#include "QGCMapWidget.h" #include "QGCMapToolBar.h" #include "UASInterface.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "MAV2DIcon.h" #include "Waypoint2DIcon.h" #include "UASWaypointManager.h" QGCMapWidget::QGCMapWidget(QWidget *parent) : mapcontrol::OPMapWidget(parent), currWPManager(NULL), firingWaypointChange(NULL), maxUpdateInterval(2), // 2 seconds followUAVEnabled(false) { // Widget is inactive until shown // Set cache mode } QGCMapWidget::~QGCMapWidget() { SetShowHome(false); // doing this appears to stop the map lib crashing on exit SetShowUAV(false); // " " } void QGCMapWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { // Pass on to parent widget OPMapWidget::showEvent(event); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(UASCreated(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(addUAS(UASInterface*))); connect(UASManager::instance(), SIGNAL(activeUASSet(UASInterface*)), this, SLOT(activeUASSet(UASInterface*))); foreach (UASInterface* uas, UASManager::instance()->getUASList()) { addUAS(uas); } internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(0, 0); // // ************** // // default home position // home_position.coord = pos_lat_lon; // home_position.altitude = altitude; // home_position.locked = false; // // ************** // // default magic waypoint params // magic_waypoint.map_wp_item = NULL; // magic_waypoint.coord = home_position.coord; // magic_waypoint.altitude = altitude; // magic_waypoint.description = "Magic waypoint"; // magic_waypoint.locked = false; // magic_waypoint.time_seconds = 0; // magic_waypoint.hold_time_seconds = 0; const int safe_area_radius_list[] = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000}; // meters const int uav_trail_time_list[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}; // seconds const int uav_trail_distance_list[] = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500}; // meters SetMouseWheelZoomType(internals::MouseWheelZoomType::MousePositionWithoutCenter); // set how the mouse wheel zoom functions SetFollowMouse(true); // we want a contiuous mouse position reading SetShowHome(true); // display the HOME position on the map SetShowUAV(true); // display the UAV position on the map //SetShowDiagnostics(true); // Not needed in flight / production mode Home->SetSafeArea(safe_area_radius_list[0]); // set radius (meters) Home->SetShowSafeArea(true); // show the safe area UAV->SetTrailTime(uav_trail_time_list[0]); // seconds UAV->SetTrailDistance(uav_trail_distance_list[1]); // meters // UAV->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed); // UAV->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByDistance); GPS->SetTrailTime(uav_trail_time_list[0]); // seconds GPS->SetTrailDistance(uav_trail_distance_list[1]); // meters // GPS->SetTrailType(UAVTrailType::ByTimeElapsed); SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon); // set the map position Home->SetCoord(pos_lat_lon); // set the HOME position UAV->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, 0.0); // set the UAV position GPS->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, 0.0); // set the UAV position setFrameStyle(QFrame::NoFrame); // no border frame setBackgroundBrush(QBrush(Qt::black)); // tile background // Set current home position updateHomePosition(UASManager::instance()->getHomeLatitude(), UASManager::instance()->getHomeLongitude(), UASManager::instance()->getHomeAltitude()); // Set currently selected system activeUASSet(UASManager::instance()->getActiveUAS()); // FIXME XXX this is a hack to trick OPs current 1-system design SetShowUAV(false); // Connect map updates to the adapter slots connect(this, SIGNAL(WPValuesChanged(WayPointItem*)), this, SLOT(handleMapWaypointEdit(WayPointItem*))); setFocus(); // Start timer connect(&updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition())); updateTimer.start(maxUpdateInterval*1000); updateGlobalPosition(); //QTimer::singleShot(800, this, SLOT(loadSettings())); } void QGCMapWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { storeSettings(); OPMapWidget::hideEvent(event); } void