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    Update Qwt to 6.1. · c96458cf
    Bryant authored
    We also document how we got the source code and keep our modifications out of the Qwt directory.
    Update Qwt to 6.1.
    Bryant authored
    We also document how we got the source code and keep our modifications out of the Qwt directory.
qwt_plot_grid.cpp 9.62 KiB
/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- *****************************
 * Qwt Widget Library
 * Copyright (C) 1997   Josef Wilgen
 * Copyright (C) 2002   Uwe Rathmann
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0

#include "qwt_plot_grid.h"
#include "qwt_painter.h"
#include "qwt_text.h"
#include "qwt_scale_map.h"
#include "qwt_scale_div.h"
#include "qwt_math.h"
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpen.h>

class QwtPlotGrid::PrivateData
        xEnabled( true ),
        yEnabled( true ),
        xMinEnabled( false ),
        yMinEnabled( false )

    bool xEnabled;
    bool yEnabled;
    bool xMinEnabled;
    bool yMinEnabled;

    QwtScaleDiv xScaleDiv;
    QwtScaleDiv yScaleDiv;

    QPen majorPen;
    QPen minorPen;

//! Enables major grid, disables minor grid
    QwtPlotItem( QwtText( "Grid" ) )
    d_data = new PrivateData;

    setItemInterest( QwtPlotItem::ScaleInterest, true );
    setZ( 10.0 );

//! Destructor
    delete d_data;

//! \return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid
int QwtPlotGrid::rtti() const
    return QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotGrid;

  \brief Enable or disable vertical grid lines
  \param on Enable (true) or disable

  \sa Minor grid lines can be enabled or disabled with
void QwtPlotGrid::enableX( bool on )
    if ( d_data->xEnabled != on )
        d_data->xEnabled = on;


  \brief Enable or disable horizontal grid lines
  \param on Enable (true) or disable
  \sa Minor grid lines can be enabled or disabled with enableYMin()
void QwtPlotGrid::enableY( bool on )
    if ( d_data->yEnabled != on )
        d_data->yEnabled = on;


  \brief Enable or disable  minor vertical grid lines.
  \param on Enable (true) or disable
  \sa enableX()
void QwtPlotGrid::enableXMin( bool on )
    if ( d_data->xMinEnabled != on )
        d_data->xMinEnabled = on;


  \brief Enable or disable minor horizontal grid lines
  \param on Enable (true) or disable
  \sa enableY()
void QwtPlotGrid::enableYMin( bool on )
    if ( d_data->yMinEnabled != on )
        d_data->yMinEnabled = on;


  Assign an x axis scale division

  \param scaleDiv Scale division
void QwtPlotGrid::setXDiv( const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv )
    if ( d_data->xScaleDiv != scaleDiv )
        d_data->xScaleDiv = scaleDiv;

  Assign a y axis division

  \param scaleDiv Scale division
void QwtPlotGrid::setYDiv( const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv )
    if ( d_data->yScaleDiv != scaleDiv )
        d_data->yScaleDiv = scaleDiv;

  Build and assign a pen for both major and minor grid lines

  In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
  non cosmetic ( see QPen::isCosmetic() ). This method has been introduced
  to hide this incompatibility.

  \param color Pen color
  \param width Pen width
  \param style Pen style

  \sa pen(), brush()
void QwtPlotGrid::setPen( const QColor &color, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle style )
    setPen( QPen( color, width, style ) );

  Assign a pen for both major and minor grid lines

  \param pen Pen
  \sa setMajorPen(), setMinorPen()
void QwtPlotGrid::setPen( const QPen &pen )
    if ( d_data->majorPen != pen || d_data->minorPen != pen )
        d_data->majorPen = pen;
        d_data->minorPen = pen;


  Build and assign a pen for both major grid lines

  In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
  non cosmetic ( see QPen::isCosmetic() ). This method has been introduced
  to hide this incompatibility.

  \param color Pen color
  \param width Pen width
  \param style Pen style

  \sa pen(), brush()
void QwtPlotGrid::setMajorPen( const QColor &color, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle style )
    setMajorPen( QPen( color, width, style ) );

  Assign a pen for the major grid lines

  \param pen Pen
  \sa majorPen(), setMinorPen(), setPen()
void QwtPlotGrid::setMajorPen( const QPen &pen )
    if ( d_data->majorPen != pen )
        d_data->majorPen = pen;


  Build and assign a pen for the minor grid lines

  In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
  non cosmetic ( see QPen::isCosmetic() ). This method has been introduced
  to hide this incompatibility.

