/* -*-c++-*- OpenSceneGraph - Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Robert Osfield * * This library is open source and may be redistributed and/or modified under * the terms of the OpenSceneGraph Public License (OSGPL) version 0.0 or * (at your option) any later version. The full license is in LICENSE file * included with this distribution, and on the openscenegraph.org website. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * OpenSceneGraph Public License for more details. */ #ifndef OSG_CAMERAVIEW #define OSG_CAMERAVIEW 1 #include <osg/Group> #include <osg/Transform> #include <osg/AnimationPath> #include <osg/Vec3d> #include <osg/Quat> namespace osg { /** CameraView - is a Transform that is used to specify camera views from within the scene graph. * The application must attach a camera to a CameraView via the NodePath from the top of the scene graph * to the CameraView node itself, and accumulate the view matrix from this NodePath. */ class OSG_EXPORT CameraView : public Transform { public : CameraView(); CameraView(const CameraView& pat,const CopyOp& copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY): Transform(pat,copyop), _position(pat._position), _attitude(pat._attitude), _fieldOfView(pat._fieldOfView), _fieldOfViewMode(pat._fieldOfViewMode), _focalLength(pat._focalLength) {} META_Node(osg, CameraView); /** Set the position of the camera view.*/ inline void setPosition(const Vec3d& pos) { _position = pos; dirtyBound(); } /** Get the position of the camera view.*/ inline const Vec3d& getPosition() const { return _position; } /** Set the attitude of the camera view.*/ inline void setAttitude(const Quat& quat) { _attitude = quat; dirtyBound(); } /** Get the attitude of the camera view.*/ inline const Quat& getAttitude() const { return _attitude; } /** Set the field of view. * The camera's field of view can be constrained to either the horizontal or vertical axis of the camera, or unconstrained * in which case the camera/application are left to choose an appropriate field of view. * The default value if 60 degrees. */ inline void setFieldOfView(double fieldOfView) { _fieldOfView = fieldOfView; } /** Get the field of view.*/ inline double getFieldOfView() const { return _fieldOfView; } enum FieldOfViewMode { UNCONSTRAINED, HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL }; /** Set the field of view mode - controlling how the field of view of the camera is constrained by the CameraView settings.*/ inline void setFieldOfViewMode(FieldOfViewMode mode) { _fieldOfViewMode = mode; } /** Get the field of view mode.*/ inline FieldOfViewMode getFieldOfViewMode() const { return _fieldOfViewMode; } /** Set the focal length of the camera. * A focal length of 0.0 indicates that the camera/application should determine the focal length. * The default value is 0.0. */ inline void setFocalLength(double focalLength) { _focalLength = focalLength; } /** Get the focal length of the camera.*/ inline double getFocalLength() const { return _focalLength; } virtual bool computeLocalToWorldMatrix(Matrix& matrix,NodeVisitor* nv) const; virtual bool computeWorldToLocalMatrix(Matrix& matrix,NodeVisitor* nv) const; protected : virtual ~CameraView() {} Vec3d _position; Quat _attitude; double _fieldOfView; FieldOfViewMode _fieldOfViewMode; double _focalLength; }; } #endif