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QGroundControl Open Source Ground Control Station


This file is part of the QGROUNDCONTROL project

    QGROUNDCONTROL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    QGROUNDCONTROL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with QGROUNDCONTROL. If not, see <>.


 * @file
 *   @brief Definition of class MainWindow
 *   @author Lorenz Meier <>

#ifndef _MAINWINDOW_H_
#define _MAINWINDOW_H_
#include <QStatusBar>
#include <QStackedWidget>
#include <QSettings>
#include <qlist.h>

#include "ui_MainWindow.h"
#include "LinkManager.h"
#include "LinkInterface.h"
#include "UASInterface.h"
#include "UASManager.h"
#include "UASControlWidget.h"
#include "UASInfoWidget.h"
#include "WaypointList.h"
#include "CameraView.h"
#include "UASListWidget.h"
#include "MAVLinkProtocol.h"
#include "MAVLinkSimulationLink.h"
#include "input/JoystickInput.h"
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#include "Mouse6dofInput.h"
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#include "DebugConsole.h"
#include "ParameterInterface.h"
#include "HDDisplay.h"
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#include "HSIDisplay.h"
#include "opmapcontrol.h"
#include "QGCGoogleEarthView.h"
#include "QGCToolBar.h"
#include "LogCompressor.h"

#include "QGCMAVLinkInspector.h"
#include "QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer.h"
#include "MAVLinkDecoder.h"
#include "QGCUASFileViewMulti.h"
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#include "QGCFlightGearLink.h"

class QGCMapTool;
class QGCMAVLinkMessageSender;
class QGCFirmwareUpdate;
class QSplashScreen;
class Linecharts;
class QGCDataPlot2D;
class QGCUASFileViewMulti;

 * @brief Main Application Window
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow


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    /// @brief Returns the MainWindow singleton. Will not create the MainWindow if it has not already
    ///         been created.
    static MainWindow* instance(void);
    /// @brief Deletes the MainWindow singleton
    void deleteInstance(void);
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    /// @brief Creates the MainWindow singleton. Should only be called once by QGCApplication.
    static MainWindow* _create(QSplashScreen* splashScreen, enum MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE mode);
    /// @brief Called to indicate that splash screen is no longer being displayed.
    void splashScreenFinished(void) { _splashScreen = NULL; }

    // Declare default dark and light stylesheets. These should be file-resource
    // paths.
    static const QString defaultDarkStyle;
    static const QString defaultLightStyle;

    /** @brief Get current visual style */
    /** @brief Get auto link reconnect setting */
    /** @brief Get title bar mode setting */
    /** @brief Get low power mode setting */
    void setCustomMode(MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE mode)
        if (mode != CUSTOM_MODE_UNCHANGED)
            customMode = mode;
    MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE getCustomMode() const

public slots:
    /** @brief Shows a status message on the bottom status bar */
    void showStatusMessage(const QString& status, int timeout);
    /** @brief Shows a status message on the bottom status bar */
    void showStatusMessage(const QString& status);
    /** @brief Shows a critical message as popup or as widget */
    void showCriticalMessage(const QString& title, const QString& message);
    /** @brief Shows an info message as popup or as widget */
    void showInfoMessage(const QString& title, const QString& message);

    /** @brief Show the application settings */
    void showSettings();
    /** @brief Add a communication link */
    LinkInterface* addLink();
    void addLink(LinkInterface* link);
    bool configLink(LinkInterface *link);
    /** @brief Simulate a link */
    void simulateLink(bool simulate);
    /** @brief Set the currently controlled UAS */
    void setActiveUAS(UASInterface* uas);

    /** @brief Add a new UAS */
    void UASCreated(UASInterface* uas);
    /** Delete an UAS */
    void UASDeleted(UASInterface* uas);
    /** @brief Update system specs of a UAS */
    void UASSpecsChanged(int uas);
    void startVideoCapture();
    void stopVideoCapture();
    void saveScreen();

    /** @brief Sets advanced mode, allowing for editing of tool widget locations */
    void handleMisconfiguration(UASInterface* uas);
    void loadSetupView();
    /** @brief Load view for pilot */
    void loadPilotView();
    /** @brief Load view for simulation */
    void loadSimulationView();
    /** @brief Load view for engineer */
    void loadEngineerView();
    /** @brief Load view for operator */
    void loadOperatorView();
    /** @brief Load Terminal Console views */
    void loadTerminalView();
    /** @brief Load Google Earth View */
    void loadGoogleEarthView();
    /** @brief Load local 3D view */
    void loadLocal3DView();

    /** @brief Show the online help for users */
    void showHelp();
    /** @brief Show the authors / credits */
    void showCredits();
    /** @brief Show the project roadmap */
    void showRoadMap();