QGCMapWidget::loadSettings() { // Atlantic Ocean near Africa, coordinate origin double lastZoom = 1; double lastLat = 0; double lastLon = 0; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("QGC_MAPWIDGET"); lastLat = settings.value("LAST_LATITUDE", lastLat).toDouble(); lastLon = settings.value("LAST_LONGITUDE", lastLon).toDouble(); lastZoom = settings.value("LAST_ZOOM", lastZoom).toDouble(); settings.endGroup(); // SET INITIAL POSITION AND ZOOM internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(lastLat, lastLon); SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon); // set the map position SetZoom(lastZoom); // set map zoom level } void QGCMapWidget::storeSettings() { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("QGC_MAPWIDGET"); internals::PointLatLng pos = CurrentPosition(); settings.setValue("LAST_LATITUDE", pos.Lat()); settings.setValue("LAST_LONGITUDE", pos.Lng()); settings.setValue("LAST_ZOOM", ZoomReal()); settings.endGroup(); settings.sync(); } void QGCMapWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { // FIXME HACK! //if (currEditMode == EDIT_MODE_WAYPOINTS) { // If a waypoint manager is available if (currWPManager) { // Create new waypoint internals::PointLatLng pos = map->FromLocalToLatLng(event->pos().x(), event->pos().y()); Waypoint* wp = currWPManager->createWaypoint(); // wp->blockSignals(true); // wp->setFrame(MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT); wp->setLatitude(pos.Lat()); wp->setLongitude(pos.Lng()); wp->setAltitude(0); // wp->blockSignals(false); // currWPManager->notifyOfChange(wp); } } OPMapWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(event); } /** * * @param uas the UAS/MAV to monitor/display with the HUD */ void QGCMapWidget::addUAS(UASInterface* uas) { qDebug() << "ADDING UAS"; connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); //connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(systemSpecsChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateSystemSpecs(int))); } void QGCMapWidget::activeUASSet(UASInterface* uas) { // Only execute if proper UAS is set if (!uas || !dynamic_cast(uas)) return; // Disconnect old MAV manager if (currWPManager) { // Disconnect the waypoint manager / data storage from the UI disconnect(currWPManager, SIGNAL(waypointListChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateWaypointList(int))); disconnect(currWPManager, SIGNAL(waypointChanged(int, Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(updateWaypoint(int,Waypoint*))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(waypointCreated(Waypoint*)), currWPManager, SLOT(addWaypoint(Waypoint*))); disconnect(this, SIGNAL(waypointChanged(Waypoint*)), currWPManager, SLOT(notifyOfChange(Waypoint*))); } if (uas) { currWPManager = uas->getWaypointManager(); // Delete all waypoints and add waypoint from new system updateWaypointList(uas->getUASID()); // Connect the waypoint manager / data storage to the UI connect(currWPManager, SIGNAL(waypointListChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateWaypointList(int))); connect(currWPManager, SIGNAL(waypointChanged(int, Waypoint*)), this, SLOT(updateWaypoint(int,Waypoint*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(waypointCreated(Waypoint*)), currWPManager, SLOT(addWaypoint(Waypoint*))); connect(this, SIGNAL(waypointChanged(Waypoint*)), currWPManager, SLOT(notifyOfChange(Waypoint*))); updateSelectedSystem(uas->getUASID()); followUAVID = uas->getUASID(); } } /** * Updates the global position of one MAV and append the last movement to the trail * * @param uas The unmanned air system * @param lat Latitude in WGS84 ellipsoid * @param lon Longitutde in WGS84 ellipsoid * @param alt Altitude over mean sea level * @param usec Timestamp of the position message in milliseconds FIXME will move to microseconds */ void QGCMapWidget::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface* uas, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 usec) { Q_UNUSED(usec); // Immediate update if (maxUpdateInterval == 0) { // Get reference to graphic UAV item