
 QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station

 (c) 2009 - 2014 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org>

 This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

 QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 (at your option) any later version.

 QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "FileManager.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"

#include <QFile>
#include <QDir>
#include <string>

QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(FileManagerLog, "FileManagerLog")

FileManager::FileManager(QObject* parent, UASInterface* uas, uint8_t unitTestSystemIdQGC) :
    connect(&_ackTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &FileManager::_ackTimeout);
    _systemIdServer = _mav->getUASID();
    // Make sure we don't have bad structure packing
    Q_ASSERT(sizeof(RequestHeader) == 12);

/// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the Open command with the next Read command.
void FileManager::_openAckResponse(Request* openAck)
	Q_ASSERT(_currentOperation == kCOOpenRead || _currentOperation == kCOOpenStream);
	_currentOperation = _currentOperation == kCOOpenRead ? kCORead : kCOBurst;
    _activeSession = openAck->hdr.session;
    // File length comes back in data
    Q_ASSERT(openAck->hdr.size == sizeof(uint32_t));
    emit downloadFileLength(openAck->openFileLength);
    // Start the sequence of read commands

    _downloadOffset = 0;                // Start reading at beginning of file
    _readFileAccumulator.clear();   // Start with an empty file

    Request request;
    request.hdr.session = _activeSession;
	Q_ASSERT(_currentOperation == kCORead || _currentOperation == kCOBurst);
	request.hdr.opcode = _currentOperation == kCORead ? kCmdReadFile : kCmdBurstReadFile;
    request.hdr.offset = _downloadOffset;
    request.hdr.size = sizeof(request.data);


/// @brief Closes out a read session by writing the file and doing cleanup.
///     @param success true: successful download completion, false: error during download
void FileManager::_closeDownloadSession(bool success)
    if (success) {
        QString downloadFilePath = _readFileDownloadDir.absoluteFilePath(_readFileDownloadFilename);

        QFile file(downloadFilePath);
        if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) {
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to open local file for writing (%1)").arg(downloadFilePath));

        qint64 bytesWritten = file.write((const char *)_readFileAccumulator, _readFileAccumulator.length());
        if (bytesWritten != _readFileAccumulator.length()) {
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to write data to local file (%1)").arg(downloadFilePath));

        emit downloadFileComplete();

    // Close the open session

/// Respond to the Ack associated with the Read or Stream commands.
///		@param readFile: true: read file, false: stream file
void FileManager::_downloadAckResponse(Request* readAck, bool readFile)
    if (readAck->hdr.session != _activeSession) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Download: Incorrect session returned"));

    if (readAck->hdr.offset != _downloadOffset) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Download: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested/expected (%2)").arg(readAck->hdr.offset).arg(_downloadOffset));
    qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << QString("_downloadAckResponse: offset(%1) size(%2) burstComplete(%3)").arg(readAck->hdr.offset).arg(readAck->hdr.size).arg(readAck->hdr.burstComplete);

	_downloadOffset += readAck->hdr.size;
    _readFileAccumulator.append((const char*)readAck->data, readAck->hdr.size);
    emit downloadFileProgress(_readFileAccumulator.length());

    if (readAck->hdr.size == sizeof(readAck->data)) {
		if (readFile || readAck->hdr.burstComplete) {
			// Possibly still more data to read, send next read request

			Request request;
			request.hdr.session = _activeSession;
            request.hdr.opcode = readFile ? kCmdReadFile : kCmdBurstReadFile;
			request.hdr.offset = _downloadOffset;
			request.hdr.size = 0;

		} else {
			// Streaming, so next ack should come automatically
    } else if (readFile) {
        // We only receieved a partial buffer back. These means we are at EOF
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _closeDownloadSession(true /* success */);

/// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the List command.
void FileManager::_listAckResponse(Request* listAck)
    if (listAck->hdr.offset != _listOffset) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("List: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)").arg(listAck->hdr.offset).arg(_listOffset));

    uint8_t offset = 0;
    uint8_t cListEntries = 0;
    uint8_t cBytes = listAck->hdr.size;

    // parse filenames out of the buffer
    while (offset < cBytes) {
        const char * ptr = ((const char *)listAck->data) + offset;

