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Test 1: dump anno.shp
Shapefile Type: Polygon   # of Shapes: 201

File Bounds: (  471276.281, 4751595.500,0,0)
         to  (  492683.536, 4765390.413,0,0)

Shape:0 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486019.130, 4764549.500, 0, 0)
      to (  486356.183, 4765212.744, 0, 0)
     (  486089.531, 4764549.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  486019.130, 4764579.128, 0, 0)  
     (  486285.782, 4765212.744, 0, 0)  
     (  486356.183, 4765183.116, 0, 0)  
     (  486089.531, 4764549.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:1 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484948.275, 4763866.500, 0, 0)
      to (  485333.012, 4764070.376, 0, 0)
     (  484974.719, 4763866.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484948.275, 4763938.159, 0, 0)  
     (  485306.569, 4764070.376, 0, 0)  
     (  485333.012, 4763998.717, 0, 0)  
     (  484974.719, 4763866.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:2 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  485577.021, 4764106.500, 0, 0)
      to (  485818.355, 4764259.305, 0, 0)
     (  485604.156, 4764106.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  485577.021, 4764177.900, 0, 0)  
     (  485791.220, 4764259.305, 0, 0)  
     (  485818.355, 4764187.906, 0, 0)  
     (  485604.156, 4764106.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:3 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484861.500, 4762570.513, 0, 0)
      to (  485092.062, 4763026.856, 0, 0)
     (  485092.062, 4762597.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  485020.420, 4762570.513, 0, 0)  
     (  484861.500, 4763000.370, 0, 0)  
     (  484933.143, 4763026.856, 0, 0)  
     (  485092.062, 4762597.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:4 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484452.624, 4763792.614, 0, 0)
      to (  484628.031, 4764105.947, 0, 0)
     (  484628.031, 4763818.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484556.169, 4763792.614, 0, 0)  
     (  484452.624, 4764080.061, 0, 0)  
     (  484524.486, 4764105.947, 0, 0)  
     (  484628.031, 4763818.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:5 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484355.352, 4764139.435, 0, 0)
      to (  484505.344, 4764380.892, 0, 0)
     (  484505.344, 4764165.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484433.546, 4764139.435, 0, 0)  
     (  484355.352, 4764354.827, 0, 0)  
     (  484427.150, 4764380.892, 0, 0)  
     (  484505.344, 4764165.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:6 (Polygon)  nVertices=9, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484548.866, 4763118.531, 0, 0)
      to (  484772.062, 4763742.258, 0, 0)
     (  484772.062, 4763152.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484703.404, 4763118.531, 0, 0)  
     (  484605.763, 4763318.832, 0, 0)  
     (  484548.866, 4763471.149, 0, 0)  
     (  484603.088, 4763742.258, 0, 0)  
     (  484677.987, 4763727.278, 0, 0)  
     (  484628.031, 4763477.500, 0, 0)  
     (  484676.031, 4763349.000, 0, 0)  
     (  484772.062, 4763152.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:7 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484671.739, 4763562.500, 0, 0)
      to (  484911.415, 4763682.338, 0, 0)
     (  484686.719, 4763562.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484671.739, 4763637.399, 0, 0)  
     (  484896.435, 4763682.338, 0, 0)  
     (  484911.415, 4763607.439, 0, 0)  
     (  484686.719, 4763562.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:8 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  484930.172, 4763125.500, 0, 0)
      to (  485596.342, 4763453.269, 0, 0)
     (  484958.719, 4763125.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  484930.172, 4763196.347, 0, 0)  
     (  485567.795, 4763453.269, 0, 0)  
     (  485596.342, 4763382.423, 0, 0)  
     (  484958.719, 4763125.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:9 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  485102.757, 4763082.500, 0, 0)
      to (  485344.154, 4763234.029, 0, 0)
     (  485129.406, 4763082.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  485102.757, 4763154.083, 0, 0)  
     (  485317.505, 4763234.029, 0, 0)  
     (  485344.154, 4763162.446, 0, 0)  
     (  485129.406, 4763082.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:10 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  485368.786, 4762538.500, 0, 0)
      to (  485824.016, 4762774.029, 0, 0)
     (  485396.156, 4762538.500, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  485368.786, 4762609.810, 0, 0)  
     (  485796.646, 4762774.029, 0, 0)  
     (  485824.016, 4762702.719, 0, 0)  
     (  485396.156, 4762538.500, 0, 0)  

