Code Generator for the MAVLink Micro Air Vehicle Message Marshalling Library
This is a code generator for the library for lightweight communication between
Micro Air Vehicles and/or ground control stations.
It serializes C-structs for serial channels and can be used with
any type of radio modem.
* NEWS *
MAVLink has been ported to Python and Java. MAVLinkGen will soon support the output of Python and Java code as well.
For help, please visit the mailing list:
MAVLink is licensed under the terms of the Lesser General Public License of the Free Software Foundation (LGPL).
MAVLink's reference implementation is done in the QGroundControl operator control unit. MAVLink is however not tied in any way to QGroundControl nor does it depend on it. Many other groundstations (APM Planner, HK GCS, Copter-GCS) support it and might be better suited for your application than QGC - check them out.
QStringmainHeader=QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef "+pureFileName.toUpper()+"_H\n#define "+pureFileName.toUpper()+"_H\n\n").arg(date);// The main header includes all messages
// emit parseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Inclusion failed: XML syntax error in file %1. Wrong/misspelled XML?\nAbort.</font>").arg(fileName));
// return false;
// }
// }
// }
emitparseState(QString("<font color=\"green\">End of inclusion from file: %1</font>").arg(incFileName));
// Include file could not be opened
emitparseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Failed including file: %1, file is not readable. Wrong/misspelled filename?\nAbort.</font>").arg(fileName));
// Handle all enum tags
//QString fieldType = e.attribute("type", "");
//QString fieldName = e.attribute("name", "");
// Check if version has been previously set
emitparseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Protocol version tag set twice, please use it only once. First version was %1, second version is %2.\nAbort.</font>").arg(mavlinkVersion).arg(fieldText));
// Set MAVLink version
emitparseState(QString("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Reading version string failed: %1, string is not an integer number between 1 and 255.\nAbort.</font>").arg(fieldText));
// Handle all enum tags
// One down into the enums list
// Comment
// Get enum name
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()),e.tagName()));
// Sanity check: Accept only enum names not used previously
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Enum name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(enumName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName));
// If value was given, use it, if not, use the enum iterator
// value. The iterator value gets reset by manual values
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Enum entry %1 has not a valid number (%2) in the value field.\nAbort.</font>").arg(fieldName,fieldValue));
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Missing required name=\"\" attribute for tag %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()),e.tagName()));
emitparseState(tr("Compiling message <strong>%1 \t(#%3)</strong> \tnear line %2").arg(messageName,QString::number(n.lineNumber()),QString::number(messageId)));
// Sanity check: Accept only message IDs not used previously
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Message ID %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(messageId),QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName));
// Sanity check: Accept only message names not used previously
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Message name %1 used twice, second occurence near line %2 of file %3\nAbort.</font>").arg(messageName,QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fileName));
QStringcommentContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n *\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QStringcommentPackChanContainer("/**\n * @brief Pack a %1 message\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param chan The MAVLink channel this message was sent over\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n%2 * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign)\n */\n");
QStringcommentSendContainer("/**\n * @brief Send a %1 message\n * @param chan MAVLink channel to send the message\n *\n%2 */\n");
QStringcommentEncodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Encode a %1 struct into a message\n *\n * @param system_id ID of this system\n * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g. 200 for IMU)\n * @param msg The MAVLink message to compress the data into\n * @param %1 C-struct to read the message contents from\n */\n");
QStringcommentDecodeContainer("/**\n * @brief Decode a %1 message into a struct\n *\n * @param msg The message to decode\n * @param %1 C-struct to decode the message contents into\n */\n");
emitparseState(tr("<font color=\"red\">ERROR: Unable to calculate length for %2 near line %1\nAbort.</font>").arg(QString::number(e.lineNumber()),fieldType));
QStringmHeader=QString("/** @file\n *\t@brief MAVLink comm protocol.\n *\t@see\n *\t Generated on %1\n */\n#ifndef MAVLINK_H\n#define MAVLINK_H\n\n").arg(date);// The main header includes all messages
d="M 22.699525,0.94746963 C 22.22635,0.97984519 21.766437,1.0531317 21.301673,1.1063165 L 21.269903,1.1063165 L 20.157975,7.1742671 C 18.345621,7.5870046 16.640562,8.2874574 15.106644,9.2392765 L 10.118853,5.6493371 C 8.770521,6.6961412 7.543552,7.9170049 6.465374,9.2392765 L 9.928236,14.290607 C 8.876814,15.89739 8.086153,17.732094 7.640841,19.659632 C 7.640765,19.668743 7.640779,19.689813 7.640841,19.691401 L 1.60466,20.644482 C 1.494303,21.545851 1.445813,22.477386 1.445813,23.408418 C 1.445813,24.170171 1.466846,24.921747 1.541121,25.664043 L 7.577303,26.744202 C 8.0066,28.840363 8.822112,30.797987 9.960006,32.526228 L 6.370066,37.450482 C 7.398201,38.726866 8.585171,39.888962 9.864698,40.913343 L 14.947798,37.418712 C 16.724273,38.551956 18.707343,39.346604 20.856901,39.737877 L 21.809983,45.742288 C 22.487237,45.803935 23.181758,45.805827 23.874992,45.805827 C 24.853677,45.805826 25.788512,45.768738 26.734236,45.64698 L 27.877933,39.515491 C 29.91886,39.007587 31.836112,38.126493 33.501113,36.942172 L 38.393596,40.500342 C 39.662366,39.420897 40.822583,38.180154 41.824689,36.846863 L 38.266519,31.700225 C 39.230125,30.036028 39.897817,28.199859 40.23622,26.235892 L 46.240632,25.282811 C 46.29329,24.656221 46.30417,24.048546 46.30417,23.408418 C 46.30417,22.296018 46.174875,21.205317 46.018246,20.136172 L 39.918526,19.024244 C 39.440518,17.259164 38.656214,15.612364 37.662901,14.13176 L 41.25284,9.2075071 C 40.140075,7.8466524 38.870718,6.5895264 37.472284,5.5222596 L 32.293876,9.0804296 C 30.805549,8.200202 29.203897,7.5248159 27.464931,7.1424978 L 26.51185,1.1063165 C 25.644369,1.0042729 24.769749,0.94746963 23.874992,0.94746963 C 23.633166,0.94746964 23.384286,0.93986063 23.144296,0.94746963 C 23.027301,0.95117908 22.911525,0.94066346 22.794833,0.94746963 C 22.763228,0.94931296 22.73107,0.94531125 22.699525,0.94746963 z M 23.525529,16.387386 C 23.641592,16.381497 23.757473,16.387386 23.874992,16.387386 C 27.635598,16.387386 30.705408,19.457196 30.705408,23.217802 C 30.705409,26.978407 27.635597,30.016448 23.874992,30.016448 C 20.114387,30.016449 17.076346,26.978407 17.076346,23.217802 C 17.076347,19.574716 19.927558,16.569963 23.525529,16.387386 z "
