Commit 65d5985d authored by Don Gagne's avatar Don Gagne
Browse files

All speed moved to Vehicle

parent 9705cd4e
......@@ -279,47 +279,16 @@ void UAS::receiveMessage(mavlink_message_t message)
emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("custom_mode"), "bits", state.custom_mode, time);
emit valueChanged(uasId, name.arg("system_status"), "-", state.system_status, time);
QString audiostring = QString("System %1").arg(uasId);
QString stateAudio = "";
QString navModeAudio = "";
bool statechanged = false;
if ((state.system_status != this->status) && state.system_status != MAV_STATE_UNINIT)
statechanged = true;
this->status = state.system_status;
getStatusForCode((int)state.system_status, uasState, stateDescription);
emit statusChanged(this, uasState, stateDescription);
emit statusChanged(this->status);
// Adjust for better audio
if (uasState == QString("STANDBY")) uasState = QString("standing by");
if (uasState == QString("EMERGENCY")) uasState = QString("emergency condition");
if (uasState == QString("CRITICAL")) uasState = QString("critical condition");
if (uasState == QString("SHUTDOWN")) uasState = QString("shutting down");
stateAudio = uasState;
// We got the mode
receivedMode = true;
if (statechanged)
// Output the one message
audiostring += stateAudio;
if (statechanged && ((int)state.system_status == (int)MAV_STATE_CRITICAL || state.system_status == (int)MAV_STATE_EMERGENCY))
_say(QString("Emergency for system %1").arg(this->getUASID()), GAudioOutput::AUDIO_SEVERITY_EMERGENCY);
QTimer::singleShot(3000, qgcApp()->toolbox()->audioOutput(), SLOT(startEmergency()));
else if (statechanged)
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