Commit 5add42bc authored by Bryant's avatar Bryant
Browse files

MAVLink dialect generation UI widget is no longer build by default.

This feature can be enabled at compile-time and documentation has been added to the README.
parent e5ff5501
......@@ -137,18 +137,23 @@ INCLUDEPATH += $$MAVLINKPATH
# MAVLink generator (deprecated)
# [DEPRECATED] MAVLink generator UI. Provides a GUI interface for generating MAVLink dialects.
# Replaced by within the MAVLink project.
warning("Including support for MAVLink generator GUI (caution: deprecated)")
src/apps/mavlinkgen \
src/apps/mavlinkgen/ui \
} else {
message("Skipping support for MAVLink generator GUI (deprecated, see README)")
# OpenSceneGraph
......@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ The MAVLink dialect compiled by default by QGC is for the ardupilotmega. This wi
The `MAVLINK_CONF` variable can also be specified at the command line as an argument to qmake to allow for easy one-off compilations: `qmake MAVLINK_CONF="sensesoar ardupilotmega"`
### MAVLink dialect generator
An add-on is available for QGC that provides a UI for generating MAVLink dialects from within QGC. This feature has been deprecated since identical functionality now exists within the MAVLink project itself.
This is not built by default as it is deprecated functionality that will removed in a forthcoming version of QGC. You can enable it by specifying the ENABLE_MAVGEN constant as an argument to qmake like `qmake DEFINES=ENABLE_MAVGEN`.
### Speech syntehsis
QGroundcontrol can notify the controller of information via speech synthesis on the Mac and Linux platforms. This requires the `flite` library on Linux while on Mac text-to-speech support is built in starting with OS 10.6+ (Snow Leopard). This support is enabled by default on all platforms if the dependencies are met. Disabling this functionality can be done by adding the `DISABLE_SPEECH` define when running `qmake` like: `qmake DEFINES=DISABLE_SPEECH`. Note that multiple defines can be specified like this: `qmake DEFINES="DISABLE_QUPGRADE DISABLE_SPEECH"`.
......@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "terminalconsole.h"
#include "menuactionhelper.h"
// Add support for the MAVLink generator UI if it's been requested.
#include "XMLCommProtocolWidget.h"
#include "Q3DWidgetFactory.h"
......@@ -547,6 +552,8 @@ void MainWindow::buildCommonWidgets()
addToCentralStackedWidget(engineeringView, VIEW_ENGINEER, tr("Logfile Plot"));
// Add the MAVLink generator UI if it's been requested.
if (!mavlinkView)
mavlinkView = new SubMainWindow(this);
......@@ -554,6 +561,7 @@ void MainWindow::buildCommonWidgets()
mavlinkView->setCentralWidget(new XMLCommProtocolWidget(this));
addToCentralStackedWidget(mavlinkView, VIEW_MAVLINK, tr("Mavlink Generator"));
if (!simView)
......@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project
#include "DebugConsole.h"
#include "ParameterInterface.h"
#include "XMLCommProtocolWidget.h"
#include "HDDisplay.h"
#include "WatchdogControl.h"
#include "HSIDisplay.h"
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