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SurveyMapVisual.qml 10 KiB
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 *   (c) 2009-2016 QGROUNDCONTROL PROJECT <>
 * QGroundControl is licensed according to the terms in the file
 * in the root of the source code directory.

import QtQuick          2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtLocation       5.3
import QtPositioning    5.3
import QGroundControl               1.0
import QGroundControl.ScreenTools   1.0
import QGroundControl.Palette       1.0
import QGroundControl.Controls      1.0
import QGroundControl.FlightMap     1.0

/// Survey Complex Mission Item visuals
Item {
    property var map    ///< Map control to place item in

    property var _missionItem:      object
    property var _polygon
    property var _grid
    property var _entryCoordinate
    property var _exitCoordinate
    property var _dragHandles
    property var _splitHandles
    function _addVisualElements() {
        _polygon = polygonComponent.createObject(map)
        _grid = gridComponent.createObject(map)
        _entryCoordinate = entryPointComponent.createObject(map)
        _exitCoordinate = exitPointComponent.createObject(map)
    function _destroyVisualElements() {
    function _addDragHandles() {
        if (!_dragHandles) {
            _dragHandles = dragHandlesComponent.createObject(map)
        if (!_splitHandles) {
            _splitHandles = splitHandlesComponent.createObject(map)

    function _destroyDragHandles() {
        if (_dragHandles) {
            _dragHandles = undefined
        if (_splitHandles) {
            _splitHandles = undefined

    /// Add an initial 4 sided polygon if there is none
    function _addInitialPolygon() {
        if (_missionItem.polygonPath.length < 3) {
            // Initial polygon is inset to take 2/3rds space
            var rect = Qt.rect(map.centerViewport.x, map.centerViewport.y, map.centerViewport.width, map.centerViewport.height)
            rect.x += (rect.width * 0.25) / 2
            rect.y += (rect.height * 0.25) / 2
            rect.width *= 0.75
            rect.height *= 0.75
            var topLeft = Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y)
            var topRight = Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y)
            var bottomLeft = Qt.point(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height)
            var bottomRight = Qt.point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height)
DonLakeFlyer's avatar
DonLakeFlyer committed
            _missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(topLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))
            _missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(topRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
            _missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(bottomRight, false /* clipToViewPort */))
            _missionItem.addPolygonCoordinate(map.toCoordinate(bottomLeft, false /* clipToViewPort */))

    Component.onCompleted: {
        if (_missionItem.isCurrentItem) {

    Component.onDestruction: {

    Connections {
        target: _missionItem

        onIsCurrentItemChanged: {
            if (_missionItem.isCurrentItem) {
            } else {

    // Survey area polygon
    Component {
        id: polygonComponent

        MapPolygon {
            color: "green"
            opacity:    0.5
            path:       _missionItem.polygonPath

    // Survey grid lines
    Component {
        id: gridComponent

        MapPolyline {
            line.color: "white"
            line.width: 2
            path:       _missionItem.gridPoints

    // Entry point
    Component {
        id: entryPointComponent

        MapQuickItem {
            anchorPoint.x:  sourceItem.anchorPointX
            anchorPoint.y:  sourceItem.anchorPointY
            z:              QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems
            coordinate:     _missionItem.coordinate
            visible:        _missionItem.exitCoordinate.isValid

                MissionItemIndexLabel {
                label:      "Entry"
                checked:    _missionItem.isCurrentItem

                onClicked: setCurrentItem(_missionItem.sequenceNumber)

    // Exit point
    Component {
        id: exitPointComponent

        MapQuickItem {
            anchorPoint.x:  sourceItem.anchorPointX
            anchorPoint.y:  sourceItem.anchorPointY
            z:              QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems
            coordinate:     _missionItem.exitCoordinate
            visible:        _missionItem.exitCoordinate.isValid

                MissionItemIndexLabel {
                label:      "Exit"
                checked:    _missionItem.isCurrentItem

                onClicked: setCurrentItem(_missionItem.sequenceNumber)

    Component {
        id: splitHandleComponent

        MapQuickItem {
            id:             mapQuickItem
            anchorPoint.x:  dragHandle.width / 2
            anchorPoint.y:  dragHandle.height / 2
            z:              QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 1

            property int vertexIndex

            sourceItem: Rectangle {
                id:         dragHandle
                width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
                height:     width
                radius:     width / 2
                color:      "white"
                opacity:    .50

                QGCLabel {
                    anchors.horizontalCenter:   parent.horizontalCenter
                    anchors.verticalCenter:     parent.verticalCenter
                    text:                       "+"

                QGCMouseArea {
                    fillItem:   parent
                    onClicked:  _missionItem.splitPolygonSegment(mapQuickItem.vertexIndex)

    Component {
        id: splitHandlesComponent

        Repeater {
            model: _missionItem.polygonPath

            delegate: Item {
                property var _splitHandle
                property var _vertices:     _missionItem.polygonPath

                function _setHandlePosition() {
                    var nextIndex = index + 1
                    if (nextIndex > _vertices.length - 1) {
                        nextIndex = 0
                    var distance = _vertices[index].distanceTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
                    var azimuth = _vertices[index].azimuthTo(_vertices[nextIndex])
                    _splitHandle.coordinate = _vertices[index].atDistanceAndAzimuth(distance / 2, azimuth)

                Component.onCompleted: {
                    _splitHandle = splitHandleComponent.createObject(map)
                    _splitHandle.vertexIndex = index

                Component.onDestruction: {
                    if (_splitHandle) {

    // Control which is used to drag polygon vertices
    Component {
        id: dragAreaComponent

        MissionItemIndicatorDrag {
            id: dragArea

            property int polygonVertex

            property bool _creationComplete: false

            Component.onCompleted: _creationComplete = true

            onItemCoordinateChanged: {
                if (_creationComplete) {
                    // During component creation some bad coordinate values got through which screws up polygon draw
                    _missionItem.adjustPolygonCoordinate(polygonVertex, itemCoordinate)

            onClicked: _missionItem.removePolygonVertex(polygonVertex)

    Component {
        id: dragHandleComponent

        MapQuickItem {
            id:             mapQuickItem
            anchorPoint.x:  dragHandle.width / 2
            anchorPoint.y:  dragHandle.height / 2
            z:              QGroundControl.zOrderMapItems + 2

            sourceItem: Rectangle {
                id:         dragHandle
                width:      ScreenTools.defaultFontPixelHeight * 1.5
                height:     width
                radius:     width / 2
                color:      "white"
                opacity:    .90

    // Add all polygon vertex drag handles to the map
    Component {
        id: dragHandlesComponent

        Repeater {
            model: _missionItem.polygonModel

            delegate: Item {
                property var _visuals: [ ]

                Component.onCompleted: {
                    var dragHandle = dragHandleComponent.createObject(map)
                    dragHandle.coordinate = Qt.binding(function() { return object.coordinate })
                    var dragArea = dragAreaComponent.createObject(map, { "itemIndicator": dragHandle, "itemCoordinate": object.coordinate })
                    dragArea.polygonVertex = Qt.binding(function() { return index })

                Component.onDestruction: {
                    for (var i=0; i<_visuals.length; i++) {
                    _visuals = [ ]