/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ // THIS CLASS IS DEPRECATED. ALL NEW FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD GO INTO Vehicle class #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "UAS.h" #include "LinkInterface.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "GAudioOutput.h" #include "MAVLinkProtocol.h" #include "QGCMAVLink.h" #include "LinkManager.h" #ifndef NO_SERIAL_LINK #include "SerialLink.h" #endif #include "FirmwarePluginManager.h" #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(UASLog, "UASLog") // THIS CLASS IS DEPRECATED. ALL NEW FUNCTIONALITY SHOULD GO INTO Vehicle class UAS::UAS(MAVLinkProtocol* protocol, Vehicle* vehicle, FirmwarePluginManager * firmwarePluginManager) : UASInterface(), lipoFull(4.2f), lipoEmpty(3.5f), uasId(vehicle->id()), unknownPackets(), mavlink(protocol), receiveDropRate(0), sendDropRate(0), status(-1), startTime(QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds()), onboardTimeOffset(0), controlRollManual(true), controlPitchManual(true), controlYawManual(true), controlThrustManual(true), manualRollAngle(0), manualPitchAngle(0), manualYawAngle(0), manualThrust(0), #ifndef __mobile__ fileManager(this, vehicle), #endif attitudeKnown(false), attitudeStamped(false), lastAttitude(0), roll(0.0), pitch(0.0), yaw(0.0), imagePackets(0), // We must initialize to 0, otherwise extended data packets maybe incorrectly thought to be images blockHomePositionChanges(false), receivedMode(false), // Note variances calculated from flight case from this log: http://dash.oznet.ch/view/MRjW8NUNYQSuSZkbn8dEjY // TODO: calibrate stand-still pixhawk variances xacc_var(0.6457f), yacc_var(0.7048f), zacc_var(0.97885f), rollspeed_var(0.8126f), pitchspeed_var(0.6145f), yawspeed_var(0.5852f), xmag_var(0.2393f), ymag_var(0.2283f), zmag_var(0.1665f), abs_pressure_var(0.5802f), diff_pressure_var(0.5802f), pressure_alt_var(0.5802f), temperature_var(0.7145f), /* xacc_var(0.0f), yacc_var(0.0f), zacc_var(0.0f), rollspeed_var(0.0f), pitchspeed_var(0.0f), yawspeed_var(0.0f), xmag_var(0.0f), ymag_var(0.0f), zmag_var(0.0f), abs_pressure_var(0.0f), diff_pressure_var(0.0f), pressure_alt_var(0.0f), temperature_var(0.0f), */ #ifndef __mobile__ simulation(0), #endif // The protected members. connectionLost(false), lastVoltageWarning(0), lastNonNullTime(0), onboardTimeOffsetInvalidCount(0), hilEnabled(false), sensorHil(false), lastSendTimeGPS(0), lastSendTimeSensors(0), lastSendTimeOpticalFlow(0), _vehicle(vehicle), _firmwarePluginManager(firmwarePluginManager) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i<255;++i) { componentID[i] = -1; componentMulti[i] = false; } #ifndef __mobile__ connect(_vehicle, &Vehicle::mavlinkMessageReceived, &fileManager, &FileManager::receiveMessage); #endif color = UASInterface::getNextColor(); } /** * @ return the id of the uas */ int UAS::getUASID() const { return uasId; } void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message) { if (!components.contains(message.compid)) { QString componentName; switch (message.compid) { case MAV_COMP_ID_ALL: { componentName = "ANONYMOUS"; break; } case MAV_COMP_ID_IMU: { componentName = "IMU #1"; break; } case MAV_COMP_ID_CAMERA: { componentName = "CAMERA"; break; } case MAV_COMP_ID_MISSIONPLANNER: { componentName = "MISSIONPLANNER"; break; } } components.insert(message.compid, componentName); } // qDebug() << "UAS RECEIVED from" << message.sysid << "component" << message.compid << "msg id" << message.msgid << "seq no" << message.seq; // Only accept messages from this system (condition 1) // and only then if a) attitudeStamped is disabled OR b) attitudeStamped is enabled // and we already got one attitude packet if (message.sysid == uasId && (!attitudeStamped || (attitudeStamped && (lastAttitude != 0)) || message.msgid == MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE)) { QString uasState; QString stateDescription; bool multiComponentSourceDetected = false; bool wrongComponent = false; switch (message.compid) { case MAV_COMP_ID_IMU_2: // Prefer IMU 2 over IMU 1 (FIXME) componentID[message.msgid] = MAV_COMP_ID_IMU_2; break; default: // Do nothing break; } // Store component ID if (componentID[message.msgid] == -1) { // Prefer the first component componentID[message.msgid] = message.compid; } else { // Got this message already if (componentID[message.msgid] != message.compid) { componentMulti[message.msgid] = true; wrongComponent = true; } } if (componentMulti[message.msgid] == true) multiComponentSourceDetected = true; switch (message.msgid) { case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HEARTBEAT: { if (multiComponentSourceDetected && wrongComponent) { break; } mavlink_heartbeat_t state; mavlink_msg_heartbeat_decode(&message, &state); // Send the base_mode and system_status values to the plotter. This uses the ground time // so the Ground Time checkbox must be ticked for these values to display quint64 time = getUnixTime(); QString name = QString("M%1:HEARTBEAT.%2").arg(message.sysid); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("base_mode"), "bits", state.base_mode, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("custom_mode"), "bits", state.custom_mode, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("system_status"), "-", state.system_status, time); // We got the mode receivedMode = true; } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_SYS_STATUS: { if (multiComponentSourceDetected && wrongComponent) { break; } mavlink_sys_status_t state; mavlink_msg_sys_status_decode(&message, &state); // Prepare for sending data to the realtime plotter, which is every field excluding onboard_control_sensors_present. quint64 time = getUnixTime(); QString name = QString("M%1:SYS_STATUS.