mapcontrol::UAVItem* uav = GetUAV(uas->getUASID()); // Check if reference is valid, else create a new one if (uav == NULL) { MAV2DIcon* newUAV = new MAV2DIcon(map, this, uas); newUAV->setParentItem(map); UAVS.insert(uas->getUASID(), newUAV); uav = GetUAV(uas->getUASID()); } // Set new lat/lon position of UAV icon internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(lat, lon); uav->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, alt); // Follow status if (followUAVEnabled && uas->getUASID() == followUAVID) SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon); // Convert from radians to degrees and apply uav->SetUAVHeading((uas->getYaw()/M_PI)*180.0f); } } /** * Pulls in the positions of all UAVs from the UAS manager */ void QGCMapWidget::updateGlobalPosition() { QList systems = UASManager::instance()->getUASList(); foreach (UASInterface* system, systems) { // Get reference to graphic UAV item mapcontrol::UAVItem* uav = GetUAV(system->getUASID()); // Check if reference is valid, else create a new one if (uav == NULL) { MAV2DIcon* newUAV = new MAV2DIcon(map, this, system); AddUAV(system->getUASID(), newUAV); uav = newUAV; } // Set new lat/lon position of UAV icon internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(system->getLatitude(), system->getLongitude()); uav->SetUAVPos(pos_lat_lon, system->getAltitude()); // Follow status if (followUAVEnabled && system->getUASID() == followUAVID) SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon); // Convert from radians to degrees and apply uav->SetUAVHeading((system->getYaw()/M_PI)*180.0f); } } void QGCMapWidget::updateSystemSpecs(int uas) { foreach (mapcontrol::UAVItem* p, UAVS.values()) { MAV2DIcon* icon = dynamic_cast(p); if (icon && icon->getUASId() == uas) { // Set new airframe icon->setAirframe(UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas)->getAirframe()); icon->drawIcon(); } } } /** * Does not update the system type or configuration, only the selected status */ void QGCMapWidget::updateSelectedSystem(int uas) { foreach (mapcontrol::UAVItem* p, UAVS.values()) { MAV2DIcon* icon = dynamic_cast(p); if (icon) { // Set as selected if ids match icon->setSelectedUAS((icon->getUASId() == uas)); } } } // MAP NAVIGATION void QGCMapWidget::showGoToDialog() { bool ok; QString text = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Please enter coordinates"), tr("Coordinates (Lat,Lon):"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString("%1,%2").arg(CurrentPosition().Lat(), 0, 'g', 6).arg(CurrentPosition().Lng(), 0, 'g', 6), &ok); if (ok && !text.isEmpty()) { QStringList split = text.split(","); if (split.length() == 2) { bool convert; double latitude = split.first().toDouble(&convert); ok &= convert; double longitude = split.last().toDouble(&convert); ok &= convert; if (ok) { internals::PointLatLng pos_lat_lon = internals::PointLatLng(latitude, longitude); SetCurrentPosition(pos_lat_lon); // set the map position } } } } void QGCMapWidget::updateHomePosition(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) { Home->SetCoord(internals::PointLatLng(latitude, longitude)); Home->SetAltitude(altitude); SetShowHome(true); // display the HOME position on the map } void QGCMapWidget::goHome() { SetCurrentPosition(Home->Coord()); } /** * Limits the update rate on the specified interval. Set to zero (0) to run at maximum * telemetry speed. Recommended rate is 2 s. */ void QGCMapWidget::setUpdateRateLimit(float seconds) { maxUpdateInterval = seconds; updateTimer.start(maxUpdateInterval*1000); } void QGCMapWidget::cacheVisibleRegion() { internals::RectLatLng rect = map->SelectedArea(); if (rect.IsEmpty()) { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox.setText("Cannot cache tiles for offline use"); msgBox.setInformativeText("Please select an area first by holding down SHIFT or ALT and selecting the area with the left mouse button."); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Ok); msgBox.exec(); } else { RipMap(); // Set empty area = unselect area map->SetSelectedArea(internals::RectLatLng()); } } // WAYPOINT MAP INTERACTION