        // get the length of the name
        uint8_t cBytesLeft = cBytes - offset;
        uint8_t nlen = static_cast<uint8_t>(strnlen(ptr, cBytesLeft));
        if ((*ptr == 'S' && nlen > 1) || (*ptr != 'S' && nlen < 2)) {
            _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Incorrectly formed list entry: '%1'").arg(ptr));
        } else if (nlen == cBytesLeft) {
            _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Missing NULL termination in list entry"));

        // Returned names are prepended with D for directory, F for file, S for skip
        if (*ptr == 'F' || *ptr == 'D') {
            // put it in the view
        } else if (*ptr == 'S') {
            // do nothing
        } else {
            qDebug() << "unknown entry" << ptr;

        // account for the name + NUL
        offset += nlen + 1;


    if (listAck->hdr.size == 0) {
        // Directory is empty, we're done
        Q_ASSERT(listAck->hdr.opcode == kRspAck);
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        emit listComplete();
    } else {
        // Possibly more entries to come, need to keep trying till we get EOF
        _currentOperation = kCOList;
        _listOffset += cListEntries;

/// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the create command.
void FileManager::_createAckResponse(Request* createAck)
    _currentOperation = kCOWrite;
    _activeSession = createAck->hdr.session;

    // Start the sequence of read commands

    _writeOffset = 0;                // Start writing at beginning of file
    _writeSize = 0;


/// @brief Respond to the Ack associated with the write command.
void FileManager::_writeAckResponse(Request* writeAck)
    if(_writeOffset + _writeSize >= _writeFileSize){
        _writeFileSize = 0;
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        emit uploadFileComplete();

    if (writeAck->hdr.session != _activeSession) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Incorrect session returned"));

    if (writeAck->hdr.offset != _writeOffset) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Offset returned (%1) differs from offset requested (%2)").arg(writeAck->hdr.offset).arg(_writeOffset));

    if (writeAck->hdr.size != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Returned invalid size of write size data"));

    if( writeAck->writeFileLength !=_writeSize){
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Write: Size returned (%1) differs from size requested (%2)").arg(writeAck->writeFileLength).arg(_writeSize));


/// @brief Send next write file data block.
void FileManager::_writeFileDatablock(void)
    /// @brief Maximum data size in RequestHeader::data
//	static const uint8_t	kMaxDataLength = MAVLINK_MSG_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL_FIELD_PAYLOAD_LEN - sizeof(RequestHeader);
//    static const uint8_t	kMaxDataLength = Request.data;

    if(_writeOffset + _writeSize >= _writeFileSize){

    _writeOffset += _writeSize;

    Request request;
    request.hdr.session = _activeSession;
    request.hdr.opcode = kCmdWriteFile;
    request.hdr.offset = _writeOffset;

    if(_writeFileSize -_writeOffset > sizeof(request.data) )
        _writeSize = sizeof(request.data);
        _writeSize = _writeFileSize - _writeOffset;

    request.hdr.size = _writeSize;

    memcpy(request.data, &_writeFileAccumulator.data()[_writeOffset], _writeSize);


void FileManager::receiveMessage(LinkInterface* link, mavlink_message_t message)

    // receiveMessage is signalled will all mavlink messages so we need to filter everything else out but ours.
    if (message.msgid != MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL) {
    mavlink_file_transfer_protocol_t data;
    mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_decode(&message, &data);
    // Make sure we are the target system
    if (data.target_system != _systemIdQGC) {
        qDebug() << "Received MAVLINK_MSG_ID_FILE_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL with incorrect target_system:" <<  data.target_system << "expected:" << _systemIdQGC;
    Request* request = (Request*)&data.payload[0];
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "receiveMessage" << request->hdr.opcode;
    uint16_t incomingSeqNumber = request->hdr.seqNumber;
    // Make sure we have a good sequence number
    uint16_t expectedSeqNumber = _lastOutgoingSeqNumber + 1;
    if (incomingSeqNumber != expectedSeqNumber) {
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Bad sequence number on received message: expected(%1) received(%2)").arg(expectedSeqNumber).arg(incomingSeqNumber));
    // Move past the incoming sequence number for next request
    _lastOutgoingSeqNumber = incomingSeqNumber;

    if (request->hdr.opcode == kRspAck) {
        switch (request->hdr.req_opcode) {
			case kCmdListDirectory:
			case kCmdOpenFileRO:
            case kCmdOpenFileWO:
			case kCmdReadFile:
				_downloadAckResponse(request, true /* read file */);
			case kCmdBurstReadFile:
				_downloadAckResponse(request, false /* stream file */);
            case kCmdCreateFile:
            case kCmdWriteFile:
				// Ack back from operation which does not require additional work
				_currentOperation = kCOIdle;
    } else if (request->hdr.opcode == kRspNak) {
        uint8_t errorCode = request->data[0];