d="M 21.995808,2.1484671 L 21.103024,8.0235243 C 19.404254,8.4103946 16.279442,9.5936035 14.841657,10.485771 L 10.091975,6.9406268 C 8.828145,7.9218257 8.741474,7.9883656 7.730867,9.2277688 L 11.165063,14.320988 C 10.179537,15.827071 8.995796,18.510982 8.570778,20.42893 C 8.570778,20.42893 2.552988,21.443355 2.552988,21.443355 C 2.449547,22.288234 2.49926,24.096528 2.56888,24.792303 L 8.317097,25.82782 C 8.71949,27.79261 10.225324,30.955232 11.291904,32.575161 L 7.656902,37.377719 C 8.620601,38.57411 8.813474,38.683589 10.01281,39.64377 L 14.873441,36.082733 C 16.538581,37.144954 19.84373,38.437109 21.858571,38.80386 L 22.656299,44.604952 C 23.291109,44.662736 25.044829,44.824827 25.931283,44.710701 L 26.824066,38.671821 C 28.737084,38.195749 32.042539,36.838896 33.603191,35.728798 L 38.458624,39.236958 C 39.647878,38.225166 39.658533,38.072709 40.597835,36.822978 L 36.999815,31.708667 C 37.90303,30.148767 39.070902,27.098068 39.388097,25.257187 L 45.279046,24.279744 C 45.328399,23.692424 45.330802,22.054578 45.18399,21.052439 L 39.182092,20.016922 C 38.73404,18.362463 37.196418,15.381153 36.265359,13.993342 L 40.080075,9.1907857 C 39.037052,7.915218 38.64924,7.7402002 37.338448,6.7398212 L 32.313994,10.337839 C 30.918941,9.5127782 28.137095,8.2550417 26.507114,7.8966842 L 25.619528,2.1484671 C 24.806414,2.0528187 22.460488,2.0952921 21.995808,2.1484671 z "
d="M 10.102903,6.2970655 C 8.7545689,7.3438694 8.1656464,7.9719226 7.0874684,9.2941942 L 10.489927,14.259153 C 9.4385072,15.857755 8.3316275,18.426114 8.1423859,19.987706 C 8.1423859,19.987706 2.0798859,21.0319 2.0798859,21.0319 C 2.0109129,21.595256 1.90625,22.884803 1.90625,22.884803 L 2.0830267,24.447303 C 2.5107567,24.535638 2.9231817,24.617818 3.3642767,24.666053 L 3.8642767,23.134803 C 4.2083177,23.163279 4.5439297,23.197303 4.8955267,23.197303 C 5.2467347,23.197303 5.6139847,23.163473 5.9580267,23.134803 L 6.4267767,24.666053 C 6.8680647,24.617818 7.3115487,24.535638 7.7392767,24.447303 L 7.7392767,22.884803 C 8.4250337,22.72518 9.0712777,22.497045 9.7080267,22.228553 L 10.645527,23.509803 C 11.047878,23.327709 11.421123,23.133984 11.801777,22.916053 L 11.301777,21.416053 C 11.89901,21.053803 12.463529,20.620706 12.989277,20.166053 L 14.270527,21.103553 C 14.596162,20.806973 14.91164,20.491691 15.208027,20.166053 L 14.270527,18.916053 C 14.725373,18.390305 15.127027,17.826171 15.489277,17.228553 L 16.989277,17.697303 C 17.207208,17.316456 17.432571,16.943209 17.614277,16.541053 L 16.333027,15.603553 C 16.601517,14.966804 16.798016,14.320561 16.958027,13.634803 L 18.551777,13.634803 C 18.640112,13.207076 18.691236,12.763591 18.739277,12.322303 L 17.239277,11.853553 C 17.268139,11.509705 17.301777,11.142456 17.301777,10.791053 C 17.301776,10.43965 17.267753,10.104039 17.239277,9.7598034 L 18.739277,9.2910534 C 18.69373,8.8711662 18.633686,8.4490548 18.551777,8.0410534 C 17.404349,8.4403544 15.999117,9.1941729 14.983265,9.8245243 L 10.102903,6.2970655 z "
d="M 37.236641,17.217754 C 36.85286,17.39913 36.490003,17.603509 36.123236,17.813295 L 36.692886,19.548136 C 35.995792,19.970436 35.338156,20.467825 34.725008,20.998151 L 33.249099,19.910639 C 32.869013,20.256538 32.507327,20.618223 32.161588,20.998151 L 33.249099,22.474059 C 32.718773,23.087371 32.221547,23.745002 31.799084,24.441937 L 31.255328,24.260685 C 31.207646,24.960968 31.018949,25.62217 30.737466,26.228563 L 30.841038,26.306242 C 30.527881,27.048922 30.27649,27.83664 30.090137,28.636624 L 28.614229,28.636624 C 28.477946,28.722076 28.343676,28.821684 28.199938,28.895555 C 28.121568,29.310822 28.065026,29.712881 28.018687,30.138426 L 29.77942,30.708074 C 29.746033,31.10935 29.727633,31.515269 29.727633,31.925052 C 29.727631,32.334993 29.746034,32.740753 29.77942,33.142029 L 28.018687,33.711677 C 28.074705,34.226432 28.148678,34.740347 28.251725,35.239372 L 30.090137,35.213479 C 30.218255,35.763466 30.393202,36.320918 30.582107,36.844746 C 31.327023,36.557466 32.05594,36.214561 32.731236,35.809021 C 32.319649,34.59298 32.083908,33.279913 32.083908,31.925052 C 32.083909,26.727119 35.376289,22.288397 39.981313,20.583861 L 38.893802,20.402608 C 38.671014,19.579946 38.382478,18.774017 38.013435,18.020441 C 38.002581,17.998277 37.99851,17.96486 37.987542,17.942761 L 37.935756,17.890975 L 37.236641,17.217754 z "
