#pragma once #include "QGCMapPolygon.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "qobject.h" #include "WimaVehicle.h" class WimaArea : public QGCMapPolygon //abstract base class for all WimaAreas { Q_OBJECT public: WimaArea(QObject* parent = nullptr); WimaArea(WimaArea* other, QObject* parent = nullptr); ~WimaArea(); Q_PROPERTY(double maxAltitude READ maxAltitude WRITE setMaxAltitude NOTIFY maxAltitudeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString mapVisualQML READ mapVisualQML CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString editorQML READ editorQML CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(WimaVehicle* vehicle READ vehicle WRITE setVehicle NOTIFY vehicleChanged) //Property accessors double maxAltitude (void) const { return _maxAltitude;} WimaVehicle* vehicle (void) const { return _wimaVehicle;} virtual QString mapVisualQML (void) const = 0; virtual QString editorQML (void) const = 0; //Property setters void setMaxAltitude (double alt); void setVehicle (WimaVehicle* vehicle); // Member Methodes /*template QList* splitArea (WimaArea *polygonToSplitt, int numberOfFractions); // use QScopedPointer to store return value template QList* splitArea (int numberOfFractions); // use QScopedPointer to store return value*/ //iterates over all vertices in _polygon and returns the index of that one closest to coordinate int getClosestVertexIndex (QGeoCoordinate coordinate); //iterates over all vertices in _polygon and returns that one closest to coordinate QGeoCoordinate getClosestVertex (QGeoCoordinate coordinate); QGCMapPolygon* toQGCPolygon (WimaArea* poly); QGCMapPolygon* joinPolygons (QList* polyList); QGCMapPolygon* joinPolygons (QGCMapPolygon* poly1, QGCMapPolygon* poly2); bool isDisjunct (QList* polyList); bool isDisjunct (QGCMapPolygon* poly1, QGCMapPolygon* poly2); // Accurracy used to compute isDisjunct static const double numericalAccuracy; signals: void maxAltitudeChanged (void); void vehicleChanged (void); protected: double _maxAltitude; WimaVehicle* _wimaVehicle; };