    /** @breif Enable title bars on dock widgets when no in advanced mode */
    void enableDockWidgetTitleBars(bool enabled);
    /** @brief Automatically reconnect last link */
    void enableAutoReconnect(bool enabled);
    /** @brief Save power by reducing update rates */
    void enableLowPowerMode(bool enabled) { lowPowerMode = enabled; }
    /** @brief Load the specified style. */
    bool loadStyle(QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE style);

    /** @brief Add a custom tool widget */
    void createCustomWidget();

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    /** @brief Load a custom tool widget from a file chosen by user (QGCFileDialog) */
    void loadCustomWidget();

    /** @brief Load a custom tool widget from a file */
    void loadCustomWidget(const QString& fileName, bool singleinstance=false);
    void loadCustomWidget(const QString& fileName, int view);

    /** @brief Load custom widgets from default file */
    void loadCustomWidgetsFromDefaults(const QString& systemType, const QString& autopilotType);

    /** @brief Loads and shows the HIL Configuration Widget for the given UAS*/
    void showHILConfigurationWidget(UASInterface *uas);

    void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);

     * @brief Shows a Widget from the center stack based on the action sender
     * This slot is written to be used in conjunction with the addCentralWidget() function
     * It shows the Widget based on the action sender
    void showCentralWidget();

    /** @brief Update the window name */
    void configureWindowName();

    void commsWidgetDestroyed(QObject *obj);
protected slots:
    void showDockWidget(const QString &name, bool show);
     * @brief Unchecks the normalActionItem.
     * Used as a triggered() callback by the fullScreenAction to make sure only one of it or the
     * normalAction are checked at a time, as they're mutually exclusive.
    void fullScreenActionItemCallback();
     * @brief Unchecks the fullScreenActionItem.
     * Used as a triggered() callback by the normalAction to make sure only one of it or the
     * fullScreenAction are checked at a time, as they're mutually exclusive.
    void normalActionItemCallback();
    void styleChanged(MainWindow::QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE newTheme);
    void initStatusChanged(const QString& message, int alignment, const QColor &color);
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    /** Emitted when any value changes from any source */
    void valueChanged(const int uasId, const QString& name, const QString& unit, const QVariant& value, const quint64 msec);

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    /** @brief Forward X11Event to catch 3DMouse inputs */
    void x11EventOccured(XEvent *event);
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    QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer* getLogPlayer()
        return logPlayer;

    MAVLinkProtocol* getMAVLink()
        return mavlink;


    typedef enum _VIEW_SECTIONS
        VIEW_ENGINEER,         // Engineering/Analyze view mode. Used for analyzing data and modifying onboard parameters
        VIEW_MISSION,          // Mission/Map/Plan view mode. Used for setting mission waypoints and high-level system commands.
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        VIEW_FLIGHT,           // Flight/Fly/Operate view mode. Used for 1st-person observation of the vehicle.
        VIEW_SIMULATION,       // HIL Simulation view. Useful overview of the entire system when doing hardware-in-the-loop simulations.
        UNUSED1,               // Unused spacer for backwards compatibility with older settings files.
        VIEW_SETUP,            // Setup view. Used for initializing the system for operation. Includes UI for calibration, firmware updating/checking, and parameter modifcation.
        UNUSED2,               // Unused spacer for backwards compatibility with older settings files.
        VIEW_TERMINAL,         // Terminal interface. Used for communicating with the remote system, usually in a special configuration input mode.
        VIEW_LOCAL3D,          // A local 3D view. Provides a local 3D view that makes visualizing 3D attitude/orientation/pose easy while in operation.
        VIEW_GOOGLEEARTH       // 3D Google Earth view. A 3D terrain view, though the vehicle is still 2D.

     * @brief Adds an already instantiated QDockedWidget to the Tools Menu
     * This function does all the hosekeeping to have a QDockedWidget added to the
     * tools menu and connects the QMenuAction to a slot that shows the widget and
     * checks/unchecks the tools menu item
     * @param widget    The QDockWidget being added
     * @param title     The entry that will appear in the Menu and in the QDockedWidget title bar
     * @param location  The default location for the QDockedWidget in case there is no previous key in the settings
    void addTool(SubMainWindow *parent,VIEW_SECTIONS view,QDockWidget* widget, const QString& title, Qt::DockWidgetArea area);
    void loadDockWidget(const QString &name);

