* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)
* @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over
* @param chan The MAVLink channel this message will be sent over
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into
* @param param_id Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string
* @param param_id Onboard parameter id, terminated by NULL if the length is less than 16 human-readable chars and WITHOUT null termination (NULL) byte if the length is exactly 16 chars - applications have to provide 16+1 bytes storage if the ID is stored as string