/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2010 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of Horizontal Situation Indicator class * * @author Lorenz Meier <mavteam@student.ethz.ch> * */ #include <QFile> #include <QStringList> #include <QPainter> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QDoubleSpinBox> #include "UASManager.h" #include "HSIDisplay.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "Waypoint.h" #include "UASWaypointManager.h" #include "Waypoint2DIcon.h" #include "MAV2DIcon.h" #include <QDebug> HSIDisplay::HSIDisplay(QWidget *parent) : HDDisplay(NULL, "HSI", parent), gpsSatellites(), satellitesUsed(0), attXSet(0.0f), attYSet(0.0f), attYawSet(0.0f), altitudeSet(1.0f), posXSet(0.0f), posYSet(0.0f), posZSet(0.0f), attXSaturation(0.5f), attYSaturation(0.5f), attYawSaturation(0.5f), posXSaturation(0.05f), posYSaturation(0.05f), altitudeSaturation(1.0f), lat(0.0f), lon(0.0f), alt(0.0f), globalAvailable(0), x(0.0f), y(0.0f), z(0.0f), vx(0.0f), vy(0.0f), vz(0.0f), speed(0.0f), localAvailable(0), roll(0.0f), pitch(0.0f), yaw(0.0f), bodyXSetCoordinate(0.0f), bodyYSetCoordinate(0.0f), bodyZSetCoordinate(0.0f), bodyYawSet(0.0f), uiXSetCoordinate(0.0f), uiYSetCoordinate(0.0f), uiZSetCoordinate(0.0f), uiYawSet(0.0f), metricWidth(4.0), positionLock(false), attControlEnabled(false), xyControlEnabled(false), zControlEnabled(false), yawControlEnabled(false), positionFix(0), gpsFix(0), visionFix(0), laserFix(0), mavInitialized(false), bottomMargin(10.0f), topMargin(12.0f), userSetPointSet(false) { refreshTimer->setInterval(updateInterval); columns = 1; this->setAutoFillBackground(true); vwidth = 80.0f; vheight = 80.0f; xCenterPos = vwidth/2.0f; yCenterPos = vheight/2.0f + topMargin - bottomMargin; //qDebug() << "CENTER" << xCenterPos << yCenterPos; // Add interaction elements QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(2); layout->setSpacing(0); QDoubleSpinBox* spinBox = new QDoubleSpinBox(this); spinBox->setMinimum(0.1); spinBox->setMaximum(9999); spinBox->setMaximumWidth(50); spinBox->setValue(metricWidth); spinBox->setToolTip(tr("Ground width in meters shown on instrument")); spinBox->setStatusTip(tr("Ground width in meters shown on instrument")); connect(spinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(setMetricWidth(double))); connect(this, SIGNAL(metricWidthChanged(double)), spinBox, SLOT(setValue(double))); layout->addWidget(spinBox); layout->setAlignment(spinBox, Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight); this->setLayout(layout); uas = NULL; resetMAVState(); // Do first update setMetricWidth(metricWidth); } void HSIDisplay::resetMAVState() { mavInitialized = false; attControlKnown = false; attControlEnabled = false; xyControlKnown = false; xyControlEnabled = false; zControlKnown = false; zControlEnabled = false; yawControlKnown = false; yawControlEnabled = false; // Draw position lock indicators positionFixKnown = false; positionFix = 0; visionFixKnown = false; visionFix = 0; gpsFixKnown = false; gpsFix = 0; iruFixKnown = false; iruFix = 0; // Data setPointKnown = false; localAvailable = 0; globalAvailable = 0; // Setpoints positionSetPointKnown = false; setPointKnown = false; } void HSIDisplay::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED(event); //paintGL(); // static quint64 interval = 0; // //qDebug() << "INTERVAL:" << MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow() - interval << __FILE__ << __LINE__; // interval = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNow(); renderOverlay(); } void HSIDisplay::renderOverlay() { #if (QGC_EVENTLOOP_DEBUG) qDebug() << "EVENTLOOP:" << __FILE__ << __LINE__; #endif // Center location of the HSI gauge items //float bottomMargin = 3.0f; // Size of the ring instrument //const float margin = 0.1f; // 10% margin of total width on each side float baseRadius = (vheight - topMargin - bottomMargin) / 2.0f - bottomMargin / 2.0f; // Draw instruments // TESTING THIS SHOULD BE MOVED INTO A QGRAPHICSVIEW // Update scaling factor // adjust scaling to