* Get the SDL joystick layer binding for this controller button/axis mapping
* To count the number of game controllers in the system for the following:
* int nJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks();
* int nGameControllers = 0;
* for ( int i = 0; i < nJoysticks; i++ ) {
* if ( SDL_IsGameController(i) ) {
* nGameControllers++;
* }
* }
* Using the SDL_HINT_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG hint or the SDL_GameControllerAddMapping you can add support for controllers SDL is unaware of or cause an existing controller to have a different binding. The format is:
* guid,name,mappings
* Where GUID is the string value from SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString(), name is the human readable string for the device and mappings are controller mappings to joystick ones.
* Under Windows there is a reserved GUID of "xinput" that covers any XInput devices.
* The mapping format for joystick is:
* bX - a joystick button, index X
* hX.Y - hat X with value Y
* aX - axis X of the joystick
* Buttons can be used as a controller axis and vice versa.
* This string shows an example of a valid mapping for a controller