Commit 5ccea177 authored by Bryant's avatar Bryant
Browse files

Message view: Forgot to remove debugging output.

parent d4a8efbd
......@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@ void QGCMessageView::handleTextMessage(int uasid, int compId, int severity, QStr
// Finally append the properly-styled text with a timestamp.
QString dateString = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate);
msgWidget->appendHtml(QString("<p style=\"%1\">[%2][%3:%4] %5 - %6</p>").arg(style).arg(dateString).arg(uasName).arg(compId).arg(severityText).arg(text));
qDebug() << msgWidget->document()->toHtml();
// Ensure text area scrolls correctly
Supports Markdown
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