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status.h 4.33 KiB
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#include <airmap/airspace.h>
#include <airmap/date_time.h>
#include <airmap/do_not_copy_or_move.h>
#include <airmap/error.h>
#include <airmap/geometry.h>
#include <airmap/optional.h>
#include <airmap/outcome.h>

#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace airmap {

/// Status provides functionality to query airspace and weather information about
/// a geographic area.
class Status : DoNotCopyOrMove {
  /// Color enumerates known colors assigned to advisories.
  enum class Color { green = 0, yellow = 1, orange = 2, red = 3 };

  /// Advisory bundles together airspace information and its evaluation in terms
  /// good to fly/needs information or feedback/conflict.
  struct Advisory {
    Airspace airspace;  /// The airspace that the advisory refers to.
    Color color;        /// The evaluation of the airspace.

  /// Wind bundles up attributes describing a wind conditions.
  struct Wind {
    std::uint32_t heading = 0;  ///< The heading in [°].
    std::uint32_t speed   = 0;  ///< The speed in [°].
    std::uint32_t gusting = 0;

  /// Weather bundles up attributes describing a weather condition.
  struct Weather {
    std::string condition;            ///< The overall weather condition.
    std::string icon;                 ///< The icon or class of icon that should be used for display purposes.
    Wind wind;                        ///< The details about the current wind conditions.
    std::int32_t temperature    = 0;  ///< The temperature in [°C].
    float humidity              = 0.0;
    std::uint32_t visibility    = 0;  ///< Visibility in [m].
    std::uint32_t precipitation = 0;  ///< The probability of precipitation in [%].

  /// Report summarizes information about a geographic area.
  struct Report {
    std::uint32_t max_safe_distance = 0;  ///< The distance to the area that is considered safe in [m].
    Color advisory_color;                 ///< The overall evaluation of all advisories.
    std::vector<Advisory> advisories;     ///< All relevant advisories.
    Weather weather;                      ///< The weather conditions.

  /// GetStatus bundles up types to ease interaction
  /// with Status::get_status*.
  struct GetStatus {
    /// Parameters bundles up input parameters.
    struct Parameters {
      Required<float> latitude;                ///< The latitude of the center point of the query.
      Required<float> longitude;               ///< The longitude of the center point of the query.
      Optional<Airspace::Type> types;          ///< Query status information for these types of airspaces.
      Optional<Airspace::Type> ignored_types;  ///< Ignore these types of airspaces when querying status information.
      Optional<bool> weather;                  ///< If true, weather conditions are included with the status report.
      Optional<DateTime> flight_date_time;     ///< Time when a flight is going to happen.
      Optional<Geometry> geometry;             ///< The geometry for the query.
      Optional<std::uint32_t> buffer;          ///< Buffer around the center point of the query.
    /// Result models the outcome of calling Status::get_status*.
    using Result = Outcome<Report, Error>;
    /// Callback describes the function signature of the callback that is
    /// invoked when a call to Status::get_status* finishes.
    using Callback = std::function<void(const Result&)>;

  /// get_status searches flight advisories for 'parameters' and reports
  /// results back to 'cb'.
  virtual void get_status_by_point(const GetStatus::Parameters& parameters, const GetStatus::Callback& cb) = 0;

  /// get_status searches flight advisories for 'parameters' and reports
  /// results back to 'cb'.
  virtual void get_status_by_path(const GetStatus::Parameters& parameters, const GetStatus::Callback& cb) = 0;

  /// get_status searches flight advisories for 'parameters' and reports
  /// results back to 'cb'.
  virtual void get_status_by_polygon(const GetStatus::Parameters& parameters, const GetStatus::Callback& cb) = 0;

  /// @cond
  Status() = default;
  /// @endcond

/// @cond
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Status::Color color);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Status::Color& color);
/// @endcond

}  // namespace airmap

#endif  // AIRMAP_STATUS_H_