Commit ed926c07 authored by Valentin Platzgummer's avatar Valentin Platzgummer
Browse files

about to add Dijkstra

parent 29a10bab
......@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/WimaGOperationAreaEditor.qml">src/WimaView/WimaGOperationAreaEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/WimaServiceAreaEditor.qml">src/WimaView/WimaServiceAreaEditor.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/WimaVCorridorMapVisual.qml">src/WimaView/WimaVCorridorMapVisual.qml</file>
<file alias="QGroundControl/Controls/WimaAreaMapVisual.qml">src/WimaView/WimaAreaMapVisual.qml</file>
<qresource prefix="/json">
<file alias="APMMavlinkStreamRate.SettingsGroup.json">src/Settings/APMMavlinkStreamRate.SettingsGroup.json</file>
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ WimaMapVisual 1.0 WimaMapVisual.qml
WimaGOperationAreaMapVisual 1.0 WimaGOperationAreaMapVisual.qml
WimaGOperationAreaEditor 1.0 WimaGOperationAreaEditor.qml
WimaServiceAreaMapVisual 1.0 WimaServiceAreaMapVisual.qml
WimaAreaMapVisual 1.0 WimaAreaMapVisual.qml
WimaServiceAreaEditor 1.0 WimaServiceAreaEditor.qml
WimaVCorridorMapVisual 1.0 WimaVCorridorMapVisual.qml
WimaItemEditor 1.0 WimaItemEditor.qml
......@@ -108,17 +108,16 @@ QGCMapPolygon* WimaArea::toQGCPolygon(WimaArea *poly)
WimaArea *WimaArea::joinPolygons(QList<WimaArea *>* polyList)
void WimaArea::join(QList<WimaArea *>* polyList, WimaArea* joinedPoly)
return nullptr;
WimaArea *WimaArea::joinPolygons(WimaArea *poly1, WimaArea *poly2)
void WimaArea::join(WimaArea *poly1, WimaArea *poly2, WimaArea* joinedPoly)
if (poly1 != nullptr && poly2 != nullptr) {
if (poly1->count() >= 3 && poly2->count() >= 3) {
WimaArea* joinedPolygon = new WimaArea(this);
......@@ -127,62 +126,117 @@ WimaArea *WimaArea::joinPolygons(WimaArea *poly1, WimaArea *poly2)
WimaArea* crossPoly = poly2; // check for crossings with this polygon while "walking"
// and swicht to this polygon on a intersection,
// continue to walk towards higher indices
QGCMapPolyline lineSegment; // segment of walkerPoly, containing only two coordinates
int currentPolyIndex = 0;
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(currentPolyIndex);
// begin with the first index which is not inside crosspoly, if all Vertices are inside crosspoly return crosspoly
int startIndex = 0;
bool crossContainsWalker = true;
for (int i = 0; i < walkerPoly->count(); i++) {
if ( !crossPoly->containsCoordinate(walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(i)) ) {
crossContainsWalker = false;
startIndex = i;
if ( crossContainsWalker == true) {
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(startIndex);
QGeoCoordinate startVertex = currentVertex;
// possible nextVertex (if no intersection between currentVertex and protoVertex with crossPoly)
QGeoCoordinate protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(currentPolyIndex));
do {
QGeoCoordinate protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(startIndex));
int nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(startIndex);
while (1) {
qDebug("nextVertexIndex: %i", nextVertexIndex);
QGCMapPolyline walkerPolySegment;
QList<QGeoCoordinate>* intersectionList = intersects(&walkerPolySegment, crossPoly);
QList<QPair<int, int>> neighbourList;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> intersectionList;
qDebug("IntersectionList.size() on init: %i", intersectionList.size());
intersects(&walkerPolySegment, crossPoly, &intersectionList, &neighbourList);
if (intersectionList != nullptr) {
if (intersectionList->size() > 1*3) {
qDebug("IntersectionList.size(): %i", intersectionList.size());
} else if ( intersectionList->size() == 1*3) {
// intersectionList->takeAt(0); intersection pt.
