#pragma once #include <QObject> #include "QGCMapPolygon.h" #include "QmlObjectListModel.h" #include "WimaArea.h" #include "WimaAreaData.h" #include "WimaServiceArea.h" #include "WimaServiceAreaData.h" #include "WimaMeasurementArea.h" #include "WimaMeasurementAreaData.h" #include "WimaCorridor.h" #include "WimaCorridorData.h" #include "WimaJoinedArea.h" #include "WimaJoinedAreaData.h" #include "WimaPlanData.h" #include "WimaDataContainer.h" #include "PlanMasterController.h" #include "MissionController.h" #include "SurveyComplexItem.h" #include "SimpleMissionItem.h" #include "MissionSettingsItem.h" #include "JsonHelper.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "OptimisationTools.h" #include "PlanimetryCalculus.h" #include "GeoUtilities.h" #define TEST_FUN 0 #if TEST_FUN #include "TestPolygonCalculus.h" #include "testplanimetrycalculus.h" #endif class WimaPlaner : public QObject { Q_OBJECT enum FileType {WimaFile, PlanFile}; public: WimaPlaner(QObject *parent = nullptr); template<class T> WimaPlaner(T t, QObject *parent = nullptr) = delete; template<class T> WimaPlaner(T t) = delete; Q_PROPERTY(PlanMasterController* masterController READ masterController WRITE setMasterController NOTIFY masterControllerChanged) Q_PROPERTY(MissionController* missionController READ missionController WRITE setMissionController NOTIFY missionControllerChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QmlObjectListModel* visualItems READ visualItems NOTIFY visualItemsChanged) Q_PROPERTY(int currentPolygonIndex READ currentPolygonIndex WRITE setCurrentPolygonIndex NOTIFY currentPolygonIndexChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QString currentFile READ currentFile NOTIFY currentFileChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList loadNameFilters READ loadNameFilters CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList saveNameFilters READ saveNameFilters CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QString fileExtension READ fileExtension CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter READ joinedAreaCenter CONSTANT) Q_PROPERTY(WimaDataContainer* dataContainer READ dataContainer WRITE setDataContainer NOTIFY dataContainerChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool syncronized READ syncronizedWithController NOTIFY syncronizedWithControllerChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool readyForSync READ readyForSync NOTIFY readyForSyncChanged) // Property accessors PlanMasterController* masterController (void) { return _masterController; } MissionController* missionController (void) { return _missionController; } QmlObjectListModel* visualItems (void) ; int currentPolygonIndex (void) const { return _currentAreaIndex; } QString currentFile (void) const { return _currentFile; } QStringList loadNameFilters (void) const; QStringList saveNameFilters (void) const; QString fileExtension (void) const { return wimaFileExtension; } QGeoCoordinate joinedAreaCenter (void) const; WimaDataContainer* dataContainer (void) { return _container;} // Property setters void setMasterController (PlanMasterController* masterController); void setMissionController (MissionController* missionController); /// Sets the integer index pointing to the current polygon. Current polygon is set interactive. void setCurrentPolygonIndex (int index); void setDataContainer (WimaDataContainer* container); // Property acessors bool syncronizedWithController (); bool readyForSync (); // Member Methodes Q_INVOKABLE bool addMeasurementArea(); /// Removes an area from _visualItems /// @param index Index of the area to be removed Q_INVOKABLE void removeArea(int index); Q_INVOKABLE bool addServiceArea(); Q_INVOKABLE bool addCorridor(); /// Remove all areas from WimaPlaner and all mission items from MissionController Q_INVOKABLE void removeAll(); /// Recalculates vehicle corridor, flight path, etc. Q_INVOKABLE bool updateMission(); /// Pushes the generated mission data to the container, for exchange with wimaController Q_INVOKABLE void pushToContainer(); Q_INVOKABLE void saveToCurrent(); Q_INVOKABLE void saveToFile(const QString& filename); Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromCurrent(); Q_INVOKABLE bool loadFromFile(const QString& filename); Q_INVOKABLE void resetAllInteractive(void); Q_INVOKABLE void setInteractive(void); QJsonDocument saveToJson(FileType fileType); bool calcShortestPath(const QGeoCoordinate &start, const QGeoCoordinate &destination, QList<QGeoCoordinate> &path); // static Members static const char* wimaFileExtension; static const char* areaItemsName; static const char* missionItemsName; signals: void masterControllerChanged (void); void missionControllerChanged (void); void visualItemsChanged (void); void currentPolygonIndexChanged (int index); void currentFileChanged (); void dataContainerChanged (); void syncronizedWithControllerChanged (void); void readyForSyncChanged (void); private slots: void recalcPolygonInteractivity (int index); bool calcArrivalAndReturnPath (void); bool recalcJoinedArea (); // called by _updateTimer::timeout signal, updates different mission parts, if parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have changed void updateTimerSlot (); void setSyncronizedWithControllerFalse (void); private: signals: void joinedAreaValidChanged(); private: // Member Functions WimaPlanData toPlanData(); void setSyncronizedWithController (bool sync); void setReadyForSync (bool ready); void setJoinedAreaValid (bool valid); // Member Variables PlanMasterController *_masterController; MissionController *_missionController; int _currentAreaIndex; QString _currentFile; // file for saveing WimaDataContainer *_container; // container for data exchange with WimaController QmlObjectListModel _visualItems; // contains all visible areas WimaJoinedArea _joinedArea; // joined area fromed by _measurementArea, _serviceArea, _corridor QString _joinedAreaErrorString; // contains errors which appeared in recalcJoinedArea bool _joinedAreaValid; WimaMeasurementArea _measurementArea; // measurement area WimaServiceArea _serviceArea; // area for supplying WimaCorridor _corridor; // corridor connecting _measurementArea and _serviceArea int _arrivalPathLength; // the number waypoints the arrival path consists of (path from takeoff to first measurement point) int _returnPathLength; // the number waypoints the return path consists of (path from last measurement point to land) CircularSurveyComplexItem* _circularSurvey; // pointer to the CircularSurvey item in _missionController.visualItems() // auto update QTimer _updateTimer; // on this timers timeout different mission parts will be updated, if parameters (e.g. survey or areas) have changed QGeoCoordinate _lastSurveyRefPoint; // stores the SurveyRefPoint of the previous timer call bool _surveyRefChanging; // true if SurveyRefPoint is changing QVariantList _lastMeasurementAreaPath; // stores the path of _measurementArea, at the time instance of the previous timer call bool _measurementAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _measurementArea is changing QVariantList _lastCorridorPath; // stores the path of _corridor, at the time instance of the previous timer call bool _corridorChanging; // true if the path of the _corridor is changing QVariantList _lastServiceAreaPath; // stores the path of _serviceArea, at the time instance of the previous timer call bool _serviceAreaChanging; // true if the path of the _serviceArea is changing // sync stuff bool _syncronizedWithController; // true if planData is syncronized with wimaController bool _readyForSync; // gets set by updateMission and calcArrivalAndReturnPath };