const double WimaArea::numericalAccuracy = 1e-3; // meters
const char* WimaArea::maxAltitudeName = "maxAltitude";
const char* WimaArea::wimaAreaName = "WimaArea";
const char* WimaArea::areaTypeName = "AreaType";
WimaArea::WimaArea(QObject *parent) :
WimaArea (nullptr, parent)
//qWarning() << "WimaPolygon:: polygon count" << _polygon->count();
WimaArea::WimaArea(QGCMapPolygon *other, QObject *parent)
: QGCMapPolygon (other, parent)
WimaArea* wimaPoly = qobject_cast<WimaArea*>(other);
if (wimaPoly != nullptr) {
_maxAltitude = wimaPoly->maxAltitude();
_wimaVehicle = wimaPoly->vehicle();
} else {
_maxAltitude = 30;
_wimaVehicle = new WimaVehicle(this);
void WimaArea::setMaxAltitude(double alt)
if(alt > 0 && alt != _maxAltitude){
_maxAltitude = alt;
emit maxAltitudeChanged();
void WimaArea::setVehicle(WimaVehicle *vehicle)
if(_wimaVehicle != vehicle){
_wimaVehicle = vehicle;
emit vehicleChanged();
/*QList<WimaArea *>* WimaArea::splitArea<T>(WimaArea *polygonToSplitt, int numberOfFractions)
if(numberOfFractions > 0 && polygonToSplitt != nullptr){
WimaArea* poly;
= new WimaArea(polygonToSplitt, this);
QList<WimaArea*>* list = new QList<WimaArea*>();
return list;
return nullptr;
QList<QGCMapPolygon*>* WimaArea::splitArea(int numberOfFractions)
return splitPolygonArea(this, numberOfFractions);
int WimaArea::getClosestVertexIndex(const QGeoCoordinate &coordinate) const
if (this->count() == 0) {
qWarning("Polygon count == 0!");
return -1;
}else if (this->count() == 1) {
return 0;
}else {
int index = 0;
double min_dist = coordinate.distanceTo(this->vertexCoordinate(index));
for(int i = 1; i < this->count(); i++){
double dist = coordinate.distanceTo(this->vertexCoordinate(i));
if (dist < min_dist){
min_dist = dist;
index = i;
return index;
QGeoCoordinate WimaArea::getClosestVertex(const QGeoCoordinate& coordinate) const
return this->vertexCoordinate(getClosestVertexIndex(coordinate));
QGCMapPolygon &WimaArea::toQGCPolygon(const WimaArea &poly) const
QGCMapPolygon* qgcPoly = new QGCMapPolygon();
return *qgcPoly;
void WimaArea::join(QList<WimaArea *>* polyList, WimaArea* joinedPoly)
void WimaArea::join(const WimaArea &poly1, const WimaArea &poly2, WimaArea &joinedPoly)
if (poly1.count() >= 3 && poly2.count() >= 3) {
WimaArea cpoly1(poly1);
WimaArea cpoly2(poly2);
WimaArea* walkerPoly = &cpoly1; // "walk" on this polygon towards higher indices
WimaArea* crossPoly = &cpoly2; // check for crossings with this polygon while "walking"
// and swicht to this polygon on a intersection,
// continue to walk towards higher indices
// begin with the first index which is not inside crosspoly, if all Vertices are inside crosspoly return crosspoly
int startIndex = 0;
bool crossContainsWalker = true;
for (int i = 0; i < walkerPoly->count(); i++) {
if ( !crossPoly->containsCoordinate(walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(i)) ) {
crossContainsWalker = false;
startIndex = i;
if ( crossContainsWalker == true) {
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(startIndex);
QGeoCoordinate startVertex = currentVertex;
// possible nextVertex (if no intersection between currentVertex and protoVertex with crossPoly)
QGeoCoordinate protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(startIndex));
int nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(startIndex);
while (1) {
//qDebug("nextVertexIndex: %i", nextVertexIndex);
QGCMapPolyline walkerPolySegment;
QList<QPair<int, int>> neighbourList;
QList<QGeoCoordinate> intersectionList;
//qDebug("IntersectionList.size() on init: %i", intersectionList.size());
intersects(walkerPolySegment, crossPoly, intersectionList, neighbourList);
//qDebug("IntersectionList.size(): %i", intersectionList.size());
if (intersectionList.size() >= 1) {