// intersectionList->takeAt(1); neighbour of intersec. pt. inside crossPoly, lower index
// intersectionList->takeAt(2); neighbour of intersec. pt. inside crossPoly, higher index
currentVertex = intersectionList->takeAt(0);
protoNextVertex = intersectionList->takeAt(2);
if (intersectionList.size() >= 1) {
int minDistIndex = 0;
//currentPolyIndex = crossPoly->
if (intersectionList.size() > 1) {
double minDist = currentVertex.distanceTo(intersectionList.value(minDistIndex));
for (int i = 1; i < intersectionList.size(); i++) {
double currentDist = currentVertex.distanceTo(intersectionList.value(i));
if ( minDist > currentDist ) {
minDist = currentDist;
minDistIndex = i;
qDebug("MinDistIndex: %i", minDistIndex);
QGeoCoordinate protoCurrentVertex = intersectionList.value(minDistIndex);
// take numerical erros into account
if (protoCurrentVertex.distanceTo(currentVertex) > WimaArea::numericalAccuracy) {
currentVertex = protoCurrentVertex;
QPair<int, int> neighbours = neighbourList.value(minDistIndex);
protoNextVertex = crossPoly->vertexCoordinate(neighbours.second);
nextVertexIndex = neighbours.second;
// swap walker and cross poly
WimaArea* temp = walkerPoly;
walkerPoly = crossPoly;
crossPoly = temp;
} else {
currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(currentPolyIndex);// change req.
protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(currentPolyIndex));
currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(nextVertexIndex);
protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex));
nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex);
} else {
return nullptr;
currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(nextVertexIndex);
protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex));
nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex);
if (currentVertex == startVertex) {
} while (currentPolyIndex != 0 || walkerPoly != poly1);
return joinedPolygon;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::joinPolygons(poly1, poly2): poly->count() < 3");
return nullptr;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::joinPolygons(poly1, poly2): nullptr");
return nullptr;
void WimaArea::join(WimaArea *poly)
WimaArea joinedArea(this);
join(this, poly, &joinedArea);
bool WimaArea::isDisjunct(QList<WimaArea *>* polyList)
// needs improvement
if (polyList != nullptr){
for (int i = 0;i < polyList->size()-1; i++) {
WimaArea* currPoly = polyList->takeAt(i);
WimaArea* currPoly = polyList->value(i);
for (int j = i+1; i < polyList->size(); j++) {
if (isDisjunct(currPoly, polyList->takeAt(j))) {
if (isDisjunct(currPoly, polyList->value(j))) {
return false;
......@@ -236,82 +290,126 @@ int WimaArea::previousVertexIndex(int index)
QGeoCoordinate* WimaArea::intersects(QGCMapPolyline *geoLine1, QGCMapPolyline *geoLine2)
bool WimaArea::intersects(QGCMapPolyline *line1, QGCMapPolyline *line2, QGeoCoordinate *intersectionPt)
if (geoLine1 != nullptr && geoLine2 != nullptr) {
if (geoLine1->count() == 2 && geoLine2->count() == 2 ) {
if (line1 != nullptr && line2 != nullptr && intersectionPt != nullptr) {
if (line1->count() == 2 && line2->count() == 2 ) {
QPointF pt11(0, 0);
double x, y, z;
QGeoCoordinate origin = geoLine1->vertexCoordinate(0);
convertGeoToNed(geoLine1->vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QGeoCoordinate origin = line1->vertexCoordinate(0);
convertGeoToNed(line1->vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QPointF pt12(x, y);
QLineF kartLine1(pt11, pt12);
convertGeoToNed(geoLine2->vertexCoordinate(0), origin, &x, &y, &z);
convertGeoToNed(line2->vertexCoordinate(0), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QPointF pt21(x, y);
convertGeoToNed(geoLine2->vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
convertGeoToNed(line2->vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QPointF pt22(x, y);
QLineF kartLine2(pt21, pt22);
QPointF intersectionPoint;
if (kartLine1.intersect(kartLine2, &intersectionPoint) != QLineF::NoIntersection) {
QGeoCoordinate* retValue = new QGeoCoordinate();
convertNedToGeo(intersectionPoint.x(), intersectionPoint.y(), origin.altitude(), origin, retValue);
return retValue;
if (kartLine1.intersect(kartLine2, &intersectionPoint) == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
convertNedToGeo(intersectionPoint.x(), intersectionPoint.y(), origin.altitude(), origin, intersectionPt);
return true;
} else {
return nullptr;
return false;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::intersect(geoLine1, geoLine2): geoLine1->count() != 2 || geoLine2->count() != 2!");
return nullptr;
qWarning("WimaArea::intersect(line1, line2): line1->count() != 2 || line2->count() != 2!");
