/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009 - 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Implementation of class QGCApplication * * @author Lorenz Meier <mavteam@student.ethz.ch> * */ #include <QFile> #include <QFlags> #include <QThread> #include <QSplashScreen> #include <QPixmap> #include <QDesktopWidget> #include <QPainter> #include <QStyleFactory> #include <QAction> #include <QDebug> #include "configuration.h" #include "QGC.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "GAudioOutput.h" #include "CmdLineOptParser.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "UDPLink.h" #include "MAVLinkSimulationLink.h" #include "SerialLink.h" #include "QGCSingleton.h" #include "LinkManager.h" #include "UASManager.h" #include "AutoPilotPluginManager.h" #include "QGCTemporaryFile.h" #ifdef QGC_RTLAB_ENABLED #include "OpalLink.h" #endif QGCApplication* QGCApplication::_app = NULL; const char* QGCApplication::_deleteAllSettingsKey = "DeleteAllSettingsNextBoot"; const char* QGCApplication::_settingsVersionKey = "SettingsVersion"; const char* QGCApplication::_savedFilesLocationKey = "SavedFilesLocation"; const char* QGCApplication::_promptFlightDataSave = "PromptFLightDataSave"; const char* QGCApplication::_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName = "QGroundControl"; const char* QGCApplication::_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName = "FlightData"; const char* QGCApplication::_savedFileParameterDirectoryName = "SavedParameters"; /** * @brief Constructor for the main application. * * This constructor initializes and starts the whole application. It takes standard * command-line parameters * * @param argc The number of command-line parameters * @param argv The string array of parameters **/ QGCApplication::QGCApplication(int &argc, char* argv[], bool unitTesting) : QApplication(argc, argv), _runningUnitTests(unitTesting) { Q_ASSERT(_app == NULL); _app = this; #ifdef QT_DEBUG // First thing we want to do is set up the qtlogging.ini file. If it doesn't already exist we copy // it to the correct location. This way default debug builds will have logging turned off. bool loggingDirectoryOk = false; QDir iniFileLocation(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::GenericConfigLocation)); if (!iniFileLocation.cd("QtProjects")) { if (!iniFileLocation.mkdir("QtProjects")) { qDebug() << "Unable to create qtlogging.ini directory" << iniFileLocation.filePath("QtProjects"); } else { if (!iniFileLocation.cd("QtProjects")) { qDebug() << "Unable to access qtlogging.ini directory" << iniFileLocation.filePath("QtProjects");; } loggingDirectoryOk = true; } } else { loggingDirectoryOk = true; } if (loggingDirectoryOk) { qDebug () << iniFileLocation; if (!iniFileLocation.exists("qtlogging.ini")) { if (!QFile::copy(":QLoggingCategory/qtlogging.ini", iniFileLocation.filePath("qtlogging.ini"))) { qDebug() << "Unable to copy qtlogging.ini to" << iniFileLocation; } } } #endif // Set application information if (_runningUnitTests) { // We don't want unit tests to use the same QSettings space as the normal app. So we tweak the app // name. Also we want to run unit tests with clean settings every time. setApplicationName(QString("%1_unittest").arg(QGC_APPLICATION_NAME)); } else { setApplicationName(QGC_APPLICATION_NAME); } setOrganizationName(QGC_ORG_NAME); setOrganizationDomain(QGC_ORG_DOMAIN); // Version string is build from component parts. Format is: // vMajor.Minor.BuildNumber BuildType QString versionString("v%1.%2.%3 %4"); versionString = versionString.arg(QGC_APPLICATION_VERSION_MAJOR).arg(QGC_APPLICATION_VERSION_MINOR).arg(QGC_APPLICATION_VERSION_BUILDNUMBER).arg(QGC_APPLICATION_VERSION_BUILDTYPE); this->setApplicationVersion(versionString); // Set settings format QSettings::setDefaultFormat(QSettings::IniFormat); // Parse command line options bool fClearSettingsOptions = false; // Clear stored settings CmdLineOpt_t rgCmdLineOptions[] = { { "--clear-settings", &fClearSettingsOptions, QString() }, // Add additional command line option flags here }; ParseCmdLineOptions(argc, argv, rgCmdLineOptions, sizeof(rgCmdLineOptions)/sizeof(rgCmdLineOptions[0]), false); QSettings settings; // The setting will delete all settings on this boot fClearSettingsOptions |= settings.contains(_deleteAllSettingsKey); if (_runningUnitTests) { // Unit tests run with clean settings