fit both horizontally and vertically scalingFactor = this->width()/vwidth; double scalingFactorH = this->height()/vheight; if (scalingFactorH < scalingFactor) scalingFactor = scalingFactorH; QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing, true); // Draw base instrument // ---------------------- painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); const QColor ringColor = QColor(200, 250, 200); QPen pen; pen.setColor(ringColor); pen.setWidth(refLineWidthToPen(0.1f)); painter.setPen(pen); const int ringCount = 2; for (int i = 0; i < ringCount; i++) { float radius = (vwidth - (topMargin + bottomMargin)*0.3f) / (1.3f * i+1) / 2.0f - bottomMargin / 2.0f; drawCircle(xCenterPos, yCenterPos, radius, 0.1f, ringColor, &painter); } // Draw orientation labels // Translate and rotate coordinate frame painter.translate((xCenterPos)*scalingFactor, (yCenterPos)*scalingFactor); const float yawDeg = ((yaw/M_PI)*180.0f); int yawRotate = static_cast<int>(yawDeg) % 360; painter.rotate(-yawRotate); paintText(tr("N"), ringColor, 3.5f, - 1.0f, - baseRadius - 5.5f, &painter); paintText(tr("S"), ringColor, 3.5f, - 1.0f, + baseRadius + 1.5f, &painter); paintText(tr("E"), ringColor, 3.5f, + baseRadius + 3.0f, - 1.25f, &painter); paintText(tr("W"), ringColor, 3.5f, - baseRadius - 5.5f, - 1.75f, &painter); painter.rotate(+yawRotate); painter.translate(-(xCenterPos)*scalingFactor, -(yCenterPos)*scalingFactor); // Draw center indicator // QPolygonF p(3); // p.replace(0, QPointF(xCenterPos, yCenterPos-4.0f)); // p.replace(1, QPointF(xCenterPos-4.0f, yCenterPos+3.5f)); // p.replace(2, QPointF(xCenterPos+4.0f, yCenterPos+3.5f)); // drawPolygon(p, &painter); if (uas) { // Translate to center painter.translate((xCenterPos)*scalingFactor, (yCenterPos)*scalingFactor); QColor uasColor = uas->getColor(); MAV2DIcon::drawAirframePolygon(uas->getAirframe(), painter, static_cast<int>((vwidth/4.0f)*scalingFactor*1.1f), uasColor, 0.0f); // Translate back painter.translate(-(xCenterPos)*scalingFactor, -(yCenterPos)*scalingFactor); } // ---------------------- // Draw satellites drawGPS(painter); // Draw state indicator // Draw position QColor positionColor(20, 20, 200); drawPositionDirection(xCenterPos, yCenterPos, baseRadius, positionColor, &painter); // Draw attitude QColor attitudeColor(200, 20, 20); drawAttitudeDirection(xCenterPos, yCenterPos, baseRadius, attitudeColor, &painter); // Draw position setpoints in body coordinates if (userSetPointSet) { QColor spColor(150, 150, 150); drawSetpointXY(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiYawSet, spColor, painter); } if (positionSetPointKnown) { // Draw setpoint drawSetpointXY(bodyXSetCoordinate, bodyYSetCoordinate, bodyYawSet, QGC::colorCyan, painter); // Draw travel direction line QPointF m(bodyXSetCoordinate, bodyYSetCoordinate); // Transform from body to world coordinates m = metricWorldToBody(m); // Scale from metric body to screen reference units QPointF s = metricBodyToRef(m); drawLine(s.x(), s.y(), xCenterPos, yCenterPos, 1.5f, QGC::colorCyan, &painter); } // Labels on outer part and bottom // Draw waypoints drawWaypoints(painter); // Draw status flags drawStatusFlag(2, 1, tr("ATT"), attControlEnabled, attControlKnown, painter); drawStatusFlag(22, 1, tr("PXY"), xyControlEnabled, xyControlKnown, painter); drawStatusFlag(44, 1, tr("PZ"), zControlEnabled, zControlKnown, painter); drawStatusFlag(66, 1, tr("YAW"), yawControlEnabled, yawControlKnown, painter); // Draw position lock indicators drawPositionLock(2, 5, tr("POS"), positionFix, positionFixKnown, painter); drawPositionLock(22, 5, tr("VIS"), visionFix, visionFixKnown, painter); drawPositionLock(44, 5, tr("GPS"), gpsFix, gpsFixKnown, painter); drawPositionLock(66, 5, tr("IRU"), iruFix, iruFixKnown, painter); // Draw speed to top left paintText(tr("SPEED"), QGC::colorCyan, 2.2f, 2, 11, &painter); paintText(tr("%1 m/s").arg(speed, 5, 'f', 2, '0'), Qt::white, 2.2f, 12, 11, &painter); // Draw crosstrack error to top right float crossTrackError = 0; paintText(tr("XTRACK"), QGC::colorCyan, 