return false;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::intersect(geoLine1, geoLine2): geoLine1 == nullptr || geoLine2 == nullptr!");
return nullptr;
qWarning("WimaArea::intersect(line1, line2): nullptr!");
return false;
QList<QGeoCoordinate>* WimaArea::intersects(QGCMapPolyline *line, WimaArea *poly)
bool WimaArea::intersects(QGCMapPolyline *line, WimaArea *poly, QList<QGeoCoordinate> *intersectionList, QList<QPair<int, int> > *neighbourlist)
QList<QGeoCoordinate>* intersectionList = new QList<QGeoCoordinate>();
if (line != nullptr && poly != nullptr) {
if (line != nullptr && poly != nullptr && neighbourlist != nullptr && intersectionList != nullptr) {
if (line->count() == 2 && poly->count() >= 3) {
QVariantList polyPath = poly->path();
QGeoCoordinate pt1;
QGeoCoordinate pt2;
for (int i = 0; i < poly->count(); i++) {
QGCMapPolyline polySegment;
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = polyPath.takeAt(i).value<QGeoCoordinate>();
QGeoCoordinate nextVertex = polyPath.takeAt(poly->nextVertexIndex(i)).value<QGeoCoordinate>();
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = poly->vertexCoordinate(i);
QGeoCoordinate nextVertex = poly->vertexCoordinate(poly->nextVertexIndex(i));
QGeoCoordinate* intersectionPoint = intersects(line, &polySegment);
QGeoCoordinate intersectionPoint;
bool retVal = intersects(line, &polySegment, &intersectionPoint);
if (intersectionPoint != nullptr){
if (retVal != false){
QPair<int, int> neighbours;
neighbours.first = i;
neighbours.second = poly->nextVertexIndex(i);
return intersectionList;
if (intersectionList->count() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::intersects(line, poly): line->count() != 2 || poly->count() < 3");
return nullptr;
return false;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::intersects(line, poly): line == nullptr || poly == nullptr!");
return nullptr;
qWarning("WimaArea::intersects(line, poly): nullptr!");
return false;
double WimaArea::distInsidePoly(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, WimaArea *poly)
if (c1 != nullptr && c2 != nullptr && poly != nullptr) {
QGCMapPolyline line;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> intersectionList;
QList<QPair<int, int> > neighbourlist;
if (poly->containsCoordinate(*c1) && poly->containsCoordinate(*c2) && !intersects(&line, poly, &intersectionList, &neighbourlist)) {
return c1->distanceTo(*c2);
} else {
return std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::distInsidePoly(QGeoCoordinate*, QGeoCoordinate*, WimaArea*): nullptr!");
return std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
void WimaArea::dijkstraPath(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, WimaArea *poly, QGCMapPolyline* dijkistraPath)
if (c1 != nullptr && c2 != nullptr && poly != nullptr && dijkistraPath != nullptr) {
struct Node{
QGeoCoordinate c;
double predecessorIndex;
double distane;
QList<Node> nodeList;
QList<Node> visitedNodesList;
} else {
qWarning(" WimaArea::dijkstraPath(QGeoCoordinate*, QGeoCoordinate*, WimaArea*): nullptr!");
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <QLineF>
#include <QPointF>
#include "QGCGeo.h"
#include <QPair>
class WimaArea : public QGCMapPolygon //abstract base class for all WimaAreas
......@@ -46,11 +47,12 @@ public:
//iterates over all vertices in _polygon and returns that one closest to coordinate
QGeoCoordinate getClosestVertex (QGeoCoordinate coordinate);
QGCMapPolygon* toQGCPolygon (WimaArea* poly);
WimaArea* joinPolygons (QList<WimaArea*>* polyList);
static void join (QList<WimaArea*>* polyList, WimaArea* joinedPoly);
/// joins the poly1 and poly2 if possible, joins the polygons to form a simple polygon (no holes)
/// see
/// @return the joined polygon of poly1 and poly2 if possible, poly1 else
WimaArea* joinPolygons (WimaArea* poly1, WimaArea* poly2);
static void join (WimaArea* poly1, WimaArea* poly2, WimaArea* joinedPoly);
void join (WimaArea* poly);
bool isDisjunct (QList<WimaArea*>* polyList);
bool isDisjunct (WimaArea* poly1, WimaArea* poly2);
/// calculates the next polygon vertex index
......@@ -62,14 +64,20 @@ public:
/// checks if line1 and line2 intersect with each other, takes latitude and longitute into account only (height neglected)
/// @param line1 line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account
/// @param line2 line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account
/// @return the intersection point if line1 intersects line2, nullptr else
QGeoCoordinate* intersects(QGCMapPolyline* line1, QGCMapPolyline* line2);
/// @param intersectionPt Coordinate item to store intersection pt. in.