%2").arg(message.sysid); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("sensors_enabled"), "bits", state.onboard_control_sensors_enabled, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("sensors_health"), "bits", state.onboard_control_sensors_health, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("errors_comm"), "-", state.errors_comm, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("errors_count1"), "-", state.errors_count1, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("errors_count2"), "-", state.errors_count2, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("errors_count3"), "-", state.errors_count3, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("errors_count4"), "-", state.errors_count4, time); // Process CPU load. emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("load"), "%", state.load/10.0f, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("drop_rate_comm"), "%", state.drop_rate_comm/100.0f, time); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE: { mavlink_attitude_t attitude; mavlink_msg_attitude_decode(&message, &attitude); quint64 time = getUnixReferenceTime(attitude.time_boot_ms); emit attitudeChanged(this, message.compid, QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.roll), QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.pitch), QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.yaw), time); if (!wrongComponent) { lastAttitude = time; setRoll(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.roll)); setPitch(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.pitch)); setYaw(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(attitude.yaw)); attitudeKnown = true; emit attitudeChanged(this, getRoll(), getPitch(), getYaw(), time); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE_QUATERNION: { mavlink_attitude_quaternion_t attitude; mavlink_msg_attitude_quaternion_decode(&message, &attitude); quint64 time = getUnixReferenceTime(attitude.time_boot_ms); double a = attitude.q1; double b = attitude.q2; double c = attitude.q3; double d = attitude.q4; double aSq = a * a; double bSq = b * b; double cSq = c * c; double dSq = d * d; float dcm[3][3]; dcm[0][0] = aSq + bSq - cSq - dSq; dcm[0][1] = 2.0 * (b * c - a * d); dcm[0][2] = 2.0 * (a * c + b * d); dcm[1][0] = 2.0 * (b * c + a * d); dcm[1][1] = aSq - bSq + cSq - dSq; dcm[1][2] = 2.0 * (c * d - a * b); dcm[2][0] = 2.0 * (b * d - a * c); dcm[2][1] = 2.0 * (a * b + c * d); dcm[2][2] = aSq - bSq - cSq + dSq; float phi, theta, psi; theta = asin(-dcm[2][0]); if (fabs(theta - M_PI_2) < 1.0e-3f) { phi = 0.0f; psi = (atan2(dcm[1][2] - dcm[0][1], dcm[0][2] + dcm[1][1]) + phi); } else if (fabs(theta + M_PI_2) < 1.0e-3f) { phi = 0.0f; psi = atan2f(dcm[1][2] - dcm[0][1], dcm[0][2] + dcm[1][1] - phi); } else { phi = atan2f(dcm[2][1], dcm[2][2]); psi = atan2f(dcm[1][0], dcm[0][0]); } emit attitudeChanged(this, message.compid, QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(phi), QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(theta), QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(psi), time); if (!wrongComponent) { lastAttitude = time; setRoll(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(phi)); setPitch(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(theta)); setYaw(QGC::limitAngleToPMPIf(psi)); attitudeKnown = true; emit attitudeChanged(this, getRoll(), getPitch(), getYaw(), time); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_HIL_CONTROLS: { mavlink_hil_controls_t hil; mavlink_msg_hil_controls_decode(&message, &hil); emit hilControlsChanged(hil.time_usec, hil.roll_ailerons, hil.pitch_elevator, hil.yaw_rudder, hil.throttle, hil.mode, hil.nav_mode); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_VFR_HUD: { mavlink_vfr_hud_t hud; mavlink_msg_vfr_hud_decode(&message, &hud); quint64 time = getUnixTime(); if (!attitudeKnown) { setYaw(QGC::limitAngleToPMPId((((double)hud.heading)/180.0)*M_PI)); emit attitudeChanged(this, getRoll(), getPitch(), getYaw(), time); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_GLOBAL_VISION_POSITION_ESTIMATE: { mavlink_global_vision_position_estimate_t pos; mavlink_msg_global_vision_position_estimate_decode(&message, &pos); quint64 time = getUnixTime(pos.usec); emit attitudeChanged(this, message.compid, pos.roll, pos.pitch, pos.yaw, time); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_VALUE: { mavlink_param_value_t rawValue; mavlink_msg_param_value_decode(&message, &rawValue); QByteArray bytes(rawValue.param_id, MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN); // Construct a string stopping at the first NUL (0) character, else copy the whole // byte array (max MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_VALUE_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN, so safe) QString parameterName(bytes); mavlink_param_union_t paramVal; paramVal.param_float = rawValue.param_value; paramVal.type = rawValue.param_type; processParamValueMsg(message, parameterName,rawValue,paramVal); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ATTITUDE_TARGET: { mavlink_attitude_target_t out; mavlink_msg_attitude_target_decode(&message, &out); float roll, pitch, yaw; mavlink_quaternion_to_euler(out.q, &roll, &pitch, &yaw); quint64 time = getUnixTimeFromMs(out.time_boot_ms); // For plotting emit roll sp, pitch sp and yaw sp values emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll sp", "rad", roll, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch sp", "rad", pitch, time); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw sp", "rad", yaw, time); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_STATUSTEXT: { QByteArray b; b.resize(MAVLINK_MSG_STATUSTEXT_FIELD_TEXT_LEN+1); mavlink_msg_statustext_get_text(&message, b.data()); // Ensure NUL-termination b[b.length()-1] = '\0'; QString text = QString(b); int severity = mavlink_msg_statustext_get_severity(&message); // If the message is NOTIFY or higher severity, or starts with a '#', // then read it aloud. if (text.startsWith("#") || severity <= MAV_SEVERITY_NOTICE) { text.remove("#"); emit textMessageReceived(uasId, message.compid, severity, text); _say(text.toLower(), severity); } else { emit textMessageReceived(uasId, message.compid, severity, text); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_DATA_TRANSMISSION_HANDSHAKE: { mavlink_data_transmission_handshake_t