Commit 8fb8b1fa authored by pixhawk's avatar pixhawk
Browse files

Implemented setpoint limitation, fixed user interaction initialization for HSI

parent 40698e44
......@@ -96,6 +96,26 @@ bool UASManager::setHomePosition(double lat, double lon, double alt)
return changed;
* @param x1 Point 1 coordinate in x dimension
* @param y1 Point 1 coordinate in y dimension
* @param z1 Point 1 coordinate in z dimension
* @param x2 Point 2 coordinate in x dimension
* @param y2 Point 2 coordinate in y dimension
* @param z2 Point 2 coordinate in z dimension
void UASManager::setLocalNEDSafetyBorders(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
nedSafetyLimitPosition1.x() = x1;
nedSafetyLimitPosition1.y() = y1;
nedSafetyLimitPosition1.z() = z1;
nedSafetyLimitPosition2.x() = x2;
nedSafetyLimitPosition2.y() = y2;
nedSafetyLimitPosition2.z() = z2;
void UASManager::initReference(const double & latitude, const double & longitude, const double & altitude)
......@@ -198,6 +218,7 @@ UASManager::UASManager() :
setLocalNEDSafetyBorders(1, -1, 0, -1, 1, -1);
......@@ -92,6 +92,37 @@ public:
/** @brief Convert WGS84 lat/lon coordinates to carthesian coordinates with home position as origin */
void wgs84ToEnu(const double& lat, const double& lon, const double& alt, double* east, double* north, double* up);
void getLocalNEDSafetyLimits(double* x1, double* y1, double* z1, double* x2, double* y2, double* z2)
*x1 = nedSafetyLimitPosition1.x();
*y1 = nedSafetyLimitPosition1.y();
*z1 = nedSafetyLimitPosition1.z();
*x2 = nedSafetyLimitPosition2.x();
*y2 = nedSafetyLimitPosition2.y();
*z2 = nedSafetyLimitPosition2.z();
/** @brief Check if a position is in the local NED safety limits */
bool isInLocalNEDSafetyLimits(double x, double y, double z)
if (x < nedSafetyLimitPosition1.x() &&
y > nedSafetyLimitPosition1.y() &&
z < nedSafetyLimitPosition1.z() &&
x > nedSafetyLimitPosition2.x() &&
y < nedSafetyLimitPosition2.y() &&
z > nedSafetyLimitPosition2.z())
// Within limits
return true;
// Not within limits
return false;
// void wgs84ToNed(const double& lat, const double& lon, const double& alt, double* north, double* east, double* down);
......@@ -188,6 +219,9 @@ public slots:
/** @brief Set the current home position on all UAVs*/
bool setHomePosition(double lat, double lon, double alt);
/** @brief Set the safety limits in local position frame */
void setLocalNEDSafetyBorders(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2);
/** @brief Update home position based on the position from one of the UAVs */
void uavChangedHomePosition(int uav, double lat, double lon, double alt);
......@@ -207,6 +241,8 @@ protected:
double homeAlt;
Eigen::Quaterniond ecef_ref_orientation_;
Eigen::Vector3d ecef_ref_point_;
Eigen::Vector3d nedSafetyLimitPosition1;
Eigen::Vector3d nedSafetyLimitPosition2;
void initReference(const double & latitude, const double & longitude, const double & altitude);
......@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ HSIDisplay::HSIDisplay(QWidget *parent) :
// Set tooltip
setToolTip(tr("View from top in body frame. Scroll with mouse wheel to change the horizontal field of view of the widget."));
setStatusTip(tr("View from top in body frame. Scroll with mouse wheel to change the horizontal field of view of the widget."));
connect(&statusClearTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage()));
void HSIDisplay::resetMAVState()
......@@ -272,7 +275,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::renderOverlay()
float setPointDist = sqrt(xSpDiff*xSpDiff + ySpDiff*ySpDiff + zSpDiff*zSpDiff);
if (userSetPointSet && setPointDist > 0.1f || dragStarted)
if (userSetPointSet && setPointDist > 0.05f || dragStarted)
QColor spColor(150, 150, 150);
drawSetpointXYZYaw(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiZSetCoordinate, uiYawSet, spColor, painter);
......@@ -335,8 +338,13 @@ void HSIDisplay::renderOverlay()
paintText(str, Qt::white, 2.6f, 10, vheight - 4.0f, &painter);
// Draw Field of view to bottom right
//paintText(tr("FOV %1 m").arg(metricWidth, 5, 'f', 1, ' '), QGC::colorCyan, 2.6f, 55, vheight- 5.0f, &painter);
// Draw Safety
double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
UASManager::instance()->getLocalNEDSafetyLimits(&x1, &y1, &z1, &x2, &y2, &z2);
// drawSafetyArea(QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y2), QGC::colorYellow, painter);
