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  • Bryan Godbolt's avatar
    modified mavlink xml parser to allow any array type · 0f2ef0c1
    Bryan Godbolt authored
    I added the ability for the parser to pack an array of any mavlink standard type.  This will allow array types to be specified for mavlink messages without using the type="array" syntax.
    I also changed how a bunch of the strings were constructed to more closely conform to the coding style guidelines by reducing the number of implicit copy constructor calls
    modified mavlink xml parser to allow any array type
    Bryan Godbolt authored
    I added the ability for the parser to pack an array of any mavlink standard type.  This will allow array types to be specified for mavlink messages without using the type="array" syntax.
    I also changed how a bunch of the strings were constructed to more closely conform to the coding style guidelines by reducing the number of implicit copy constructor calls