p; mavlink_msg_data_transmission_handshake_decode(&message, &p); imageSize = p.size; imagePackets = p.packets; imagePayload = p.payload; imageQuality = p.jpg_quality; imageType = p.type; imageWidth = p.width; imageHeight = p.height; imageStart = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); imagePacketsArrived = 0; } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ENCAPSULATED_DATA: { mavlink_encapsulated_data_t img; mavlink_msg_encapsulated_data_decode(&message, &img); int seq = img.seqnr; int pos = seq * imagePayload; // Check if we have a valid transaction if (imagePackets == 0) { // NO VALID TRANSACTION - ABORT // Restart statemachine imagePacketsArrived = 0; break; } for (int i = 0; i < imagePayload; ++i) { if (pos <= imageSize) { imageRecBuffer[pos] = img.data[i]; } ++pos; } ++imagePacketsArrived; // emit signal if all packets arrived if (imagePacketsArrived >= imagePackets) { // Restart statemachine imagePackets = 0; imagePacketsArrived = 0; emit imageReady(this); } } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_ENTRY: { mavlink_log_entry_t log; mavlink_msg_log_entry_decode(&message, &log); emit logEntry(this, log.time_utc, log.size, log.id, log.num_logs, log.last_log_num); } break; case MAVLINK_MSG_ID_LOG_DATA: { mavlink_log_data_t log; mavlink_msg_log_data_decode(&message, &log); emit logData(this, log.ofs, log.id, log.count, log.data); } break; default: break; } } } void UAS::startCalibration(UASInterface::StartCalibrationType calType) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } int gyroCal = 0; int magCal = 0; int airspeedCal = 0; int radioCal = 0; int accelCal = 0; int escCal = 0; switch (calType) { case StartCalibrationGyro: gyroCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationMag: magCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationAirspeed: airspeedCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationRadio: radioCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationCopyTrims: radioCal = 2; break; case StartCalibrationAccel: accelCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationLevel: accelCal = 2; break; case StartCalibrationEsc: escCal = 1; break; case StartCalibrationUavcanEsc: escCal = 2; break; case StartCalibrationCompassMot: airspeedCal = 1; // ArduPilot, bit of a hack break; } // We can't use sendMavCommand here since we have no idea how long it will be before the command returns a result. This in turn // causes the retry logic to break down. mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_command_long_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, uasId, _vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, // command id 0, // 0=first transmission of command gyroCal, // gyro cal magCal, // mag cal 0, // ground pressure radioCal, // radio cal accelCal, // accel cal airspeedCal, // PX4: airspeed cal, ArduPilot: compass mot escCal); // esc cal _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); } void UAS::stopCalibration(void) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_CALIBRATION, // command id true, // showError 0, // gyro cal 0, // mag cal 0, // ground pressure 0, // radio cal 0, // accel cal 0, // airspeed cal 0); // unused } void UAS::startBusConfig(UASInterface::StartBusConfigType calType) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } int actuatorCal = 0; switch (calType) { case StartBusConfigActuators: actuatorCal = 1; break; case EndBusConfigActuators: actuatorCal = 0; break; } _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_UAVCAN, // command id true, // showError actuatorCal); // actuators } void UAS::stopBusConfig(void) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_PREFLIGHT_UAVCAN, // command id true, // showError 0); // cancel } /** * Check if time is smaller than 40 years, assuming no system without Unix * timestamp runs longer than 40 years continuously without reboot. In worst case * this will add/subtract the communication delay between GCS and MAV, it will * never alter the timestamp in a safety critical way. */ quint64 UAS::getUnixReferenceTime(quint64 time) { // Same as getUnixTime, but does not react to attitudeStamped mode if (time == 0) { // qDebug() << "XNEW time:" < has to be // a Unix epoch timestamp. Do nothing. return time/1000; } } /** * @warning If attitudeStamped is enabled, this function will not actually return * the precise time stamp of this measurement augmented to UNIX time, but will * MOVE the timestamp IN TIME to match the last measured attitude. There is no * reason why one would want this, except for system setups where the onboard * clock is not present or broken and datasets should be collected that are still * roughly synchronized. PLEASE NOTE THAT ENABLING ATTITUDE STAMPED RUINS THE * SCIENTIFIC NATURE OF THE CORRECT LOGGING FUNCTIONS OF QGROUNDCONTROL! */ quint64 UAS::getUnixTimeFromMs(quint64 time) { return getUnixTime(time*1000); } /** * @warning If attitudeStamped is enabled, this function will not actually return * the precise time stam of this measurement augmented to UNIX time, but will * MOVE the timestamp IN TIME to match the last measured attitude. There is no * reason why one would want this, except for system setups where the onboard * clock is not present or broken and datasets should be collected that are * still roughly synchronized. PLEASE NOTE THAT ENABLING ATTITUDE STAMPED * RUINS THE SCIENTIFIC NATURE OF THE CORRECT LOGGING FUNCTIONS OF QGROUNDCONTROL! */ quint64 UAS::getUnixTime(quint64 time) { quint64 ret = 0; if (attitudeStamped) { ret = lastAttitude; } if (time == 0) { ret = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); } // Check if time is smaller than 40 years, // assuming no system without Unix timestamp // runs longer than 40 years continuously without // reboot. In worst case this will add/subtract the // communication delay between GCS and MAV, // it will never alter the timestamp in a safety // critical way. // // Calculation: // 40 years // 365 days // 24 hours // 60 minutes // 60 seconds // 1000 milliseconds // 1000 