/*===================================================================== QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station (c) 2009, 2015 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <http://www.qgroundcontrol.org> This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ======================================================================*/ /** * @file * @brief Brief Description * * @author Lorenz Meier <mavteam@student.ethz.ch> * */ #include <QList> #include <QApplication> #include <QDebug> #ifndef __ios__ #ifdef __android__ #include "qserialportinfo.h" #else #include <QSerialPortInfo> #endif #endif #include "LinkManager.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "QGCMessageBox.h" #include "QGCApplication.h" IMPLEMENT_QGC_SINGLETON(LinkManager, LinkManager) /** * @brief Private singleton constructor * * This class implements the singleton design pattern and has therefore only a private constructor. **/ LinkManager::LinkManager(QObject* parent) : QGCSingleton(parent) , _configUpdateSuspended(false) , _configurationsLoaded(false) , _connectionsSuspended(false) , _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask(0) , _nullSharedLink(NULL) { #ifndef __ios__ connect(&_portListTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &LinkManager::_updateConfigurationList); _portListTimer.start(1000); #endif } LinkManager::~LinkManager() { // Clear configuration list while(_linkConfigurations.count()) { LinkConfiguration* pLink = _linkConfigurations.at(0); if(pLink) delete pLink; _linkConfigurations.removeAt(0); } Q_ASSERT_X(_links.count() == 0, "LinkManager", "LinkManager::_shutdown should have been called previously"); } LinkInterface* LinkManager::createConnectedLink(LinkConfiguration* config) { Q_ASSERT(config); LinkInterface* pLink = NULL; switch(config->type()) { #ifndef __ios__ case LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial: pLink = new SerialLink(dynamic_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(config)); break; #endif case LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp: pLink = new UDPLink(dynamic_cast<UDPConfiguration*>(config)); break; case LinkConfiguration::TypeTcp: pLink = new TCPLink(dynamic_cast<TCPConfiguration*>(config)); break; #ifdef QT_DEBUG case LinkConfiguration::TypeMock: pLink = new MockLink(dynamic_cast<MockConfiguration*>(config)); break; #endif } if(pLink) { _addLink(pLink); connectLink(pLink); } return pLink; } LinkInterface* LinkManager::createConnectedLink(const QString& name) { Q_ASSERT(name.isEmpty() == false); for(int i = 0; i < _linkConfigurations.count(); i++) { LinkConfiguration* conf = _linkConfigurations.at(i); if(conf && conf->name() == name) return createConnectedLink(conf); } return NULL; } void LinkManager::_addLink(LinkInterface* link) { Q_ASSERT(link); _linkListMutex.lock(); if (!containsLink(link)) { // Find a mavlink channel to use for this link for (int i=0; i<32; i++) { if (!(_mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask && 1 << i)) { mavlink_reset_channel_status(i); link->_setMavlinkChannel(i); _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask |= i << i; break; } } _links.append(QSharedPointer<LinkInterface>(link)); _linkListMutex.unlock(); emit newLink(link); } else { _linkListMutex.unlock(); } // MainWindow may be around when doing things like running unit tests if (MainWindow::instance()) { connect(link, &LinkInterface::communicationError, qgcApp(), &QGCApplication::criticalMessageBoxOnMainThread); } MAVLinkProtocol* mavlink = MAVLinkProtocol::instance(); connect(link, &LinkInterface::bytesReceived, mavlink, &MAVLinkProtocol::receiveBytes); connect(link, &LinkInterface::connected, mavlink, &MAVLinkProtocol::linkConnected); connect(link, &LinkInterface::disconnected, mavlink, &MAVLinkProtocol::linkDisconnected); mavlink->resetMetadataForLink(link); connect(link, &LinkInterface::connected, this, &LinkManager::_linkConnected); connect(link, &LinkInterface::disconnected, this, &LinkManager::_linkDisconnected); } bool LinkManager::connectAll() { if (_connectionsSuspendedMsg()) { return false; } bool allConnected = true; foreach (SharedLinkInterface sharedLink, _links) { Q_ASSERT(sharedLink.data()); if (!sharedLink.data()->_connect()) { allConnected = false; } } return allConnected; } bool LinkManager::disconnectAll() { bool allDisconnected = true; // Make a copy so the list is modified out from under us QList<SharedLinkInterface> links = _links; foreach (SharedLinkInterface sharedLink, links) { Q_ASSERT(sharedLink.data()); if (!disconnectLink(sharedLink.data())) { allDisconnected = false; } } return allDisconnected; } bool LinkManager::connectLink(LinkInterface* link) { Q_ASSERT(link); if (_connectionsSuspendedMsg()) { return false; } if (link->_connect()) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool LinkManager::disconnectLink(LinkInterface* link) { Q_ASSERT(link); if (link->_disconnect()) { LinkConfiguration* config = link->getLinkConfiguration(); if(config) { config->setLink(NULL); } _deleteLink(link); return true; } else { return false; } } void LinkManager::_deleteLink(LinkInterface* link) { Q_ASSERT(link); _linkListMutex.lock(); // Free up the mavlink channel associated with this link _mavlinkChannelsUsedBitMask &= ~(1 << link->getMavlinkChannel()); bool found = false; for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) { if (_links[i].data() == link) { _links.removeAt(i); found = true; break; } } Q_UNUSED(found); Q_ASSERT(found); _linkListMutex.unlock(); // Emit removal of link emit linkDeleted(link); } /** * */ const QList<LinkInterface*> LinkManager::getLinks() { QList<LinkInterface*> list; foreach (SharedLinkInterface sharedLink, _links) { list << sharedLink.data(); } return list; } /// @brief If all new connections should be suspended a message is displayed to the user and true /// is returned; bool LinkManager::_connectionsSuspendedMsg(void) { if (_connectionsSuspended) { QGCMessageBox::information(tr("Connect not allowed"), tr("Connect not allowed: %1").arg(_connectionsSuspendedReason)); return true; } else { return false; } } void LinkManager::setConnectionsSuspended(QString reason) { _connectionsSuspended = true; _connectionsSuspendedReason = reason; Q_ASSERT(!reason.isEmpty()); } void LinkManager::_shutdown(void) { while (_links.count() != 0) { disconnectLink(_links[0].data()); } } void LinkManager::_linkConnected(void) { emit linkConnected((LinkInterface*)sender()); } void LinkManager::_linkDisconnected(void) { emit linkDisconnected((LinkInterface*)sender()); } void LinkManager::addLinkConfiguration(LinkConfiguration* link) { Q_ASSERT(link != NULL); //-- If not there already, add it int idx = _linkConfigurations.indexOf(link); if(idx < 0) { _linkConfigurations.append(link); } } void LinkManager::removeLinkConfiguration(LinkConfiguration *link) { Q_ASSERT(link != NULL); int idx = _linkConfigurations.indexOf(link); if(idx >= 0) { _linkConfigurations.removeAt(idx); delete link; } } const QList<LinkConfiguration*> LinkManager::getLinkConfigurationList() { return _linkConfigurations; } void LinkManager::suspendConfigurationUpdates(bool suspend) { _configUpdateSuspended = suspend; } void LinkManager::saveLinkConfigurationList() { QSettings settings; settings.remove(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot()); int index = 0; foreach (LinkConfiguration* pLink, _linkConfigurations) { Q_ASSERT(pLink != NULL); if(!pLink->isDynamic()) { QString root = LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot(); root += QString("/Link%1").arg(index++); settings.setValue(root + "/name", pLink->name()); settings.setValue(root + "/type", pLink->type()); settings.setValue(root + "/preferred", pLink->isPreferred()); // Have the instance save its own values pLink->saveSettings(settings, root); } } QString root(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot()); settings.setValue(root + "/count", index); emit linkConfigurationChanged(); } void LinkManager::loadLinkConfigurationList() { QSettings settings; // Is the group even there? if(settings.contains(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot() + "/count")) { // Find out how many configurations we have int count = settings.value(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot() + "/count").toInt(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QString root(LinkConfiguration::settingsRoot()); root += QString("/Link%1").arg(i); if(settings.contains(root + "/type")) { int type = settings.value(root + "/type").toInt(); if(type < LinkConfiguration::TypeLast) { if(settings.contains(root + "/name")) { QString name = settings.value(root + "/name").toString(); if(!name.isEmpty()) { bool preferred = false; if(settings.contains(root + "/preferred")) { preferred = settings.value(root + "/preferred").toBool(); } LinkConfiguration* pLink = NULL; switch(type) { #ifndef __ios__ case LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial: pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new SerialConfiguration(name); pLink->setPreferred(preferred); break; #endif case LinkConfiguration::TypeUdp: pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new UDPConfiguration(name); pLink->setPreferred(preferred); break; case LinkConfiguration::TypeTcp: pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new TCPConfiguration(name); pLink->setPreferred(preferred); break; #ifdef QT_DEBUG case LinkConfiguration::TypeMock: pLink = (LinkConfiguration*)new MockConfiguration(name); pLink->setPreferred(false); break; #endif } if(pLink) { // Have the instance load its own values pLink->loadSettings(settings, root); addLinkConfiguration(pLink); } } else { qWarning() << "Link Configuration " << root << " has an empty name." ; } } else { qWarning() << "Link Configuration " << root << " has no name." ; } } else { qWarning() << "Link Configuration " << root << " an invalid type: " << type; } } else { qWarning() << "Link Configuration " << root << " has no type." ; } } emit linkConfigurationChanged(); } // Debug buids always add MockLink automatically #ifdef QT_DEBUG MockConfiguration* pMock = new MockConfiguration("Mock Link"); pMock->setDynamic(true); addLinkConfiguration(pMock); emit linkConfigurationChanged(); #endif // Enable automatic PX4 hunting _configurationsLoaded = true; } #ifndef __ios__ SerialConfiguration* LinkManager::_findSerialConfiguration(const QString& portName) { QString searchPort = portName.trimmed(); foreach (LinkConfiguration* pLink, _linkConfigurations) { Q_ASSERT(pLink != NULL); if(pLink->type() == LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial) { SerialConfiguration* pSerial = dynamic_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(pLink); if(pSerial->portName() == searchPort) { return pSerial; } } } return NULL; } #endif #ifndef __ios__ void LinkManager::_updateConfigurationList(void) { if (_configUpdateSuspended || !_configurationsLoaded) { return; } bool saveList = false; QStringList currentPorts; QList<QSerialPortInfo> portList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts(); // Iterate Comm Ports foreach (QSerialPortInfo portInfo, portList) { #if 0 qDebug() << "-----------------------------------------------------"; qDebug() << "portName: " << portInfo.portName(); qDebug() << "systemLocation: " << portInfo.systemLocation(); qDebug() << "description: " << portInfo.description(); qDebug() << "manufacturer: " << portInfo.manufacturer(); qDebug() << "serialNumber: " << portInfo.serialNumber(); qDebug() << "vendorIdentifier: " << portInfo.vendorIdentifier(); #endif // Save port name currentPorts << portInfo.systemLocation(); // Is this a PX4 and NOT in bootloader mode? if (portInfo.vendorIdentifier() == 9900 && !portInfo.description().contains("BL")) { SerialConfiguration* pSerial = _findSerialConfiguration(portInfo.systemLocation()); if (pSerial) { //-- If this port is configured make sure it has the preferred flag set if(!pSerial->isPreferred()) { pSerial->setPreferred(true); saveList = true; } } else { // Lets create a new Serial configuration automatically if (portInfo.description() == "AeroCore") { pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("AeroCore on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed())); } else if (portInfo.description().contains("PX4")) { pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("Pixhawk on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed())); } else { continue; } pSerial->setDynamic(true); pSerial->setPreferred(true); pSerial->setBaud(115200); pSerial->setPortName(portInfo.systemLocation()); addLinkConfiguration(pSerial); saveList = true; } } // Is this an FTDI Chip? It could be a 3DR Modem if (portInfo.vendorIdentifier() == 1027) { SerialConfiguration* pSerial = _findSerialConfiguration(portInfo.systemLocation()); if (pSerial) { //-- If this port is configured make sure it has the preferred flag set, unless someone else already has it set. if(!pSerial->isPreferred() && !saveList) { pSerial->setPreferred(true); saveList = true; } } else { // Lets create a new Serial configuration automatically (an assumption at best) pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("3DR Radio on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed())); pSerial->setDynamic(true); pSerial->setPreferred(true); pSerial->setBaud(57600); pSerial->setPortName(portInfo.systemLocation()); addLinkConfiguration(pSerial); saveList = true; } } } // Now we go through the current configuration list and make sure any dynamic config has gone away QList<LinkConfiguration*> _confToDelete; foreach (LinkConfiguration* pLink, _linkConfigurations) { Q_ASSERT(pLink != NULL); // We only care about dynamic links if(pLink->isDynamic()) { if(pLink->type() == LinkConfiguration::TypeSerial) { // Don't mess with connected link. Let it deal with the disapearing device. if(pLink->getLink() == NULL) { SerialConfiguration* pSerial = dynamic_cast<SerialConfiguration*>(pLink); if(!currentPorts.contains(pSerial->portName())) { _confToDelete.append(pSerial); } } } } } // Now remove all links that are gone foreach (LinkConfiguration* pDelete, _confToDelete) { removeLinkConfiguration(pDelete); saveList = true; } // Save configuration list, which will also trigger a signal for the UI if(saveList) { saveLinkConfigurationList(); } } #endif bool LinkManager::containsLink(LinkInterface* link) { bool found = false; foreach (SharedLinkInterface sharedLink, _links) { if (sharedLink.data() == link) { found = true; break; } } return found; } bool LinkManager::anyConnectedLinks(void) { bool found = false; foreach (SharedLinkInterface sharedLink, _links) { if (sharedLink.data()->isConnected()) { found = true; break; } } return found; } SharedLinkInterface& LinkManager::sharedPointerForLink(LinkInterface* link) { for (int i=0; i<_links.count(); i++) { if (_links[i].data() == link) { return _links[i]; } } // This should never happen Q_ASSERT(false); return _nullSharedLink; }