#ifndef QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEW_H #define QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEW_H #include <QWidget> #include <QTimer> #include <UASInterface.h> #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) #include <QWebView> #endif #if (defined Q_OS_WIN) & (defined _MSVC_VER) QGCWebAxWidget* webViewWin; #include <ActiveQt/QAxWidget> #include "windows.h" class WebAxWidget : public QAxWidget { public: WebAxWidget(QWidget* parent = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0) : QAxWidget(parent, f) { } protected: virtual bool translateKeyEvent(int message, int keycode) const { if (message >= WM_KEYFIRST && message <= WM_KEYLAST) return true; else return QAxWidget::translateKeyEvent(message, keycode); } }; #else namespace Ui { class QGCGoogleEarthControls; #if (defined Q_OS_WIN) & (defined _MSVC_VER) class QGCGoogleEarthViewWin; #else class QGCGoogleEarthView; #endif } #endif class QGCGoogleEarthView : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit QGCGoogleEarthView(QWidget *parent = 0); ~QGCGoogleEarthView(); public slots: /** @brief Update the internal state. Does not trigger a redraw */ void updateState(); /** @brief Set the currently selected UAS */ void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas); /** @brief Show the vehicle trail */ void showTrail(bool state); /** @brief Show the waypoints */ void showWaypoints(bool state); /** @brief Follow the aircraft during flight */ void follow(bool follow); /** @brief Hide and deactivate */ void hide(); /** @brief Show and activate */ void show(); protected: void changeEvent(QEvent *e); QTimer* updateTimer; int refreshRateMs; UASInterface* mav; bool followCamera; bool trailEnabled; bool webViewInitialized; #if (defined Q_OS_WIN) & (defined _MSVC_VER) #if (defined Q_OS_WIN) && !(defined __MINGW32__) WebAxWidget* webViewWin; #endif #if (defined Q_OS_MAC) QWebView* webViewMac; #endif private: Ui::QGCGoogleEarthControls* controls; #if (defined Q_OS_WIN) && !(defined __MINGW32__) Ui::QGCGoogleEarthViewWin* ui; #else Ui::QGCGoogleEarthView* ui; #endif }; #endif // QGCGOOGLEEARTHVIEW_H