/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /// @file /// @brief Base class for all unit tests /// /// @author Don Gagne <don@thegagnes.com> #include "UnitTest.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "MAVLinkProtocol.h" bool UnitTest::_messageBoxRespondedTo = false; bool UnitTest::_badResponseButton = false; QMessageBox::StandardButton UnitTest::_messageBoxResponseButton = QMessageBox::NoButton; int UnitTest::_missedMessageBoxCount = 0; bool UnitTest::_fileDialogRespondedTo = false; bool UnitTest::_fileDialogResponseSet = false; QStringList UnitTest::_fileDialogResponse; enum UnitTest::FileDialogType UnitTest::_fileDialogExpectedType = getOpenFileName; int UnitTest::_missedFileDialogCount = 0; UnitTest::UnitTest(void) : _expectMissedFileDialog(false), _expectMissedMessageBox(false), _unitTestRun(false), _initCalled(false), _cleanupCalled(false) { } UnitTest::~UnitTest() { if (_unitTestRun) { // Derived classes must call base class implementations Q_ASSERT(_initCalled); Q_ASSERT(_cleanupCalled); } } void UnitTest::_addTest(QObject* test) { QList<QObject*>& tests = _testList(); Q_ASSERT(!tests.contains(test)); tests.append(test); } void UnitTest::_unitTestCalled(void) { _unitTestRun = true; } /// @brief Returns the list of unit tests. QList<QObject*>& UnitTest::_testList(void) { static QList<QObject*> tests; return tests; } int UnitTest::run(QString& singleTest) { int ret = 0; foreach (QObject* test, _testList()) { if (singleTest.isEmpty() || singleTest == test->objectName()) { QStringList args; args << "*" << "-maxwarnings" << "0"; ret += QTest::qExec(test, args); } } return ret; } /// @brief Called before each test. /// Make sure to call first in your derived class void UnitTest::init(void) { _initCalled = true; _messageBoxRespondedTo = false; _missedMessageBoxCount = 0; _badResponseButton = false; _messageBoxResponseButton = QMessageBox::NoButton; _fileDialogRespondedTo = false; _missedFileDialogCount = 0; _fileDialogResponseSet = false; _fileDialogResponse.clear(); _expectMissedFileDialog = false; _expectMissedMessageBox = false; // Each test gets a clean global state qgcApp()->_destroySingletons(); qgcApp()->_createSingletons(); MAVLinkProtocol::deleteTempLogFiles(); } /// @brief Called after each test. /// Make sure to call first in your derived class void UnitTest::cleanup(void) { _cleanupCalled = true; // Keep in mind that any code below these QCOMPARE may be skipped if the compare fails if (_expectMissedMessageBox) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due internal testing", Continue); } QCOMPARE(_missedMessageBoxCount, 0); if (_expectMissedFileDialog) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due internal testing", Continue); } QCOMPARE(_missedFileDialogCount, 0); qgcApp()->_destroySingletons(); } void UnitTest::setExpectedMessageBox(QMessageBox::StandardButton response) { // This means that there was an expected message box but no call to checkExpectedMessageBox Q_ASSERT(!_messageBoxRespondedTo); Q_ASSERT(response != QMessageBox::NoButton); Q_ASSERT(_messageBoxResponseButton == QMessageBox::NoButton); // Make sure we haven't missed any previous message boxes int missedMessageBoxCount = _missedMessageBoxCount; _missedMessageBoxCount = 0; QCOMPARE(missedMessageBoxCount, 0); _messageBoxResponseButton = response; } void UnitTest::setExpectedFileDialog(enum FileDialogType type, QStringList response) { // This means that there was an expected file dialog but no call to checkExpectedFileDialog Q_ASSERT(!_fileDialogRespondedTo); // Multiple responses must be expected getOpenFileNames Q_ASSERT(response.count() <= 1 || type == getOpenFileNames); // Make sure we haven't missed any previous file dialogs int missedFileDialogCount = _missedFileDialogCount; _missedFileDialogCount = 0; QCOMPARE(missedFileDialogCount, 0); _fileDialogResponseSet = true; _fileDialogResponse = response; _fileDialogExpectedType = type; } void UnitTest::checkExpectedMessageBox(int expectFailFlags) { // Previous call to setExpectedMessageBox should have already checked this Q_ASSERT(_missedMessageBoxCount == 0); // Check for a valid response if (expectFailFlags & expectFailBadResponseButton) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due to bad button response", Continue); } QCOMPARE(_badResponseButton, false); if (expectFailFlags & expectFailNoDialog) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due