Commit 555fcc34 authored by Lorenz Meier's avatar Lorenz Meier
Browse files

Clean UAS text handling

parent 696f9e32
......@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ bool UASMessage::severityIsError()
UASMessageHandler::UASMessageHandler(QGCApplication* app)
: QGCTool(app)
, _activeUAS(NULL)
, _activeComponent(-1)
, _multiComp(false)
, _errorCount(0)
, _errorCountTotal(0)
, _warningCount(0)
......@@ -127,6 +129,14 @@ void UASMessageHandler::handleTextMessage(int, int compId, int severity, QString
if (_activeComponent < 0) {
_activeComponent = compId;
if (compId != _activeComponent) {
_multiComp = true;
// So first determine the styling based on the severity.
QString style;
switch (severity)
......@@ -186,14 +196,22 @@ void UASMessageHandler::handleTextMessage(int, int compId, int severity, QString
// Finally preppend the properly-styled text with a timestamp.
QString dateString = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss.zzz");
UASMessage* message = new UASMessage(compId, severity, text);
message->_setFormatedText(QString("<p style=\"color:#e0e0f0\">[%2 - COMP:%3]<font style=\"%1\">%4 %5</font></p>").arg(style).arg(dateString).arg(compId).arg(severityText).arg(text));
int count = _messages.count();
QString compString("");
if (_multiComp) {
compString = QString(" COMP:%1").arg(compId);
message->_setFormatedText(QString("<font style=\"%1\">[%2%3]%4 %5</font></p>").arg(style).arg(dateString).arg(compString).arg(severityText).arg(text));
if (message->severityIsError()) {
_latestError = severityText + " " + text;
emit textMessageReceived(message);
int count = _messages.count();
emit textMessageCountChanged(count);
if (_showErrorsInToolbar && message->severityIsError()) {
......@@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ private slots:
UASInterface* _activeUAS;
int _activeComponent;
bool _multiComp;
QVector<UASMessage*> _messages;
QMutex _mutex;
int _errorCount;
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