Commit da1218a2 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Fixed last remaining bugs in logging, now reliable with Unix and non-Unix timestamps

parent 680da756
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
unsigned int keyCounter = 0;
QTextStream in(&infile);
QMap<QString, int> messageMap;
while (!in.atEnd() && keyCounter < keySearchLimit) {
QString messageName = in.readLine().split(delimiter).at(2);
messageMap.insert(messageName, 0);
......@@ -103,66 +104,72 @@ void LogCompressor::run()
// Open the output file and write the header line to it
QStringList headerList(messageMap.keys());
QString headerLine = "timestamp_ms" + delimiter + headerList.join(delimiter) + "\n";
// Clean header names from symbols Matlab considers as Latex syntax
headerLine = headerLine.replace(":", "-");
headerLine = headerLine.replace("_", "-");
headerLine = headerLine.replace(".", "-");
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log compressor: Dataset contains dimension: ") + headerLine);
// Reset our position in the input file before we start the main processing loop.;
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log compressor: Dataset contains dimensions: ") + headerLine);
// Template list stores a list for populating with data as it's parsed from messages.
QStringList templateList;
for (int i = 0; i < headerList.size() + 1; ++i) {
templateList << (holeFillingEnabled?"NaN":"");
QStringList filledList(templateList);
QStringList currentLine = in.readLine().split(delimiter);
currentDataLine = 1;
// Reset our position in the input file before we start the main processing loop.;
QMap<quint64, QStringList> timestampMap;
while (!in.atEnd()) {
// We only overwrite data from the last time set if we aren't doing a zero-order hold
if (!holeFillingEnabled) {
filledList = templateList;
quint64 timestamp = in.readLine().split(delimiter).at(0).toULongLong();
timestampMap.insert(timestamp, templateList);
// Populate this time set with the data from this first message
// Continue searching for messages in the same time set and adding that data
// to the current time set if appropriate.;
while (!in.atEnd()) {
QStringList newLine = in.readLine().split(delimiter);
quint64 timestamp =;
QStringList list = timestampMap.value(timestamp);
if ( == {
QString currentDataName =;
QString currentDataValue =;
filledList.replace(messageMap.value(currentDataName), currentDataValue);
} else {
currentLine = newLine;
list.replace(messageMap.value(currentDataName), currentDataValue);
timestampMap.insert(timestamp, list);
int lineCounter = 0;
foreach (QStringList list, timestampMap.values()) {
// Write this current time set out to the file
QString output = filledList.join(delimiter) + "\n";
// only do so from the 2nd line on, since the first
// line could be incomplete
if (lineCounter > 0) {
// Set the timestamp
// Write data columns
QString output = list.join(delimiter) + "\n";
// We're now done with the source file
// Make sure we remove the source file before replacing it.
// QFile::remove(outFileName);
// outTmpFile.copy(outFileName);
// outTmpFile.close();
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log Compressor: Writing output to file %1").arg(QFileInfo(outFileName).absoluteFilePath()));
// Clean up and update the status before we return.
currentDataLine = 0;
emit logProcessingStatusChanged(tr("Log compressor: Finished processing file: %1").arg(outFileName));
emit finishedFile(outFileName);
qDebug() << "Done with logfile processing";
running = false;
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString&
lastTimestamp = usec;
} else if (usec != 0) {
// Difference larger than 5 secs, enforce ground time
if (abs((int)((qint64)usec - (quint64)lastTimestamp)) > 5000)
if (((qint64)usec - (qint64)lastTimestamp) > 5000)
autoGroundTimeSet = true;
if (activePlot) activePlot->groundTime();
......@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString&
if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit))
if (usec == 0 || autoGroundTimeSet) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (usec == 0) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec;
qint64 time = usec - logStartTime;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
......@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString&
if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit))
if (usec == 0 || autoGroundTimeSet) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (usec == 0) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec;
qint64 time = usec - logStartTime;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
......@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ void LinechartWidget::appendData(int uasId, const QString& curve, const QString&
if (activePlot->isVisible(curve+unit))
if (usec == 0 || autoGroundTimeSet) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (usec == 0) usec = QGC::groundTimeMilliseconds();
if (logStartTime == 0) logStartTime = usec;
qint64 time = usec - logStartTime;
if (time < 0) time = 0;
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