/// @return false on error or no intersection, true else
static bool intersects(QGCMapPolyline* line1, QGCMapPolyline* line2, QGeoCoordinate* intersectionPt);
/// checks if line1 and poly intersect with each other, takes latitude and longitute into account only (height neglected)
/// @param line line containing two coordinates, height not taken into account
/// @return a list of intersection points and the two neares neighbours of poly to the intersection point if line intersects poly, or an empty list else.
/// The first entry is the first intersec. pt. (if existing). The second and third entries are the nearest neighbours of the first intersec. pt. in poly
/// The fourth entry is the second intersec. pt. (if existing). The fifth and sixth entries are the nearest neighbours of the second intersec. pt. in poly
QList<QGeoCoordinate>* intersects(QGCMapPolyline* line, WimaArea* poly);
/// @param intersectionList Empty list to store intersection points in.
/// @param neighbourList Empty list to store the indices of the neighbours (the two Vertices of poly with the smallest distance to the intersection pt.)
/// @return false on error or no intersection, true else
static bool intersects(QGCMapPolyline* line, WimaArea* poly, QList<QGeoCoordinate>* intersectionList, QList<QPair<int, int>>* neighbourlist);
/// calculates the distance between to geo coordinates, returns the distance if the path lies within the polygon and inf. else.
/// @return the distance if the path lies within the polygon and inf. else.
static double distInsidePoly(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, WimaArea *poly);
/// calculates the shortes path between two geo coordinates inside a polygon using the Dijkstra Algorithm
static void dijkstraPath(QGeoCoordinate *c1, QGeoCoordinate *c2, WimaArea *poly, QGCMapPolyline *dijkstraPath);
// Accurracy used to compute isDisjunct
static const double numericalAccuracy;
......@@ -73,55 +73,13 @@ void WimaController::addServiceArea()
emit visualItemsChanged();
bool WimaController::addVehicleCorridor(WimaGOperationArea *opArea, WimaServiceArea *serviceArea)
void WimaController::addVehicleCorridor()
WimaVCorridor* corridor = nullptr;
if (opArea != nullptr && serviceArea != nullptr){
for (int i = 0; i < _visualItems->count(); i++) {
corridor = qobject_cast<WimaVCorridor*>(_visualItems->get(i));
if (corridor != nullptr){
if (corridor->serviceArea() == serviceArea && corridor->opArea() == opArea){
}else {
corridor = nullptr;
bool newCorridorCreated = false;
if(corridor == nullptr){
corridor = new WimaVCorridor(opArea);
newCorridorCreated = true;
}else {
QList<QGeoCoordinate> opAreaPolyline = opArea->polyline()->coordinateList();
QList<QGeoCoordinate> serAreaPolyline = serviceArea->polyline()->coordinateList();
if (opAreaPolyline.size() > 1 && serAreaPolyline.size() > 1){
if (newCorridorCreated){
WimaVCorridor* corridor = new WimaVCorridor(this);
int newIndex = _visualItems->count()-1;
emit visualItemsChanged();
return true;
}else {
qWarning("WimaController::addVehicleCorridor(): OpArea or serviceArea polyline size <= 1!");
if (newCorridorCreated){
return false;
}else {
return false;
void WimaController::startMission()
......@@ -166,15 +124,24 @@ bool WimaController::updateMission()
// calc. vehicle corridor
if (opArea != nullptr && serArea != nullptr){
if(!addVehicleCorridor(opArea, serArea)){
return false;
// pick first WimaVCorridor
WimaVCorridor* corridor = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < _visualItems->count(); i++) {
WimaVCorridor* currentArea = qobject_cast<WimaVCorridor*>(_visualItems->get(i));
if (currentArea != nullptr){
corridor = currentArea;
return false;
// join service area and op area
WimaArea* joinedArea = new WimaArea(this);
WimaArea::join(corridor, serArea, joinedArea);
// reset visual items
QmlObjectListModel* missionItems = _missionController->visualItems();
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE void removeArea(int index);
Q_INVOKABLE void addServiceArea();
/// @return true if a vehicle corridor was added sucessfully and false otherwise.
