Commit 8b4a3854 authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

Missing const

parent fa264952
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SerialLink::SerialLink(QString portname, int baudRate, bool hardwareFlowControl,
// We use QSerialPort::SerialPortError in a signal so we must declare it as a meta type
static int idMetaType = qRegisterMetaType<QSerialPort::SerialPortError>();
static const int idMetaType = qRegisterMetaType<QSerialPort::SerialPortError>();
// Get the name of the current port in use.
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ TCPLink::TCPLink(QHostAddress hostAddress, quint16 socketPort) :
// Even though QAbstractSocket::SocketError is used in a signal by Qt, Qt doesn't declare it as a meta type.
// This in turn causes debug output to be kicked out about not being able to queue the signal. We register it
// as a meta type to silence that.
static int idMetaType = qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>();
static const int idMetaType = qRegisterMetaType<QAbstractSocket::SocketError>();
_linkId = getNextLinkId();
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