// On Windows (for VS2010) stdint.h contains the limits normally contained in limits.h // It also needs the __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS macro defined in order to include them (done // in qgroundcontrol.pri). #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "QGCPX4VehicleConfig.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCToolWidget.h" #include "ui_QGCPX4VehicleConfig.h" #define WIDGET_INDEX_RC 0 #define WIDGET_INDEX_SENSOR_CAL 1 #define WIDGET_INDEX_GENERAL_CONFIG 2 #define WIDGET_INDEX_ADV_CONFIG 3 #define MIN_PWM_VAL 800 #define MAX_PWM_VAL 2200 QGCPX4VehicleConfig::QGCPX4VehicleConfig(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), mav(NULL), chanCount(0), rcRoll(0.0f), rcPitch(0.0f), rcYaw(0.0f), rcThrottle(0.0f), rcMode(0.0f), rcAux1(0.0f), rcAux2(0.0f), rcAux3(0.0f), dataModelChanged(true), rc_mode(RC_MODE_NONE), calibrationEnabled(false), ui(new Ui::QGCPX4VehicleConfig) { doneLoadingConfig = false; setObjectName("QGC_VEHICLECONFIG"); ui->setupUi(this); ui->rollWidget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->rollWidget->setName("Roll"); ui->yawWidget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->yawWidget->setName("Yaw"); ui->pitchWidget->setName("Pitch"); ui->throttleWidget->setName("Throttle"); ui->radio5Widget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->radio5Widget->setName("Radio 5"); ui->radio6Widget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->radio6Widget->setName("Radio 6"); ui->radio7Widget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->radio7Widget->setName("Radio 7"); ui->radio8Widget->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); ui->radio8Widget->setName("Radio 8"); connect(ui->rcMenuButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(rcMenuButtonClicked())); connect(ui->sensorMenuButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(sensorMenuButtonClicked())); connect(ui->generalMenuButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(generalMenuButtonClicked())); connect(ui->advancedMenuButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(advancedMenuButtonClicked())); int selectedRcModeIdx = (RC_MODE_NONE != rc_mode) ? (int)(rc_mode -1) : -1; ui->rcModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(selectedRcModeIdx); ui->rcCalibrationButton->setCheckable(true); connect(ui->rcCalibrationButton, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(toggleCalibrationRC(bool))); connect(ui->setButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeParameters())); connect(ui->rcModeComboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setRCModeIndex(int))); //connect(ui->setTrimButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setTrimPositions())); //TODO the following methods are not yet implemented // Connect RC mapping assignments // connect(ui->rollSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setRollChan(int))); // connect(ui->pitchSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setPitchChan(int))); // connect(ui->yawSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setYawChan(int))); // connect(ui->throttleSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setThrottleChan(int))); // connect(ui->modeSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setModeChan(int))); // connect(ui->aux1SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAux1Chan(int))); // connect(ui->aux2SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAux2Chan(int))); // connect(ui->aux3SpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAux3Chan(int))); // // Connect RC reverse assignments // connect(ui->invertCheckBox, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setRollInverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_2, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setPitchInverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_3, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setYawInverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_4, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setThrottleInverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_5, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setModeInverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_6, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setAux1Inverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_7, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setAux2Inverted(bool))); // connect(ui->invertCheckBox_8, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(setAux3Inverted(bool))); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(setActiveUAS(UASInterface*))); setActiveUAS(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; i++) { rcValue[i] = UINT16_MAX; rcMapping[i] = i; } updateTimer.setInterval(150); connect(&updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateView())); updateTimer.start(); ui->advancedGroupBox->hide(); connect(ui->advancedCheckBox,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),ui->advancedGroupBox,SLOT(setShown(bool))); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::rcMenuButtonClicked() { //TODO eg ui->stackedWidget->findChild("rcConfig"); ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(WIDGET_INDEX_RC); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::sensorMenuButtonClicked() { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(WIDGET_INDEX_SENSOR_CAL); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::generalMenuButtonClicked() { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(WIDGET_INDEX_GENERAL_CONFIG); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::advancedMenuButtonClicked() { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(WIDGET_INDEX_ADV_CONFIG); } QGCPX4VehicleConfig::~QGCPX4VehicleConfig() { delete