  \param color Pen color
  \param width Pen width
  \param style Pen style

  \sa pen(), brush()
void QwtPlotGrid::setMinorPen( const QColor &color, qreal width, Qt::PenStyle style )
    setMinorPen( QPen( color, width, style ) );

  Assign a pen for the minor grid lines

  \param pen Pen
  \sa minorPen(), setMajorPen(), setPen()
void QwtPlotGrid::setMinorPen( const QPen &pen )
    if ( d_data->minorPen != pen )
        d_data->minorPen = pen;


  \brief Draw the grid

  The grid is drawn into the bounding rectangle such that
  grid lines begin and end at the rectangle's borders. The X and Y
  maps are used to map the scale divisions into the drawing region

  \param painter  Painter
  \param xMap X axis map
  \param yMap Y axis
  \param canvasRect Contents rectangle of the plot canvas
void QwtPlotGrid::draw( QPainter *painter,
    const QwtScaleMap &xMap, const QwtScaleMap &yMap,
    const QRectF &canvasRect ) const
    //  draw minor grid lines
    QPen minorPen = d_data->minorPen;
    minorPen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );

    painter->setPen( minorPen );

    if ( d_data->xEnabled && d_data->xMinEnabled )
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Vertical, xMap,
            d_data->xScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick ) );
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Vertical, xMap,
            d_data->xScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick ) );

    if ( d_data->yEnabled && d_data->yMinEnabled )
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Horizontal, yMap,
            d_data->yScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MinorTick ) );
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Horizontal, yMap,
            d_data->yScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MediumTick ) );

    //  draw major grid lines
    QPen majorPen = d_data->majorPen;
    majorPen.setCapStyle( Qt::FlatCap );

    painter->setPen( majorPen );

    if ( d_data->xEnabled )
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Vertical, xMap,
            d_data->xScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick ) );

    if ( d_data->yEnabled )
        drawLines( painter, canvasRect, Qt::Horizontal, yMap,
            d_data->yScaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick ) );

void QwtPlotGrid::drawLines( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &canvasRect,
    Qt::Orientation orientation, const QwtScaleMap &scaleMap,
    const QList<double> &values ) const
    const double x1 = canvasRect.left();
    const double x2 = canvasRect.right() - 1.0;
    const double y1 =;
    const double y2 = canvasRect.bottom() - 1.0;

    const bool doAlign = QwtPainter::roundingAlignment( painter );

    for ( int i = 0; i < values.count(); i++ )
        double value = scaleMap.transform( values[i] );
        if ( doAlign )
            value = qRound( value );

        if ( orientation == Qt::Horizontal )
            if ( qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual( value, y1 ) &&
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual( value, y2 ) )
                QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, x1, value, x2, value );
            if ( qwtFuzzyGreaterOrEqual( value, x1 ) &&
                qwtFuzzyLessOrEqual( value, x2 ) )
                QwtPainter::drawLine( painter, value, y1, value, y2 );

  \return the pen for the major grid lines
  \sa setMajorPen(), setMinorPen(), setPen()
const QPen &QwtPlotGrid::majorPen() const
    return d_data->majorPen;

  \return the pen for the minor grid lines
  \sa setMinorPen(), setMajorPen(), setPen()
const QPen &QwtPlotGrid::minorPen() const
    return d_data->minorPen;

  \return true if vertical grid lines are enabled
  \sa enableX()
bool QwtPlotGrid::xEnabled() const
    return d_data->xEnabled;

  \return true if minor vertical grid lines are enabled
  \sa enableXMin()
bool QwtPlotGrid::xMinEnabled() const
    return d_data->xMinEnabled;

  \return true if horizontal grid lines are enabled
  \sa enableY()
bool QwtPlotGrid::yEnabled() const
    return d_data->yEnabled;

  \return true if minor horizontal grid lines are enabled
  \sa enableYMin()
bool QwtPlotGrid::yMinEnabled() const
    return d_data->yMinEnabled;

/*! \return the scale division of the x axis */
const QwtScaleDiv &QwtPlotGrid::xScaleDiv() const
    return d_data->xScaleDiv;

/*! \return the scale division of the y axis */
const QwtScaleDiv &QwtPlotGrid::yScaleDiv() const
    return d_data->yScaleDiv;

   Update the grid to changes of the axes scale division

   \param xScaleDiv Scale division of the x-axis
   \param yScaleDiv Scale division of the y-axis

   \sa QwtPlot::updateAxes()
void QwtPlotGrid::updateScaleDiv( const QwtScaleDiv& xScaleDiv,
    const QwtScaleDiv& yScaleDiv )
    setXDiv( xScaleDiv );
    setYDiv( yScaleDiv );