FUNCTIONS void QGCMapWidget::handleMapWaypointEdit(mapcontrol::WayPointItem* waypoint) { // Block circle updates Waypoint* wp = iconsToWaypoints.value(waypoint, NULL); // Protect from vicious double update cycle if (firingWaypointChange == wp) return; // Not in cycle, block now from entering it firingWaypointChange = wp; qDebug() << "UPDATING WP FROM MAP"; // Update WP values internals::PointLatLng pos = waypoint->Coord(); // Block waypoint signals wp->blockSignals(true); wp->setLatitude(pos.Lat()); wp->setLongitude(pos.Lng()); wp->setAltitude(waypoint->Altitude()); wp->blockSignals(false); internals::PointLatLng coord = waypoint->Coord(); QString coord_str = " " + QString::number(coord.Lat(), 'f', 6) + " " + QString::number(coord.Lng(), 'f', 6); qDebug() << "MAP WP COORD (MAP):" << coord_str << __FILE__ << __LINE__; QString wp_str = QString::number(wp->getLatitude(), 'f', 6) + " " + QString::number(wp->getLongitude(), 'f', 6); qDebug() << "MAP WP COORD (WP):" << wp_str << __FILE__ << __LINE__; firingWaypointChange = NULL; emit waypointChanged(wp); } // WAYPOINT UPDATE FUNCTIONS /** * This function is called if a a single waypoint is updated and * also if the whole list changes. */ void QGCMapWidget::updateWaypoint(int uas, Waypoint* wp) { // Source of the event was in this widget, do nothing if (firingWaypointChange == wp) return; // Currently only accept waypoint updates from the UAS in focus // this has to be changed to accept read-only updates from other systems as well. UASInterface* uasInstance = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas); if (uasInstance->getWaypointManager() == currWPManager || uas == -1) { // Only accept waypoints in global coordinate frame if (((wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL) || (wp->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT)) && wp->isNavigationType()) { // We're good, this is a global waypoint // Get the index of this waypoint // note the call to getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf() // as we're only handling global waypoints int wpindex = currWPManager->getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeIndexOf(wp); // If not found, return (this should never happen, but helps safety) if (wpindex == -1) return; // Mark this wp as currently edited firingWaypointChange = wp; // Check if wp exists yet in map if (!waypointsToIcons.contains(wp)) { // Create icon for new WP QColor wpColor(Qt::red); if (uasInstance) wpColor = uasInstance->getColor(); Waypoint2DIcon* icon = new Waypoint2DIcon(map, this, wp, wpColor, wpindex); ConnectWP(icon); icon->setParentItem(map); // Update maps to allow inverse data association waypointsToIcons.insert(wp, icon); iconsToWaypoints.insert(icon, wp); // Add line element if this is NOT the first waypoint if (wpindex > 0) { // Get predecessor of this WP QVector wps = currWPManager->getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList(); Waypoint* wp1 = wps.at(wpindex-1); mapcontrol::WayPointItem* prevIcon = waypointsToIcons.value(wp1, NULL); // If we got a valid graphics item, continue if (prevIcon) { mapcontrol::WaypointLineItem* line = new mapcontrol::WaypointLineItem(prevIcon, icon, wpColor, map); line->setParentItem(map); QGraphicsItemGroup* group = waypointLines.value(uas, NULL); if (group) { group->addToGroup(line); group->setParentItem(map); } } } } else { // Waypoint exists, block it's signals and update it mapcontrol::WayPointItem* icon = waypointsToIcons.value(wp); // Make sure we don't die on a null pointer // this should never happen, just a precaution if (!icon) return; // Block outgoing signals to prevent an infinite signal loop // should not happen, just a precaution this->blockSignals(true); // Update the WP Waypoint2DIcon* wpicon = dynamic_cast(icon); if (wpicon) { // Let icon read out values directly from waypoint icon->SetNumber(wpindex); wpicon->updateWaypoint(); } else { // Use safe standard interfaces for non Waypoint-class based wps icon->SetCoord(internals::PointLatLng(wp->getLatitude(), wp->getLongitude())); icon->SetAltitude(wp->getAltitude()); icon->SetHeading(wp->getYaw()); icon->SetNumber(wpindex); } // Re-enable