// Draw status message
paintText(statusMessage, QGC::colorOrange, 2.4f, 8, 15, &painter);
void HSIDisplay::drawStatusFlag(float x, float y, QString label, bool status, bool known, QPainter& painter)
......@@ -653,6 +661,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::updateSpeed(UASInterface* uas, double vx, double vy, double vz,
void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateXY(double x, double y)
userSetPointSet = true;
userXYSetPointSet = true;
// Set coordinates and send them out to MAV
QPointF sp(x, y);
......@@ -680,6 +689,19 @@ void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateZ(double z)
void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateYaw(double yaw)
if (!userXYSetPointSet && setPointKnown)
uiXSetCoordinate = bodyXSetCoordinate;
uiYSetCoordinate = bodyYSetCoordinate;
uiZSetCoordinate = -0.65f;
else if (!userXYSetPointSet && mavInitialized)
QPointF coord = metricBodyToWorld(QPointF(0.0, 0.0));
uiXSetCoordinate = coord.x();
uiYSetCoordinate = coord.y();
uiZSetCoordinate = -0.65f;
userSetPointSet = true;
// Set coordinates and send them out to MAV
uiYawSet = atan2(sin(yaw), cos(yaw));
......@@ -690,7 +712,21 @@ void HSIDisplay::setBodySetpointCoordinateYaw(double yaw)
void HSIDisplay::sendBodySetPointCoordinates()
// Send the coordinates to the MAV
if (uas && mavInitialized) uas->setLocalPositionSetpoint(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiZSetCoordinate, uiYawSet);
if (uas && mavInitialized)
double dx = uiXSetCoordinate - uas->getLocalX();
double dy = uiYSetCoordinate - uas->getLocalY();
double dz = uiZSetCoordinate - uas->getLocalZ();
bool valid = (sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz) < 1.0);//UASManager::instance()->isInLocalNEDSafetyLimits(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiZSetCoordinate);
if (valid)
uas->setLocalPositionSetpoint(uiXSetCoordinate, uiYSetCoordinate, uiZSetCoordinate, uiYawSet);
void HSIDisplay::updateAttitudeSetpoints(UASInterface* uas, double rollDesired, double pitchDesired, double yawDesired, double thrustDesired, quint64 usec)
......@@ -723,6 +759,14 @@ void HSIDisplay::updatePositionSetpoints(int uasid, float xDesired, float yDesir
mavInitialized = true;
setPointKnown = true;
positionSetPointKnown = true;
if (!userSetPointSet && !dragStarted)
uiXSetCoordinate = bodyXSetCoordinate;
uiYSetCoordinate = bodyYSetCoordinate;
uiZSetCoordinate = bodyZSetCoordinate;
uiYawSet= bodyYawSet;
void HSIDisplay::updateLocalPosition(UASInterface*, double x, double y, double z, quint64 usec)
......@@ -932,6 +976,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::drawSafetyArea(const QPointF &topLeft, const QPointF &bottomRig
QPen pen(color);
painter.drawRect(QRectF(metricBodyToScreen(metricWorldToBody(topLeft)), metricBodyToScreen(metricWorldToBody(bottomRight))));
......@@ -1100,7 +1145,7 @@ void HSIDisplay::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event)
// Increase width -> Zoom out
metricWidth -= event->delta() * zoomScale;
metricWidth = qBound(0.1, metricWidth, 9999.0);
metricWidth = qBound(0.5, metricWidth, 9999.0);
emit metricWidthChanged(metricWidth);
......@@ -85,6 +85,11 @@ public slots:
void pressKey(int key);
/** @brief Reset the state of the view */
void resetMAVState();
/** @brief Clear the status message */
void clearStatusMessage()
statusMessage = "";
void metricWidthChanged(double width);
......@@ -120,6 +125,12 @@ protected slots:
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event);
/** @brief Ignore context menu event */
void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* event);
/** @brief Set status message on screen */
void setStatusMessage(const QString& message)
statusMessage = message;
......@@ -150,6 +161,8 @@ protected:
QMap<int, float> objectDistances;
bool dragStarted;
float startX;
QTimer statusClearTimer;
QString statusMessage;
* @brief Private data container class to be used within the HSI widget
......@@ -266,7 +279,8 @@ protected:
// Data indicators
bool setPointKnown; ///< Controller setpoint known status flag
bool positionSetPointKnown; ///< Position setpoint known status flag
bool userSetPointSet;
bool userSetPointSet; ///< User set X, Y and Z
bool userXYSetPointSet; ///< User set the X/Y position already
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