ui; } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::setRCModeIndex(int newRcMode) { newRcMode += 1; //promote from an index to a mode enum if (newRcMode > 0 && newRcMode < 5) { rc_mode = (enum RC_MODE) (newRcMode); dataModelChanged = true; } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::toggleCalibrationRC(bool enabled) { if (enabled) { startCalibrationRC(); } else { stopCalibrationRC(); } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::setTrimPositions() { // Set trim to min if stick is close to min if (abs(rcValue[rcMapping[3]] - rcMin[rcMapping[3]]) < 100) { rcTrim[rcMapping[3]] = rcMin[rcMapping[3]]; // throttle } // Set trim to max if stick is close to max else if (abs(rcValue[rcMapping[3]] - rcMax[rcMapping[3]]) < 100) { rcTrim[rcMapping[3]] = rcMax[rcMapping[3]]; // throttle } else { // Reject QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("Throttle Stick Trim Position Invalid")); msgBox.setInformativeText(tr("The throttle stick is not in the min position. Please set it to the minimum value")); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); (void)msgBox.exec(); } // Set trim for roll, pitch, yaw, throttle rcTrim[rcMapping[0]] = rcValue[rcMapping[0]]; // roll rcTrim[rcMapping[1]] = rcValue[rcMapping[1]]; // pitch rcTrim[rcMapping[2]] = rcValue[rcMapping[2]]; // yaw rcTrim[rcMapping[4]] = ((rcMax[rcMapping[4]] - rcMin[rcMapping[4]]) / 2.0f) + rcMin[rcMapping[4]]; // mode sw rcTrim[rcMapping[5]] = ((rcMax[rcMapping[5]] - rcMin[rcMapping[5]]) / 2.0f) + rcMin[rcMapping[5]]; // aux 1 rcTrim[rcMapping[6]] = ((rcMax[rcMapping[6]] - rcMin[rcMapping[6]]) / 2.0f) + rcMin[rcMapping[6]]; // aux 2 rcTrim[rcMapping[7]] = ((rcMax[rcMapping[7]] - rcMin[rcMapping[7]]) / 2.0f) + rcMin[rcMapping[7]]; // aux 3 } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::detectChannelInversion() { } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::startCalibrationRC() { QMessageBox::information(0,"Warning!","You are about to start radio calibration.\nPlease ensure all motor power is disconnected AND all props are removed from the vehicle.\nAlso ensure transmitter and reciever are powered and connected\n\nClick OK to confirm"); QMessageBox::information(0,"Information","Click OK, then move all sticks to their extreme positions, watching the min/max values to ensure you get the most range from your controller. This includes all switches"); ui->rcCalibrationButton->setText(tr("Stop RC Calibration")); resetCalibrationRC(); calibrationEnabled = true; ui->rollWidget->showMinMax(); ui->pitchWidget->showMinMax(); ui->yawWidget->showMinMax(); ui->throttleWidget->showMinMax(); ui->radio5Widget->showMinMax(); ui->radio6Widget->showMinMax(); ui->radio7Widget->showMinMax(); ui->radio8Widget->showMinMax(); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::stopCalibrationRC() { QMessageBox::information(0,"Trims","Ensure all sticks are centeres and throttle is in the downmost position, click OK to continue"); calibrationEnabled = false; ui->rcCalibrationButton->setText(tr("Start RC Calibration")); ui->rollWidget->hideMinMax(); ui->pitchWidget->hideMinMax(); ui->yawWidget->hideMinMax(); ui->throttleWidget->hideMinMax(); ui->radio5Widget->hideMinMax(); ui->radio6Widget->hideMinMax(); ui->radio7Widget->hideMinMax(); ui->radio8Widget->hideMinMax(); QString statusstr; statusstr = "Below you will find the detected radio calibration information that will be sent to the autopilot\n"; statusstr += "Normal values are around 1100 to 1900, with disconnected channels reading very close to 1500\n\n"; statusstr += "Channel\tMin\tCenter\tMax\n"; statusstr += "--------------------\n"; for (int i=0;i<8;i++) { statusstr += QString::number(i) +"\t"+ QString::number(rcMin[i]) +"\t"+ QString::number(rcValue[i]) +"\t"+ QString::number(rcMax[i]) +"\n"; } QMessageBox::information(0,"Status",statusstr); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::loadQgcConfig(bool primary) { Q_UNUSED(primary); QDir autopilotdir(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/files/" + mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower()); QDir generaldir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/general/widgets"); QDir vehicledir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/" + mav->getSystemTypeName().toLower() + "/widgets"); if (!autopilotdir.exists("general")) { //TODO: Throw some kind of error here. There is no general configuration directory qWarning() << "Invalid general dir. no general configuration will be loaded."; } if (!autopilotdir.exists(mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower())) { //TODO: Throw an error here too, no autopilot specific configuration qWarning() << "Invalid vehicle dir, no vehicle specific configuration will be loaded."; } // Generate widgets for the General tab. QGCToolWidget *tool; bool left = true; foreach (QString file,generaldir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (file.toLower().endsWith(".qgw")) { QWidget* parent = left?ui->generalLeftContents:ui->generalRightContents; tool = new QGCToolWidget("", parent); if (tool->loadSettings(generaldir.absoluteFilePath(file), false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(parent); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); if (left) { left = false; ui->generalLeftLayout->addWidget(box); } else { left = true; ui->generalRightLayout->addWidget(box); } } else { delete tool; } } } // Generate widgets for the Advanced tab. left = true; foreach (QString file,vehicledir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (file.toLower().endsWith(".qgw")) { QWidget* parent = ui->advanceColumnContents; tool = new QGCToolWidget("", parent); if (tool->loadSettings(vehicledir.absoluteFilePath(file), false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(parent); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); ui->advancedColumnLayout->addWidget(box); } else { delete tool; } } } // Load tabs for general configuration foreach (QString dir,generaldir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(ui->leftNavScrollAreaWidgetContents); connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(menuButtonClicked())); ui->navBarLayout->insertWidget(2,button); button->setMinimumHeight(75); button->setMinimumWidth(100); button->show(); button->setText(dir); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(ui->stackedWidget); ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(2,tab); buttonToWidgetMap[button] = tab; tab->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout()); tab->show(); QScrollArea *area = new QScrollArea(tab); tab->layout()->addWidget(area); QWidget *scrollArea = new QWidget(tab); scrollArea->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(tab)); area->setWidget(scrollArea); area->setWidgetResizable(true); area->show(); scrollArea->show(); QDir newdir = QDir(generaldir.absoluteFilePath(dir)); foreach (QString file,newdir.entryList(QDir::Files| QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (file.toLower().endsWith(".qgw")) { tool = new QGCToolWidget("", tab); if (tool->loadSettings(newdir.absoluteFilePath(file), false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); //ui->sensorLayout->addWidget(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(tab); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(tab)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); scrollArea->layout()->addWidget(box); } else { delete tool; } } } } // Load additional tabs for vehicle specific configuration foreach (QString dir,vehicledir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(ui->leftNavScrollAreaWidgetContents); connect(button,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(menuButtonClicked())); ui->navBarLayout->insertWidget(2,button); QWidget *tab = new QWidget(ui->stackedWidget); ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(2,tab); buttonToWidgetMap[button] = tab; button->setMinimumHeight(75); button->setMinimumWidth(100); button->show(); button->setText(dir); tab->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout()); tab->show(); QScrollArea *area = new QScrollArea(tab); tab->layout()->addWidget(area); QWidget *scrollArea = new QWidget(tab); scrollArea->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(tab)); area->setWidget(scrollArea); area->setWidgetResizable(true); area->show(); scrollArea->show(); QDir newdir = QDir(vehicledir.absoluteFilePath(dir)); foreach (QString file,newdir.entryList(QDir::Files| QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) { if (file.toLower().endsWith(".qgw")) { tool = new QGCToolWidget("", tab); tool->addUAS(mav); if (tool->loadSettings(newdir.absoluteFilePath(file), false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); //ui->sensorLayout->addWidget(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(tab); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); scrollArea->layout()->addWidget(box); box->show(); //gbox->layout()->addWidget(box); } else { delete tool; } } } } // Load general calibration for autopilot //TODO: Handle this more gracefully, maybe have it scan the directory for multiple calibration entries? tool = new QGCToolWidget("", ui->sensorContents); tool->addUAS(mav); if (tool->loadSettings(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/general/calibration/calibration.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(ui->sensorContents); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); ui->sensorLayout->addWidget(box); } else { delete tool; } // Load vehicle-specific autopilot configuration tool = new QGCToolWidget("", ui->sensorContents); tool->addUAS(mav); if (tool->loadSettings(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/" + mav->getSystemTypeName().toLower() + "/calibration/calibration.qgw", false)) { toolWidgets.append(tool); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(ui->sensorContents); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); ui->sensorLayout->addWidget(box); } else { delete tool; } //description.txt QFile sensortipsfile(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/general/calibration/description.txt"); sensortipsfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); ui->sensorTips->setHtml(sensortipsfile.readAll()); sensortipsfile.close(); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::menuButtonClicked() { QPushButton *button = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!button) { return; } if (buttonToWidgetMap.contains(button)) { ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(buttonToWidgetMap[button]); } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::loadConfig() { QGCToolWidget* tool; QDir autopilotdir(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/files/" + mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower()); QDir