signals again this->blockSignals(false); } firingWaypointChange = NULL; } else { // Check if the index of this waypoint is larger than the global // waypoint list. This implies that the coordinate frame of this // waypoint was changed and the list containing only global // waypoints was shortened. Thus update the whole list if (waypointsToIcons.size() > currWPManager->getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeCount()) { updateWaypointList(uas); } } } } /** * Update the whole list of waypoints. This is e.g. necessary if the list order changed. * The UAS manager will emit the appropriate signal whenever updating the list * is necessary. */ void QGCMapWidget::updateWaypointList(int uas) { // Currently only accept waypoint updates from the UAS in focus // this has to be changed to accept read-only updates from other systems as well. UASInterface* uasInstance = UASManager::instance()->getUASForId(uas); if ((uasInstance && (uasInstance->getWaypointManager() == currWPManager)) || uas == -1) { // ORDER MATTERS HERE! // TWO LOOPS ARE NEEDED - INFINITY LOOP ELSE // Delete first all old waypoints // this is suboptimal (quadratic, but wps should stay in the sub-100 range anyway) QVector wps = currWPManager->getGlobalFrameAndNavTypeWaypointList(); foreach (Waypoint* wp, waypointsToIcons.keys()) { // Get icon to work on mapcontrol::WayPointItem* icon = waypointsToIcons.value(wp); if (!wps.contains(wp)) { waypointsToIcons.remove(wp); iconsToWaypoints.remove(icon); WPDelete(icon); } } // Update all existing waypoints foreach (Waypoint* wp, waypointsToIcons.keys()) { // Update remaining waypoints updateWaypoint(uas, wp); } // Update all potentially new waypoints foreach (Waypoint* wp, wps) { // Update / add only if new if (!waypointsToIcons.contains(wp)) updateWaypoint(uas, wp); } // Delete connecting waypoint lines QGraphicsItemGroup* group = waypointLines.value(uas, NULL); if (group) { foreach (QGraphicsItem* item, group->childItems()) { delete item; } } // Add line element if this is NOT the first waypoint mapcontrol::WayPointItem* prevIcon = NULL; foreach (Waypoint* wp, wps) { mapcontrol::WayPointItem* currIcon = waypointsToIcons.value(wp, NULL); // Do not work on first waypoint, but only increment counter // do not continue if icon is invalid if (prevIcon && currIcon) { // If we got a valid graphics item, continue QColor wpColor(Qt::red); if (uasInstance) wpColor = uasInstance->getColor(); mapcontrol::WaypointLineItem* line = new mapcontrol::WaypointLineItem(prevIcon, currIcon, wpColor, map); line->setParentItem(map); QGraphicsItemGroup* group = waypointLines.value(uas, NULL); if (group) { group->addToGroup(line); group->setParentItem(map); } } prevIcon = currIcon; } } } //// ADAPTER / HELPER FUNCTIONS //float QGCMapWidget::metersToPixels(double meters) //{ // return meters/map->Projection()->GetGroundResolution(map->ZoomTotal(),coord.Lat()); //} //double QGCMapWidget::headingP1P2(internals::PointLatLng p1, internals::PointLatLng p2) //{ // double lat1 = p1.Lat() * deg_to_rad; // double lon1 = p2.Lng() * deg_to_rad; // double lat2 = p2.Lat() * deg_to_rad; // double lon2 = p2.Lng() * deg_to_rad; // double delta_lon = lon2 - lon1; // double y = sin(delta_lon) * cos(lat2); // double x = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(delta_lon); // double heading = atan2(y, x) * rad_to_deg; // heading += 360; // while (heading < 0) bear += 360; // while (heading >= 360) bear -= 360; // return heading; //} //internals::PointLatLng QGCMapWidget::targetLatLon(internals::PointLatLng source, double heading, double dist) //{ // double lat1 = source.Lat() * deg_to_rad; // double lon1 = source.Lng() * deg_to_rad; // heading *= deg_to_rad; // double ad = dist / earth_mean_radius; // double lat2 = asin(sin(lat1) * cos(ad) + cos(lat1) * sin(ad) * cos(heading)); // double lon2 = lon1 + atan2(sin(bear) * sin(ad) * cos(lat1), cos(ad) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); // return internals::PointLatLng(lat2 * rad_to_deg, lon2 * rad_to_deg); //}