Shape:11 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  487002.484, 4763184.000, 0, 0)
      to (  487243.960, 4763333.368, 0, 0)
     (  487028.312, 4763184.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  487002.484, 4763255.883, 0, 0)  
     (  487218.132, 4763333.368, 0, 0)  
     (  487243.960, 4763261.486, 0, 0)  
     (  487028.312, 4763184.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:12 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486733.537, 4762455.413, 0, 0)
      to (  487076.312, 4763275.483, 0, 0)
     (  487076.312, 4762480.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  487003.996, 4762455.413, 0, 0)  
     (  486733.537, 4763250.896, 0, 0)  
     (  486805.854, 4763275.483, 0, 0)  
     (  487076.312, 4762480.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:13 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486440.735, 4762331.029, 0, 0)
      to (  486772.281, 4763075.311, 0, 0)
     (  486772.281, 4762357.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  486700.450, 4762331.029, 0, 0)  
     (  486440.735, 4763049.339, 0, 0)  
     (  486512.566, 4763075.311, 0, 0)  
     (  486772.281, 4762357.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:14 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486383.882, 4762986.530, 0, 0)
      to (  486521.594, 4763227.908, 0, 0)
     (  486521.594, 4763008.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  486448.291, 4762986.530, 0, 0)  
     (  486383.882, 4763206.438, 0, 0)  
     (  486457.184, 4763227.908, 0, 0)  
     (  486521.594, 4763008.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:15 (Polygon)  nVertices=9, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486360.416, 4762774.310, 0, 0)
      to (  486800.882, 4763656.208, 0, 0)
     (  486489.594, 4763600.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  486541.313, 4763656.208, 0, 0)  
     (  486762.057, 4763453.094, 0, 0)  
     (  486800.882, 4763266.659, 0, 0)  
     (  486420.883, 4762774.310, 0, 0)  
     (  486360.416, 4762820.979, 0, 0)  
     (  486718.938, 4763285.500, 0, 0)  
     (  486692.281, 4763413.500, 0, 0)  
     (  486489.594, 4763600.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:16 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  486682.872, 4762181.000, 0, 0)
      to (  487292.496, 4762415.463, 0, 0)
     (  486702.969, 4762181.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  486682.872, 4762254.691, 0, 0)  
     (  487272.400, 4762415.463, 0, 0)  
     (  487292.496, 4762341.772, 0, 0)  
     (  486702.969, 4762181.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:17 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  487480.713, 4762283.320, 0, 0)
      to (  487732.406, 4762812.552, 0, 0)
     (  487732.406, 4762309.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  487660.470, 4762283.320, 0, 0)  
     (  487480.713, 4762786.872, 0, 0)  
     (  487552.649, 4762812.552, 0, 0)  
     (  487732.406, 4762309.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:18 (Polygon)  nVertices=5, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  487069.757, 4763685.709, 0, 0)
      to (  487220.344, 4763927.145, 0, 0)
     (  487220.344, 4763712.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  487148.629, 4763685.709, 0, 0)  
     (  487069.757, 4763900.854, 0, 0)  
     (  487141.471, 4763927.145, 0, 0)  
     (  487220.344, 4763712.000, 0, 0)  

Shape:19 (Polygon)  nVertices=9, nParts=1
  Bounds:(  487854.719, 4758279.000, 0, 0)
      to (  488518.085, 4758475.003, 0, 0)
     (  487854.719, 4758404.000, 0, 0) Ring 
     (  487882.875, 4758475.003, 0, 0)  
     (  488183.362, 4758355.845, 0, 0)  
     (  488341.273, 4758360.840, 0, 0)  
     (  488515.420, 4758366.919, 0, 0)  
     (  488518.085, 4758290.583, 0, 0)  
     (  488343.812, 4758284.500, 0, 0)  
     (  488169.938, 4758279.000, 0, 0)  
     (  487854.719, 4758404.000, 0, 0)  

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