generaldir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/general/widgets"); QDir vehicledir = QDir(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/" + mav->getSystemTypeName().toLower() + "/widgets"); if (!autopilotdir.exists("general")) { //TODO: Throw some kind of error here. There is no general configuration directory qWarning() << "Invalid general dir. no general configuration will be loaded."; } if (!autopilotdir.exists(mav->getAutopilotTypeName().toLower())) { //TODO: Throw an error here too, no autopilot specific configuration qWarning() << "Invalid vehicle dir, no vehicle specific configuration will be loaded."; } qDebug() << autopilotdir.absolutePath(); qDebug() << generaldir.absolutePath(); qDebug() << vehicledir.absolutePath(); QFile xmlfile(autopilotdir.absolutePath() + "/arduplane.pdef.xml"); if (xmlfile.exists() && !xmlfile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { loadQgcConfig(false); doneLoadingConfig = true; return; } loadQgcConfig(true); QXmlStreamReader xml(xmlfile.readAll()); xmlfile.close(); //TODO: Testing to ensure that incorrectly formatted XML won't break this. while (!xml.atEnd()) { if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "paramfile") { xml.readNext(); while ((xml.name() != "paramfile") && !xml.atEnd()) { QString valuetype = ""; if (xml.isStartElement() && (xml.name() == "vehicles" || xml.name() == "libraries")) //Enter into the vehicles loop { valuetype = xml.name().toString(); xml.readNext(); while ((xml.name() != valuetype) && !xml.atEnd()) { if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "parameters") //This is a parameter block { QString parametersname = ""; if (xml.attributes().hasAttribute("name")) { parametersname = xml.attributes().value("name").toString(); } QVariantMap genset; QVariantMap advset; QString setname = parametersname; xml.readNext(); int genarraycount = 0; int advarraycount = 0; while ((xml.name() != "parameters") && !xml.atEnd()) { if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "param") { QString humanname = xml.attributes().value("humanName").toString(); QString name = xml.attributes().value("name").toString(); QString tab= xml.attributes().value("user").toString(); if (tab == "Advanced") { advset["title"] = parametersname; } else { genset["title"] = parametersname; } if (name.contains(":")) { name = name.split(":")[1]; } QString docs = xml.attributes().value("documentation").toString(); paramTooltips[name] = name + " - " + docs; int type = -1; //Type of item QMap fieldmap; xml.readNext(); while ((xml.name() != "param") && !xml.atEnd()) { if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "values") { type = 1; //1 is a combobox if (tab == "Advanced") { advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "TYPE"] = "COMBO"; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_DESCRIPTION"] = humanname; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_PARAMID"] = name; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_COMPONENTID"] = 1; } else { genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "TYPE"] = "COMBO"; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_DESCRIPTION"] = humanname; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_PARAMID"] = name; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_COMPONENTID"] = 1; } int paramcount = 0; xml.readNext(); while ((xml.name() != "values") && !xml.atEnd()) { if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "value") { QString code = xml.attributes().value("code").toString(); QString arg = xml.readElementText(); if (tab == "Advanced") { advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_ITEM_" + QString::number(paramcount) + "_TEXT"] = arg; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_ITEM_" + QString::number(paramcount) + "_VAL"] = code.toInt(); } else { genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_ITEM_" + QString::number(paramcount) + "_TEXT"] = arg; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_ITEM_" + QString::number(paramcount) + "_VAL"] = code.toInt(); } paramcount++; } xml.readNext(); } if (tab == "Advanced") { advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_COUNT"] = paramcount; } else { genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_COMBOBOX_COUNT"] = paramcount; } } if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "field") { type = 2; //2 is a slider QString fieldtype = xml.attributes().value("name").toString(); QString text = xml.readElementText(); fieldmap[fieldtype] = text; } xml.readNext(); } if (type == -1) { //Nothing inside! Assume it's a value, give it a default range. type = 2; QString fieldtype = "Range"; QString text = "0 100"; //TODO: Determine a better way of figuring out default ranges. fieldmap[fieldtype] = text; } if (type == 2) { if (tab == "Advanced") { advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "TYPE"] = "SLIDER"; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_DESCRIPTION"] = humanname; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_PARAMID"] = name; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_COMPONENTID"] = 1; } else { genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "TYPE"] = "SLIDER"; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_DESCRIPTION"] = humanname; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_PARAMID"] = name; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_COMPONENTID"] = 1; } if (fieldmap.contains("Range")) { float min = 0; float max = 0; //Some range fields list "0-10" and some list "0 10". Handle both. if (fieldmap["Range"].split(" ").size() > 1) { min = fieldmap["Range"].split(" ")[0].trimmed().toFloat(); max = fieldmap["Range"].split(" ")[1].trimmed().toFloat(); } else if (fieldmap["Range"].split("-").size() > 1) { min = fieldmap["Range"].split("-")[0].trimmed().toFloat(); max = fieldmap["Range"].split("-")[1].trimmed().toFloat(); } if (tab == "Advanced") { advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_MIN"] = min; advset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(advarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_MAX"] = max; } else { genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_MIN"] = min; genset[setname + "\\" + QString::number(genarraycount) + "\\" + "QGC_PARAM_SLIDER_MAX"] = max; } } } if (tab == "Advanced") { advarraycount++; advset["count"] = advarraycount; } else { genarraycount++; genset["count"] = genarraycount; } } xml.readNext(); } if (genarraycount > 0) { QWidget* parent = this; if (valuetype == "vehicles") { parent = ui->generalLeftContents; } else if (valuetype == "libraries") { parent = ui->generalRightContents; } tool = new QGCToolWidget("", parent); tool->addUAS(mav); tool->setTitle(parametersname); tool->setObjectName(parametersname); tool->setSettings(genset); QList paramlist = tool->getParamList(); for (int i=0;isetTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); if (valuetype == "vehicles") { ui->generalLeftLayout->addWidget(box); } else if (valuetype == "libraries") { ui->generalRightLayout->addWidget(box); } box->hide(); toolToBoxMap[tool] = box; } if (advarraycount > 0) { QWidget* parent = this; if (valuetype == "vehicles") { parent = ui->generalLeftContents; } else if (valuetype == "libraries") { parent = ui->generalRightContents; } tool = new QGCToolWidget("", parent); tool->addUAS(mav); tool->setTitle(parametersname); tool->setObjectName(parametersname); tool->setSettings(advset); QList paramlist = tool->getParamList(); for (int i=0;isetTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); if (valuetype == "vehicles") { ui->generalLeftLayout->addWidget(box); } else if (valuetype == "libraries") { ui->generalRightLayout->addWidget(box); } box->hide(); toolToBoxMap[tool] = box; } } xml.readNext(); } } xml.readNext(); } } xml.readNext(); } mav->getParamManager()->setParamDescriptions(paramTooltips); doneLoadingConfig = true; mav->requestParameters(); //Config is finished, lets do a parameter request to ensure none are missed if someone else started requesting before we were finished. } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* active) { // Hide items if NULL and abort if (!active) { ui->setButton->setEnabled(false); ui->refreshButton->setEnabled(false); ui->readButton->show(); ui->readButton->setEnabled(false); ui->writeButton->show(); ui->writeButton->setEnabled(false); ui->loadFileButton->setEnabled(false); ui->saveFileButton->setEnabled(false); return; } // Do nothing if UAS is already visible if (mav == active) return; if (mav) { // Disconnect old system disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float)), this, SLOT(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float))); disconnect(mav, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant))); disconnect(ui->refreshButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),mav,SLOT(requestParameters())); // Delete all children from all fixed tabs. foreach(QWidget* child, ui->generalLeftContents->findChildren()) { child->deleteLater(); } foreach(QWidget* child, ui->generalRightContents->findChildren()) { child->deleteLater(); } foreach(QWidget* child, ui->advanceColumnContents->findChildren()) { child->deleteLater(); } foreach(QWidget* child, ui->sensorContents->findChildren()) { child->deleteLater(); } // And then delete any custom tabs foreach(QWidget* child, additionalTabs) { child->deleteLater(); } additionalTabs.clear(); toolWidgets.clear(); paramToWidgetMap.clear(); libParamToWidgetMap.clear(); systemTypeToParamMap.clear(); toolToBoxMap.clear(); paramTooltips.clear(); } // Connect new system mav = active; // Reset current state resetCalibrationRC(); requestCalibrationRC(); mav->requestParameter(0, "RC_TYPE"); chanCount = 0; // Connect new system connect(active, SIGNAL(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float)), this, SLOT(remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int,float))); connect(active, SIGNAL(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant)), this, SLOT(parameterChanged(int,int,QString,QVariant))); connect(ui->refreshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), active, SLOT(requestParameters())); if (systemTypeToParamMap.contains(mav->getSystemTypeName())) { paramToWidgetMap = systemTypeToParamMap[mav->getSystemTypeName()]; } else { //Indication that we have no meta data for this system type. qDebug() << "No parameters defined for system type:" << mav->getSystemTypeName(); paramToWidgetMap = systemTypeToParamMap[mav->getSystemTypeName()]; } if (!paramTooltips.isEmpty()) { mav->getParamManager()->setParamDescriptions(paramTooltips); } qDebug() << "CALIBRATION!! System Type Name:" << mav->getSystemTypeName(); //Load configuration after 1ms. This allows it to go into the event loop, and prevents application hangups due to the //amount of time it actually takes to load the configuration windows. QTimer::singleShot(1,this,SLOT(loadConfig())); updateStatus(QString("Reading from system %1").arg(mav->getUASName())); // Since a system is now connected, enable the VehicleConfig