2.2f, 57, 11, &painter); paintText(tr("%1 m").arg(crossTrackError, 5, 'f', 2, '0'), Qt::white, 2.2f, 70, 11, &painter); // Draw position to bottom left if (localAvailable > 0 && globalAvailable == 0) { // Position QString str; str.sprintf("%05.2f %05.2f %05.2f m", x, y, z); paintText(tr("POS"), QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, 2, vheight- 5.0f, &painter); paintText(str, Qt::white, 2.6f, 10, vheight - 5.0f, &painter); } if (globalAvailable > 0) { // Position QString str; str.sprintf("lat: %05.2f lon: %06.2f alt: %06.2f", lat, lon, alt); paintText(tr("GPS"), QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, 2, vheight- 5.0f, &painter); paintText(str, Qt::white, 2.6f, 10, vheight - 5.0f, &painter); } // Draw Field of view to bottom right paintText(tr("FOV"), QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, 62, vheight- 5.0f, &painter); } void HSIDisplay::drawStatusFlag(float x, float y, QString label, bool status, bool known, QPainter& painter) { paintText(label, QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, x, y+0.8f, &painter); QColor statusColor(250, 250, 250); if(status) { painter.setBrush(QGC::colorGreen); } else { painter.setBrush(QGC::colorDarkYellow); } painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); float indicatorWidth = refToScreenX(7.0f); float indicatorHeight = refToScreenY(4.0f); painter.drawRect(QRect(refToScreenX(x+7.3f), refToScreenY(y+0.05), indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight)); paintText((status) ? tr("ON") : tr("OFF"), statusColor, 2.6f, x+7.9f, y+0.8f, &painter); // Cross out instrument if state unknown if (!known) { QPen pen(Qt::yellow); pen.setWidth(2); painter.setPen(pen); // Top left to bottom right QPointF p1, p2, p3, p4; p1.setX(refToScreenX(x)); p1.setY(refToScreenX(y)); p2.setX(p1.x()+indicatorWidth+refToScreenX(7.3f)); p2.setY(p1.y()+indicatorHeight); painter.drawLine(p1, p2); // Bottom left to top right p3.setX(refToScreenX(x)); p3.setY(refToScreenX(y)+indicatorHeight); p4.setX(p1.x()+indicatorWidth+refToScreenX(7.3f)); p4.setY(p1.y()); painter.drawLine(p3, p4); } } void HSIDisplay::drawPositionLock(float x, float y, QString label, int status, bool known, QPainter& painter) { paintText(label, QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, x, y+0.8f, &painter); QColor negStatusColor(200, 20, 20); QColor intermediateStatusColor (Qt::yellow); QColor posStatusColor(20, 200, 20); QColor statusColor(250, 250, 250); if (status == 3) { painter.setBrush(posStatusColor); } else if (status == 2) { painter.setBrush(intermediateStatusColor.dark(150)); } else { painter.setBrush(negStatusColor); } // Lock text QString lockText; switch (status) { case 1: lockText = tr("LOC"); break; case 2: lockText = tr("2D"); break; case 3: lockText = tr("3D"); break; default: lockText = tr("NO"); break; } float indicatorWidth = refToScreenX(7.0f); float indicatorHeight = refToScreenY(4.0f); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawRect(QRect(refToScreenX(x+7.3f), refToScreenY(y+0.05), refToScreenX(7.0f), refToScreenY(4.0f))); paintText(lockText, statusColor, 2.6f, x+7.9f, y+0.8f, &painter); // Cross out instrument if state unknown if (!known) { QPen pen(Qt::yellow); pen.setWidth(2); painter.setPen(pen); // Top left to bottom right QPointF p1, p2, p3, p4; p1.setX(refToScreenX(x)); p1.setY(refToScreenX(y)); p2.setX(p1.x()+indicatorWidth+refToScreenX(7.3f)); p2.setY(p1.y()+indicatorHeight); painter.drawLine(p1, p2); // Bottom left to top right p3.setX(refToScreenX(x)); p3.setY(refToScreenX(y)+indicatorHeight); p4.setX(p1.x()+indicatorWidth+refToScreenX(7.3f)); p4.setY(p1.y()); painter.drawLine(p3, p4); } } void HSIDisplay::updatePositionLock(UASInterface* uas, bool lock) { Q_UNUSED(uas); positionLock = lock; } void HSIDisplay::updateAttitudeControllerEnabled(bool enabled) { attControlEnabled = enabled; attControlKnown = true; } void HSIDisplay::updatePositionXYControllerEnabled(bool enabled) { xyControlEnabled = enabled; xyControlKnown = true; } void HSIDisplay::updatePositionZControllerEnabled(bool