to no message box", Continue); } // Clear this flag before QCOMPARE since anything after QCOMPARE will be skipped on failure bool messageBoxRespondedTo = _messageBoxRespondedTo; _messageBoxRespondedTo = false; QCOMPARE(messageBoxRespondedTo, true); } void UnitTest::checkExpectedFileDialog(int expectFailFlags) { // Internal testing if (expectFailFlags & expectFailNoDialog) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due to no file dialog", Continue); } if (expectFailFlags & expectFailWrongFileDialog) { QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Expecting failure due to incorrect file dialog", Continue); } else { // Previous call to setExpectedFileDialog should have already checked this Q_ASSERT(_missedFileDialogCount == 0); } // Clear this flag before QCOMPARE since anything after QCOMPARE will be skipped on failure bool fileDialogRespondedTo = _fileDialogRespondedTo; _fileDialogRespondedTo = false; QCOMPARE(fileDialogRespondedTo, true); } QMessageBox::StandardButton UnitTest::_messageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString& title, const QString& text, QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons, QMessageBox::StandardButton defaultButton) { QMessageBox::StandardButton retButton; Q_UNUSED(icon); Q_UNUSED(title); Q_UNUSED(text); if (_messageBoxResponseButton == QMessageBox::NoButton) { // If no response button is set it means we were not expecting this message box. Response with default _missedMessageBoxCount++; retButton = defaultButton; } else { if (_messageBoxResponseButton & buttons) { // Everything is correct, use the specified response retButton = _messageBoxResponseButton; } else { // Trying to respond with a button not in the dialog. This is an error. Respond with default _badResponseButton = true; retButton = defaultButton; } _messageBoxRespondedTo = true; } // Clear response for next message box _messageBoxResponseButton = QMessageBox::NoButton; return retButton; } /// @brief Response to a file dialog which returns a single file QString UnitTest::_fileDialogResponseSingle(enum FileDialogType type) { QString retFile; if (!_fileDialogResponseSet || _fileDialogExpectedType != type) { // If no response is set or the type does not match what we expected it means we were not expecting this file dialog. // Respond with no selection. _missedFileDialogCount++; } else { Q_ASSERT(_fileDialogResponse.count() <= 1); if (_fileDialogResponse.count() == 1) { retFile = _fileDialogResponse[0]; } _fileDialogRespondedTo = true; } // Clear response for next message box _fileDialogResponse.clear(); _fileDialogResponseSet = false; return retFile; } QString UnitTest::_getExistingDirectory( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& dir, QFileDialog::Options options) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(caption); Q_UNUSED(dir); Q_UNUSED(options); return _fileDialogResponseSingle(getExistingDirectory); } QString UnitTest::_getOpenFileName( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& dir, const QString& filter, QFileDialog::Options options) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(caption); Q_UNUSED(dir); Q_UNUSED(filter); Q_UNUSED(options); return _fileDialogResponseSingle(getOpenFileName); } QStringList UnitTest::_getOpenFileNames( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& dir, const QString& filter, QFileDialog::Options options) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(caption); Q_UNUSED(dir); Q_UNUSED(filter); Q_UNUSED(options); QStringList retFiles; if (!_fileDialogResponseSet || _fileDialogExpectedType != getOpenFileNames) { // If no response is set or the type does not match what we expected it means we were not expecting this file dialog. // Respond with no selection. _missedFileDialogCount++; retFiles.clear(); } else { retFiles = _fileDialogResponse; _fileDialogRespondedTo = true; } // Clear response for next message box _fileDialogResponse.clear(); _fileDialogResponseSet = false; return retFiles; } QString UnitTest::_getSaveFileName( QWidget* parent, const QString& caption, const QString& dir, const QString& filter, const QString& defaultSuffix, QFileDialog::Options options) { Q_UNUSED(parent); Q_UNUSED(caption); Q_UNUSED(dir); Q_UNUSED(filter); Q_UNUSED(options); if(!defaultSuffix.isEmpty()) Q_ASSERT(defaultSuffix.startsWith(".") == false); return _fileDialogResponseSingle(getSaveFileName); }