UI. ui->setButton->setEnabled(true); ui->refreshButton->setEnabled(true); ui->readButton->setEnabled(true); ui->writeButton->setEnabled(true); ui->loadFileButton->setEnabled(true); ui->saveFileButton->setEnabled(true); if (mav->getAutopilotTypeName() == "ARDUPILOTMEGA") { ui->readButton->hide(); ui->writeButton->hide(); } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::resetCalibrationRC() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanMax; ++i) { rcMin[i] = 1500; rcMax[i] = 1500; } } /** * Sends the RC calibration to the vehicle and stores it in EEPROM */ void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::writeCalibrationRC() { if (!mav) return; QString minTpl("RC%1_MIN"); QString maxTpl("RC%1_MAX"); QString trimTpl("RC%1_TRIM"); QString revTpl("RC%1_REV"); // Do not write the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter //TODO consolidate RC param sending in the UAS comms mgr for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chanCount; ++i) { //qDebug() << "SENDING" << minTpl.arg(i+1) << rcMin[i]; mav->setParameter(0, minTpl.arg(i+1), rcMin[i]); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, trimTpl.arg(i+1), rcTrim[i]); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, maxTpl.arg(i+1), rcMax[i]); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, revTpl.arg(i+1), (rcRev[i]) ? -1.0f : 1.0f); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); } // Write mappings mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_ROLL", (int32_t)(rcMapping[0]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_PITCH", (int32_t)(rcMapping[1]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_YAW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[2]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_THROTTLE", (int32_t)(rcMapping[3]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_MODE_SW", (int32_t)(rcMapping[4]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX1", (int32_t)(rcMapping[5]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX2", (int32_t)(rcMapping[6]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); mav->setParameter(0, "RC_MAP_AUX3", (int32_t)(rcMapping[7]+1)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(50000); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::requestCalibrationRC() { if (!mav ) { return; } QString minTpl("RC%1_MIN"); QString maxTpl("RC%1_MAX"); QString trimTpl("RC%1_TRIM"); QString revTpl("RC%1_REV"); // Do not request the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter for (unsigned int i = 1; i < (chanMax+1); ++i) { qDebug() << "Request RC " << i; mav->requestParameter(0, minTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, trimTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, maxTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); mav->requestParameter(0, revTpl.arg(i)); QGC::SLEEP::usleep(5000); } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::writeParameters() { updateStatus(tr("Writing all onboard parameters.")); writeCalibrationRC(); mav->writeParametersToStorage(); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::remoteControlChannelRawChanged(int chan, float val) { // Check if index and values are sane if (chan < 0 || static_cast(chan) >= chanMax || val < 500 || val > 2500) return; if (chan + 1 > (int)chanCount) { chanCount = chan+1; } // Update calibration data if (calibrationEnabled) { if (val < rcMin[chan]) { rcMin[chan] = val; } if (val > rcMax[chan]) { rcMax[chan] = val; } } // Raw value rcValue[chan] = val; // Normalized value float normalized; if (val >= rcTrim[chan]) { normalized = (val - rcTrim[chan])/(rcMax[chan] - rcTrim[chan]); } else { normalized = -(rcTrim[chan] - val)/(rcTrim[chan] - rcMin[chan]); } // Bound normalized = qBound(-1.0f, normalized, 1.0f); // Invert normalized = (rcRev[chan]) ? -1.0f*normalized : normalized; if (chan == rcMapping[0]) { rcRoll = normalized; } else if (chan == rcMapping[1]) { rcPitch = normalized; } else if (chan == rcMapping[2]) { rcYaw = normalized; } else if (chan == rcMapping[3]) { if (rcRev[chan]) { rcThrottle = 1.0f + normalized; } else { rcThrottle = normalized; } rcThrottle = qBound(0.0f, rcThrottle, 1.0f); } else if (chan == rcMapping[4]) { rcMode = normalized;// MODE SWITCH } else if (chan == rcMapping[5]) { rcAux1 = normalized; // AUX1 } else if (chan == rcMapping[6]) { rcAux2 = normalized;// AUX2 } else if (chan == rcMapping[7]) { rcAux3 = normalized; // AUX3 } dataModelChanged = true; //qDebug() << "RC CHAN:" << chan << "PPM:" << val << "NORMALIZED:" << normalized; } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::updateInvertedCheckboxes(int index) { unsigned int mapindex = rcMapping[index]; switch (mapindex) { case 0: ui->invertCheckBox->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 1: ui->invertCheckBox_2->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 2: ui->invertCheckBox_3->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 3: ui->invertCheckBox_4->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 4: ui->invertCheckBox_5->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 5: ui->invertCheckBox_6->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 6: ui->invertCheckBox_7->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; case 7: ui->invertCheckBox_8->setChecked(rcRev[index]); break; } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::handleRcParameterChange(QString parameterName, QVariant value) { if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_")) { if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_")) { //RC Mapping radio channels to