#include "QGCToolWidget.h" #include "ui_QGCToolWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "QGCParamSlider.h" #include "QGCComboBox.h" #include "QGCTextLabel.h" #include "QGCCommandButton.h" #include "UASManager.h" QGCToolWidget::QGCToolWidget(const QString& title, QWidget *parent, QSettings* settings) : QWidget(parent), mav(NULL), mainMenuAction(NULL), widgetTitle(title), ui(new Ui::QGCToolWidget) { isFromMetaData = false; ui->setupUi(this); if (settings) loadSettings(*settings); if (title == "Unnamed Tool") { widgetTitle = QString("%1 %2").arg(title).arg(QGCToolWidget::instances()->count()); } //qDebug() << "WidgetTitle" << widgetTitle; setObjectName(widgetTitle); createActions(); toolLayout = ui->toolLayout; toolLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop); toolLayout->setSpacing(8); QDockWidget* dock = dynamic_cast(this->parentWidget()); if (dock) { dock->setWindowTitle(widgetTitle); dock->setObjectName(widgetTitle+"DOCK"); } // Try with parent dock = dynamic_cast(parent); if (dock) { dock->setWindowTitle(widgetTitle); dock->setObjectName(widgetTitle+"DOCK"); } this->setWindowTitle(widgetTitle); QList systems = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* uas, systems) { UAS* newMav = dynamic_cast(uas); if (newMav) { addUAS(uas); } } connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(addUAS(UASInterface*))); if (!instances()->contains(widgetTitle)) instances()->insert(widgetTitle, this); // Enforce storage if this not loaded from settings // is MUST NOT BE SAVED if it was loaded from settings! //if (!settings) storeWidgetsToSettings(); } QGCToolWidget::~QGCToolWidget() { if (mainMenuAction) mainMenuAction->deleteLater(); if (QGCToolWidget::instances()) QGCToolWidget::instances()->remove(widgetTitle); delete ui; } void QGCToolWidget::setParent(QWidget *parent) { QWidget::setParent(parent); // Try with parent QDockWidget* dock = dynamic_cast(parent); if (dock) { dock->setWindowTitle(getTitle()); dock->setObjectName(getTitle()+"DOCK"); } } /** * @param parent Object later holding these widgets, usually the main window * @return List of all widgets */ QList QGCToolWidget::createWidgetsFromSettings(QWidget* parent, QString settingsFile) { // Load widgets from application settings QSettings* settings; // Or load them from a settings file if (!settingsFile.isEmpty()) { settings = new QSettings(settingsFile, QSettings::IniFormat); //qDebug() << "LOADING SETTINGS FROM" << settingsFile; } else { settings = new QSettings(); //qDebug() << "LOADING SETTINGS FROM DEFAULT" << settings->fileName(); } QList newWidgets; settings->beginGroup("Custom_Tool_Widgets"); int size = settings->beginReadArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_NAMES"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { settings->setArrayIndex(i); QString name = settings->value("TITLE", "").toString(); QString objname = settings->value("OBJECT_NAME", "").toString(); if (!instances()->contains(name) && name.length() != 0) { //qDebug() << "CREATED WIDGET:" << name; QGCToolWidget* tool = new QGCToolWidget(name, parent, settings); tool->setObjectName(objname); newWidgets.append(tool); } else if (name.length() == 0) { // Silently catch empty widget name - sanity check // to survive broken settings (e.g. from user manipulation) } else { //qDebug() << "WIDGET" << name << "DID ALREADY EXIST, REJECTING"; } } settings->endArray(); //qDebug() << "NEW WIDGETS: " << newWidgets.size(); // Load individual widget items for (int i = 0; i < newWidgets.size(); i++) { newWidgets.at(i)->loadSettings(*settings); } settings->endGroup(); settings->sync(); delete settings; return instances()->values(); } void QGCToolWidget::showLabel(QString name,int num) { for (int i=0;iobjectName() == name) { QGCTextLabel *label = qobject_cast(toolItemList[i]); if (label) { label->enableText(num); } } } } /** * @param singleinstance If this is set to true, the widget settings will only be loaded if not another widget with the same title exists */ bool QGCToolWidget::loadSettings(const QString& settings, bool singleinstance) { QSettings set(settings, QSettings::IniFormat); QStringList groups = set.childGroups(); if (groups.length() > 0) { QString widgetName = groups.first(); this->setObjectName(widgetName); if (singleinstance && QGCToolWidget::instances()->keys().contains(widgetName)) return false; // Do not use setTitle() here, // interferes with loading settings widgetTitle = widgetName; //qDebug() << "WIDGET TITLE LOADED: " << widgetName; loadSettings(set); return true; } else { return false; } } void QGCToolWidget::setSettings(QVariantMap& settings) { isFromMetaData = true; settingsMap = settings; QString widgetName = getTitle(); int size = settingsMap["count"].toInt(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { QString type = settings.