fClearSettingsOptions = true; } if (fClearSettingsOptions) { // User requested settings to be cleared on command line settings.clear(); settings.setValue(_settingsVersionKey, QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION); } } QGCApplication::~QGCApplication() { destroySingletonsForUnitTest(); } void QGCApplication::_initCommon(void) { QSettings settings; _createSingletons(); // Show user an upgrade message if the settings version has been bumped up bool settingsUpgraded = false; if (settings.contains(_settingsVersionKey)) { if (settings.value(_settingsVersionKey).toInt() != QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION) { settingsUpgraded = true; } } else if (settings.allKeys().count()) { // Settings version key is missing and there are settings. This is an upgrade scenario. settingsUpgraded = true; } if (settingsUpgraded) { settings.clear(); settings.setValue(_settingsVersionKey, QGC_SETTINGS_VERSION); QGCMessageBox::information(tr("Settings Cleared"), tr("The format for QGroundControl saved settings has been modified. " "Your saved settings have been reset to defaults.")); } // Load saved files location and validate QString savedFilesLocation; if (settings.contains(_savedFilesLocationKey)) { savedFilesLocation = settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString(); } else { // No location set. Create a default one in Documents standard location. QString documentsLocation = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); QDir documentsDir(documentsLocation); Q_ASSERT(documentsDir.exists()); bool pathCreated = documentsDir.mkpath(_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName); Q_UNUSED(pathCreated); Q_ASSERT(pathCreated); savedFilesLocation = documentsDir.filePath(_defaultSavedFileDirectoryName); } if (!savedFilesLocation.isEmpty()) { if (!validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(savedFilesLocation)) { savedFilesLocation.clear(); } } settings.setValue(_savedFilesLocationKey, savedFilesLocation); // Load application font QFontDatabase fontDatabase = QFontDatabase(); const QString fontFileName = ":/general/vera.ttf"; ///< Font file is part of the QRC file and compiled into the app //const QString fontFamilyName = "Bitstream Vera Sans"; if(!QFile::exists(fontFileName)) printf("ERROR! font file: %s DOES NOT EXIST!\n", fontFileName.toStdString().c_str()); fontDatabase.addApplicationFont(fontFileName); // Avoid Using setFont(). In the Qt docu you can read the following: // "Warning: Do not use this function in conjunction with Qt Style Sheets." // setFont(fontDatabase.font(fontFamilyName, "Roman", 12)); } bool QGCApplication::_initForNormalAppBoot(void) { QSettings settings; enum MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE mode = (enum MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE) settings.value("QGC_CUSTOM_MODE", (int)MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_PX4).toInt(); // Show splash screen QPixmap splashImage(":/files/images/splash.png"); QSplashScreen* splashScreen = new QSplashScreen(splashImage); // Delete splash screen after mainWindow was displayed splashScreen->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); splashScreen->show(); processEvents(); splashScreen->showMessage(tr("Loading application fonts"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141)); // Exit main application when last window is closed connect(this, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), this, SLOT(quit())); // Start the user interface splashScreen->showMessage(tr("Starting user interface"), Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignBottom, QColor(62, 93, 141)); MainWindow* mainWindow = MainWindow::_create(splashScreen, mode); Q_CHECK_PTR(mainWindow); // If we made it this far and we still don't have a location. Either the specfied location was invalid // or we coudn't create a default location. Either way, we need to let the user know and prompt for a new /// settings. QString savedFilesLocation = settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString(); if (savedFilesLocation.isEmpty()) { QGCMessageBox::warning(tr("Bad save location"), tr("The location to save files to is invalid, or cannot be written to. Please provide a new one.")); mainWindow->showSettings(); } UDPLink* udpLink = NULL; if (mainWindow->getCustomMode() == MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE_WIFI) { // Connect