/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2010 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see . ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class QGCParamWidget * @author Lorenz Meier */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MainWindow.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCParamWidget.h" #include "UASInterface.h" #include "UASParameterCommsMgr.h" /** * @param uas MAV to set the parameters on * @param parent Parent widget */ QGCParamWidget::QGCParamWidget(UASInterface* uas, QWidget *parent) : QGCUASParamManager(uas, parent), componentItems(new QMap()), updatingParamNameLock("") { layoutWidget(); // Connect signals/slots // Listen for edits to the tree UI connect(tree, SIGNAL(itemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); // Listen to updated param signals from the data model connect(paramDataModel, SIGNAL(parameterUpdated(int, QString , QVariant )), this, SLOT(handleParameterUpdate(int,QString,QVariant))); connect(paramDataModel, SIGNAL(pendingParamUpdate(int , const QString&, QVariant , bool )), this, SLOT(handlePendingParamUpdate(int , const QString& , QVariant, bool ))); // Listen for param list reload finished connect(paramCommsMgr, SIGNAL(parameterListUpToDate()), this, SLOT(handleParameterListUpToDate())); // Listen to communications status messages so we can display them connect(paramCommsMgr, SIGNAL(parameterStatusMsgUpdated(QString,int)), this, SLOT(handleParamStatusMsgUpdate(QString , int ))); // Ensure we're receiving the list of params requestAllParamsUpdate(); } void QGCParamWidget::layoutWidget() { // Create tree widget tree = new QTreeWidget(this); statusLabel = new QLabel(); statusLabel->setAutoFillBackground(true); // Set tree widget as widget onto this component QGridLayout* horizontalLayout; //form->setAutoFillBackground(false); horizontalLayout = new QGridLayout(this); horizontalLayout->setHorizontalSpacing(6); horizontalLayout->setVerticalSpacing(6); horizontalLayout->setMargin(0); horizontalLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize); //horizontalLayout->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetFixedSize ); // Parameter tree horizontalLayout->addWidget(tree, 0, 0, 1, 3); // Status line statusLabel->setText(tr("Click refresh to download parameters")); horizontalLayout->addWidget(statusLabel, 1, 0, 1, 3); // BUTTONS QPushButton* refreshButton = new QPushButton(tr("Get")); refreshButton->setToolTip(tr("Load parameters currently in non-permanent memory of aircraft.")); refreshButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Load parameters currently in non-permanent memory of aircraft.")); connect(refreshButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(requestAllParamsUpdate())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(refreshButton, 2, 0); QPushButton* setButton = new QPushButton(tr("Set")); setButton->setToolTip(tr("Set current parameters in non-permanent onboard memory")); setButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Set current parameters in non-permanent onboard memory")); connect(setButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendPendingParameters())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(setButton, 2, 1); QPushButton* writeButton = new QPushButton(tr("Write (ROM)")); writeButton->setToolTip(tr("Copy current parameters in non-permanent memory of the aircraft to permanent memory. Transmit your parameters first to write these.")); writeButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Copy current parameters in non-permanent memory of the aircraft to permanent memory. Transmit your parameters first to write these.")); connect(writeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(writeParameters())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(writeButton, 2, 2); QPushButton* loadFileButton = new QPushButton(tr("Load File")); loadFileButton->setToolTip(tr("Load parameters from a file on this computer in the view. To write them to the aircraft, use transmit after loading them.")); loadFileButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Load parameters from a file on this computer in the view. To write them to the aircraft, use transmit after loading them.")); connect(loadFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(loadParametersFromFile())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(loadFileButton, 3, 0); QPushButton* saveFileButton = new QPushButton(tr("Save File")); saveFileButton->setToolTip(tr("Save parameters in this view to a file on this computer.")); saveFileButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Save parameters in this view to a file on this computer.")); connect(saveFileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveParametersToFile())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(saveFileButton, 3, 1); QPushButton* readButton = new QPushButton(tr("Read (ROM)")); readButton->setToolTip(tr("Copy parameters from permanent memory to non-permanent current memory of aircraft. DOES NOT update the parameters in this view, click refresh after copying them to get them.")); readButton->setWhatsThis(tr("Copy parameters from permanent memory to non-permanent current memory of aircraft. DOES NOT update the parameters in this view, click refresh after copying them to get them.")); connect(readButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(readParameters())); horizontalLayout->addWidget(readButton, 3, 2); // Set correct vertical scaling horizontalLayout->setRowStretch(0, 100); horizontalLayout->setRowStretch(1, 