int minDistIndex = 0;
if (intersectionList.size() > 1) {
double minDist = currentVertex.distanceTo(intersectionList.value(minDistIndex));
for (int i = 1; i < intersectionList.size(); i++) {
double currentDist = currentVertex.distanceTo(intersectionList.value(i));
if ( minDist > currentDist ) {
minDist = currentDist;
minDistIndex = i;
QGeoCoordinate protoCurrentVertex = intersectionList.value(minDistIndex);
// take numerical erros into account
if (protoCurrentVertex.distanceTo(currentVertex) > WimaArea::numericalAccuracy) {
currentVertex = protoCurrentVertex;
QPair<int, int> neighbours = neighbourList.value(minDistIndex);
protoNextVertex = crossPoly->vertexCoordinate(neighbours.second);
nextVertexIndex = neighbours.second;
// swap walker and cross poly
WimaArea* temp = walkerPoly;
walkerPoly = crossPoly;
crossPoly = temp;
currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(nextVertexIndex);
protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex));
nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex);
currentVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(nextVertexIndex);
protoNextVertex = walkerPoly->vertexCoordinate(walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex));
nextVertexIndex = walkerPoly->nextVertexIndex(nextVertexIndex);
if (currentVertex == startVertex) {
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::joinPolygons(poly1, poly2): poly->count() < 3");
void WimaArea::join(const WimaArea &poly)
bool WimaArea::isDisjunct(QList<WimaArea *>* polyList)
// needs improvement
if (polyList != nullptr){
for (int i = 0;i < polyList->size()-1; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; i < polyList->size(); j++) {
if (isDisjunct(currPoly, polyList->value(j))) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::isDisjunct(polyList): polyList == nullptr!");
return false;
bool WimaArea::isDisjunct(WimaArea *poly1, WimaArea *poly2)
if (poly1 != nullptr && poly2 != nullptr) {
QGCMapPolygon* poly1Copy = new QGCMapPolygon(this);
poly1Copy->offset(numericalAccuracy);// take numerical errors in account
for(int i = 0; i < poly2->count(); i++){
if (poly1Copy->containsCoordinate(poly2->vertexCoordinate(i))){
return false;
return true;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::isDisjunct(poly1, poly2): poly1 == nullptr || poly2 == nullptr!");
return false;
int WimaArea::nextVertexIndex(int index) const
if (index >= 0 && index < count()-1) {
return index + 1;
} else if (index == count()-1) {
return 0;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::nextVertexIndex(): Index out of bounds! index:count = %i:%i", index, count());
return -1;
int WimaArea::previousVertexIndex(int index) const
if (index > 0 && index < count()) {
return index - 1;
} else if (index == 0) {
return count()-1;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::previousVertexIndex(): Index out of bounds! index:count = %i:%i", index, count());
return -1;
bool WimaArea::intersects(const QGCMapPolyline &line1, const QGCMapPolyline &line2, QGeoCoordinate &intersectionPt)
if (line1.count() == 2 && line2.count() == 2 ) {
QPointF pt11(0, 0);
double x, y, z;
QGeoCoordinate origin = line1.vertexCoordinate(0);
convertGeoToNed(line1.vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QPointF pt12(x, y);
QLineF kartLine1(pt11, pt12);
convertGeoToNed(line2.vertexCoordinate(0), origin, &x, &y, &z);
convertGeoToNed(line2.vertexCoordinate(1), origin, &x, &y, &z);
QPointF pt22(x, y);
QLineF kartLine2(pt21, pt22);
QPointF intersectionPoint;
if (kartLine1.intersect(kartLine2, &intersectionPoint) == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
convertNedToGeo(intersectionPoint.x(), intersectionPoint.y(), origin.altitude(), origin, &intersectionPt);
