#pragma once #include "QGCMapPolygon.h" #include "QGCMapPolyline.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "qobject.h" #include "WimaVehicle.h" #include "WimaArea.h" #include #include #include "QGCGeo.h" #include class WimaArea : public QGCMapPolygon //abstract base class for all WimaAreas { Q_OBJECT public: WimaArea(); WimaArea(QObject* parent); WimaArea(const QGCMapPolygon& other, QObject* parent); WimaArea(const WimaArea& other, QObject* parent); Q_PROPERTY(double maxAltitude READ maxAltitude WRITE setMaxAltitude NOTIFY maxAltitudeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString mapVisualQML READ mapVisualQML CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString editorQML READ editorQML CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(WimaVehicle* vehicle READ vehicle WRITE setVehicle NOTIFY vehicleChanged) //Property accessors double maxAltitude (void) const { return _maxAltitude;} WimaVehicle* vehicle (void) const { return _wimaVehicle;} virtual QString mapVisualQML (void) const { return "WimaAreaMapVisual.qml";} virtual QString editorQML (void) const { return "WimaAreaEditor.qml";} //Property setters void setMaxAltitude (double alt); void setVehicle (WimaVehicle* vehicle); // Member Methodes /*template QList* splitArea (WimaArea *polygonToSplitt, int numberOfFractions); // use QScopedPointer to store return value template QList* splitArea (int numberOfFractions); // use QScopedPointer to store return value*/ //iterates over all vertices in _polygon and returns the index of that one closest to coordinate int getClosestVertexIndex (const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const; //iterates over all vertices in _polygon and returns that one closest to coordinate QGeoCoordinate getClosestVertex (const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const; static QGCMapPolygon toQGCPolygon (const WimaArea& poly); QGCMapPolygon toQGCPolygon () const; static void join (QList* polyList, WimaArea* joinedPoly);// change to & notation /// joins the poly1 and poly2 if possible, joins the polygons to form a simple polygon (no holes) /// see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_polygon /// @return the joined polygon of poly1 and poly2 if possible, poly1 else static void join (WimaArea &poly1, WimaArea &poly2, WimaArea& joinedPoly); void join (WimaArea &poly); bool isDisjunct (QList* polyList);// change to & notation, if necessary bool isDisjunct (WimaArea* poly1, WimaArea* poly2);// change to & notation, if necessary /// calculates the next polygon vertex index /// @return index + 1 if index < poly->count()-1 && index >= 0, or 0 if index == poly->count()-1, -1 else int nextVertexIndex (int index) const; /// calculates the previous polygon vertex index /// @return index - 1 if index < poly->count() && index > 0, or poly->count()-1 if index == 0, -1 else int previousVertexIndex (int index) const; /// checks if line1 and line2 intersect with each other, takes latitude and longitute into account only (height neglected) /// @param line1 line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account /// @param line2 line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account /// @param intersectionPt Coordinate item to store intersection pt. in. /// @return false on error or no intersection, true else static bool intersects(const QGCMapPolyline& line1, const QGCMapPolyline& line2, QGeoCoordinate& intersectionPt); /// checks if line1 and poly intersect with each other, takes latitude and longitute into account only (height neglected) /// @param line line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account /// @param intersectionList Empty list to store intersection points in. /// @param neighbourList Empty list to store the indices of the neighbours (the two Vertices of poly with the smallest distance to the intersection pt.) /// @return false on error or no intersection, true else static bool intersects(const QGCMapPolyline& line, const WimaArea& poly, QList& intersectionList, QList>& neighbourlist); /// calculates the distance between to geo coordinates, returns the distance if the path lies within the polygon and inf. else. /// @return the distance if the path lies within the polygon and inf. else. static double distInsidePoly(const QGeoCoordinate& c1, const QGeoCoordinate& c2, const WimaArea& poly); /// calculates the shortes path between two geo coordinates inside a polygon using the Dijkstra Algorithm static void dijkstraPath(const QGeoCoordinate& c1, const QGeoCoordinate& c2, const WimaArea& poly, QList& dijkstraPath); void saveToJson(QJsonObject& jsonObject); bool loadFromJson(const QJsonObject &jsonObject, QString& errorString); // static Members // Accurracy used to compute isDisjunct static const double numericalAccuracy; static const char* maxAltitudeName; static const char* wimaAreaName; static const char* areaTypeName; signals: void maxAltitudeChanged (void); void vehicleChanged (void); protected: double _maxAltitude; WimaVehicle* _wimaVehicle; };