/*===================================================================== PIXHAWK Micro Air Vehicle Flying Robotics Toolkit (c) 2009 PIXHAWK PROJECT <http://pixhawk.ethz.ch> This file is part of the PIXHAWK project PIXHAWK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PIXHAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PIXHAWK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class UASInfoWidget * * @author Lorenz Meier <mavteam@student.ethz.ch> * */ #include <QtGlobal> #include <QTimer> #include <QDir> #include <QDebug> #include <float.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include "UASInfoWidget.h" #include "MultiVehicleManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "UAS.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" UASInfoWidget::UASInfoWidget(const QString& title, QAction* action, QWidget *parent, QString name) : QGCDockWidget(title, action, parent) { ui.setupUi(this); this->name = name; activeUAS = NULL; connect(qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager(), &MultiVehicleManager::activeVehicleChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::_activeVehicleChanged); _activeVehicleChanged(qgcApp()->toolbox()->multiVehicleManager()->activeVehicle()); startTime = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); // Set default values /** Set two voltage decimals and zero charge level decimals **/ this->voltageDecimals = 2; this->loadDecimals = 2; this->voltage = 0; this->chargeLevel = 0; this->load = 0; receiveLoss = 0; sendLoss = 0; changed = true; errors = QMap<QString, int>(); updateTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(updateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &UASInfoWidget::refresh); updateTimer->start(updateInterval); this->setVisible(false); loadSettings(); } UASInfoWidget::~UASInfoWidget() { } void UASInfoWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { // React only to internal (pre-display) // events Q_UNUSED(event); updateTimer->start(updateInterval); } void UASInfoWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { // React only to internal (pre-display) // events Q_UNUSED(event); updateTimer->stop(); } void UASInfoWidget::_activeVehicleChanged(Vehicle* vehicle) { if (activeUAS) { disconnect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::batteryChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateBattery); disconnect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::dropRateChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateReceiveLoss); disconnect(static_cast<UAS*>(activeUAS), &UAS::loadChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateCPULoad); disconnect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::errCountChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateErrorCount); activeUAS = NULL; } if (vehicle) { activeUAS = vehicle->uas(); connect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::batteryChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateBattery); connect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::dropRateChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateReceiveLoss); connect(static_cast<UAS*>(activeUAS), &UAS::loadChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateCPULoad); connect(activeUAS, &UASInterface::errCountChanged, this, &UASInfoWidget::updateErrorCount); } } void UASInfoWidget::updateBattery(UASInterface* uas, double voltage, double current, double percent, int seconds) { Q_UNUSED(current) setVoltage(uas, voltage); setChargeLevel(uas, percent); setTimeRemaining(uas, seconds); } void UASInfoWidget::updateErrorCount(int uasid, QString component, QString device, int count) { //qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << activeUAS->getUASID() << "=" << uasid; if (activeUAS->getUASID() == uasid) { errors.remove(component + ":" + device); errors.insert(component + ":" + device, count); } } /** * */ void UASInfoWidget::updateCPULoad(UASInterface* uas, double load) { if (activeUAS == uas) { this->load = load; } } void UASInfoWidget::updateReceiveLoss(int uasId, float receiveLoss) { Q_UNUSED(uasId); this->receiveLoss = this->receiveLoss * 0.8f + receiveLoss * 0.2f; } /** The send loss is typically calculated on the GCS based on packets that were received scrambled from the MAV */ void UASInfoWidget::updateSendLoss(int uasId, float sendLoss) { Q_UNUSED(uasId); this->sendLoss = this->sendLoss * 0.8f + sendLoss * 0.2f; } void UASInfoWidget::setVoltage(UASInterface* uas, double voltage) { Q_UNUSED(uas); this->voltage = voltage; } void UASInfoWidget::setChargeLevel(UASInterface* uas, double chargeLevel) { if (activeUAS == uas) { this->chargeLevel = chargeLevel; } } void UASInfoWidget::setTimeRemaining(UASInterface* uas, double seconds) { if (activeUAS == uas) { this->timeRemaining = seconds; } } void UASInfoWidget::refresh() { ui.voltageLabel->setText(QString::number(this->voltage, 'f', voltageDecimals)); ui.batteryBar->setValue(qMax(0,qMin(static_cast<int>(this->chargeLevel), 100))); ui.loadLabel->setText(QString::number(this->load, 'f', loadDecimals)); ui.loadBar->setValue(qMax(0, qMin(static_cast<int>(this->load), 100))); ui.receiveLossBar->setValue(qMax(0, qMin(static_cast<int>(receiveLoss), 100))); ui.receiveLossLabel->setText(QString::number(receiveLoss, 'f', 2)); ui.sendLossBar->setValue(sendLoss); ui.sendLossLabel->setText(QString::number(sendLoss, 'f', 2)); ui.label_5->setText(QString::number(this->load, 'f', loadDecimals)); ui.progressBar->setValue(qMax(0, qMin(static_cast<int>(this->load), 100))); QString errorString; QMapIterator<QString, int> i(errors); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); errorString += QString(i.key() + ": %1 ").arg(i.value()); // FIXME errorString.replace("IMU:", ""); } ui.errorLabel->setText(errorString); }