    QDockWidget* createDockWidget(QWidget *subMainWindowParent,QWidget *child,const QString& title,const QString& objectname,VIEW_SECTIONS view,Qt::DockWidgetArea area,const QSize& minSize = QSize());
     * @brief Adds an already instantiated QWidget to the center stack
     * This function does all the hosekeeping to have a QWidget added to the tools menu
     * tools menu and connects the QMenuAction to a slot that shows the widget and
     * checks/unchecks the tools menu item. This is used for all the central widgets (those in
     * the center stack.
     * @param widget        The QWidget being added
     * @param title         The entry that will appear in the Menu
    void addToCentralStackedWidget(QWidget* widget, VIEW_SECTIONS viewSection, const QString& title);

    /** @brief Catch window resize events */
    void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event);

    /** @brief Keeps track of the current view */
    VIEW_SECTIONS currentView;
    QGC_MAINWINDOW_STYLE currentStyle;

    void storeViewState();
    void loadViewState();

    void buildCustomWidget();
    void buildCommonWidgets();
    void connectCommonWidgets();
    void connectCommonActions();

    void loadSettings();
    void storeSettings();

    // TODO Should be moved elsewhere, as the protocol does not belong to the UI
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    QPointer<MAVLinkProtocol> mavlink;

    LinkInterface* udpLink;

    QSettings settings;
    QStackedWidget *centerStack;
    QActionGroup* centerStackActionGroup;

    // Center widgets
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> plannerView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> pilotView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> setupView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> softwareConfigView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> engineeringView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> simView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> terminalView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> googleEarthView;
    QPointer<SubMainWindow> local3DView;
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    QPointer<QWidget> q3DWidget;
	QPointer<QGCGoogleEarthView> earthWidget;
    QPointer<QGCFirmwareUpdate> firmwareUpdateWidget;

    // Dock widgets
    QPointer<QDockWidget> controlDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> controlParameterWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> infoDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> cameraDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> listDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> waypointsDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> detectionDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> debugConsoleDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> parametersDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> headDown1DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> headDown2DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> watchdogControlDockWidget;

    QPointer<QDockWidget> headUpDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> video1DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> video2DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> rgbd1DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> rgbd2DockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> logPlayerDockWidget;

    QPointer<QDockWidget> hsiDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> rcViewDockWidget;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> hudDockWidget;

    QPointer<QGCToolBar> toolBar;

    QPointer<QDockWidget> mavlinkInspectorWidget;
    QPointer<MAVLinkDecoder> mavlinkDecoder;
    QPointer<QDockWidget> mavlinkSenderWidget;
    QGCMAVLinkLogPlayer* logPlayer;
    QMap<int, QDockWidget*> hilDocks;
    QPointer<QGCUASFileViewMulti> fileWidget;

    JoystickInput* joystick; ///< The joystick manager for QGC
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    /** @brief 3d Mouse support (WIN only) */
    Mouse3DInput* mouseInput;               ///< 3dConnexion 3dMouse SDK
    Mouse6dofInput* mouse;                  ///< Implementation for 3dMouse input
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    /** @brief Reimplementation of X11Event to handle 3dMouse Events (magellan) */
    bool x11Event(XEvent *event);
    Mouse6dofInput* mouse;                  ///< Implementation for 3dMouse input
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    /** User interface actions **/
    QAction* connectUASAct;
    QAction* disconnectUASAct;
    QAction* startUASAct;
    QAction* returnUASAct;
    QAction* stopUASAct;
    QAction* killUASAct;
    QAction* simulateUASAct;

    LogCompressor* comp;
    QString screenFileName;
    QTimer* videoTimer;
    bool autoReconnect;
    MAVLinkSimulationLink* simulationLink;
    Qt::WindowStates windowStateVal;
    bool lowPowerMode; ///< If enabled, QGC reduces the update rates of all widgets
    QGCFlightGearLink* fgLink;
    QTimer windowNameUpdateTimer;
    CUSTOM_MODE customMode;
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private slots:
    /// @brief Save the specified Flight Data Log
    void _saveTempFlightDataLog(QString tempLogfile);
    /// Constructor is private since all creation should be through MainWindow::_create
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    MainWindow(QSplashScreen* splashScreen, enum MainWindow::CUSTOM_MODE mode);
    void _openUrl(const QString& url, const QString& errorMessage);
    QMap<QString,QString> customWidgetNameToFilenameMap;
    /** @brief Set the appropriate titlebar for a given dock widget.
      * Relies on the isAdvancedMode and dockWidgetTitleBarEnabled member variables.
    void setDockWidgetTitleBar(QDockWidget* widget);

    QString getWindowStateKey();
    QString getWindowGeometryKey();
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    QSplashScreen* _splashScreen;   ///< Splash screen, NULL is splash screen not currently being shown
    friend class MenuActionHelper; //For VIEW_SECTIONS

#endif /* _MAINWINDOW_H_ */