/**************************************************************************** * * (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT * * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file * COPYING.md in the root of the source code directory. * ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef Joystick_H #define Joystick_H #include #include #include "QGCLoggingCategory.h" #include "Vehicle.h" #include "MultiVehicleManager.h" Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(JoystickLog) Q_DECLARE_LOGGING_CATEGORY(JoystickValuesLog) //-- Action assigned to button class AssignedButtonAction : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QString action; QTime buttonTime; bool repeat = false; int frequency = 1; }; //-- Assignable Button Action class ButtonAction : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: ButtonAction(QObject* parent, QString action_, bool canRepeat_ = false); Q_PROPERTY(QString action READ action CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(bool canRepeat READ canRepeat CONSTANT) QString action () { return _action; } bool repeat () { return _repeat; } private: QString _action; bool _repeat = false; }; class Joystick : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: Joystick(const QString& name, int axisCount, int buttonCount, int hatCount, MultiVehicleManager* multiVehicleManager); ~Joystick(); typedef struct Calibration_t { int min; int max; int center; int deadband; bool reversed; Calibration_t() : min(-32767) , max(32767) , center(0) , deadband(0) , reversed(false) {} } Calibration_t; typedef enum { rollFunction, pitchFunction, yawFunction, throttleFunction, gimbalPitchFunction, gimbalYawFunction, maxFunction } AxisFunction_t; typedef enum { ThrottleModeCenterZero, ThrottleModeDownZero, ThrottleModeMax } ThrottleMode_t; Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(bool calibrated MEMBER _calibrated NOTIFY calibratedChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int totalButtonCount READ totalButtonCount CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(int axisCount READ axisCount CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(bool requiresCalibration READ requiresCalibration CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QList actions READ actions CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList actionTitles READ actionTitles NOTIFY actionTitlesChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool gimbalEnabled READ gimbalEnabled WRITE setGimbalEnabled NOTIFY gimbalEnabledChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int throttleMode READ throttleMode WRITE setThrottleMode NOTIFY throttleModeChanged) Q_PROPERTY(float frequency READ frequency WRITE setFrequency NOTIFY frequencyChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool negativeThrust READ negativeThrust WRITE setNegativeThrust NOTIFY negativeThrustChanged) Q_PROPERTY(float exponential READ exponential WRITE setExponential NOTIFY exponentialChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool accumulator READ accumulator WRITE setAccumulator NOTIFY accumulatorChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool circleCorrection READ circleCorrection WRITE setCircleCorrection NOTIFY circleCorrectionChanged) Q_INVOKABLE void setButtonAction (int button, const QString& action); Q_INVOKABLE QString getButtonAction (int button); // Property accessors QString name () { return _name; } int totalButtonCount () { return _totalButtonCount; } int axisCount () { return _axisCount; } bool gimbalEnabled () { return _gimbalEnabled; } QList actions (); QStringList actionTitles (); void setGimbalEnabled (bool set); /// Start the polling thread which will in turn emit joystick signals void startPolling(Vehicle* vehicle); void stopPolling(void); void setCalibration(int axis, Calibration_t& calibration); Calibration_t getCalibration(int axis); void setFunctionAxis(AxisFunction_t function, int axis); int getFunctionAxis(AxisFunction_t function); /* // Joystick index used by sdl library // Settable because sdl library remaps indices after certain events virtual int index(void) = 0; virtual void setIndex(int index) = 0; */ virtual bool requiresCalibration(void) { return true; } int throttleMode(void); void setThrottleMode(int mode); bool negativeThrust(void); void setNegativeThrust(bool allowNegative); float exponential(void); void setExponential(float expo); bool accumulator(void); void setAccumulator(bool accu); bool deadband(void); void setDeadband(bool accu); bool circleCorrection(void); void setCircleCorrection(bool circleCorrection); void setTXMode(int mode); int getTXMode(void) { return _transmitterMode; } /// Set the current calibration mode void setCalibrationMode(bool calibrating); float frequency(); void setFrequency(float val); signals: void calibratedChanged(bool calibrated); // The raw signals are only meant for use by calibration void rawAxisValueChanged(int