microseconds #ifndef _MSC_VER else if (time < 1261440000000000LLU) #else else if (time < 1261440000000000) #endif { // qDebug() << "GEN time:" << time/1000 + onboardTimeOffset; if (onboardTimeOffset == 0 || time < (lastNonNullTime - 100)) { lastNonNullTime = time; onboardTimeOffset = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - time/1000; } if (time > lastNonNullTime) lastNonNullTime = time; ret = time/1000 + onboardTimeOffset; } else { // Time is not zero and larger than 40 years -> has to be // a Unix epoch timestamp. Do nothing. ret = time/1000; } return ret; } /** * Get the status of the code and a description of the status. * Status can be unitialized, booting up, calibrating sensors, active * standby, cirtical, emergency, shutdown or unknown. */ void UAS::getStatusForCode(int statusCode, QString& uasState, QString& stateDescription) { switch (statusCode) { case MAV_STATE_UNINIT: uasState = tr("UNINIT"); stateDescription = tr("Unitialized, booting up."); break; case MAV_STATE_BOOT: uasState = tr("BOOT"); stateDescription = tr("Booting system, please wait."); break; case MAV_STATE_CALIBRATING: uasState = tr("CALIBRATING"); stateDescription = tr("Calibrating sensors, please wait."); break; case MAV_STATE_ACTIVE: uasState = tr("ACTIVE"); stateDescription = tr("Active, normal operation."); break; case MAV_STATE_STANDBY: uasState = tr("STANDBY"); stateDescription = tr("Standby mode, ready for launch."); break; case MAV_STATE_CRITICAL: uasState = tr("CRITICAL"); stateDescription = tr("FAILURE: Continuing operation."); break; case MAV_STATE_EMERGENCY: uasState = tr("EMERGENCY"); stateDescription = tr("EMERGENCY: Land Immediately!"); break; //case MAV_STATE_HILSIM: //uasState = tr("HIL SIM"); //stateDescription = tr("HIL Simulation, Sensors read from SIM"); //break; case MAV_STATE_POWEROFF: uasState = tr("SHUTDOWN"); stateDescription = tr("Powering off system."); break; default: uasState = tr("UNKNOWN"); stateDescription = tr("Unknown system state"); break; } } QImage UAS::getImage() { // qDebug() << "IMAGE TYPE:" << imageType; // RAW greyscale if (imageType == MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_RAW8U) { int imgColors = 255; // Construct PGM header QString header("P5\n%1 %2\n%3\n"); header = header.arg(imageWidth).arg(imageHeight).arg(imgColors); QByteArray tmpImage(header.toStdString().c_str(), header.length()); tmpImage.append(imageRecBuffer); //qDebug() << "IMAGE SIZE:" << tmpImage.size() << "HEADER SIZE: (15):" << header.size() << "HEADER: " << header; if (imageRecBuffer.isNull()) { qDebug()<< "could not convertToPGM()"; return QImage(); } if (!image.loadFromData(tmpImage, "PGM")) { qDebug()<< __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "could not create extracted image"; return QImage(); } } // BMP with header else if (imageType == MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_BMP || imageType == MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_JPEG || imageType == MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_PGM || imageType == MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_PNG) { if (!image.loadFromData(imageRecBuffer)) { qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "Loading data from image buffer failed!"; return QImage(); } } // Restart statemachine imagePacketsArrived = 0; imagePackets = 0; imageRecBuffer.clear(); return image; } void UAS::requestImage() { if (!_vehicle) { return; } qDebug() << "trying to get an image from the uas..."; // check if there is already an image transmission going on if (imagePacketsArrived == 0) { mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_data_transmission_handshake_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, MAVLINK_DATA_STREAM_IMG_JPEG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 50); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); } } /* MANAGEMENT */ /** * * @return The uptime in milliseconds * */ quint64 UAS::getUptime() const { if(startTime == 0) { return 0; } else { return QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - startTime; } } //TODO update this to use the parameter manager / param data model instead void UAS::processParamValueMsg(mavlink_message_t& msg, const QString& paramName, const mavlink_param_value_t& rawValue, mavlink_param_union_t& paramUnion) { int compId = msg.compid; QVariant paramValue; // Insert with correct type switch (rawValue.param_type) { case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_float); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT8: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_uint8); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT8: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_int8); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT16: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_uint16); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT16: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_int16); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT32: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_uint32); break; case MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT32: paramValue = QVariant(paramUnion.param_int32); break; //-- Note: These are not handled above: // // MAV_PARAM_TYPE_UINT64 // MAV_PARAM_TYPE_INT64 // MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL64 // // No space in message (the only storage allocation is a "float") and not present in mavlink_param_union_t default: qCritical() << "INVALID DATA TYPE USED AS PARAMETER VALUE: " << rawValue.param_type; } qCDebug(UASLog) << "Received PARAM_VALUE" << paramName << paramValue << rawValue.param_type; emit parameterUpdate(uasId, compId, paramName, rawValue.param_count, rawValue.param_index, rawValue.param_type, paramValue); } /** * Set the manual control commands. * This can only be done if the system has manual inputs enabled and is armed. */ void UAS::setExternalControlSetpoint(float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float thrust, quint16 buttons, int joystickMode) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } if (!