enabled) { zControlEnabled = enabled; zControlKnown = true; } QPointF HSIDisplay::metricWorldToBody(QPointF world) { // First translate to body-centered coordinates // Rotate around -yaw float angle = yaw + M_PI; QPointF result(cos(angle) * (x - world.x()) - sin(angle) * (y - world.y()), sin(angle) * (x - world.x()) + cos(angle) * (y - world.y())); return result; } QPointF HSIDisplay::metricBodyToWorld(QPointF body) { // First rotate into world coordinates // then translate to world position QPointF result((cos(yaw) * body.x()) + (sin(yaw) * body.y()) + x, (-sin(yaw) * body.x()) + (cos(yaw) * body.y()) + y); return result; } QPointF HSIDisplay::screenToMetricBody(QPointF ref) { return QPointF(-((screenToRefY(ref.y()) - yCenterPos)/ vwidth) * metricWidth - x, ((screenToRefX(ref.x()) - xCenterPos) / vwidth) * metricWidth - y); } QPointF HSIDisplay::refToMetricBody(QPointF &ref) { return QPointF(-((ref.y() - yCenterPos)/ vwidth) * metricWidth - x, ((ref.x() - xCenterPos) / vwidth) * metricWidth - y); } /** * @see refToScreenX() */ QPointF HSIDisplay::metricBodyToRef(QPointF &metric) { return QPointF(((metric.y())/ metricWidth) * vwidth + xCenterPos, ((-metric.x()) / metricWidth) * vwidth + yCenterPos); } QPointF HSIDisplay::metricBodyToScreen(QPointF metric) { QPointF ref = metricBodyToRef(metric); ref.setX(refToScreenX(ref.x())); ref.setY(refToScreenY(ref.y())); return ref; } void HSIDisplay::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * event) { static bool dragStarted; static float startX; if (event->MouseButtonDblClick) { //setBodySetpointCoordinateXY(-refToMetric(screenToRefY(event->y()) - yCenterPos), refToMetric(screenToRefX(event->x()) - xCenterPos)); QPointF p = screenToMetricBody(event->posF()); setBodySetpointCoordinateXY(p.x(), p.y()); qDebug() << "Double click at x: " << screenToRefX(event->x()) - xCenterPos << "y:" << screenToRefY(event->y()) - yCenterPos; } else if (event->MouseButtonPress) { startX = event->globalX(); if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { // Start tracking mouse move dragStarted = true; } else if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { } } else if (event->MouseButtonRelease) { dragStarted = false; } else if (event->MouseMove) { if (dragStarted) uiYawSet += (startX - event->globalX()) / this->frameSize().width(); } } void HSIDisplay::setMetricWidth(double width) { if (width != metricWidth) { metricWidth = width; emit metricWidthChanged(metricWidth); } } /** * * @param uas the UAS/MAV to monitor/display with the HUD */ void HSIDisplay::setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas) { if (this->uas != NULL) { disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(gpsSatelliteStatusChanged(int,int,float,float,float,bool)), this, SLOT(updateSatellite(int,int,float,float,float,bool))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitudeSetpoints(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(positionSetPointsChanged(int,float,float,float,float,quint64)), this, SLOT(updatePositionSetpoints(int,float,float,float,float,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateSpeed(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(attitudeControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateAttitudeControllerEnabled(bool))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(positionXYControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionXYControllerEnabled(bool))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(positionZControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionZControllerEnabled(bool))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(positionYawControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionYawControllerEnabled(bool))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(localizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(visionLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(gpsLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateGpsLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); disconnect(this->uas, SIGNAL(irUltraSoundLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); } connect(uas, SIGNAL(gpsSatelliteStatusChanged(int,int,float,float,float,bool)), this, SLOT(updateSatellite(int,int,float,float,float,bool))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(localPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(globalPositionChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeThrustSetPointChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitudeSetpoints(UASInterface*,double,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(positionSetPointsChanged(int,float,float,float,float,quint64)), this, SLOT(updatePositionSetpoints(int,float,float,float,float,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(speedChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateSpeed(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeChanged(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64)), this, SLOT(updateAttitude(UASInterface*,double,double,double,quint64))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(attitudeControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateAttitudeControllerEnabled(bool))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(positionXYControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionXYControllerEnabled(bool))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(positionZControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionZControllerEnabled(bool))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(positionYawControlEnabled(bool)), this, SLOT(updatePositionYawControllerEnabled(bool))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(localizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(visionLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(gpsLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateGpsLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); connect(uas, SIGNAL(irUltraSoundLocalizationChanged(UASInterface*,int)), this, SLOT(updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface*,int))); this->uas = uas; resetMAVState(); } void HSIDisplay::updateSpeed(UASInterface* uas, double vx, double vy, double vz, quint64 time) { Q_UNUSED(uas); Q_UNUSED(time); this->vx = vx; this->vy = vy; this->vz = vz; this->speed = sqrt(pow(vx, 2.0) + pow(vy, 2.0) + pow(vz, 2.0)); } void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateXY(double x, double y) { // Set coordinates and send them out to MAV QPointF sp(x, y); sp = metricBodyToWorld(sp); uiXSetCoordinate = sp.x(); uiYSetCoordinate = sp.y(); qDebug() << "Attempting to set new setpoint at x: " << x << "metric y:" << y; if (uas && mavInitialized) { uas->setLocalPositionSetpoint(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiZSetCoordinate, uiYawSet); qDebug() << "Setting new setpoint at x: " << x << "metric y:" << y; } } void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateZ(double z) { // Set coordinates and send them out to MAV uiZSetCoordinate = z; } void HSIDisplay::sendBodySetPointCoordinates() { // Send the coordinates to the MAV } void HSIDisplay::updateAttitudeSetpoints(UASInterface* uas, double rollDesired, double pitchDesired, double yawDesired, double thrustDesired, quint64 usec) { Q_UNUSED(uas); Q_UNUSED(usec); attXSet = pitchDesired; attYSet = rollDesired; attYawSet = yawDesired; altitudeSet = thrustDesired; } void HSIDisplay::updateAttitude(UASInterface* uas, double roll, double pitch, double yaw, quint64 time) { Q_UNUSED(uas); Q_UNUSED(time); this->roll = roll; this->pitch = pitch; this->yaw = yaw; } void HSIDisplay::updatePositionSetpoints(int uasid, float xDesired, float yDesired, float zDesired, float yawDesired, quint64 usec) { Q_UNUSED(usec); Q_UNUSED(uasid); bodyXSetCoordinate = xDesired; bodyYSetCoordinate = yDesired; bodyZSetCoordinate = zDesired; bodyYawSet = yawDesired; mavInitialized = true; setPointKnown = true; positionSetPointKnown = true; // qDebug() << "Received setpoint at x: " << x << "metric y:" << y; // posXSet = xDesired; // posYSet = yDesired; // posZSet = zDesired; // posYawSet = yawDesired; } void HSIDisplay::updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*, double x, double y, double z, quint64 usec) { this->x = x; this->y = y; this->z = z; localAvailable = usec; } void HSIDisplay::updateGlobalPosition(UASInterface*, double lat, double lon, double alt, quint64 usec) { this->lat = lat; this->lon = lon; this->alt = alt; globalAvailable = usec; } void HSIDisplay::updateSatellite(int uasid, int satid, float elevation, float azimuth, float snr, bool used) { Q_UNUSED(uasid); //qDebug() << "UPDATED SATELLITE"; // If slot is empty, insert object if (gpsSatellites.contains(satid)) { gpsSatellites.value(satid)->update(satid, elevation, azimuth, snr, used); } else { gpsSatellites.insert(satid, new GPSSatellite(satid, elevation, azimuth, snr, used)); } } void HSIDisplay::updatePositionYawControllerEnabled(bool enabled) { yawControlEnabled = enabled; yawControlKnown = true; } /** * @param fix 0: lost, 1: 2D local position hold, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization */ void HSIDisplay::updateLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix) { Q_UNUSED(uas); positionFix = fix; positionFixKnown = true; //qDebug() << "LOCALIZATION FIX CALLED"; } /** * @param fix 0: lost, 1: at least one satellite, but no GPS fix, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization */ void HSIDisplay::updateGpsLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix) { Q_UNUSED(uas); gpsFix = fix; gpsFixKnown = true; } /** * @param fix 0: lost, 1: 2D local position hold, 2: 2D localization, 3: 3D localization */ void HSIDisplay::updateVisionLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix) { Q_UNUSED(uas); visionFix = fix; visionFixKnown = true; //qDebug() << "VISION FIX GOT CALLED"; } /** * @param fix 0: lost, 1-N: Localized with N ultrasound or infrared sensors */ void HSIDisplay::updateInfraredUltrasoundLocalization(UASInterface* uas, int fix) { Q_UNUSED(uas); iruFix = fix; iruFixKnown = true; } QColor HSIDisplay::getColorForSNR(float snr) { QColor color; if (snr > 0 && snr < 30) { color = QColor(250, 10, 10); } else if (snr >= 30 && snr < 35) { color = QColor(230, 230, 10); } else if (snr >= 35 && snr < 40) { color = QColor(90, 200, 90); } else if (snr >= 40) { color = QColor(20, 200, 20); } else { color = QColor(180, 180, 180); } return color; } void HSIDisplay::drawSetpointXY(float x, float y, float yaw, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter) { if (setPointKnown) { float radius = vwidth / 20.0f; QPen pen(color); pen.setWidthF(refLineWidthToPen(0.4f)); pen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(pen); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); QPointF in(x, y); // Transform from body to world coordinates in = metricWorldToBody(in); // Scale from metric to screen reference coordinates QPointF p = metricBodyToRef(in); drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius, 0.4f, color, &painter); radius *= 0.8f; drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(yaw) * radius, p.y()-cos(yaw) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter); painter.setBrush(color); drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius * 0.1f, 0.1f, color, &painter); } } void HSIDisplay::drawWaypoints(QPainter& painter) { if (uas) { const QVector<Waypoint*>& list = uas->getWaypointManager()->getWaypointList(); // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) // { // QPointF in(list.at(i)->getX(), list.at(i)->getY()); // // Transform from world to body coordinates // in = metricWorldToBody(in); // // Scale from metric to screen reference coordinates // QPointF p = metricBodyToRef(in); // Waypoint2DIcon* wp = new Waypoint2DIcon(); // wp->setLocalPosition(list.at(i)->getX(), list.at(i)->getY()); // wp->setPos(0, 0); // scene()->addItem(wp); // } QColor color; painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); QPointF lastWaypoint; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { QPointF in; if (list.at(i)->getFrame() == MAV_FRAME_LOCAL) { // Do not transform in = QPointF(list.at(i)->getX(), list.at(i)->getY()); } else { // Transform to local coordinates first double x = list.at(i)->getX(); double y = list.at(i)->getY(); in = QPointF(x, y); } // Transform from world to body coordinates in = metricWorldToBody(in); // Scale from metric to screen reference coordinates QPointF p = metricBodyToRef(in); // Setup pen QPen pen(color); painter.