index, int value); void rawButtonPressedChanged(int index, int pressed); void actionTitlesChanged(QStringList actions); void throttleModeChanged(int mode); void negativeThrustChanged(bool allowNegative); void exponentialChanged(float exponential); void accumulatorChanged(bool accumulator); void enabledChanged(bool enabled); void circleCorrectionChanged(bool circleCorrection); /// Signal containing new joystick information /// @param roll Range is -1:1, negative meaning roll left, positive meaning roll right /// @param pitch Range i -1:1, negative meaning pitch down, positive meaning pitch up /// @param yaw Range is -1:1, negative meaning yaw left, positive meaning yaw right /// @param throttle Range is 0:1, 0 meaning no throttle, 1 meaning full throttle /// @param mode See Vehicle::JoystickMode_t enum void manualControl (float roll, float pitch, float yaw, float throttle, quint16 buttons, int joystickMmode); void manualControlGimbal (float gimbalPitch, float gimbalYaw); void buttonActionTriggered (int action); void gimbalEnabledChanged (); void frequencyChanged (); void stepZoom (int direction); void stepCamera (int direction); void stepStream (int direction); void triggerCamera (); void startVideoRecord (); void stopVideoRecord (); void toggleVideoRecord (); void gimbalPitchStep (int direction); void gimbalYawStep (int direction); void centerGimbal (); void setArmed (bool arm); void setVtolInFwdFlight (bool set); void setFlightMode (const QString& flightMode); protected: void _setDefaultCalibration (); void _saveSettings (); void _loadSettings (); float _adjustRange (int value, Calibration_t calibration, bool withDeadbands); void _buttonAction (const QString& action); bool _validAxis (int axis); bool _validButton (int button); void _handleAxis (); void _handleButtons (); private: virtual bool _open () = 0; virtual void _close () = 0; virtual bool _update () = 0; virtual bool _getButton (int i) = 0; virtual int _getAxis (int i) = 0; virtual bool _getHat (int hat,int i) = 0; void _updateTXModeSettingsKey(Vehicle* activeVehicle); int _mapFunctionMode(int mode, int function); void _remapAxes(int currentMode, int newMode, int (&newMapping)[maxFunction]); // Override from QThread virtual void run(); protected: enum { BUTTON_UP, BUTTON_DOWN, BUTTON_REPEAT }; uint8_t*_rgButtonValues = nullptr; bool _exitThread = false; ///< true: signal thread to exit bool _calibrationMode = false; int* _rgAxisValues = nullptr; Calibration_t* _rgCalibration = nullptr; ThrottleMode_t _throttleMode = ThrottleModeDownZero; bool _negativeThrust = false; float _exponential = 0; bool _accumulator = false; bool _deadband = false; bool _circleCorrection = true; float _frequency = 25.0f; Vehicle* _activeVehicle = nullptr; bool _gimbalEnabled = false; bool _pollingStartedForCalibration = false; QString _name; bool _calibrated; int _axisCount; int _buttonCount; int _hatCount; int _hatButtonCount; int _totalButtonCount; static int _transmitterMode; int _rgFunctionAxis[maxFunction] = {}; QTime _axisTime; QList _actions; QList _buttonActionArray; MultiVehicleManager* _multiVehicleManager = nullptr; private: static const char* _rgFunctionSettingsKey[maxFunction]; static const char* _settingsGroup; static const char* _calibratedSettingsKey; static const char* _buttonActionNameKey; static const char* _buttonActionRepeatKey; static const char* _buttonActionFrequencyKey; static const char* _throttleModeSettingsKey; static const char* _exponentialSettingsKey; static const char* _accumulatorSettingsKey; static const char* _deadbandSettingsKey; static const char* _circleCorrectionSettingsKey; static const char* _frequencySettingsKey; static const char* _txModeSettingsKey; static const char* _fixedWingTXModeSettingsKey; static const char* _multiRotorTXModeSettingsKey; static const char* _roverTXModeSettingsKey; static const char* _vtolTXModeSettingsKey; static const char* _submarineTXModeSettingsKey; static const char* _gimbalSettingsKey; static const char* _buttonActionArm; static const char* _buttonActionDisarm; static const char* _buttonActionToggleArm; static const char* _buttonActionVTOLFixedWing; static const char* _buttonActionVTOLMultiRotor; static const char* _buttonActionZoomIn; static const char* _buttonActionZoomOut; static const char* _buttonActionNextStream; static const char* _buttonActionPreviousStream; static const char* _buttonActionNextCamera; static const char* _buttonActionPreviousCamera; static const char* _buttonActionTriggerCamera; static const char* _buttonActionStartVideoRecord; static const char* _buttonActionStopVideoRecord; static const char* _buttonActionToggleVideoRecord; static const char* _buttonActionGimbalDown; static const char* _buttonActionGimbalUp; static const char* _buttonActionGimbalLeft; static const char* _buttonActionGimbalRight; static const char* _buttonActionGimbalCenter; private slots: void _activeVehicleChanged(Vehicle* activeVehicle); }; #endif