/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2017 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include #include #include #include #include Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(TerrainQueryLog) class TerrainAtCoordinateQuery; /// Base class for offline/online terrain queries class TerrainQueryInterface : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainQueryInterface(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { } /// Request terrain heights for specified coodinates. /// Signals: coordinateHeights when data is available virtual void requestCoordinateHeights(const QList& coordinates) = 0; /// Requests terrain heights along the path specified by the two coordinates. /// Signals: pathHeights /// @param coordinates to query virtual void requestPathHeights(const QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& toCoord) = 0; /// Request terrain heights for the rectangular area specified. /// Signals: carpetHeights when data is available /// @param swCoord South-West bound of rectangular area to query /// @param neCoord North-East bound of rectangular area to query /// @param statsOnly true: Return only stats, no carpet data virtual void requestCarpetHeights(const QGeoCoordinate& swCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& neCoord, bool statsOnly) = 0; signals: void coordinateHeights(bool success, QList heights); void pathHeights(bool success, double latStep, double lonStep, const QList& heights); void carpetHeights(bool success, double minHeight, double maxHeight, const QList>& carpet); }; /// AirMap online implementation of terrain queries class TerrainAirMapQuery : public TerrainQueryInterface { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainAirMapQuery(QObject* parent = NULL); // Overrides from TerrainQueryInterface void requestCoordinateHeights(const QList& coordinates) final; void requestPathHeights(const QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& toCoord) final; void requestCarpetHeights(const QGeoCoordinate& swCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& neCoord, bool statsOnly) final; private slots: void _requestError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code); void _requestFinished(void); private: void _sendQuery (const QString& path, const QUrlQuery& urlQuery); void _requestFailed (void); void _parseCoordinateData (const QJsonValue& coordinateJson); void _parsePathData (const QJsonValue& pathJson); void _parseCarpetData (const QJsonValue& carpetJson); enum QueryMode { QueryModeCoordinates, QueryModePath, QueryModeCarpet }; QNetworkAccessManager _networkManager; QueryMode _queryMode; bool _carpetStatsOnly; }; /// Used internally by TerrainAtCoordinateQuery to batch coordinate requests together class TerrainAtCoordinateBatchManager : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainAtCoordinateBatchManager(void); void addQuery(TerrainAtCoordinateQuery* terrainAtCoordinateQuery, const QList& coordinates); private slots: void _sendNextBatch (void); void _queryObjectDestroyed (QObject* elevationProvider); void _coordinateHeights (bool success, QList heights); private: typedef struct { TerrainAtCoordinateQuery* terrainAtCoordinateQuery; QList coordinates; } QueuedRequestInfo_t; typedef struct { TerrainAtCoordinateQuery* terrainAtCoordinateQuery; bool queryObjectDestroyed; int cCoord; } SentRequestInfo_t; enum class State { Idle, Downloading, }; void _batchFailed(void); QString _stateToString(State state); QList _requestQueue; QList _sentRequests; State _state = State::Idle; const int _batchTimeout = 500; QTimer _batchTimer; TerrainAirMapQuery _terrainQuery; }; /// NOTE: TerrainAtCoordinateQuery is not thread safe. All instances/calls to ElevationProvider must be on main thread. class TerrainAtCoordinateQuery : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainAtCoordinateQuery(QObject* parent = NULL); /// Async terrain query for a list of lon,lat coordinates. When the query is done, the terrainData() signal /// is emitted. /// @param coordinates to query void requestData(const QList& coordinates); // Internal method void _signalTerrainData(bool success, QList& heights); signals: void terrainData(bool success, QList heights); }; class TerrainPathQuery : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainPathQuery(QObject* parent = NULL); /// Async terrain query for terrain heights between two lat/lon coordinates. When the query is done, the terrainData() signal /// is emitted. /// @param coordinates to query void requestData(const QGeoCoordinate& fromCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& toCoord); typedef struct { double latStep; ///< Amount of latitudinal distance between each returned height double lonStep; ///< Amount of longitudinal distance between each returned height QList heights; ///< Terrain heights along path } PathHeightInfo_t; signals: /// Signalled when terrain data comes back from server void terrainData(bool success, const PathHeightInfo_t& pathHeightInfo); private slots: void _pathHeights(bool success, double latStep, double lonStep, const QList& heights); private: TerrainAirMapQuery _terrainQuery; }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t) class TerrainPolyPathQuery : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainPolyPathQuery(QObject* parent = NULL); /// Async terrain query for terrain heights for the paths between each specified QGeoCoordinate. /// When the query is done, the terrainData() signal is emitted. /// @param polyPath List of QGeoCoordinate void requestData(const QVariantList& polyPath); void requestData(const QList& polyPath); signals: /// Signalled when terrain data comes back from server void terrainData(bool success, const QList& rgPathHeightInfo); private slots: void _terrainDataReceived(bool success, const TerrainPathQuery::PathHeightInfo_t& pathHeightInfo); private: int _curIndex; QList _rgCoords; QList _rgPathHeightInfo; TerrainPathQuery _pathQuery; }; class TerrainCarpetQuery : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: TerrainCarpetQuery(QObject* parent = NULL); /// Async terrain query for terrain information bounded by the specifed corners. /// When the query is done, the terrainData() signal is emitted. /// @param swCoord South-West bound of rectangular area to query /// @param neCoord North-East bound of rectangular area to query /// @param statsOnly true: Return only stats, no carpet data void requestData(const QGeoCoordinate& swCoord, const QGeoCoordinate& neCoord, bool statsOnly); signals: /// Signalled when terrain data comes back from server void terrainData(bool success, double minHeight, double maxHeight, const QList>& carpet); private: TerrainAirMapQuery _terrainQuery; };