Commit e27ab01d authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Better coordinate validation

parent 802ffa2a
......@@ -58,10 +58,17 @@ bool JsonHelper::toQGeoCoordinate(const QJsonValue& jsonValue, QGeoCoordinate& c
QJsonArray coordinateArray = jsonValue.toArray();
int requiredCount = altitudeRequired ? 3 : 2;
if (coordinateArray.count() != requiredCount) {
errorString = QString("Json array must contains %1 values").arg(requiredCount);
errorString = QString("Coordinate array must contain %1 values").arg(requiredCount);
return false;
foreach(const QJsonValue& jsonValue, coordinateArray) {
if (jsonValue.type() != QJsonValue::Double) {
errorString = QString("Coordinate array may only contain double values, found: %1").arg(jsonValue.type());
return false;
coordinate = QGeoCoordinate(coordinateArray[0].toDouble(), coordinateArray[1].toDouble());
if (altitudeRequired) {
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