        // Nak's normally have 1 byte of data for error code, except for kErrFailErrno which has additional byte for errno
        Q_ASSERT((errorCode == kErrFailErrno && request->hdr.size == 2) || request->hdr.size == 1);
        _currentOperation = kCOIdle;

        if (request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdListDirectory && errorCode == kErrEOF) {
            // This is not an error, just the end of the list loop
            emit listComplete();
        } else if ((request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdReadFile || request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdBurstReadFile) && errorCode == kErrEOF) {
            // This is not an error, just the end of the download loop
            _closeDownloadSession(true /* success */);
        } else if (request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdCreateFile) {
            // End a failed create file operation
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Nak received creating file, error: %1").arg(errorString(request->data[0])));
        } else {
            // Generic Nak handling
            if (request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdReadFile || request->hdr.req_opcode == kCmdBurstReadFile) {
                // Nak error during download loop, download failed
                _closeDownloadSession(false /* failure */);
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Nak received, error: %1").arg(errorString(request->data[0])));
    } else {
        // Note that we don't change our operation state. If something goes wrong beyond this, the operation
        // will time out.
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unknown opcode returned from server: %1").arg(request->hdr.opcode));

void FileManager::listDirectory(const QString& dirPath)
    if (_currentOperation != kCOIdle) {
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Command not sent. Waiting for previous command to complete."));

    // initialise the lister
    _listPath = dirPath;
    _listOffset = 0;
    _currentOperation = kCOList;

    // and send the initial request

void FileManager::_fillRequestWithString(Request* request, const QString& str)
    strncpy((char *)&request->data[0], str.toStdString().c_str(), sizeof(request->data));
    request->hdr.size = static_cast<uint8_t>(strnlen((const char *)&request->data[0], sizeof(request->data)));

void FileManager::_sendListCommand(void)
    Request request;

    request.hdr.session = 0;
    request.hdr.opcode = kCmdListDirectory;
    request.hdr.offset = _listOffset;
    request.hdr.size = 0;

    _fillRequestWithString(&request, _listPath);

    qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "listDirectory: path:" << _listPath << "offset:" <<  _listOffset;

void FileManager::downloadPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "downloadPath from:" << from << "to:" << downloadDir;
	_downloadWorker(from, downloadDir, true /* read file */);

void FileManager::streamPath(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "streamPath from:" << from << "to:" << downloadDir;
	_downloadWorker(from, downloadDir, false /* stream file */);

void FileManager::_downloadWorker(const QString& from, const QDir& downloadDir, bool readFile)
	if (from.isEmpty()) {
	// We need to strip off the file name from the fully qualified path. We can't use the usual QDir
	// routines because this path does not exist locally.
	int i;
	for (i=from.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
		if (from[i] == '/') {
	i++; // move past slash
	_readFileDownloadFilename = from.right(from.size() - i);
	_currentOperation = readFile ? kCOOpenRead : kCOOpenStream;
	Request request;
	request.hdr.session = 0;
	request.hdr.opcode = kCmdOpenFileRO;
	request.hdr.offset = 0;
	request.hdr.size = 0;
	_fillRequestWithString(&request, from);

/// @brief Uploads the specified file.
///     @param toPath File in UAS to upload to, fully qualified path
///     @param uploadFile Local file to upload from
void FileManager::uploadPath(const QString& toPath, const QFileInfo& uploadFile)
    if(_currentOperation != kCOIdle){
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("UAS File manager busy.  Try again later"));

    if (toPath.isEmpty()) {

        _emitErrorMessage(tr("File (%1) is not readable for upload").arg(uploadFile.path()));

    QFile file(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath());
    if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to open local file for upload (%1)").arg(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath()));