10); horizontalLayout->setRowStretch(2, 10); horizontalLayout->setRowStretch(3, 10); // Set layout this->setLayout(horizontalLayout); // Set header QStringList headerItems; headerItems.append("Parameter"); headerItems.append("Value"); tree->setHeaderLabels(headerItems); tree->setColumnCount(2); tree->setColumnWidth(0,200); tree->setColumnWidth(1,120); tree->setExpandsOnDoubleClick(true); tree->setVisible(true); } void QGCParamWidget::addComponentItem(int compId, QString compName) { QString compLine = QString("%1 (#%2)").arg(compName).arg(compId); QString ptrStr = QString().sprintf("%8p", this); qDebug() << "QGCParamWidget" << ptrStr << "addComponentItem:" << compLine; if (componentItems->contains(compId)) { // Update existing component item componentItems->value(compId)->setData(0, Qt::DisplayRole, compLine); //components->value(component)->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(component)); componentItems->value(compId)->setFirstColumnSpanned(true); } else { // Add new component item QStringList list(compLine); QTreeWidgetItem* compItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(list); compItem->setFirstColumnSpanned(true); componentItems->insert(compId, compItem); // Create parameter grouping for this component and update maps paramGroups.insert(compId, new QMap()); tree->addTopLevelItem(compItem); tree->update(); } //TODO it seems unlikely that the UI would know about a component before the data model... paramDataModel->addComponent(compId); } void QGCParamWidget::handlePendingParamUpdate(int compId, const QString& paramName, QVariant value, bool isPending) { qDebug() << "handlePendingParamUpdate:" << paramName << "with updatingParamNameLock:" << updatingParamNameLock; if (updatingParamNameLock == paramName) { qDebug() << "ignoring bounce from " << paramName; return; } else { updatingParamNameLock = paramName; } QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem = updateParameterDisplay(compId,paramName,value); if (isPending) { paramItem->setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange))); paramItem->setBackground(1, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange))); } else { paramItem->setBackground(0, Qt::NoBrush); paramItem->setBackground(1, Qt::NoBrush); } updatingParamNameLock.clear(); } void QGCParamWidget::handleParameterUpdate(int componentId, const QString& paramName, QVariant value) { updatingParamNameLock = paramName; updateParameterDisplay(componentId, paramName, value); updatingParamNameLock.clear(); } void QGCParamWidget::handleParameterListUpToDate() { //turn off updates while we refresh the entire list tree->setUpdatesEnabled(false); //rewrite the component item tree after receiving the full list QMap*>::iterator i; QMap*>* onboardParams = paramDataModel->getAllOnboardParams(); for (i = onboardParams->begin(); i != onboardParams->end(); ++i) { int compId = i.key(); QMap* paramPairs = onboardParams->value(compId); QMap::iterator j; for (j = paramPairs->begin(); j != paramPairs->end(); j++) { updateParameterDisplay(compId, j.key(),j.value()); } } // Expand visual tree tree->expandItem(tree->topLevelItem(0)); tree->setUpdatesEnabled(true); tree->update(); } QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::findChildWidgetItemForParam(QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem, const QString& paramName) { QTreeWidgetItem* childItem = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < parentItem->childCount(); i++) { QTreeWidgetItem* child = parentItem->child(i); QString key = child->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); if (key == paramName) { childItem = child; break; } } return childItem; } QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::getParentWidgetItemForParam(int compId, const QString& paramName) { QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem = componentItems->value(compId); QString splitToken = "_"; // Check if auto-grouping can work if (paramName.contains(splitToken)) { QString parentStr = paramName.section(splitToken, 0, 0, QString::SectionSkipEmpty); QMap* compParamGroups = paramGroups.value(compId); if (!compParamGroups->contains(parentStr)) { // Insert group item QStringList glist; glist.append(parentStr); QTreeWidgetItem* groupItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(glist); compParamGroups->insert(parentStr, groupItem); // insert new group alphabetized QList groupKeys = compParamGroups->uniqueKeys(); int insertIdx = groupKeys.indexOf(parentStr); componentItems->value(compId)->insertChild(insertIdx,groupItem); } //parent item for this parameter item will be a group widget item parentItem = compParamGroups->value(parentStr); } else { //parent item for this parameter will be the top level (component) widget item parentItem = componentItems->value(compId); } return parentItem; } QTreeWidgetItem* QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay(int compId, QString parameterName, QVariant value) { // qDebug() << "QGCParamWidget::updateParameterDisplay" << parameterName; // Reference to item in tree QTreeWidgetItem* parameterItem = NULL; // Add component item if necessary if (!componentItems->contains(compId)) { QString componentName = tr("Component #%1").arg(compId); addComponentItem(compId, componentName); } //default parent item for this parameter widget item will be the top level component item QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem = getParentWidgetItemForParam(compId,parameterName); if (parentItem) { parameterItem = findChildWidgetItemForParam(parentItem,parameterName); if (!parameterItem) { // Insert parameter into map