickFrame, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); // Update the button label colors based on the current theme and watch for future theme changes. styleChanged(MainWindow::instance()->getStyle()); connect(MainWindow::instance(), SIGNAL(styleChanged(MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE)), this, SLOT(styleChanged(MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE))); // Display the widget above all other windows. this->raise(); this->show(); } void JoystickWidget::initUI() { // Add the joysticks to the top combobox. They're indexed by their item number. // And set the currently-selected combobox item to the current joystick. int joysticks = joystick->getNumJoysticks(); if (joysticks) { for (int i = 0; i < joysticks; i++) { m_ui->joystickNameComboBox->addItem(joystick->getJoystickNameById(i)); } m_ui->joystickNameComboBox->setCurrentIndex(joystick->getJoystickID()); // And if joystick support is enabled, show the UI. if (m_ui->enableCheckBox->isChecked()) { m_ui->joystickFrame->setEnabled(true); } } else { m_ui->joystickNameComboBox->addItem(tr("No joysticks found. Connect and restart QGC to add one.")); } // Add any missing buttons updateUIForJoystick(joystick->getJoystickID()); } void JoystickWidget::styleChanged(MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE newStyle) { if (newStyle == MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE_LIGHT) { buttonLabelColor = QColor(0x73, 0xD9, 0x5D); } else { buttonLabelColor = QColor(0x14, 0xC6, 0x14); } } JoystickWidget::~JoystickWidget() { delete m_ui; } void JoystickWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: m_ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } void JoystickWidget::updateUIForJoystick(int id) { // Delete all the old UI elements foreach (JoystickButton* b, buttons) { delete b; } buttons.clear(); foreach (JoystickAxis* a, axes) { delete a; } axes.clear(); // Set the JoystickInput to listen to the new joystick instead. joystick->setActiveJoystick(id); // And add the necessary button displays for this joystick. int newButtons = joystick->getJoystickNumButtons(); for (int i = 0; i < newButtons; i++) { JoystickButton* button = new JoystickButton(i, m_ui->buttonBox); // And make sure we insert BEFORE the vertical spacer. m_ui->buttonLayout->insertWidget(i, button); buttons.append(button); } // Do the same for the axes supported by this joystick. for (int i = 0; i < joystick->getJoystickNumAxes(); i++) { JoystickAxis* axis = new JoystickAxis(i, m_ui->axesBox); axis->setValue(joystick->getCurrentValueForAxis(i)); connect(axis, SIGNAL(mappingChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(setMappingAxis(int,int))); // And make sure we insert BEFORE the vertical spacer. m_ui->axesLayout->insertWidget(i, axis); axes.append(axis); } } void JoystickWidget::updateAxisValue(int axis, float value) { if (axis < axes.size()) { axes.at(axis)->setValue(value); } } void JoystickWidget::setHat(float x, float y) { updateStatus(tr("Hat position: x: %1, y: %2").arg(x).arg(y)); } void JoystickWidget::setMappingAxis(int axisID, int newMapping) { switch (newMapping) { case JoystickAxis::JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAPPING_ROLL: joystick->setMappingRollAxis(axisID); break; case JoystickAxis::JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAPPING_PITCH: joystick->setMappingPitchAxis(axisID); break; case JoystickAxis::JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAPPING_YAW: joystick->setMappingYawAxis(axisID); break; case JoystickAxis::JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAPPING_THROTTLE: joystick->setMappingThrottleAxis(axisID); break; } } void JoystickWidget::joystickButtonPressed(int key) { QString colorStyle = QString("QLabel { background-color: %1;}").arg(buttonLabelColor.name()); buttons.at(key)->setStyleSheet(colorStyle); } void JoystickWidget::joystickButtonReleased(int key) { buttons.at(key)->setStyleSheet(""); } void JoystickWidget::updateStatus(const QString& status) { m_ui->statusLabel->setText(status); }