d="M -219.61876,-150.68038 C -219.61876,-150.68038 -219.61876,327.65041 -219.61876,327.65041 C -76.744594,328.55086 125.78146,220.48075 125.78138,88.454235 C 125.78138,-43.572302 -33.655436,-150.68036 -219.61876,-150.68038 z "
d="M -1559.2523,-150.68038 C -1559.2523,-150.68038 -1559.2523,327.65041 -1559.2523,327.65041 C -1702.1265,328.55086 -1904.6525,220.48075 -1904.6525,88.454235 C -1904.6525,-43.572302 -1745.2157,-150.68036 -1559.2523,-150.68038 z "
d="M 4.6200285,38.651015 C 4.6618365,39.07147 5.1174141,39.491924 5.5311838,39.491924 L 36.667346,39.491924 C 37.081116,39.491924 37.453078,39.07147 37.41127,38.651015 L 34.714653,11.531728 C 34.672845,11.111274 34.217267,10.69082 33.803498,10.69082 L 21.080082,10.69082 C 20.489536,10.69082 19.870999,10.311268 19.677221,9.7304849 L 18.574219,6.4246085 C 18.404967,5.9173308 18.027069,5.6888138 17.259746,5.6888138 L 2.3224188,5.6888138 C 1.9086492,5.6888138 1.5366876,6.109268 1.5784956,6.529722 L 4.6200285,38.651015 z "
d="M 6.1717518,38.418674 C 6.2031078,38.729001 6.017127,38.935886 5.6963478,38.832443 L 5.6963478,38.832443 C 5.3755686,38.729001 5.1477798,38.522116 5.1164238,38.211789 L 2.0868572,6.8445942 C 2.0555012,6.534267 2.2434512,6.3468711 2.5537784,6.3468711 L 17.303531,6.2554251 C 17.834815,6.2521313 18.04296,6.308731 18.18333,6.7726371 C 18.18333,6.7726371 19.268704,9.885435 19.429564,10.470742 L 17.873968,7.5537061 C 17.608788,7.0564434 17.275224,7.1399365 16.901178,7.1399365 L 3.7717775,7.1399365 C 3.4614503,7.1399365 3.2754695,7.3468213 3.3068255,7.6571485 L 6.2856462,38.522116 L 6.1717518,38.418674 z "
d="M 41.785743,9.0363862 C 41.795369,8.5618034 41.800932,8.3118806 41.36235,8.312183 L 28.80653,8.3208402 C 28.50653,8.3208402 28.481916,8.1776341 28.80653,8.3208402 C 29.131144,8.4640463 30.053628,8.9791114 30.989227,9.0218349 C 30.989227,9.0218349 41.785704,9.0382983 41.785743,9.0363862 z "
d="M 5.7785654,39.065997 C 5.8820074,39.277466 6.0888914,39.488925 6.3992173,39.488925 L 39.70767,39.488925 C 39.914562,39.488925 40.228834,39.36262 40.415844,39.224574 C 40.946246,38.833039 41.070704,38.612189 41.308626,38.251107 C 43.756752,34.535647 47.113767,18.974214 47.113767,18.974214 C 47.217209,18.762754 47.010326,18.551294 46.7,18.551294 L 11.776358,18.551294 C 11.466032,18.551294 10.120393,34.658624 6.9133592,37.838317 L 5.6751235,39.065997 L 5.7785654,39.065997 z "
d="M 13.134476,20.138641 C 12.361729,25.129398 11.633175,29.147884 10.418486,33.652505 C 12.804971,32.945398 17.534602,30.448 27.534602,30.448 C 37.534602,30.448 44.258175,21.199301 45.186253,20.094447 L 13.134476,20.138641 z "
d="M 45.820083,19.6875 L 12.661612,19.6875 C 12.661612,19.6875 10.513864,35.707107 7.9393398,37.928078 C 16.060417,37.928078 39.510511,37.879442 39.53033,37.879442 C 41.281989,37.879442 44.437971,25.243248 45.820083,19.6875 z "
QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Please select an XML input file first"),tr("You have to select an input XML file before generating C files."),QMessageBox::Ok);
QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("Please select output directory first"),tr("You have to select an output directory before generating C files."),QMessageBox::Ok);
msgBox.setText(QString("The C code / headers have been generated in folder\n%1").arg(m_ui->outputDirNameLabel->text().trimmed()));
QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("C code generation failed, please see the compile log for further information"),QString("The C code / headers could not be written to folder\n%1").arg(m_ui->outputDirNameLabel->text().trimmed()),QMessageBox::Ok);