QStringList plist; plist.append(parameterName); // CREATE PARAMETER ITEM parameterItem = new QTreeWidgetItem(plist); // CONFIGURE PARAMETER ITEM if (value.type() == QVariant::Char) { parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value.toUInt()); } else { parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value); } parameterItem->setFlags(parameterItem->flags() | Qt::ItemIsEditable); //TODO insert alphabetically parentItem->addChild(parameterItem); //only add the tooltip when the parameter item is first added QString paramDesc = paramDataModel->getParamDescription(parameterName); if (!paramDesc.isEmpty()) { QString tooltipFormat; if (paramDataModel->isParamDefaultKnown(parameterName)) { tooltipFormat = tr("Default: %1, %2"); double paramDefValue = paramDataModel->getParamDefault(parameterName); tooltipFormat = tooltipFormat.arg(paramDefValue).arg(paramDesc); } else { tooltipFormat = paramDesc; } parameterItem->setToolTip(0, tooltipFormat); parameterItem->setToolTip(1, tooltipFormat); } } //update the parameterItem's data if (value.type() == QVariant::Char) { parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value.toUInt()); } else { parameterItem->setData(1, Qt::DisplayRole, value); } } if (parameterItem) { // Reset background color parameterItem->setBackground(0, Qt::NoBrush); parameterItem->setBackground(1, Qt::NoBrush); parameterItem->setTextColor(0, QGC::colorDarkWhite); parameterItem->setTextColor(1, QGC::colorDarkWhite); } return parameterItem; } void QGCParamWidget::parameterItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem* paramItem, int column) { if (paramItem && column > 0) { QString key = paramItem->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString(); qDebug() << "parameterItemChanged:" << key << "with updatingParamNameLock:" << updatingParamNameLock; if (key == updatingParamNameLock) { qDebug() << "ignoring parameterItemChanged" << key; return; } else { updatingParamNameLock = key; } QTreeWidgetItem* parent = paramItem->parent(); while (parent->parent() != NULL) { parent = parent->parent(); } // Parent is now top-level component int componentId = componentItems->key(parent); QVariant value = paramItem->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole); bool pending = paramDataModel->updatePendingParamWithValue(componentId,key,value); // If the value will result in an update if (pending) { // Set parameter on changed list to be transmitted to MAV statusLabel->setText(tr("Pending: %1:%2: %3").arg(componentId).arg(key).arg(value.toFloat(), 5, 'f', 1, QChar(' '))); if (paramItem == tree->currentItem()) { //need to unset current item to clear highlighting (green by default) tree->setCurrentItem(NULL); //clear the selected line } paramItem->setBackground(0, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange))); paramItem->setBackground(1, QBrush(QColor(QGC::colorOrange))); } else { QMap* pendingParams = paramDataModel->getPendingParamsForComponent(componentId); int pendingCount = pendingParams->count(); statusLabel->setText(tr("Pending items: %1").arg(pendingCount)); paramItem->setBackground(0, Qt::NoBrush); paramItem->setBackground(1, Qt::NoBrush); } updatingParamNameLock.clear(); } } void QGCParamWidget::saveParametersToFile() { if (!mav) return; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"), "./parameters.txt", tr("Parameter File (*.txt)")); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { return; } QTextStream outstream(&file); paramDataModel->writeOnboardParamsToStream(outstream,mav->getUASName()); file.close(); } void QGCParamWidget::loadParametersFromFile() { if (!mav) return; QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Load File"), ".", tr("Parameter file (*.txt)")); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream in(&file); paramDataModel->readUpdateParamsFromStream(in); file.close(); } void QGCParamWidget::setParameterStatusMsg(const QString& msg) { statusLabel->setText(msg); } void QGCParamWidget::requestAllParamsUpdate() { if (!mav) { return; } // Clear view and request param list clear(); requestParameterList(); } /** * Write the current onboard parameters from RAM into * permanent storage, e.g. EEPROM or harddisk */ void QGCParamWidget::writeParameters() { int changedParamCount = 0; QMap*>::iterator i; QMap*>* changedValues = paramDataModel->getAllPendingParams(); for (i = changedValues->begin(); (i != changedValues->end()) && (0 == changedParamCount); ++i) { // Iterate through the pending parameters of the component, break on the first changed parameter QMap* compPending = i.value(); changedParamCount += compPending->count(); } if (changedParamCount > 0) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(tr("There are locally changed parameters. Please transmit them first () or update them with the onboard values () before storing onboard from RAM to ROM.")); msgBox.exec(); } else { paramCommsMgr->writeParamsToPersistentStorage(); } } void QGCParamWidget::readParameters() { if (!mav) return; mav->readParametersFromStorage(); } /** * Clear all data in the parameter widget */ void QGCParamWidget::clear() { tree->clear(); componentItems->clear(); } void QGCParamWidget::handleParamStatusMsgUpdate(QString msg, int level) { QColor bgColor = QGC::colorGreen; if ((int)UASParameterCommsMgr::ParamCommsStatusLevel_Warning == level) { bgColor = QGC::colorOrange; } else if ((int)UASParameterCommsMgr::ParamCommsStatusLevel_Error == level) { bgColor = QGC::colorRed; } QPalette pal = statusLabel->palette(); pal.setColor(backgroundRole(), bgColor); statusLabel->setPalette(pal); statusLabel->setText(msg); }