meaning // Order is: roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, mode sw, aux 1-3 int intValue = value.toInt() - 1; if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_ROLL")) { rcMapping[0] = intValue; ui->rollSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[0]+1); ui->rollSpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_PITCH")) { rcMapping[1] = intValue; ui->pitchSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[1]+1); ui->pitchSpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_YAW")) { rcMapping[2] = intValue; ui->yawSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[2]+1); ui->yawSpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_THROTTLE")) { rcMapping[3] = intValue; ui->throttleSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[3]+1); ui->throttleSpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_MODE_SW")) { rcMapping[4] = intValue; ui->modeSpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[4]+1); ui->modeSpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_AUX1")) { rcMapping[5] = intValue; ui->aux1SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[5]+1); ui->aux1SpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_AUX2")) { rcMapping[6] = intValue; ui->aux2SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[6]+1); ui->aux2SpinBox->setEnabled(true); } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_MAP_AUX3")) { rcMapping[7] = intValue; ui->aux3SpinBox->setValue(rcMapping[7]+1); ui->aux3SpinBox->setEnabled(true); } } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_")) { // Scaling float floatVal = value.toFloat(); if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_ROLL")) { rcScaling[0] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_PITCH")) { rcScaling[1] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_YAW")) { rcScaling[2] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_THROTTLE")) { rcScaling[3] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_MODE_SW")) { rcScaling[4] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_AUX1")) { rcScaling[5] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_AUX2")) { rcScaling[6] = floatVal; } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_SCALE_AUX3")) { rcScaling[7] = floatVal; } } else if (parameterName.startsWith("RC_TYPE")) { if (0 != rcTypeUpdateRequested) { rcTypeUpdateRequested = 0; updateStatus(tr("Received RC type update, setting parameters based on model.")); rcType = value.toInt(); // Request all other parameters as well requestCalibrationRC(); } } } else { // Channel calibration values bool ok = false; unsigned int index = chanMax; QRegExp minTpl("RC?_MIN"); minTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp maxTpl("RC?_MAX"); maxTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp trimTpl("RC?_TRIM"); trimTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); QRegExp revTpl("RC?_REV"); revTpl.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard); // Do not write the RC type, as these values depend on this // active onboard parameter int intVal = value.toInt(); if (minTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok) - 1; if (ok && index < chanMax) { rcMin[index] = intVal; updateRcWidgetValues(); } } else if (maxTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok) - 1; if (ok && index < chanMax) { rcMax[index] = intVal; updateRcWidgetValues(); } } else if (trimTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok) - 1; if (ok && index < chanMax) { rcTrim[index] = intVal; } } else if (revTpl.exactMatch(parameterName)) { index = parameterName.mid(2, 1).toInt(&ok) - 1; if (ok && index < chanMax) { rcRev[index] = (intVal == -1) ? true : false; updateInvertedCheckboxes(index); } } } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::parameterChanged(int uas, int component, QString parameterName, QVariant value) { Q_UNUSED(uas); Q_UNUSED(component); if (!doneLoadingConfig) { //We do not want to attempt to generate any UI elements until loading of the config file is complete. //We should re-request params later if needed, that is not implemented yet. return; } if (parameterName.startsWith("RC")) { handleRcParameterChange(parameterName,value); return; } if (paramToWidgetMap.contains(parameterName)) { //Main group of parameters of the selected airframe paramToWidgetMap.value(parameterName)->setParameterValue(uas,component,parameterName,value); if (toolToBoxMap.contains(paramToWidgetMap.value(parameterName))) { toolToBoxMap[paramToWidgetMap.value(parameterName)]->show(); } else { qCritical() << "Widget with no box, possible memory corruption for param:" << parameterName; } } else if (libParamToWidgetMap.contains(parameterName)) { //All the library parameters libParamToWidgetMap.value(parameterName)->setParameterValue(uas,component,parameterName,value); if (toolToBoxMap.contains(libParamToWidgetMap.value(parameterName))) { toolToBoxMap[libParamToWidgetMap.value(parameterName)]->show(); } else { qCritical() << "Widget with no box, possible memory corruption for param:" << parameterName; } } else { //Param recieved that we have no metadata for. Search to see if it belongs in a //group with some other params bool found = false; for (int i=0;iobjectName())) { //It should be grouped with this one, add it. toolWidgets[i]->addParam(uas,component,parameterName,value); libParamToWidgetMap.insert(parameterName,toolWidgets[i]); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { //New param type, create a QGroupBox for it. QWidget* parent = ui->advanceColumnContents; // Create the tool, attaching it to the QGroupBox QGCToolWidget *tool = new QGCToolWidget("", parent); QString tooltitle = parameterName; if (parameterName.split("_").size() > 1) { tooltitle = parameterName.split("_")[0] + "_"; } tool->setTitle(tooltitle); tool->setObjectName(tooltitle); //tool->setSettings(set); libParamToWidgetMap.insert(parameterName,tool); toolWidgets.append(tool); tool->addParam(uas, component, parameterName, value); QGroupBox *box = new QGroupBox(parent); box->setTitle(tool->objectName()); box->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout(box)); box->layout()->addWidget(tool); libParamToWidgetMap.insert(parameterName,tool); toolWidgets.append(tool); ui->advancedColumnLayout->addWidget(box); toolToBoxMap[tool] = box; } } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::updateStatus(const QString& str) { ui->advancedStatusLabel->setText(str); ui->advancedStatusLabel->setStyleSheet(""); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::updateError(const QString& str) { ui->advancedStatusLabel->setText(str); ui->advancedStatusLabel->setStyleSheet(QString("QLabel { margin: 0px 2px; font: 14px; color: %1; background-color: %2; }").arg(QGC::colorDarkWhite.name()).arg(QGC::colorMagenta.name())); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::setRCType(int type) { if (!mav) return; // XXX TODO Add handling of RC_TYPE vs non-RC_TYPE here mav->setParameter(0, "RC_TYPE", type); rcTypeUpdateRequested = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); QTimer::singleShot(rcTypeTimeout+100, this, SLOT(checktimeOuts())); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::checktimeOuts() { if (rcTypeUpdateRequested > 0) { if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - rcTypeUpdateRequested > rcTypeTimeout) { updateError(tr("Setting remote control timed out - is the system connected?")); } } } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::updateRcWidgetValues() { //TODO set eg pitchSpinBox values switch (rc_mode) { case RC_MODE_1: ui->rollWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[0],rcMin[0],rcMax[0]); ui->throttleWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[1],rcMin[1],rcMax[1]); ui->yawWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[2],rcMin[2],rcMax[2]); ui->pitchWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[3],rcMin[3],rcMax[3]); setRollChan(1); setThrottleChan(2); break; case RC_MODE_NONE: case RC_MODE_2: ui->rollWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[0],rcMin[0],rcMax[0]); ui->pitchWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[1],rcMin[1],rcMax[1]); ui->throttleWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[2],rcMin[2],rcMax[2]); ui->yawWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[3],rcMin[3],rcMax[3]); break; case RC_MODE_3: ui->yawWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[0],rcMin[0],rcMax[0]); ui->throttleWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[1],rcMin[1],rcMax[1]); ui->rollWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[2],rcMin[2],rcMax[2]); ui->pitchWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[3],rcMin[3],rcMax[3]); break; case RC_MODE_4: ui->yawWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[0],rcMin[0],rcMax[0]); ui->pitchWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[1],rcMin[1],rcMax[1]); ui->rollWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[2],rcMin[2],rcMax[2]); ui->throttleWidget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[3],rcMin[3],rcMax[3]); break; } ui->radio5Widget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[4],rcMin[4],rcMax[4]); ui->radio6Widget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[5],rcMin[5],rcMax[5]); ui->radio7Widget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[6],rcMin[6],rcMax[6]); ui->radio8Widget->setValueAndRange(rcValue[7],rcMin[7],rcMax[7]); } void QGCPX4VehicleConfig::updateView() { if (dataModelChanged) { dataModelChanged = false; //update the selected RC mode int selectedRcModeIdx = (RC_MODE_NONE != rc_mode) ? (rc_mode -1) : -1; ui->rcModeComboBox->setCurrentIndex(selectedRcModeIdx); updateRcWidgetValues(); //update the channel labels ui->rollChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcRoll, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); ui->pitchChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcPitch, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); ui->yawChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcYaw, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); ui->throttleChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcThrottle, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); if (rcValue[rcMapping[4] != UINT16_MAX]) { ui->modeChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcMode, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); } else { ui->modeChanLabel->setText(tr("---")); } if (rcValue[rcMapping[5]] != UINT16_MAX) { ui->aux1ChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcAux1, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); } else { ui->aux1ChanLabel->setText(tr("---")); } if (rcValue[rcMapping[6]] != UINT16_MAX) { ui->aux2ChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcAux2, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); } else { ui->aux2ChanLabel->setText(tr("---")); } if (rcValue[rcMapping[7]] != UINT16_MAX) { ui->aux3ChanLabel->setText(QString("%1").arg(rcAux3, 5, 'f', 2, QChar(' '))); } else { ui->aux3ChanLabel->setText(tr("---")); } } }