qWarning("WimaArea::intersect(line1, line2): line1->count() != 2 || line2->count() != 2!");
return false;
bool WimaArea::intersects(const QGCMapPolyline& line, const WimaArea& poly, QList<QGeoCoordinate>& intersectionList, QList<QPair<int, int> >& neighbourlist)
if (line.count() == 2 && poly.count() >= 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < poly.count(); i++) {
QGeoCoordinate currentVertex = poly.vertexCoordinate(i);
QGeoCoordinate nextVertex = poly.vertexCoordinate(poly.nextVertexIndex(i));
//bool retVal2 = intersects(line, line, &intersectionPoint);
bool retVal = intersects(line, polySegment, intersectionPoint);
QPair<int, int> neighbours;
neighbours.first = i;
neighbours.second = poly.nextVertexIndex(i);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
qWarning("WimaArea::intersects(line, poly): line->count() != 2 || poly->count() < 3");
double WimaArea::distInsidePoly(const QGeoCoordinate &c1, const QGeoCoordinate &c2, const WimaArea &poly)
WimaArea bigPoly(poly);
bigPoly.offset(0.01); // hack to compensate for numerical issues, migh be replaced in the future...
if ( bigPoly.containsCoordinate(c1) && bigPoly.containsCoordinate(c2)) {
QList<QGeoCoordinate> intersectionList;
QList<QPair<int, int>> neighbourlist;
QGCMapPolyline line;
intersects(line, bigPoly, intersectionList, neighbourlist);
//if ( intersectionList.size() == (c1InPolyRim || c2InPolyRim ? 2:0) ){
if ( intersectionList.size() == 0 ){
} else {
return std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
void WimaArea::dijkstraPath(const QGeoCoordinate &start, const QGeoCoordinate &end, const WimaArea &poly, QList<QGeoCoordinate> &dijkstraPath)
struct Node{
QGeoCoordinate coordinate;
double distance = std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
Node* predecessorNode = nullptr;
QList<Node> nodeList;
QList<Node*> workingSet;
// initialize
// start
Node startNode;
startNode.coordinate = start;
startNode.distance = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < poly.count(); i++) {
Node node;
node.coordinate = poly.vertexCoordinate(i);
Node endNode;
endNode.coordinate = end;
// working set
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
Node* nodePtr = &nodeList[i];
// Dijkstra Algorithm
while (workingSet.size() > 0) {
// serach Node with minimal distance
double minDist = std::numeric_limits<qreal>::infinity();
int minDistIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < workingSet.size(); i++) {
Node* node = workingSet.value(i);
double dist = node->distance;
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
minDistIndex = i;
Node* u = workingSet.takeAt(minDistIndex);
//update distance
for (int i = 0; i < workingSet.size(); i++) {
Node* v = workingSet[i];
// is neighbour?
double dist = distInsidePoly(u->coordinate, v->coordinate, poly);
double alternative = u->distance + dist;
if (alternative < v->distance) {
v->distance = alternative;
v->predecessorNode = u;
// create path
Node* Node = &nodeList.last();
if (Node->predecessorNode == nullptr) {
qWarning("WimaArea::dijkstraPath(): Error, no path found!");
while (1) {
//Update Node
Node = Node->predecessorNode;
if (Node == nullptr) {
void WimaArea::saveToJson(QJsonObject &json)
json[maxAltitudeName] = _maxAltitude;
json[areaTypeName] = wimaAreaName;
// add WimaVehicle if necessary..
bool WimaArea::loadFromJson(const QJsonObject &json, QString& errorString)
if ( this->QGCMapPolygon::loadFromJson(json, false /*no poly required*/, errorString) ) {
if ( json.contains(maxAltitudeName) && json[maxAltitudeName].isDouble()) {
_maxAltitude = json[maxAltitudeName].toDouble();
return true;
} else {
errorString.append("Could not load Maximum Altitude value!\n");
return false;
qWarning() << errorString;
return false;