_vehicle->priorityLink()) { return; } // Store the previous manual commands static float manualRollAngle = 0.0; static float manualPitchAngle = 0.0; static float manualYawAngle = 0.0; static float manualThrust = 0.0; static quint16 manualButtons = 0; static quint8 countSinceLastTransmission = 0; // Track how many calls to this function have occurred since the last MAVLink transmission // Transmit the external setpoints only if they've changed OR if it's been a little bit since they were last transmit. To make sure there aren't issues with // response rate, we make sure that a message is transmit when the commands have changed, then one more time, and then switch to the lower transmission rate // if no command inputs have changed. // The default transmission rate is 25Hz, but when no inputs have changed it drops down to 5Hz. bool sendCommand = false; if (countSinceLastTransmission++ >= 5) { sendCommand = true; countSinceLastTransmission = 0; } else if ((!qIsNaN(roll) && roll != manualRollAngle) || (!qIsNaN(pitch) && pitch != manualPitchAngle) || (!qIsNaN(yaw) && yaw != manualYawAngle) || (!qIsNaN(thrust) && thrust != manualThrust) || buttons != manualButtons) { sendCommand = true; // Ensure that another message will be sent the next time this function is called countSinceLastTransmission = 10; } // Now if we should trigger an update, let's do that if (sendCommand) { // Save the new manual control inputs manualRollAngle = roll; manualPitchAngle = pitch; manualYawAngle = yaw; manualThrust = thrust; manualButtons = buttons; mavlink_message_t message; if (joystickMode == Vehicle::JoystickModeAttitude) { // send an external attitude setpoint command (rate control disabled) float attitudeQuaternion[4]; mavlink_euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw, attitudeQuaternion); uint8_t typeMask = 0x7; // disable rate control mavlink_msg_set_attitude_target_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), this->uasId, 0, typeMask, attitudeQuaternion, 0, 0, 0, thrust); } else if (joystickMode == Vehicle::JoystickModePosition) { // Send the the local position setpoint (local pos sp external message) static float px = 0; static float py = 0; static float pz = 0; //XXX: find decent scaling px -= pitch; py += roll; pz -= 2.0f*(thrust-0.5); uint16_t typeMask = (1<<11)|(7<<6)|(7<<3); // select only POSITION control mavlink_msg_set_position_target_local_ned_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), this->uasId, 0, MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, typeMask, px, py, pz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, yaw, 0); } else if (joystickMode == Vehicle::JoystickModeForce) { // Send the the force setpoint (local pos sp external message) float dcm[3][3]; mavlink_euler_to_dcm(roll, pitch, yaw, dcm); const float fx = -dcm[0][2] * thrust; const float fy = -dcm[1][2] * thrust; const float fz = -dcm[2][2] * thrust; uint16_t typeMask = (3<<10)|(7<<3)|(7<<0)|(1<<9); // select only FORCE control (disable everything else) mavlink_msg_set_position_target_local_ned_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), this->uasId, 0, MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, typeMask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, fx, fy, fz, 0, 0); } else if (joystickMode == Vehicle::JoystickModeVelocity) { // Send the the local velocity setpoint (local pos sp external message) static float vx = 0; static float vy = 0; static float vz = 0; static float yawrate = 0; //XXX: find decent scaling vx -= pitch; vy += roll; vz -= 2.0f*(thrust-0.5); yawrate += yaw; //XXX: not sure what scale to apply here uint16_t typeMask = (1<<10)|(7<<6)|(7<<0); // select only VELOCITY control mavlink_msg_set_position_target_local_ned_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeUsecs(), this->uasId, 0, MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, typeMask, 0, 0, 0, vx, vy, vz, 0, 0, 0, 0, yawrate); } else if (joystickMode == Vehicle::JoystickModeRC) { // Save the new manual control inputs manualRollAngle = roll; manualPitchAngle = pitch; manualYawAngle = yaw; manualThrust = thrust; manualButtons = buttons; // Store scaling values for all 3 axes const float axesScaling = 1.0 * 1000.0; // Calculate the new commands for roll, pitch, yaw, and thrust const float newRollCommand = roll * axesScaling; // negate pitch value because pitch is negative for pitching forward but mavlink message argument is positive for forward const float newPitchCommand = -pitch * axesScaling; const float newYawCommand = yaw * axesScaling; const float newThrustCommand = thrust * axesScaling; //qDebug() << newRollCommand << newPitchCommand << newYawCommand << newThrustCommand; // Send the MANUAL_COMMAND message mavlink_msg_manual_control_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, this->uasId, newPitchCommand, newRollCommand, newThrustCommand, newYawCommand, buttons); } _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); } } #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::setManual6DOFControlCommands(double x, double y, double z, double roll, double pitch, double yaw) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } const uint8_t base_mode = _vehicle->baseMode(); // If system has manual inputs enabled and is armed if(((base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_MANUAL) && (base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_DECODE_POSITION_SAFETY)) || (base_mode & MAV_MODE_FLAG_HIL_ENABLED)) { mavlink_message_t message; float q[4]; mavlink_euler_to_quaternion(roll, pitch, yaw, q); float yawrate = 0.0f; // Do not control rates and throttle quint8 mask = (1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2); // ignore rates mask |= (1 << 6); // ignore throttle mavlink_msg_set_attitude_target_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(), this->uasId, _vehicle->defaultComponentId(), mask, q, 0, 0, 0, 0); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); quint16 position_mask = (1 << 3) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6) | (1 << 7) | (1 << 8); mavlink_msg_set_position_target_local_ned_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(), this->uasId, _vehicle->defaultComponentId(), MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED, position_mask, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, yaw, yawrate); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << ": SENT 6DOF CONTROL MESSAGES: x" << x << " y: " << y << " z: " << z << " roll: " << roll << " pitch: " << pitch << " yaw: " << yaw; } else { qDebug() << "3DMOUSE/MANUAL CONTROL: IGNORING COMMANDS: Set mode to MANUAL to send 3DMouse commands first"; } } #endif /** * Order the robot to start receiver pairing */ void UAS::pairRX(int rxType, int rxSubType) { if (_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE, // command id MAV_CMD_START_RX_PAIR, // command id true, // showError rxType, rxSubType); } } /** * Order the robot to take a picture (Testing -- Incomplete API) */ void UAS::takePhoto() { if (_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_IMAGE_START_CAPTURE, // command id 0, // Duration between two consecutive pictures (in seconds) 1, // Number of images to capture total - 0 for unlimited capture 0, // Resolution in megapixels (0.3 for 640x480, 1.3 for 1280x720, etc), set to 0 if param 4/5 are used 1920, // Resolution horizontal in pixels 1080); // Resolution horizontal in pixels } } /** * Order the robot to toggle video recording (Testing -- Incomplete API) */ void UAS::toggleVideo() { if (_vehicle) { _vehicle->sendMavCommand(_vehicle->defaultComponentId(), // target component MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_CAPTURE, // command id 0, // Camera ID (0 for all cameras), 1 for first, 2 for second, etc. 60, // Frames per second 0, // Resolution in megapixels (0.3 for 640x480, 1.3 for 1280x720, etc), set to 0 if param 4/5 are used 1920, // Resolution horizontal in pixels 1080); // Resolution horizontal in pixels } } /** * If enabled, connect the flight gear link. */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::enableHilFlightGear(bool enable, QString options, bool sensorHil, QObject * configuration) { Q_UNUSED(configuration); QGCFlightGearLink* link = dynamic_cast(simulation); if (!link) { // Delete wrong sim if (simulation) { stopHil(); delete simulation; } simulation = new QGCFlightGearLink(_vehicle, options); } float noise_scaler = 0.0001f; xacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.2914f; yacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.2914f; zacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.9577f; rollspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.8126f; pitchspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.6145f; yawspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.5852f; xmag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0786f; ymag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0566f; zmag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0333f; abs_pressure_var = noise_scaler * 0.5604f; diff_pressure_var = noise_scaler * 0.2604f; pressure_alt_var = noise_scaler * 0.5604f; temperature_var = noise_scaler * 0.7290f; // Connect Flight Gear Link link = dynamic_cast(simulation); link->setStartupArguments(options); link->sensorHilEnabled(sensorHil); // FIXME: this signal is not on the base hil configuration widget, only on the FG widget //QObject::connect(configuration, SIGNAL(barometerOffsetChanged(float)), link, SLOT(setBarometerOffset(float))); if (enable) { startHil(); } else { stopHil(); } } #endif /** * If enabled, connect the JSBSim link. */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::enableHilJSBSim(bool enable, QString options) { QGCJSBSimLink* link = dynamic_cast(simulation); if (!link) { // Delete wrong sim if (simulation) { stopHil(); delete simulation; } simulation = new QGCJSBSimLink(_vehicle, options); } // Connect Flight Gear Link link = dynamic_cast(simulation); link->setStartupArguments(options); if (enable) { startHil(); } else { stopHil(); } } #endif /** * If enabled, connect the X-plane gear link. */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::enableHilXPlane(bool enable) { QGCXPlaneLink* link = dynamic_cast(simulation); if (!link) { if (simulation) { stopHil(); delete simulation; } simulation = new QGCXPlaneLink(_vehicle); float noise_scaler = 0.0001f; xacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.2914f; yacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.2914f; zacc_var = noise_scaler * 0.9577f; rollspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.8126f; pitchspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.6145f; yawspeed_var = noise_scaler * 0.5852f; xmag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0786f; ymag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0566f; zmag_var = noise_scaler * 0.0333f; abs_pressure_var = noise_scaler * 0.5604f; diff_pressure_var = noise_scaler * 0.2604f; pressure_alt_var = noise_scaler * 0.5604f; temperature_var = noise_scaler * 0.7290f; } // Connect X-Plane Link if (enable) { startHil(); } else { stopHil(); } } #endif /** * @param time_us Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot) * @param roll Roll angle (rad) * @param pitch Pitch angle (rad) * @param yaw Yaw angle (rad) * @param rollspeed Roll angular speed (rad/s) * @param pitchspeed Pitch angular speed (rad/s) * @param yawspeed Yaw angular speed (rad/s) * @param lat Latitude, expressed as * 1E7 * @param lon Longitude, expressed as * 1E7 * @param alt Altitude in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters) * @param vx Ground X Speed (Latitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param vy Ground Y Speed (Longitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param vz Ground Z Speed (Altitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param xacc X acceleration (mg) * @param yacc Y acceleration (mg) * @param zacc Z acceleration (mg) */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::sendHilGroundTruth(quint64 time_us, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, double