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "TYPE", "UNKNOWN").toString(); if (type == "SLIDER") { QString checkparam = settingsMap.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_PARAMID").toString(); paramList.append(checkparam); } else if (type == "COMBO") { QString checkparam = settingsMap.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_PARAMID").toString(); paramList.append(checkparam); } } } QList QGCToolWidget::getParamList() { return paramList; } void QGCToolWidget::setParameterValue(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, const QVariant value) { QString widgetName = getTitle(); int size = settingsMap["count"].toInt(); if (paramToItemMap.contains(parameterName)) { //If we already have an item for this parameter, updates are handled internally. return; } for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { QString type = settingsMap.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "TYPE", "UNKNOWN").toString(); QGCToolWidgetItem* item = NULL; if (type == "COMMANDBUTTON") { //This shouldn't happen, but I'm not sure... so lets test for it. continue; } else if (type == "SLIDER") { QString checkparam = settingsMap.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_PARAMID").toString(); if (checkparam == parameterName) { item = new QGCParamSlider(this); paramToItemMap[parameterName] = item; addToolWidget(item); item->readSettings(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\",settingsMap); return; } } else if (type == "COMBO") { QString checkparam = settingsMap.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_PARAMID").toString(); if (checkparam == parameterName) { item = new QGCComboBox(this); addToolWidget(item); item->readSettings(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\",settingsMap); paramToItemMap[parameterName] = item; return; } } } } void QGCToolWidget::loadSettings(QVariantMap& settings) { QString widgetName = getTitle(); //settings.beginGroup(widgetName); qDebug() << "LOADING FOR" << widgetName; //int size = settings.beginReadArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_ITEMS"); int size = settings["count"].toInt(); qDebug() << "CHILDREN SIZE:" << size; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { QApplication::processEvents(); //settings.setArrayIndex(j); QString type = settings.value(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\" + "TYPE", "UNKNOWN").toString(); if (type != "UNKNOWN") { QGCToolWidgetItem* item = NULL; if (type == "COMMANDBUTTON") { item = new QGCCommandButton(this); //qDebug() << "CREATED COMMANDBUTTON"; } else if (type == "TEXT") { item = new QGCTextLabel(this); item->setActiveUAS(mav); } else if (type == "SLIDER") { item = new QGCParamSlider(this); //qDebug() << "CREATED PARAM SLIDER"; } else if (type == "COMBO") { item = new QGCComboBox(this); //qDebug() << "CREATED COMBOBOX"; } if (item) { // Configure and add to layout addToolWidget(item); item->readSettings(widgetName + "\\" + QString::number(j) + "\\",settings); //qDebug() << "Created tool widget"; } } else { qDebug() << "UNKNOWN TOOL WIDGET TYPE" << type; } } //settings.endArray(); //settings.endGroup(); } void QGCToolWidget::loadSettings(QSettings& settings) { QString widgetName = getTitle(); settings.beginGroup(widgetName); //qDebug() << "LOADING FOR" << widgetName; int size = settings.beginReadArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_ITEMS"); //qDebug() << "CHILDREN SIZE:" << size; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { settings.setArrayIndex(j); QString type = settings.value("TYPE", "UNKNOWN").toString(); if (type != "UNKNOWN") { QGCToolWidgetItem* item = NULL; if (type == "COMMANDBUTTON") { QGCCommandButton *button = new QGCCommandButton(this); connect(button,SIGNAL(showLabel(QString,int)),this,SLOT(showLabel(QString,int))); item = button; item->setActiveUAS(mav); //qDebug() << "CREATED COMMANDBUTTON"; } else if (type == "SLIDER") { item = new QGCParamSlider(this); item->setActiveUAS(mav); //qDebug() << "CREATED PARAM SLIDER"; } else if (type == "COMBO") { item = new QGCComboBox(this); item->setActiveUAS(mav); qDebug() << "CREATED PARAM COMBOBOX"; } else if (type == "TEXT") { item = new QGCTextLabel(this); item->setObjectName(settings.value("QGC_TEXT_ID").toString()); item->setActiveUAS(mav); } if (item) { // Configure and add to layout addToolWidget(item); item->readSettings(settings); //qDebug() << "Created tool widget"; } } else { //qDebug() << "UNKNOWN TOOL WIDGET TYPE"; } } settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); } void QGCToolWidget::storeWidgetsToSettings(QString settingsFile) { // Store list of widgets QSettings* settings; if (!settingsFile.isEmpty()) { settings = new QSettings(settingsFile, QSettings::IniFormat); //qDebug() << "STORING SETTINGS TO" << settings->fileName(); } else { settings = new QSettings(); //qDebug() << "STORING SETTINGS TO DEFAULT" << settings->fileName(); } settings->beginGroup("Custom_Tool_Widgets"); int preArraySize = settings->beginReadArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_NAMES"); settings->endArray(); settings->beginWriteArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_NAMES"); int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qMax(preArraySize, instances()->size()); ++i) { if (i < instances()->size()) { // Updating value if (!instances()->values().at(i)->fromMetaData()) { settings->setArrayIndex(num++); settings->setValue("TITLE", instances()->values().at(i)->getTitle()); settings->setValue("OBJECT_NAME", instances()->values().at(i)->objectName()); //qDebug() << "WRITING TITLE" << instances()->values().at(i)->getTitle(); } } else { // Deleting old value settings->remove("TITLE"); } } settings->endArray(); // Store individual widget items for (int i = 0; i < instances()->size(); ++i) { instances()->values().at(i)->storeSettings(*settings); } settings->endGroup(); settings->sync(); delete settings; } void QGCToolWidget::storeSettings() { QSettings settings; storeSettings(settings); } void QGCToolWidget::storeSettings(const QString& settingsFile) { QSettings settings(settingsFile, QSettings::IniFormat); storeSettings(settings); } void QGCToolWidget::storeSettings(QSettings& settings) { if (isFromMetaData) { //Refuse to store if this is loaded from metadata or dynamically generated. return; } //qDebug() << "WRITING WIDGET" << widgetTitle << "TO SETTINGS"; settings.beginGroup(widgetTitle); settings.beginWriteArray("QGC_TOOL_WIDGET_ITEMS"); int k = 0; // QGCToolItem counter for (int j = 0; j < children().size(); ++j) { // Store only QGCToolWidgetItems QGCToolWidgetItem* item = dynamic_cast(children().at(j)); if (item) { // Only count actual tool widget item children settings.setArrayIndex(k++); // Store the ToolWidgetItem item->writeSettings(settings); } } //qDebug() << "WROTE" << k << "SUB-WIDGETS TO SETTINGS"; settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); } void QGCToolWidget::addUAS(UASInterface* uas) { UAS* newMav = dynamic_cast(uas); if (newMav) { // FIXME Convert to list if (mav == NULL) mav = newMav; } } void QGCToolWidget::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event) { QMenu menu(this); menu.addAction(addParamAction); menu.addAction(addCommandAction); menu.addAction(addLabelAction); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(setTitleAction); menu.addAction(exportAction); menu.addAction(importAction); menu.addAction(deleteAction); menu.exec(event->globalPos()); } void QGCToolWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { // Store settings QWidget::hideEvent(event); } /** * The widgets current view and the applied dock widget area. * Both values are only stored internally and allow an external * widget to configure it accordingly */ void QGCToolWidget::setViewVisibilityAndDockWidgetArea(int view, bool visible, Qt::DockWidgetArea area) { viewVisible.insert(view, visible); dockWidgetArea.insert(view, area); } void QGCToolWidget::createActions() { addParamAction = new QAction(tr("New &Parameter Slider"), this); addParamAction->setStatusTip(tr("Add a parameter setting slider widget to the tool")); connect(addParamAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addParam())); addCommandAction = new QAction(tr("New MAV &Command Button"), this); addCommandAction->setStatusTip(tr("Add a new action button to the tool")); connect(addCommandAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addCommand())); addLabelAction = new QAction(tr("New &Text Label"), this); addLabelAction->setStatusTip(tr("Add a new label to the tool")); connect(addLabelAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addLabel())); setTitleAction = new QAction(tr("Set Widget Title"), this); setTitleAction->setStatusTip(tr("Set the title caption of this tool widget")); connect(setTitleAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(setTitle())); deleteAction = new QAction(tr("Delete this widget"), this); deleteAction->setStatusTip(tr("Delete this widget permanently")); connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteWidget())); exportAction = new QAction(tr("Export this widget"), this); exportAction->setStatusTip(tr("Export this widget to be reused by others")); connect(exportAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(exportWidget())); importAction = new QAction(tr("Import widget"), this); importAction->setStatusTip(tr("Import this widget from a file (current content will be removed)")); connect(importAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(importWidget())); } QMap* QGCToolWidget::instances() { static QMap* instances; if (!instances) instances = new QMap(); return instances; } QList* QGCToolWidget::itemList() { static QList* instances; if (!instances) instances = new QList(); return instances; } void QGCToolWidget::addParam(int uas,int component,QString paramname,QVariant value) { isFromMetaData = true; QGCParamSlider* slider = new QGCParamSlider(this); connect(slider, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(storeSettings())); if (ui->hintLabel) { ui->hintLabel->deleteLater(); ui->hintLabel = NULL; } toolLayout->addWidget(slider); slider->setActiveUAS(mav); slider->setParameterValue(uas,component,0,-1,paramname,value); } void QGCToolWidget::addParam() { QGCParamSlider* slider = new QGCParamSlider(this); connect(slider, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(storeSettings())); if (ui->hintLabel) { ui->hintLabel->deleteLater(); ui->hintLabel = NULL; } toolLayout->addWidget(slider); slider->startEditMode(); } void QGCToolWidget::addCommand() { QGCCommandButton* button = new QGCCommandButton(this); connect(button, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(storeSettings())); if (ui->hintLabel) { ui->hintLabel->deleteLater(); ui->hintLabel = NULL; } toolLayout->addWidget(button); button->startEditMode(); } void QGCToolWidget::addLabel() { QGCTextLabel* label= new QGCTextLabel(this); connect(label, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(storeSettings())); toolLayout->addWidget(label); label->startEditMode(); } void QGCToolWidget::addToolWidget(QGCToolWidgetItem* widget) { if (ui->hintLabel) { ui->hintLabel->deleteLater(); ui->hintLabel = NULL; } connect(widget, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(storeSettings())); toolLayout->addWidget(widget); toolItemList.append(widget); } void QGCToolWidget::exportWidget() { const QString widgetFileExtension(".qgw"); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Specify File Name"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation), tr("QGroundControl Widget (*%1);;").arg(widgetFileExtension)); if (!fileName.endsWith(widgetFileExtension)) { fileName = fileName.append(widgetFileExtension); } storeSettings(fileName); } void QGCToolWidget::importWidget() { const QString widgetFileExtension(".qgw"); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Specify File Name"), QDesktopServices::storageLocation(QDesktopServices::DesktopLocation), tr("QGroundControl Widget (*%1);;").arg(widgetFileExtension)); loadSettings(fileName); } const QString QGCToolWidget::getTitle() { return widgetTitle; } void QGCToolWidget::setTitle() { QDockWidget* parent = dynamic_cast(this->parentWidget()); if (parent) { bool ok; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Enter Widget Title"), tr("Widget title:"), QLineEdit::Normal, parent->windowTitle(), &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { setTitle(text); } } } void QGCToolWidget::setWindowTitle(const QString& title) { // Sets title and calls setWindowTitle on QWidget widgetTitle = title; QWidget::setWindowTitle(title); } void QGCToolWidget::setTitle(QString title) { // Remove references to old title /*QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(widgetTitle); settings.remove(""); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync();*/ if (instances()->contains(widgetTitle)) instances()->remove(widgetTitle); // Switch to new title widgetTitle = title; if (!instances()->contains(title)) instances()->insert(title, this); QWidget::setWindowTitle(title); QDockWidget* parent = dynamic_cast(this->parentWidget()); if (parent) parent->setWindowTitle(title); // Store all widgets //storeWidgetsToSettings(); emit titleChanged(title); if (mainMenuAction) mainMenuAction->setText(title); } void QGCToolWidget::setMainMenuAction(QAction* action) { this->mainMenuAction = action; } void QGCToolWidget::deleteWidget() { // Remove from settings // Hide this->hide(); instances()->remove(getTitle()); /*QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(getTitle()); settings.remove(""); settings.endGroup(); storeWidgetsToSettings();*/ storeWidgetsToSettings(); // Delete this->deleteLater(); }