bool addVehicleCorridor(WimaGOperationArea* opArea, WimaServiceArea* serviceArea);
Q_INVOKABLE void addVehicleCorridor();
Q_INVOKABLE void startMission();
Q_INVOKABLE void abortMission();
* QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
* in the root of the source code directory.
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtLocation 5.3
import QtPositioning 5.3
import QGroundControl 1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools 1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette 1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls 1.0
import QGroundControl.FlightMap 1.0
/// Wima Area visuals
Item {
id: _root
property var map ///< Map control to place item in
property var qgcView ///< QGCView to use for popping dialogs
property var areaItem: object
property var _polygon: areaItem
signal clicked(int sequenceNumber)
/// Add an initial 4 sided polygon if there is none
function _addInitialPolygon() {
if (_polygon.count < 3) {
// Initial polygon is inset to take 2/3rds space
var rect = Qt.rect(map.centerViewport.x, map.centerViewport.y, map.centerViewport.width, map.centerViewport.height)
rect.x += (rect.width * 0.25) / 2
rect.y += (rect.height * 0.25) / 2
rect.width *= 0.75
rect.height *= 0.75
var centerCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(rect.x + (rect.width / 2), rect.y + (rect.height / 2)), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var topLeftCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var topRightCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var bottomLeftCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height), false /* clipToViewPort */)
var bottomRightCoord = map.toCoordinate(Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), false /* clipToViewPort */)
// Adjust polygon to max size
var maxSize = 100
var halfWidthMeters = Math.min(topLeftCoord.distanceTo(topRightCoord), maxSize) / 2
var halfHeightMeters = Math.min(topLeftCoord.distanceTo(bottomLeftCoord), maxSize) / 2
topLeftCoord = centerCoord.atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfWidthMeters, -90).atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfHeightMeters, 0)
topRightCoord = centerCoord.atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfWidthMeters, 90).atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfHeightMeters, 0)
bottomLeftCoord = centerCoord.atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfWidthMeters, -90).atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfHeightMeters, 180)
bottomRightCoord = centerCoord.atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfWidthMeters, 90).atDistanceAndAzimuth(halfHeightMeters, 180)
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
WimaMapPolygonVisuals {
qgcView: _root.qgcView
mapControl: map
mapPolygon: _polygon
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: "black"
interiorColor: "gray"
interiorOpacity: 0.25
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Item {
property int borderWidth: 0
property color borderColor: "black"
property bool initPolygon: false
property bool showVertexIndex: true
property var _polygonComponent
property var _dragHandlesComponent
......@@ -417,6 +418,13 @@ Item {
color: Qt.rgba(1,1,1,0.8)
border.color: Qt.rgba(0,0,0,0.25)
border.width: 1
QGCLabel {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: "black"
text: showVertexIndex ? polygonVertex : ""
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Item {
Component.onCompleted: {
......@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ Item {
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: "black"
interiorColor: "blue"
interactive: false
interiorOpacity: 0.2
......@@ -576,11 +576,15 @@ QGCView {
dropPanelComponent: syncDropPanel
name: qsTr("Global Area"),
name: qsTr("Global"),
iconSource: "/qmlimages/Target.svg"
name: qsTr("Service Area"),
name: qsTr("Service"),
iconSource: "/qmlimages/noFlyArea.svg"
name: qsTr("Corridor"),
iconSource: "/qmlimages/noFlyArea.svg"
......@@ -621,16 +625,19 @@ QGCView {
_addWaypointOnClick = false*/
case 3:
case 4:
/*if (_singleComplexItem) {
case 5:
case 6:
editorMap.zoomLevel += 0.5
case 6:
case 7:
editorMap.zoomLevel -= 0.5
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