    _writeFileAccumulator = file.readAll();
    _writeFileSize = _writeFileAccumulator.size();


    if (_writeFileAccumulator.size() == 0) {
        _emitErrorMessage(tr("Unable to read data from local file (%1)").arg(uploadFile.absoluteFilePath()));

    _currentOperation = kCOCreate;

    Request request;
    request.hdr.session = 0;
    request.hdr.opcode = kCmdCreateFile;
    request.hdr.offset = 0;
    request.hdr.size = 0;
    _fillRequestWithString(&request, toPath + "/" + uploadFile.fileName());

QString FileManager::errorString(uint8_t errorCode)
    switch(errorCode) {
        case kErrNone:
            return QString("no error");
        case kErrFail:
            return QString("unknown error");
        case kErrEOF:
            return QString("read beyond end of file");
        case kErrUnknownCommand:
            return QString("unknown command");
        case kErrFailErrno:
            return QString("command failed");
        case kErrInvalidDataSize:
            return QString("invalid data size");
        case kErrInvalidSession:
            return QString("invalid session");
        case kErrNoSessionsAvailable:
            return QString("no sessions availble");
        case kErrFailFileExists:
            return QString("File already exists on target");
        case kErrFailFileProtected:
            return QString("File is write protected");
            return QString("unknown error code");

/// @brief Sends a command which only requires an opcode and no additional data
///     @param opcode Opcode to send
///     @param newOpState State to put state machine into
/// @return TRUE: command sent, FALSE: command not sent, waiting for previous command to finish
bool FileManager::_sendOpcodeOnlyCmd(uint8_t opcode, OperationState newOpState)
    if (_currentOperation != kCOIdle) {
        // Can't have multiple commands in play at the same time
        return false;

    Request request;
    request.hdr.session = 0;
    request.hdr.opcode = opcode;
    request.hdr.offset = 0;
    request.hdr.size = 0;

    _currentOperation = newOpState;


    return true;

/// @brief Starts the ack timeout timer
void FileManager::_setupAckTimeout(void)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_setupAckTimeout";



/// @brief Clears the ack timeout timer
void FileManager::_clearAckTimeout(void)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_clearAckTimeout";

/// @brief Called when ack timeout timer fires
void FileManager::_ackTimeout(void)
    qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_ackTimeout";
    // Make sure to set _currentOperation state before emitting error message. Code may respond
    // to error message signal by sending another command, which will fail if state is not back
    // to idle. FileView UI works this way with the List command.

    switch (_currentOperation) {
        case kCORead:
        case kCOBurst:
            _closeDownloadSession(false /* failure */);
            _currentOperation = kCOAck;
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Sending Terminate command"));
        case kCOCreate:
            _currentOperation = kCOAck;
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Sending Terminate command"));
        case kCOWrite:
            _currentOperation = kCOAck;
            _emitErrorMessage(tr("Timeout waiting for ack: Sending Terminate command"));
            _currentOperation = kCOIdle;
            _emitErrorMessage(QString("Timeout waiting for ack: operation (%1)").arg(_currentOperation));

void FileManager::_sendTerminateCommand(void)
    Request request;
    request.hdr.session = _activeSession;
    request.hdr.opcode = kCmdTerminateSession;
    request.hdr.size = 0;

void FileManager::_emitErrorMessage(const QString& msg)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "Error:" << msg;
    emit errorMessage(msg);

void FileManager::_emitListEntry(const QString& entry)
    qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_emitListEntry" << entry;
    emit listEntry(entry);

/// @brief Sends the specified Request out to the UAS.
void FileManager::_sendRequest(Request* request)
	qCDebug(FileManagerLog) << "_sendRequest opcode:" << request->hdr.opcode;

    mavlink_message_t message;


    request->hdr.seqNumber = _lastOutgoingSeqNumber;
    if (_systemIdQGC == 0) {
        _systemIdQGC = MAVLinkProtocol::instance()->getSystemId();
    mavlink_msg_file_transfer_protocol_pack(_systemIdQGC,       // QGC System ID
                                            0,                  // QGC Component ID
                                            &message,           // Mavlink Message to pack into
                                            0,                  // Target network
                                            _systemIdServer,    // Target system
                                            0,                  // Target component
                                            (uint8_t*)request); // Payload