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); // DRAW WAYPOINT //drawCircle(p.x(), p.y(), radius, 0.4f, color, &painter); float waypointSize = vwidth / 20.0f * 2.0f; QPolygonF poly(4); // Top point poly.replace(0, QPointF(p.x(), p.y()-waypointSize/2.0f)); // Right point poly.replace(1, QPointF(p.x()+waypointSize/2.0f, p.y())); // Bottom point poly.replace(2, QPointF(p.x(), p.y() + waypointSize/2.0f)); poly.replace(3, QPointF(p.x() - waypointSize/2.0f, p.y())); // Select color based on if this is the current waypoint if (list.at(i)->getCurrent()) { color = QGC::colorCyan;//uas->getColor(); pen.setWidthF(refLineWidthToPen(0.8f)); } else { color = uas->getColor(); pen.setWidthF(refLineWidthToPen(0.4f)); } pen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(pen); float radius = (waypointSize/2.0f) * 0.8 * (1/sqrt(2.0f)); drawLine(p.x(), p.y(), p.x()+sin(list.at(i)->getYaw()+yaw) * radius, p.y()-cos(list.at(i)->getYaw()+yaw) * radius, refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter); drawPolygon(poly, &painter); // DRAW CONNECTING LINE // Draw line from last waypoint to this one if (!lastWaypoint.isNull()) { pen.setWidthF(refLineWidthToPen(0.4f)); painter.setPen(pen); color = uas->getColor(); drawLine(lastWaypoint.x(), lastWaypoint.y(), p.x(), p.y(), refLineWidthToPen(0.4f), color, &painter); } lastWaypoint = p; } } } void HSIDisplay::drawSafetyArea(const QPointF &topLeft, const QPointF &bottomRight, const QColor &color, QPainter &painter) { QPen pen(color); pen.setWidthF(refLineWidthToPen(0.1f)); pen.setColor(color); painter.setPen(pen); painter.drawRect(QRectF(metricBodyToScreen(metricWorldToBody(topLeft)), metricBodyToScreen(metricWorldToBody(bottomRight)))); } void HSIDisplay::drawGPS(QPainter &painter) { float xCenter = xCenterPos; float yCenter = xCenterPos; // Max satellite circle radius const float margin = 0.15f; // 20% margin of total width on each side float radius = (vwidth - vwidth * 2.0f * margin) / 2.0f; quint64 currTime = MG::TIME::getGroundTimeNowUsecs(); // Draw satellite labels // QString label; // label.sprintf("%05.1f", value); // paintText(label, color, 4.5f, xRef-7.5f, yRef-2.0f, painter); QMapIterator<int, GPSSatellite*> i(gpsSatellites); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); GPSSatellite* sat = i.value(); // Check if update is not older than 5 seconds, else delete satellite if (sat->lastUpdate + 1000000 < currTime) { // Delete and go to next satellite gpsSatellites.remove(i.key()); if (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); sat = i.value(); } else { continue; } } if (sat) { // Draw satellite QBrush brush; QColor color = getColorForSNR(sat->snr); brush.setColor(color); if (sat->used) { brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); } else { brush.setStyle(Qt::NoBrush); } painter.setPen(Qt::SolidLine); painter.setPen(color); painter.setBrush(brush); float xPos = xCenter + (sin(((sat->azimuth/255.0f)*360.0f)/180.0f * M_PI) * cos(sat->elevation/180.0f * M_PI)) * radius; float yPos = yCenter - (cos(((sat->azimuth/255.0f)*360.0f)/180.0f * M_PI) * cos(sat->elevation/180.0f * M_PI)) * radius; // Draw circle for satellite, filled for used satellites drawCircle(xPos, yPos, vwidth*0.02f, 1.0f, color, &painter); // Draw satellite PRN paintText(QString::number(sat->id), QColor(255, 255, 255), 2.9f, xPos+1.7f, yPos+2.0f, &painter); } } } void HSIDisplay::drawObjects(QPainter &painter) { Q_UNUSED(painter); } void HSIDisplay::drawPositionDirection(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter) { if (xyControlKnown && xyControlEnabled) { // Draw the needle const float maxWidth = radius / 10.0f; const float minWidth = maxWidth * 0.3f; float angle = atan2(posXSet, -posYSet); angle -= (float)M_PI/2.0f; QPolygonF p(6); //radius *= ((posXSaturation + posYSaturation) - sqrt(pow(posXSet, 2), pow(posYSet, 2))) / (2*posXSaturation); radius *= sqrt(pow(posXSet, 2) + pow(posYSet, 2)) / sqrt(posXSaturation + posYSaturation); p.replace(0, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); p.replace(1, QPointF(xRef-minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f)); p.replace(2, QPointF(xRef+minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f)); p.replace(3, QPointF(xRef+maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); p.replace(4, QPointF(xRef, yRef-radius * 0.36f)); p.replace(5, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); rotatePolygonClockWiseRad(p, angle, QPointF(xRef, yRef)); QBrush indexBrush; indexBrush.setColor(color); indexBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); painter->setPen(Qt::SolidLine); painter->setPen(color); painter->setBrush(indexBrush); drawPolygon(p, painter); //qDebug() << "DRAWING POS SETPOINT X:" << posXSet << "Y:" << posYSet << angle; } } void HSIDisplay::drawAttitudeDirection(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter) { if (attControlKnown && attControlEnabled) { // Draw the needle const float maxWidth = radius / 10.0f; const float minWidth = maxWidth * 0.3f; float angle = atan2(attXSet, attYSet); angle -= (float)M_PI/2.0f; radius *= sqrt(pow(attXSet, 2) + pow(attYSet, 2)) / sqrt(attXSaturation + attYSaturation); QPolygonF p(6); p.replace(0, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); p.replace(1, QPointF(xRef-minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f)); p.replace(2, QPointF(xRef+minWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.9f)); p.replace(3, QPointF(xRef+maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); p.replace(4, QPointF(xRef, yRef-radius * 0.36f)); p.replace(5, QPointF(xRef-maxWidth/2.0f, yRef-radius * 0.4f)); rotatePolygonClockWiseRad(p, angle, QPointF(xRef, yRef)); QBrush indexBrush; indexBrush.setColor(color); indexBrush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); painter->setPen(Qt::SolidLine); painter->setPen(color); painter->setBrush(indexBrush); drawPolygon(p, painter); // TODO Draw Yaw indicator //qDebug() << "DRAWING ATT SETPOINT X:" << attXSet << "Y:" << attYSet << angle; } } void HSIDisplay::drawAltitudeSetpoint(float xRef, float yRef, float radius, const QColor& color, QPainter* painter) { if (zControlKnown && zControlEnabled) { // Draw the circle QPen circlePen(Qt::SolidLine); circlePen.setWidth(refLineWidthToPen(0.5f)); circlePen.setColor(color); painter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); painter->setPen(circlePen); drawCircle(xRef, yRef, radius, 200.0f, color, painter); //drawCircle(xRef, yRef, radius, 200.0f, 170.0f, 1.0f, color, painter); // // Draw the value // QString label; // label.sprintf("%05.1f", value); // paintText(label, color, 4.5f, xRef-7.5f, yRef-2.0f, painter); } } void HSIDisplay::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { double zoomScale = 0.005; // Scaling of zoom value if(event->delta() > 0) { // Reduce width -> Zoom in metricWidth -= event->delta() * zoomScale; } else { // Increase width -> Zoom out metricWidth -= event->delta() * zoomScale; } metricWidth = qBound(0.1, metricWidth, 9999.0); emit metricWidthChanged(metricWidth); } void HSIDisplay::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { // React only to internal (pre-display) // events Q_UNUSED(event) { refreshTimer->start(updateInterval); } } void HSIDisplay::hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) { // React only to internal (post-display) // events Q_UNUSED(event) { refreshTimer->stop(); } } void HSIDisplay::updateJoystick(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double thrust, int xHat, int yHat) { Q_UNUSED(roll); Q_UNUSED(pitch); Q_UNUSED(yaw); Q_UNUSED(thrust); Q_UNUSED(xHat); Q_UNUSED(yHat); } void HSIDisplay::pressKey(int key) { Q_UNUSED(key); }