Commit be4e5dc3 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Use new QGCSerialPortInfo

parent 946b7ea8
......@@ -109,23 +109,23 @@ void FirmwareUpgradeController::_foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QSerialPort
_foundBoardInfo = info;
switch (type) {
case FoundBoardPX4FMUV1:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV1:
_foundBoardType = "PX4 FMU V1";
_startFlashWhenBootloaderFound = false;
case FoundBoardPX4FMUV2:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV2:
_foundBoardType = "Pixhawk";
_startFlashWhenBootloaderFound = false;
case FoundBoardAeroCore:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeAeroCore:
_foundBoardType = "AeroCore";
_startFlashWhenBootloaderFound = false;
case FoundBoardPX4Flow:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4Flow:
_foundBoardType = "PX4 Flow";
_startFlashWhenBootloaderFound = false;
case FoundBoard3drRadio:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType3drRadio:
_foundBoardType = "3DR Radio";
if (!firstAttempt) {
// Radio always flashes latest firmware, so we can start right away without
......@@ -29,10 +29,8 @@
#include "Bootloader.h"
#include "QGCLoggingCategory.h"
#include "QGC.h"
#include "SerialPortIds.h"
#include <QTimer>
#include <QSerialPortInfo>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSerialPort>
......@@ -99,8 +97,8 @@ void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardOnce(void)
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "_findBoardOnce";
QSerialPortInfo portInfo;
PX4FirmwareUpgradeFoundBoardType_t boardType;
QGCSerialPortInfo portInfo;
QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t boardType;
if (_findBoardFromPorts(portInfo, boardType)) {
if (!_foundBoard) {
......@@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardOnce(void)
_foundBoardPortInfo = portInfo;
emit foundBoard(_findBoardFirstAttempt, portInfo, boardType);
if (!_findBoardFirstAttempt) {
if (boardType == FoundBoard3drRadio) {
if (boardType == QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType3drRadio) {
} else {
......@@ -131,11 +129,9 @@ void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardOnce(void)
bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardFromPorts(QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, PX4FirmwareUpgradeFoundBoardType_t& type)
bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardFromPorts(QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t& boardType)
bool found = false;
foreach (QSerialPortInfo info, QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts()) {
foreach (QGCSerialPortInfo info, QGCSerialPortInfo::availablePorts()) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Serial Port --------------";
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "\tport name:" << info.portName();
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "\tdescription:" << info.description();
......@@ -143,55 +139,8 @@ bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardFromPorts(QSerialPortInfo& portIn
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "\tvendor ID:" << info.vendorIdentifier();
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "\tproduct ID:" << info.productIdentifier();
if (!info.portName().isEmpty()) {
switch (info.vendorIdentifier()) {
case SerialPortIds::px4VendorId:
if (info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::pixhawkFMUV2ProductId || info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::pixhawkFMUV2OldBootloaderProductId) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V2";
type = FoundBoardPX4FMUV2;
found = true;
} else if (info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::pixhawkFMUV1ProductId) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V1";
type = FoundBoardPX4FMUV1;
found = true;
} else if (info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::px4FlowProductId) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 Flow";
type = FoundBoardPX4Flow;
found = true;
} else if (info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::AeroCoreProductId) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found AeroCore";
type = FoundBoardAeroCore;
found = true;
case SerialPortIds::threeDRRadioVendorId:
if (info.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::threeDRRadioProductId) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found 3DR Radio";
type = FoundBoard3drRadio;
found = true;
if (!found) {
// Fall back to port name matching which could lead to incorrect board mapping. But in some cases the
// vendor and product id do not come through correctly so this is used as a last chance detection method.
if (info.description() == "PX4 FMU v2.x" || info.description() == "PX4 BL FMU v2.x") {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V2 (by name matching fallback)";
type = FoundBoardPX4FMUV2;
found = true;
} else if (info.description() == "PX4 FMU v1.x" || info.description() == "PX4 BL FMU v1.x") {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 FMU V1 (by name matching fallback)";
type = FoundBoardPX4FMUV1;
found = true;
} else if (info.description().startsWith("PX4 FMU")) {
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "Found PX4 FMU, assuming V2 (by name matching fallback)";
type = FoundBoardPX4FMUV2;
found = true;
if (found) {
boardType = info.boardType();
if (boardType != QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeUnknown) {
portInfo = info;
return true;
......@@ -200,7 +149,7 @@ bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBoardFromPorts(QSerialPortInfo& portIn
return false;
void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_3drRadioForceBootloader(const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo)
void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_3drRadioForceBootloader(const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo)
// First make sure we can't get the bootloader
......@@ -257,7 +206,7 @@ void PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_3drRadioForceBootloader(const QSerialPortI
_findBootloader(portInfo, true /* radio mode */, true /* errorOnNotFound */);
bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBootloader(const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, bool radioMode, bool errorOnNotFound)
bool PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadWorker::_findBootloader(const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, bool radioMode, bool errorOnNotFound)
qCDebug(FirmwareUpgradeLog) << "_findBootloader";
......@@ -30,25 +30,17 @@
#include "Bootloader.h"
#include "FirmwareImage.h"
#include "QGCSerialPortInfo.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QThread>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTime>
#include <QSerialPortInfo>
#include "qextserialport.h"
#include <stdint.h>
typedef enum {
} PX4FirmwareUpgradeFoundBoardType_t;
class PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController;
/// @brief Used to run bootloader commands on a seperate thread. These routines are mainly meant to to be called
......@@ -64,7 +56,7 @@ public:
void updateProgress(int curr, int total);
void foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, int type);
void foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, int type);
void noBoardFound(void);
void boardGone(void);
void foundBootloader(int bootloaderVersion, int boardID, int flashSize);
......@@ -85,9 +77,9 @@ private slots:
void _cancel(void);
bool _findBoardFromPorts(QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, PX4FirmwareUpgradeFoundBoardType_t& type);
bool _findBootloader(const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, bool radioMode, bool errorOnNotFound);
void _3drRadioForceBootloader(const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo);
bool _findBoardFromPorts(QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t& boardType);
bool _findBootloader(const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, bool radioMode, bool errorOnNotFound);
void _3drRadioForceBootloader(const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo);
bool _erase(void);
PX4FirmwareUpgradeThreadController* _controller;
......@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@ private:
bool _foundBoard; ///< true: board is currently connected
bool _findBoardFirstAttempt; ///< true: this is our first try looking for a board
QSerialPortInfo _foundBoardPortInfo; ///< port info for found board
QGCSerialPortInfo _foundBoardPortInfo; ///< port info for found board
/// @brief Provides methods to interact with the bootloader. The commands themselves are signalled
......@@ -128,7 +120,7 @@ public:
/// @brief Emitted by the find board process when it finds a board.
void foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QSerialPortInfo &portInfo, int type);
void foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QGCSerialPortInfo &portInfo, int boardType);
void noBoardFound(void);
......@@ -163,7 +155,7 @@ signals:
void _cancel(void);
private slots:
void _foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QSerialPortInfo& portInfo, int type) { emit foundBoard(firstAttempt, portInfo, type); }
void _foundBoard(bool firstAttempt, const QGCSerialPortInfo& portInfo, int type) { emit foundBoard(firstAttempt, portInfo, type); }
void _noBoardFound(void) { emit noBoardFound(); }
void _boardGone(void) { emit boardGone(); }
void _foundBootloader(int bootloaderVersion, int boardID, int flashSize) { emit foundBootloader(bootloaderVersion, boardID, flashSize); }
......@@ -34,18 +34,13 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include <QDebug>
#ifndef __ios__
#ifdef __android__
#include "qserialportinfo.h"
#include <QSerialPortInfo>
#include "QGCSerialPortInfo.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "MainWindow.h"
#include "QGCMessageBox.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
#include "SerialPortIds.h"
#include "QGCApplication.h"
QGC_LOGGING_CATEGORY(LinkManagerLog, "LinkManagerLog")
......@@ -489,9 +484,9 @@ void LinkManager::_updateConfigurationList(void)
bool saveList = false;
QStringList currentPorts;
QList<QSerialPortInfo> portList = QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
QList<QGCSerialPortInfo> portList = QGCSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();
// Iterate Comm Ports
foreach (QSerialPortInfo portInfo, portList) {
foreach (QGCSerialPortInfo portInfo, portList) {
#if 0
// Too noisy for most logging, so turn on as needed
qCDebug(LinkManagerLog) << "-----------------------------------------------------";
......@@ -504,8 +499,15 @@ void LinkManager::_updateConfigurationList(void)
// Save port name
currentPorts << portInfo.systemLocation();
// Is this a PX4 and NOT in bootloader mode?
if (portInfo.vendorIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::px4VendorId && !portInfo.description().contains("BL")) {
QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType_t boardType = portInfo.boardType();
if (boardType != QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeUnknown) {
if (portInfo.isBootloader()) {
// Don't connect to bootloader
SerialConfiguration* pSerial = _findSerialConfiguration(portInfo.systemLocation());
if (pSerial) {
//-- If this port is configured make sure it has the preferred flag set
......@@ -514,45 +516,34 @@ void LinkManager::_updateConfigurationList(void)
saveList = true;
} else {
// Lets create a new Serial configuration automatically
if (portInfo.description() == "AeroCore") {
switch (boardType) {
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV1:
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4FMUV2:
pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("Pixhawk on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypeAeroCore:
pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("AeroCore on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
} else if (portInfo.description().contains("PX4Flow")) {
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardTypePX4Flow:
pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("PX4Flow on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
} else if (portInfo.description().contains("PX4")) {
pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("Pixhawk on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
} else {
saveList = true;
// Is this an FTDI Chip? It could be a 3DR Modem
if (portInfo.vendorIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::threeDRRadioVendorId && portInfo.productIdentifier() == SerialPortIds::threeDRRadioProductId) {
SerialConfiguration* pSerial = _findSerialConfiguration(portInfo.systemLocation());
if (pSerial) {
//-- If this port is configured make sure it has the preferred flag set, unless someone else already has it set.
if(!pSerial->isPreferred() && !saveList) {
saveList = true;
} else {
// Lets create a new Serial configuration automatically (an assumption at best)
case QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType3drRadio:
pSerial = new SerialConfiguration(QString("3DR Radio on %1").arg(portInfo.portName().trimmed()));
qWarning() << "Internal error";
pSerial->setBaud(boardType == QGCSerialPortInfo::BoardType3drRadio ? 57600 : 115200);
saveList = true;
// Now we go through the current configuration list and make sure any dynamic config has gone away
QList<LinkConfiguration*> _confToDelete;
foreach (LinkConfiguration* pLink, _linkConfigurations) {
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