lat, double lon, double alt, float vx, float vy, float vz, float ind_airspeed, float true_airspeed, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc) { Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(xacc); Q_UNUSED(yacc); Q_UNUSED(zacc); // Emit attitude for cross-check emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll sim", "rad", roll, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch sim", "rad", pitch, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw sim", "rad", yaw, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "roll rate sim", "rad/s", rollspeed, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "pitch rate sim", "rad/s", pitchspeed, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "yaw rate sim", "rad/s", yawspeed, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "lat sim", "deg", lat*1e7, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "lon sim", "deg", lon*1e7, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "alt sim", "deg", alt*1e3, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "vx sim", "m/s", vx*1e2, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "vy sim", "m/s", vy*1e2, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "vz sim", "m/s", vz*1e2, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "IAS sim", "m/s", ind_airspeed, getUnixTime()); emit valueChanged(uasId, "TAS sim", "m/s", true_airspeed, getUnixTime()); } #endif /** * @param time_us Timestamp (microseconds since UNIX epoch or microseconds since system boot) * @param roll Roll angle (rad) * @param pitch Pitch angle (rad) * @param yaw Yaw angle (rad) * @param rollspeed Roll angular speed (rad/s) * @param pitchspeed Pitch angular speed (rad/s) * @param yawspeed Yaw angular speed (rad/s) * @param lat Latitude, expressed as * 1E7 * @param lon Longitude, expressed as * 1E7 * @param alt Altitude in meters, expressed as * 1000 (millimeters) * @param vx Ground X Speed (Latitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param vy Ground Y Speed (Longitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param vz Ground Z Speed (Altitude), expressed as m/s * 100 * @param xacc X acceleration (mg) * @param yacc Y acceleration (mg) * @param zacc Z acceleration (mg) */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::sendHilState(quint64 time_us, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, double lat, double lon, double alt, float vx, float vy, float vz, float ind_airspeed, float true_airspeed, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } if (_vehicle->hilMode()) { float q[4]; double cosPhi_2 = cos(double(roll) / 2.0); double sinPhi_2 = sin(double(roll) / 2.0); double cosTheta_2 = cos(double(pitch) / 2.0); double sinTheta_2 = sin(double(pitch) / 2.0); double cosPsi_2 = cos(double(yaw) / 2.0); double sinPsi_2 = sin(double(yaw) / 2.0); q[0] = (cosPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 + sinPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * sinPsi_2); q[1] = (sinPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 - cosPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * sinPsi_2); q[2] = (cosPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * cosPsi_2 + sinPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * sinPsi_2); q[3] = (cosPhi_2 * cosTheta_2 * sinPsi_2 - sinPhi_2 * sinTheta_2 * cosPsi_2); mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_hil_state_quaternion_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, time_us, q, rollspeed, pitchspeed, yawspeed, lat*1e7f, lon*1e7f, alt*1000, vx*100, vy*100, vz*100, ind_airspeed*100, true_airspeed*100, xacc*1000/9.81, yacc*1000/9.81, zacc*1000/9.81); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); } else { // Attempt to set HIL mode _vehicle->setHilMode(true); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable."; } } #endif #ifndef __mobile__ float UAS::addZeroMeanNoise(float truth_meas, float noise_var) { /* Calculate normally distributed variable noise with mean = 0 and variance = noise_var. Calculated according to Box-Muller transform */ static const float epsilon = std::numeric_limits::min(); //used to ensure non-zero uniform numbers static float z0; //calculated normal distribution random variables with mu = 0, var = 1; float u1, u2; //random variables generated from c++ rand(); /*Generate random variables in range (0 1] */ do { //TODO seed rand() with srand(time) but srand(time should be called once on startup) //currently this will generate repeatable random noise u1 = rand() * (1.0 / RAND_MAX); u2 = rand() * (1.0 / RAND_MAX); } while ( u1 <= epsilon ); //Have a catch to ensure non-zero for log() z0 = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)) * cos(2.0f * M_PI * u2); //calculate normally distributed variable with mu = 0, var = 1 //TODO add bias term that changes randomly to simulate accelerometer and gyro bias the exf should handle these //as well float noise = z0 * sqrt(noise_var); //calculate normally distributed variable with mu = 0, std = var^2 //Finally guard against any case where the noise is not real if(std::isfinite(noise)) { return truth_meas + noise; } else { return truth_meas; } } #endif /* * @param abs_pressure Absolute Pressure (hPa) * @param diff_pressure Differential Pressure (hPa) */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::sendHilSensors(quint64 time_us, float xacc, float yacc, float zacc, float rollspeed, float pitchspeed, float yawspeed, float xmag, float ymag, float zmag, float abs_pressure, float diff_pressure, float pressure_alt, float temperature, quint32 fields_changed) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } if (_vehicle->hilMode()) { float xacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(xacc, xacc_var); float yacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(yacc, yacc_var); float zacc_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(zacc, zacc_var); float rollspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(rollspeed,rollspeed_var); float pitchspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(pitchspeed,pitchspeed_var); float yawspeed_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(yawspeed,yawspeed_var); float xmag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(xmag, xmag_var); float ymag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(ymag, ymag_var); float zmag_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(zmag, zmag_var); float abs_pressure_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(abs_pressure,abs_pressure_var); float diff_pressure_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(diff_pressure, diff_pressure_var); float pressure_alt_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(pressure_alt, pressure_alt_var); float temperature_corrupt = addZeroMeanNoise(temperature,temperature_var); mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_hil_sensor_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, time_us, xacc_corrupt, yacc_corrupt, zacc_corrupt, rollspeed_corrupt, pitchspeed_corrupt, yawspeed_corrupt, xmag_corrupt, ymag_corrupt, zmag_corrupt, abs_pressure_corrupt, diff_pressure_corrupt, pressure_alt_corrupt, temperature_corrupt, fields_changed); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); lastSendTimeSensors = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); } else { // Attempt to set HIL mode _vehicle->setHilMode(true); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable."; } } #endif #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::sendHilOpticalFlow(quint64 time_us, qint16 flow_x, qint16 flow_y, float flow_comp_m_x, float flow_comp_m_y, quint8 quality, float ground_distance) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } // FIXME: This needs to be updated for new mavlink_msg_hil_optical_flow_pack api Q_UNUSED(time_us); Q_UNUSED(flow_x); Q_UNUSED(flow_y); Q_UNUSED(flow_comp_m_x); Q_UNUSED(flow_comp_m_y); Q_UNUSED(quality); Q_UNUSED(ground_distance); if (_vehicle->hilMode()) { #if 0 mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_hil_optical_flow_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, time_us, 0, 0 /* hack */, flow_x, flow_y, 0.0f /* hack */, 0.0f /* hack */, 0.0f /* hack */, 0 /* hack */, quality, ground_distance); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); lastSendTimeOpticalFlow = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); #endif } else { // Attempt to set HIL mode _vehicle->setHilMode(true); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable."; } } #endif #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::sendHilGps(quint64 time_us, double lat, double lon, double alt, int fix_type, float eph, float epv, float vel, float vn, float ve, float vd, float cog, int satellites) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } // Only send at 10 Hz max rate if (QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds() - lastSendTimeGPS < 100) return; if (_vehicle->hilMode()) { float course = cog; // map to 0..2pi if (course < 0) course += 2.0f * static_cast(M_PI); // scale from radians to degrees course = (course / M_PI) * 180.0f; mavlink_message_t msg; mavlink_msg_hil_gps_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &msg, time_us, fix_type, lat*1e7, lon*1e7, alt*1e3, eph*1e2, epv*1e2, vel*1e2, vn*1e2, ve*1e2, vd*1e2, course*1e2, satellites); lastSendTimeGPS = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds(); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), msg); } else { // Attempt to set HIL mode _vehicle->setHilMode(true); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable."; } } #endif /** * Connect flight gear link. **/ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::startHil() { if (hilEnabled) return; hilEnabled = true; sensorHil = false; _vehicle->setHilMode(true); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to enable."; // Connect HIL simulation link simulation->connectSimulation(); } #endif /** * disable flight gear link. */ #ifndef __mobile__ void UAS::stopHil() { if (simulation && simulation->isConnected()) { simulation->disconnectSimulation(); _vehicle->setHilMode(false); qDebug() << __FILE__ << __LINE__ << "HIL is onboard not enabled, trying to disable."; } hilEnabled = false; sensorHil = false; } #endif /** * @rerturn the map of the components */ QMap UAS::getComponents() { return components; } void UAS::sendMapRCToParam(QString param_id, float scale, float value0, quint8 param_rc_channel_index, float valueMin, float valueMax) { if (!_vehicle) { return; } mavlink_message_t message; char param_id_cstr[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_MAP_RC_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = {}; // Copy string into buffer, ensuring not to exceed the buffer size for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(param_id_cstr); i++) { if ((int)i < param_id.length()) { param_id_cstr[i] = param_id.toLatin1()[i]; } } mavlink_msg_param_map_rc_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, this->uasId, _vehicle->defaultComponentId(), param_id_cstr, -1, param_rc_channel_index, value0, scale, valueMin, valueMax); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); //qDebug() << "Mavlink message sent"; } void UAS::unsetRCToParameterMap() { if (!_vehicle) { return; } char param_id_cstr[MAVLINK_MSG_PARAM_MAP_RC_FIELD_PARAM_ID_LEN] = {}; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { mavlink_message_t message; mavlink_msg_param_map_rc_pack_chan(mavlink->getSystemId(), mavlink->getComponentId(), _vehicle->priorityLink()->mavlinkChannel(), &message, this->uasId, _vehicle->defaultComponentId(), param_id_cstr, -2, i, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); _vehicle->sendMessageOnLink(_vehicle->priorityLink(), message); } } void UAS::_say(const QString& text, int severity) { Q_UNUSED(severity); qgcApp()->toolbox()->audioOutput()->say(text); } void UAS::shutdownVehicle(void) { #ifndef __mobile__ stopHil(); if (simulation) { // wait for the simulator to exit simulation->wait(); simulation->disconnectSimulation(); simulation->deleteLater(); } #endif _vehicle = NULL; }