links // to make sure that all components are initialized when the // first messages arrive udpLink = new UDPLink(QHostAddress::Any, 14550); LinkManager::instance()->add(udpLink); } else { // We want to have a default serial link available for "quick" connecting. SerialLink *slink = new SerialLink(); LinkManager::instance()->add(slink); } #ifdef QGC_RTLAB_ENABLED // Add OpalRT Link, but do not connect OpalLink* opalLink = new OpalLink(); _mainWindow->addLink(opalLink); #endif // Remove splash screen splashScreen->finish(mainWindow); mainWindow->splashScreenFinished(); // Check if link could be connected if (udpLink && LinkManager::instance()->connectLink(udpLink)) { QMessageBox::StandardButton button = QGCMessageBox::critical(tr("Could not connect UDP port. Is an instance of %1 already running?").arg(qAppName()), tr("It is recommended to close the application and stop all instances. Click Yes to close."), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No); // Exit application if (button == QMessageBox::Yes) { //mainWindow->close(); QTimer::singleShot(200, mainWindow, SLOT(close())); } } return true; } bool QGCApplication::_initForUnitTests(void) { return true; } void QGCApplication::deleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void) { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(_deleteAllSettingsKey, true); } void QGCApplication::clearDeleteAllSettingsNextBoot(void) { QSettings settings; settings.remove(_deleteAllSettingsKey); } void QGCApplication::setSavedFilesLocation(QString& location) { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(_savedFilesLocationKey, location); } bool QGCApplication::validatePossibleSavedFilesLocation(QString& location) { // Make sure we can write to the directory QString filename = QDir(location).filePath("QGCTempXXXXXXXX.tmp"); QGCTemporaryFile tempFile(filename); if (!tempFile.open()) { return false; } tempFile.remove(); return true; } QString QGCApplication::savedFilesLocation(void) { QSettings settings; Q_ASSERT(settings.contains(_savedFilesLocationKey)); return settings.value(_savedFilesLocationKey).toString(); } QString QGCApplication::savedParameterFilesLocation(void) { QString location; QDir parentDir(savedFilesLocation()); location = parentDir.filePath(_savedFileParameterDirectoryName); if (!QDir(location).exists()) { // If directory doesn't exist, try to create it if (!parentDir.mkpath(_savedFileParameterDirectoryName)) { // Return an error location.clear(); } } return location; } QString QGCApplication::mavlinkLogFilesLocation(void) { QString location; QDir parentDir(savedFilesLocation()); location = parentDir.filePath(_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName); if (!QDir(location).exists()) { // If directory doesn't exist, try to create it if (!parentDir.mkpath(_savedFileMavlinkLogDirectoryName)) { // Return an error location.clear(); } } return location; } bool QGCApplication::promptFlightDataSave(void) { QSettings settings; return settings.value(_promptFlightDataSave, true).toBool(); } void QGCApplication::setPromptFlightDataSave(bool promptForSave) { QSettings settings; settings.setValue(_promptFlightDataSave, promptForSave); } /// @brief Returns the QGCApplication object singleton. QGCApplication* qgcApp(void) { Q_ASSERT(QGCApplication::_app); return QGCApplication::_app; } /// @brief We create all the non-ui based singletons here instead of allowing them to be created randomly /// by calls to instance. The reason being that depending on boot sequence the singleton may end /// up being creating on something other than the main thread. void QGCApplication::_createSingletons(void) { LinkManager* linkManager = LinkManager::instance(); Q_UNUSED(linkManager); Q_ASSERT(linkManager); UASManagerInterface* uasManager = UASManager::instance(); Q_UNUSED(uasManager); Q_ASSERT(uasManager); AutoPilotPluginManager* pluginManager = AutoPilotPluginManager::instance(); Q_UNUSED(pluginManager); Q_ASSERT(pluginManager); } void QGCApplication::destroySingletonsForUnitTest(void) { foreach(QGCSingleton* singleton, _singletons) { Q_ASSERT(singleton); singleton->deleteInstance(); } if (MainWindow::instance()) { delete MainWindow::instance(); } _singletons.clear(); } void QGCApplication::registerSingleton(QGCSingleton* singleton) { Q_ASSERT(singleton); Q_ASSERT(!_singletons.contains(singleton)); _singletons.append(singleton); }